xWRL1432 MMWAVE-L-SDK  05.03.00
pinmux/v0/pinmux.h File Reference


PINMUX Driver API/interface file.

This file contains pad configure register offsets and bit-field value macros for different configurations,

BIT[21] TXDISABLE disable the pin's output driver BIT[18] RXACTIVE enable the pin's input buffer (typically kept enabled) BIT[17] PULLTYPESEL set the iternal resistor pull direction high or low (if enabled) BIT[16] PULLUDEN internal resistor disable (0 = enabled / 1 = disabled) BIT[3:0] MUXMODE select the desired function on the given pin

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  Pinmux_PerCfg_t
 Structure defining the pin configuration parameters. More...
struct  PadToPin_t


 Macro to mark end of pinmux config array. More...
#define PIN_MODE(mode)   (mode)
 Pin mode. More...
#define PIN_PULL_DISABLE   (0x1U << 8U)
 Resistor disable. More...
#define PIN_PULL_DIRECTION   (0x1U << 9U)
 Pull direction, 0: pull-down, 1: pull-up. More...
Pinmux Domain ID

 NOT USED on this SOC. More...
 NOT USED on this SOC. More...
Pad config register offset in control module

#define PIN_PAD_AA   (0x00000000U)
#define PIN_PAD_AB   (0x00000004U)
#define PIN_PAD_AC   (0x00000008U)
#define PIN_PAD_AD   (0x0000000CU)
#define PIN_PAD_AE   (0x00000010U)
#define PIN_PAD_AF   (0x00000014U)
#define PIN_PAD_AG   (0x00000018U)
#define PIN_PAD_AH   (0x0000001CU)
#define PIN_PAD_AI   (0x00000020U)
#define PIN_PAD_AJ   (0x00000024U)
#define PIN_PAD_AK   (0x00000028U)
#define PIN_PAD_AL   (0x0000002CU)
#define PIN_PAD_AM   (0x00000030U)
#define PIN_PAD_AN   (0x00000034U)
#define PIN_PAD_AO   (0x00000038U)
#define PIN_PAD_AP   (0x0000003CU)
#define PIN_PAD_AQ   (0x00000040U)
#define PIN_PAD_AR   (0x00000044U)
#define PIN_PAD_AS   (0x00000048U)
#define PIN_PAD_AT   (0x0000004CU)
#define PIN_PAD_AU   (0x00000050U)
#define PIN_PAD_AV   (0x00000054U)
#define PIN_PAD_AW   (0x00000058U)
#define PIN_PAD_AX   (0x0000005CU)
#define PIN_OVERRIDE_INPUT_ENABLE   (0x1 << 5U)
 Pin Input Override. More...
 Pin Output Override. More...
#define PIN_SLEW_RATE_HIGH   (0x0U << 10U)
 Slew Rate High. More...
#define PIN_SLEW_RATE_LOW   (0x1U << 10U)
 Slew Rate Low. More...


void Pinmux_config (const Pinmux_PerCfg_t *pinmuxCfg, uint32_t domainId)
 This API configures the pinmux based on the domain. More...
uint32_t Pinmux_Read (uint32_t pinOffset)
uint32_t Pinmux_getMode (uint32_t pad)
uint32_t Pinmux_getPinNum (uint32_t pad)
void Pinmux_inputoverride (uint32_t offset, bool state)
 This API is used to override input enable. More...
void Pinmux_outputoverride (uint32_t offset, bool state)
 This API configures pin output override. More...