xWRL1432 MMWAVE-L-SDK  05.03.00
aoaProcHWAObj Struct Reference

Detailed Description

AoAProcHWA DPU Object.

The structure is used to hold AoAProcHWA internal data object

Data Fields

DPU_AoAProcHWA_InitParams initParms
AoAProc_dpParams params
 Data path common parameters used in aoaProc. More...
HWA_Handle hwaHandle
 EDMA Handle. More...
EDMA_Handle edmaHandle
 EDMA Handle. More...
DPU_AoAProcHWA_HwaCfg hwaCfg
 aoaProc HWA configuration More...
DPU_AoAProc_Edma edmaIn_rangeFFT
 aoaProc HWA configuration before Doppler FFT is applied More...
DPU_AoAProc_Edma edmaIn_dopplerFFT
 aoaProc HWA configuration before AoA FFT's are applied More...
SemaphoreP_Object edmaDoneSemaHandle
 aoaProc HWA data input paramset trigger *‍/ uint8_t dataInTriggerRangeFFT[2]; More...
SemaphoreP_Object hwaDoneSemaHandleDopp
 HWA Processing Done (Doppler) semaphore Handle. More...
SemaphoreP_Object hwaDoneSemaHandleAoA
 HWA Processing Done (AoA) semaphore Handle. More...
cmplx16ImRe_t * radarCubebuf
 Pointer to Radar Cube buffer. More...
uint32_t hwaMemBankAddr [SOC_HWA_NUM_MEM_BANKS]
 HWA Memory address. More...
bool inProgress
 AoAProc DPU is in processing state. More...
uint32_t numProcess
 Total number of AoAProc DPU processing. More...
uint8_t hwaDmaTriggerDoppPing
 DMA trigger source channel (before Doppler FFT) for Ping param set. More...
uint8_t hwaDmaTriggerDoppPong
 DMA trigger source channel (before Doppler FFT) for Pong param set. More...
uint8_t hwaDmaTriggerAoAPing
 DMA trigger source channel (before AoA FFT) for Ping param set. More...
uint8_t hwaDmaTriggerAoAPong
 DMA trigger source channel (before AoA FFT) for Pong param set. More...
uint16_t hwaDoppNumLoops
 HWA number of loops for Doppler FFT and compensation. More...
uint16_t hwaDoppNumLoops1
 HWA number (1-basically if the no. is odd) of loops for Doppler FFT and compensation. More...
uint16_t hwaAoANumLoops
 HWA number of loops for AoA and max of Elevation-Azimuth FFT. More...
uint16_t hwaAoANumLoops1
 HWA number (1-basically if the no. is odd) of loops for AoA and max of Elevation-Azimuth FFT. More...
uint8_t hwaParamStartIdxDopp
 HWA start paramset index - Doppler FFT and compensation. More...
uint8_t hwaParamStopIdxDopp
 HWA stop paramset index - Doppler FFT and compensation. More...
uint8_t hwaParamStartIdxAoA
 HWA start paramset index - AoA Calculation. More...
uint8_t hwaParamStopIdxAoA
 HWA stop paramset index - AoA Calculation. More...
uint16_t * rangeGatesCount
 Doppler FFT to be run on those range gates which have a maximum in first 50-points. More...
SemaphoreP_Object hwaSemaHandleParamset
 HWA Paramset Done semaphore Handle for ping/pong in Doppler use case. More...
cmplx16ImRe_t * angleMatBuf
 Pointer to Angle Matrix buffer. More...
uint16_t * range_idx_arr
 Array to store range index for which Doppler FFT is to be applied. More...
uint16_t * angle_idx_doppler_count_arr
 Array to store Doppler index corresponding to range index for which Angle FFT is to be applied. More...
int16_t * doppler_idx_arr
 Array to store Doppler index corresponding to range index for which Angle FFT is to be applied. More...
cmplx32ImRe_t * antenna_array
 Antenna array to store elements before applying elevation-azimuth FFT. More...
uint8_t numTxAntennas
 Number of transmit antennas. More...
uint8_t doppFFT_is16b
 Flag to set Doppler FFT to 16-bit(1-True)/32-bit(0-False) More...
uint8_t numVirtualAntennas
 Number of virtual antennas. More...
uint8_t max_num_points
 Number of max points under consideration. More...
uint8_t antenna_array_elements
 Number of max points under consideration. More...

Field Documentation

◆ initParms

DPU_AoAProcHWA_InitParams aoaProcHWAObj::initParms

◆ params

AoAProc_dpParams aoaProcHWAObj::params

Data path common parameters used in aoaProc.

◆ hwaHandle

HWA_Handle aoaProcHWAObj::hwaHandle

EDMA Handle.

◆ edmaHandle

EDMA_Handle aoaProcHWAObj::edmaHandle

EDMA Handle.

EDMA Handle of TPCC B.

◆ hwaCfg

DPU_AoAProcHWA_HwaCfg aoaProcHWAObj::hwaCfg

aoaProc HWA configuration

◆ edmaIn_rangeFFT

DPU_AoAProc_Edma aoaProcHWAObj::edmaIn_rangeFFT

aoaProc HWA configuration before Doppler FFT is applied

◆ edmaIn_dopplerFFT

DPU_AoAProc_Edma aoaProcHWAObj::edmaIn_dopplerFFT

aoaProc HWA configuration before AoA FFT's are applied

◆ edmaDoneSemaHandle

SemaphoreP_Object aoaProcHWAObj::edmaDoneSemaHandle

aoaProc HWA data input paramset trigger *‍/ uint8_t dataInTriggerRangeFFT[2];

EDMA done semaphore.

