TI BLE Stack API Documentation  2.03.09
ATT Server API Functions


bStatus_t ATT_ErrorRsp (uint16 connHandle, attErrorRsp_t *pRsp)
 Send Error Response. More...
bStatus_t ATT_ExchangeMTURsp (uint16 connHandle, attExchangeMTURsp_t *pRsp)
 Send Exchange MTU Response. More...
bStatus_t ATT_FindInfoRsp (uint16 connHandle, attFindInfoRsp_t *pRsp)
 Send Find Information Response. More...
bStatus_t ATT_FindByTypeValueRsp (uint16 connHandle, attFindByTypeValueRsp_t *pRsp)
 Send Find By Type Value Response. More...
bStatus_t ATT_ReadByTypeRsp (uint16 connHandle, attReadByTypeRsp_t *pRsp)
 Send Read By Type Respond. More...
bStatus_t ATT_ReadRsp (uint16 connHandle, attReadRsp_t *pRsp)
 Send Read Response. More...
bStatus_t ATT_ReadBlobRsp (uint16 connHandle, attReadBlobRsp_t *pRsp)
 Send Read Blob Response. More...
bStatus_t ATT_ReadMultiRsp (uint16 connHandle, attReadMultiRsp_t *pRsp)
 Send Read Multiple Response. More...
bStatus_t ATT_ReadByGrpTypeRsp (uint16 connHandle, attReadByGrpTypeRsp_t *pRsp)
 Send Read By Group Type Respond. More...
bStatus_t ATT_WriteRsp (uint16 connHandle)
 Send Write Response. More...
bStatus_t ATT_PrepareWriteRsp (uint16 connHandle, attPrepareWriteRsp_t *pRsp)
 Send Prepare Write Response. More...
bStatus_t ATT_ExecuteWriteRsp (uint16 connHandle)
 Send Execute Write Response. More...
bStatus_t ATT_HandleValueNoti (uint16 connHandle, attHandleValueNoti_t *pNoti)
 Send Handle Value Notification. More...
bStatus_t ATT_HandleValueInd (uint16 connHandle, attHandleValueInd_t *pInd)
 Send Handle Value Indication. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

§ ATT_ErrorRsp()

bStatus_t ATT_ErrorRsp ( uint16  connHandle,
attErrorRsp_t pRsp 

Send Error Response.

connHandle- connection to use
pRsp- pointer to error response to be sent
SUCCESS: Response was sent successfully.
INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid response field.
MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.
bleNotConnected: Connection is down.
bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.

§ ATT_ExchangeMTURsp()

bStatus_t ATT_ExchangeMTURsp ( uint16  connHandle,
attExchangeMTURsp_t pRsp 

Send Exchange MTU Response.

connHandle- connection to use
pRsp- pointer to request to be sent
SUCCESS: Response was sent successfully.
INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid response field.
MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.
bleNotConnected: Connection is down.
bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.

§ ATT_ExecuteWriteRsp()

bStatus_t ATT_ExecuteWriteRsp ( uint16  connHandle)

Send Execute Write Response.

connHandle- connection to use
SUCCESS: Response was sent successfully.
INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid response field.
MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.
bleNotConnected: Connection is down.
bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.

§ ATT_FindByTypeValueRsp()

bStatus_t ATT_FindByTypeValueRsp ( uint16  connHandle,
attFindByTypeValueRsp_t pRsp 

Send Find By Type Value Response.

connHandle- connection to use
pRsp- pointer to response to be sent
SUCCESS: Response was sent successfully.
INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid response field.
MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.
bleNotConnected: Connection is down.
bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.

§ ATT_FindInfoRsp()

bStatus_t ATT_FindInfoRsp ( uint16  connHandle,
attFindInfoRsp_t pRsp 

Send Find Information Response.

connHandle- connection to use
pRsp- pointer to response to be sent
SUCCESS: Response was sent successfully.
INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid response field.
MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.
bleNotConnected: Connection is down.
bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.

§ ATT_HandleValueInd()

bStatus_t ATT_HandleValueInd ( uint16  connHandle,
attHandleValueInd_t pInd 

Send Handle Value Indication.

connHandle- connection to use
pInd- pointer to indication to be sent
SUCCESS: Indication was sent successfully.
INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid indication field.
MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.
bleNotConnected: Connection is down.
bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.

§ ATT_HandleValueNoti()

bStatus_t ATT_HandleValueNoti ( uint16  connHandle,
attHandleValueNoti_t pNoti 

Send Handle Value Notification.

connHandle- connection to use
pNoti- pointer to notification to be sent
SUCCESS: Notification was sent successfully.
INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid notification field.
MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.
bleNotConnected: Connection is down.
bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.

§ ATT_PrepareWriteRsp()

bStatus_t ATT_PrepareWriteRsp ( uint16  connHandle,
attPrepareWriteRsp_t pRsp 

Send Prepare Write Response.

connHandle- connection to use
pRsp- pointer to response to be sent
SUCCESS: Response was sent successfully.
INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid response field.
MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.
bleNotConnected: Connection is down.
bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.

§ ATT_ReadBlobRsp()

bStatus_t ATT_ReadBlobRsp ( uint16  connHandle,
attReadBlobRsp_t pRsp 

Send Read Blob Response.

connHandle- connection to use
pRsp- pointer to response to be sent
SUCCESS: Response was sent successfully.
INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid response field.
MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.
bleNotConnected: Connection is down.
bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.

§ ATT_ReadByGrpTypeRsp()

bStatus_t ATT_ReadByGrpTypeRsp ( uint16  connHandle,
attReadByGrpTypeRsp_t pRsp 

Send Read By Group Type Respond.

connHandle- connection to use
pRsp- pointer to response to be sent
SUCCESS: Response was sent successfully.
INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid response field.
MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.
bleNotConnected: Connection is down.
bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.

§ ATT_ReadByTypeRsp()

bStatus_t ATT_ReadByTypeRsp ( uint16  connHandle,
attReadByTypeRsp_t pRsp 

Send Read By Type Respond.

connHandle- connection to use
pRsp- pointer to response to be sent
SUCCESS: Response was sent successfully.
INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid response field.
MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.
bleNotConnected: Connection is down.
bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.

§ ATT_ReadMultiRsp()

bStatus_t ATT_ReadMultiRsp ( uint16  connHandle,
attReadMultiRsp_t pRsp 

Send Read Multiple Response.

connHandle- connection to use
pRsp- pointer to response to be sent
SUCCESS: Response was sent successfully.
INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid response field.
MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.
bleNotConnected: Connection is down.
bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.

§ ATT_ReadRsp()

bStatus_t ATT_ReadRsp ( uint16  connHandle,
attReadRsp_t pRsp 

Send Read Response.

connHandle- connection to use
pRsp- pointer to response to be sent
SUCCESS: Response was sent successfully.
INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid response field.
MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.
bleNotConnected: Connection is down.
bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.

§ ATT_WriteRsp()

bStatus_t ATT_WriteRsp ( uint16  connHandle)

Send Write Response.

connHandle- connection to use
SUCCESS: Response was sent successfully.
INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid response field.
MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.
bleNotConnected: Connection is down.
bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.