Detailed Description

HWA Paramset Config for ComplexMultiply block.

HWA paramset config parameters for the ComplexMultiply block inside HWA_ParamConfig which is used with the HWA_ConfigParamSet() call.

Data Fields

uint8_t mode
union {
   uint16_t   twidIncrement
   struct {
      uint16_t   startFreq
      uint8_t   freqIncrement
   }   dft
   uint8_t   twidFactorPattern

Field Documentation

◆ mode

uint8_t HWA_ComplexMultiply::mode

3 bit value: See HWA_COMPLEX_MULTIPLY_MODE macros for correct values. Configuration for the Complex Multiplier block Sets the CMULT_MODE bits of PARAM1_0

◆ twidIncrement

uint16_t HWA_ComplexMultiply::twidIncrement

14 bit value: used when HWA_ComplexMultiply::mode is HWA_COMPLEX_MULTIPLY_MODE_FREQ_SHIFTER and specifies how the LUT read index is incremented for every successive input sample and hence it controls the de-rotation frequency Sets the TWIDINCR bits of PARAM1_7

◆ startFreq

uint16_t HWA_ComplexMultiply::startFreq

14 bit value: used when HWA_ComplexMultiply::mode = HWA_COMPLEX_MULTIPLY_MODE_SLOW_DFT and specifies starting frequency for the DFT computation Sets the TWIDINCR bits of PARAM1_7

◆ freqIncrement

uint8_t HWA_ComplexMultiply::freqIncrement

4 bit value: used when HWA_ComplexMultiply::mode = HWA_COMPLEX_MULTIPLY_MODE_SLOW_DFT and specifies the increment value by which the frequency increments in every iteration. Supported values are [0..14] The true increment value is 2^(14-freqIncrement). Sets the FFTSIZE bits of PARAM1_6

◆ dft

struct { ... } HWA_ComplexMultiply::dft

◆ twidFactorPattern

uint8_t HWA_ComplexMultiply::twidFactorPattern

2 bit value: See HWA_FFT_STITCHING_TWID_PATTERN macros for correct values. This field is used when HWA_ComplexMultiply::mode = HWA_COMPLEX_MULTIPLY_MODE_FFT_STITCHING and conveys the twid factor pattern to be used. 0: 2K (2x1024) size FFT stitching twiddle factor pattern 1: 4K (4x1024) size FFT stitching twiddle factor pattern other values are invalid Sets the TWIDINCR bits of PARAM1_7

◆ cmpMulArgs

union { ... } HWA_ComplexMultiply::cmpMulArgs