xWRL1432 MMWAVE-L-SDK  05.03.00


Macros that define values for the combination of CFAR operational mode (log, mag, mag sqr) and input samples type (real, complex)

Value CFAR_LOG_MODE CFAR_INP_MODE CFAR_ABS_MODE register bits description
0 1 1 dont care 1100 input are real, log-magnitude samples and no operation is needed inside HWA
1 1 0 3 0111 input are complex samples and HWA should perform log-magnitude operation
2 0 1 dont care 1000 input are real, magnitude samples and no operation is needed inside HWA
3 0 0 2 0010 input are complex samples and HWA should perform magnitude operation
4 0 1 dont care 1000 input are real, magnitude-sqr samples and no operation is needed inside HWA
5 0 0 0 0000 input are complex samples and HWA should perform magnitude-sqr operation
6 0 0 3 0110 input are complex samples and HWA should perform log-magnitude with linear cfar operation



Macro Definition Documentation



input are real samples in log scale and no operation is needed inside HWA



input are complex samples and HWA should perform log-magnitude operation log cfar



input are real, magnitude samples and no operation is needed inside HWA



input are complex samples and HWA should perform magnitude operation



input are real, magnitude-sqr samples and no operation is needed inside HWA



input are complex samples and HWA should perform magnitude-sqr operation