xWRL1432 MMWAVE-L-SDK  05.03.00


Macros that define values for the complex multiply block with FFT stitching mode. Useful for 4K and 8K FFT calculation, set the last 2 bits in TWIDINCR register, the rest 12 bits should be set to 0.


#define HWA_FFT_STITCHING_TWID_PATTERN_2K   ((uint8_t)0U) /** 2K fft stitching twid factor pattern */
#define HWA_FFT_STITCHING_TWID_PATTERN_4K   ((uint8_t)1U) /** 4K fft stitching twid factor pattern */

Macro Definition Documentation


#define HWA_FFT_STITCHING_TWID_PATTERN_2K   ((uint8_t)0U) /** 2K fft stitching twid factor pattern */


#define HWA_FFT_STITCHING_TWID_PATTERN_4K   ((uint8_t)1U) /** 4K fft stitching twid factor pattern */