TI BLE Stack API Documentation  2.03.08
GAP Role Parameters


 Reading this parameter will return GAP Role type. Read Only. Size is uint8_t.
#define GAPROLE_IRK   0x301
 Identity Resolving Key. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t[KEYLEN]. Default is all 0, which means that the IRK will be randomly generated.
#define GAPROLE_SRK   0x302
 Signature Resolving Key. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t[KEYLEN]. Default is all 0, which means that the SRK will be randomly generated.
 Sign Counter. Read/Write. Size is uint32_t. Default is 0.
#define GAPROLE_BD_ADDR   0x304
 Device's Address. Read Only. Size is uint8_t[B_ADDR_LEN]. This item is read from the controller.
 Enable/Disable Advertising. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t. Default is TRUE=Enabled.
 Advertising Off Time for Limited advertisements (in milliseconds). Read/Write. Size is uint16_t. Default is 30 seconds.
#define GAPROLE_ADVERT_DATA   0x307
 Advertisement Data. Read/Write. Max size is uint8_t[B_MAX_ADV_LEN]. Default is "02:01:01", which means that it is a Limited Discoverable Advertisement.
#define GAPROLE_SCAN_RSP_DATA   0x308
 Scan Response Data. Read/Write. Max size is uint8_t[B_MAX_ADV_LEN]. Defaults to all 0.
#define GAPROLE_ADV_EVENT_TYPE   0x309
 Advertisement Type. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t. Default is GAP_ADTYPE_ADV_IND (defined in GAP.h).
 Direct Advertisement Address Type. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t. Default is ADDRMODE_PUBLIC (defined in GAP.h).
 Direct Advertisement Address. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t[B_ADDR_LEN]. Default is NULL.
 Which channels to advertise on. Read/Write Size is uint8_t. Default is GAP_ADVCHAN_ALL (defined in GAP.h)
 Filter Policy. Ignored when directed advertising is used. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t. Default is GAP_FILTER_POLICY_ALL (defined in GAP.h).
 Connection Handle. Read Only. Size is uint16_t.
 How often to read the RSSI during a connection. Read/Write. Size is uint16_t. The value is in milliseconds. Default is 0 = OFF. Obsolete - Do not use.
 Slave Connection Parameter Update Enable. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t. If TRUE then automatic connection parameter update request is sent. Default is FALSE.
 Minimum Connection Interval to allow (n * 1.25ms). Range: 7.5 msec to 4 seconds (0x0006 to 0x0C80). Read/Write. Size is uint16_t. Default is 7.5 milliseconds (0x0006).
 Maximum Connection Interval to allow (n * 1.25ms). Range: 7.5 msec to 4 seconds (0x0006 to 0x0C80). Read/Write. Size is uint16_t. Default is 4 seconds (0x0C80).
 Update Parameter Slave Latency. Range: 0 - 499. Read/Write. Size is uint16_t. Default is 0.
 Update Parameter Timeout Multiplier (n * 10ms). Range: 100ms to 32 seconds (0x000a - 0x0c80). Read/Write. Size is uint16_t. Default is 1000.
#define GAPROLE_CONN_BD_ADDR   0x315
 Address of connected device. Read only. Size is uint8_t[B_MAX_ADV_LEN]. Set to all zeros when not connected.
 Current connection interval. Read only. Size is uint16_t. Range is 7.5ms to 4 seconds (0x0006 to 0x0C80). Default is 0 (no connection).
#define GAPROLE_CONN_LATENCY   0x317
 Current slave latency. Read only. Size is uint16_t. Range is 0 to 499. Default is 0 (no slave latency or no connection).
#define GAPROLE_CONN_TIMEOUT   0x318
 Current timeout value. Read only. size is uint16_t. Range is 100ms to 32 seconds. Default is 0 (no connection).
 Slave Connection Parameter Update Request. Write. Size is uint8_t. If TRUE then connection parameter update request is sent.
#define GAPROLE_STATE   0x31A
 Reading this parameter will return GAP Peripheral Role State. Read Only. Size is uint8_t.
 Enable/Disable Non-Connectable Advertising. Read/Write. Size is uint8_t. Default is FALSE=Disabled.
#define GAPROLE_BD_ADDR_TYPE   0x31C
 Address type of connected device. Read only. Size is uint8_t.
 Reason of the last connection terminated event. Size is uint8_t.

Detailed Description