xWRL1432 MMWAVE-L-SDK  05.03.00


Combination of C structure declaration and Content that uniquely describes the angle mtarix on which Azimuth-Elevation FFT is to be applied.

# Declaration Content
1 cmplx16ImRe_t x[numAntennasAzimuth][numAntennasElevation] After Doppler FFT, before Angle FFT is applied this is one of the ways to store the Angle Matrix
2 cmplx16ImRe_t x[numAntennasElevation][numAntennasAzimuth] After Doppler FFT, before Angle FFT is applied this is one of the ways to store the Angle Matrix



Macro Definition Documentation



This format is for Angle Matrix after Doppler FFT and before Angle FFT



This format is for Angle Matrix after Doppler FFT and before Angle FFT