TI BLE Stack API Documentation  2.03.06
GATT Client API Functions


bStatus_t GATT_InitClient (void)
 Initialize the Generic Attribute Profile Client. More...
void GATT_RegisterForInd (uint8 taskId)
 Register to receive incoming ATT Indications or Notifications of attribute values. More...
bStatus_t GATT_PrepareWriteReq (uint16 connHandle, attPrepareWriteReq_t *pReq, uint8 taskId)
 The Prepare Write Request is used to request the server to prepare to write the value of an attribute. More...
bStatus_t GATT_ExecuteWriteReq (uint16 connHandle, attExecuteWriteReq_t *pReq, uint8 taskId)
 The Execute Write Request is used to request the server to write or cancel the write of all the prepared values currently held in the prepare queue from this client. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

§ GATT_ExecuteWriteReq()

bStatus_t GATT_ExecuteWriteReq ( uint16  connHandle,
attExecuteWriteReq_t pReq,
uint8  taskId 

The Execute Write Request is used to request the server to write or cancel the write of all the prepared values currently held in the prepare queue from this client.

Note: This function is needed only for GATT testing.

connHandle- connection to use
pReq- pointer to request to be sent
taskId- task to be notified of response
SUCCESS: Request was sent successfully.
INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid connection handle or request field.
MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.
bleNotConnected: Connection is down.
blePending: A response is pending with this server.
bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.
bleTimeout: Previous transaction timed out.

§ GATT_InitClient()

bStatus_t GATT_InitClient ( void  )

Initialize the Generic Attribute Profile Client.

SUCCESS: Client initialized successfully.
bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.

§ GATT_PrepareWriteReq()

bStatus_t GATT_PrepareWriteReq ( uint16  connHandle,
attPrepareWriteReq_t pReq,
uint8  taskId 

The Prepare Write Request is used to request the server to prepare to write the value of an attribute.

Note: This function is needed only for GATT testing.

connHandle- connection to use
pReq- pointer to request to be sent
taskId- task to be notified of response
SUCCESS: Request was sent successfully.
INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid connection handle or request field.
MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.
bleNotConnected: Connection is down.
blePending: A response is pending with this server.
bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.
bleTimeout: Previous transaction timed out.

§ GATT_RegisterForInd()

void GATT_RegisterForInd ( uint8  taskId)

Register to receive incoming ATT Indications or Notifications of attribute values.

taskId- task to forward indications or notifications to