xWRL1432 MMWAVE-L-SDK  05.03.00


Macros that define values for the output of CFAR block.

Value |CFAR_ADV_ | CFAR_OUT| I channel | Q channel | OUT_MODE | _MODE | | 0 | 0 | 00 | Noise average values for all cells | Cell under test 1 | 0 | 01 | Noise average values for all cells | Binary detection flag 2 | 0 | 10 | Peak Index | Surrounding noise value 3 | 0 | 11 | Peak Index | Cell under test value 4 | 1 | 01 | Input Array(I channel)And'ed with | Input Array (Q channel) And'ed | binary detection result flag | with binary detection result flag


#define HWA_CFAR_OUTPUT_MODE_I_nAVG_ALL_Q_CUT   ((uint8_t)0U)
#define HWA_CFAR_OUTPUT_MODE_I_nAVG_ALL_Q_DET_FLAG   ((uint8_t)1U)
#define HWA_CFAR_OUTPUT_MODE_I_PEAK_IDX_Q_CUT   ((uint8_t)3U)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define HWA_CFAR_OUTPUT_MODE_I_nAVG_ALL_Q_CUT   ((uint8_t)0U)

I channel=Noise average values for all cells; Q channel=Cell under test (CUT)


#define HWA_CFAR_OUTPUT_MODE_I_nAVG_ALL_Q_DET_FLAG   ((uint8_t)1U)

I channel=Noise average values for all cells; Q channel=Binary detection flag



I channel=Peak Index; Q channel=Surrounding noise value


#define HWA_CFAR_OUTPUT_MODE_I_PEAK_IDX_Q_CUT   ((uint8_t)3U)

I channel=Peak Index; Q channel=Cell under test (CUT) Q channel = input Array (Q channel) And'ed with binary detection result