/*! aoaProc HWA data output paramset trigger *‍/ uint8_t dataOutTriggerMaxN[2];

/*! @brief     EDMA done semaphore 

◆ hwaDoneSemaHandleDopp

SemaphoreP_Object aoaProcHWAObj::hwaDoneSemaHandleDopp

HWA Processing Done (Doppler) semaphore Handle.

◆ hwaDoneSemaHandleAoA

SemaphoreP_Object aoaProcHWAObj::hwaDoneSemaHandleAoA

HWA Processing Done (AoA) semaphore Handle.

◆ radarCubebuf

cmplx16ImRe_t * aoaProcHWAObj::radarCubebuf

Pointer to Radar Cube buffer.

◆ hwaMemBankAddr

uint32_t aoaProcHWAObj::hwaMemBankAddr

HWA Memory address.

◆ inProgress

bool aoaProcHWAObj::inProgress

AoAProc DPU is in processing state.

◆ numProcess

uint32_t aoaProcHWAObj::numProcess

Total number of AoAProc DPU processing.

◆ hwaDmaTriggerDoppPing

uint8_t aoaProcHWAObj::hwaDmaTriggerDoppPing

DMA trigger source channel (before Doppler FFT) for Ping param set.

◆ hwaDmaTriggerDoppPong

uint8_t aoaProcHWAObj::hwaDmaTriggerDoppPong

DMA trigger source channel (before Doppler FFT) for Pong param set.

◆ hwaDmaTriggerAoAPing

uint8_t aoaProcHWAObj::hwaDmaTriggerAoAPing

DMA trigger source channel (before AoA FFT) for Ping param set.

◆ hwaDmaTriggerAoAPong

uint8_t aoaProcHWAObj::hwaDmaTriggerAoAPong

DMA trigger source channel (before AoA FFT) for Pong param set.

◆ hwaDoppNumLoops

uint16_t aoaProcHWAObj::hwaDoppNumLoops

HWA number of loops for Doppler FFT and compensation.

◆ hwaDoppNumLoops1

uint16_t aoaProcHWAObj::hwaDoppNumLoops1

HWA number (1-basically if the no. is odd) of loops for Doppler FFT and compensation.

◆ hwaAoANumLoops

uint16_t aoaProcHWAObj::hwaAoANumLoops

HWA number of loops for AoA and max of Elevation-Azimuth FFT.

◆ hwaAoANumLoops1

uint16_t aoaProcHWAObj::hwaAoANumLoops1

HWA number (1-basically if the no. is odd) of loops for AoA and max of Elevation-Azimuth FFT.

◆ hwaParamStartIdxDopp

uint8_t aoaProcHWAObj::hwaParamStartIdxDopp

HWA start paramset index - Doppler FFT and compensation.

◆ hwaParamStopIdxDopp

uint8_t aoaProcHWAObj::hwaParamStopIdxDopp

HWA stop paramset index - Doppler FFT and compensation.

◆ hwaParamStartIdxAoA

uint8_t aoaProcHWAObj::hwaParamStartIdxAoA

HWA start paramset index - AoA Calculation.

◆ hwaParamStopIdxAoA

uint8_t aoaProcHWAObj::hwaParamStopIdxAoA

HWA stop paramset index - AoA Calculation.

◆ rangeGatesCount

uint16_t * aoaProcHWAObj::rangeGatesCount

Doppler FFT to be run on those range gates which have a maximum in first 50-points.

◆ hwaSemaHandleParamset

SemaphoreP_Object aoaProcHWAObj::hwaSemaHandleParamset

HWA Paramset Done semaphore Handle for ping/pong in Doppler use case.

◆ angleMatBuf

cmplx16ImRe_t* aoaProcHWAObj::angleMatBuf

Pointer to Angle Matrix buffer.

◆ range_idx_arr

uint16_t* aoaProcHWAObj::range_idx_arr

Array to store range index for which Doppler FFT is to be applied.

◆ angle_idx_doppler_count_arr

uint16_t* aoaProcHWAObj::angle_idx_doppler_count_arr

Array to store Doppler index corresponding to range index for which Angle FFT is to be applied.

◆ doppler_idx_arr

int16_t* aoaProcHWAObj::doppler_idx_arr

Array to store Doppler index corresponding to range index for which Angle FFT is to be applied.

◆ antenna_array

cmplx32ImRe_t* aoaProcHWAObj::antenna_array

Antenna array to store elements before applying elevation-azimuth FFT.

◆ numTxAntennas

uint8_t aoaProcHWAObj::numTxAntennas

Number of transmit antennas.

◆ doppFFT_is16b

uint8_t aoaProcHWAObj::doppFFT_is16b

Flag to set Doppler FFT to 16-bit(1-True)/32-bit(0-False)

◆ numVirtualAntennas

uint8_t aoaProcHWAObj::numVirtualAntennas

Number of virtual antennas.

◆ max_num_points

uint8_t aoaProcHWAObj::max_num_points

Number of max points under consideration.

◆ antenna_array_elements

uint8_t aoaProcHWAObj::antenna_array_elements

Number of max points under consideration.