gpio/v0/gpio.h File Reference


GPIO Driver API/interface file.

The GIO module supports up to eight 8-bit ports for a total of up to 64 GIO terminals. Each of these 64 terminals can be independently configured as input or output.

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#define GPIO_MAX_PORT   (8U)
 This is the maximum number of ports. More...
 This is the maximum number of interrupt ports which can be supported. Only Ports A, B, C and D are capable of interrupts. More...
 This is the maximum number of pins per GPIO port This is a system limit on the GPIO IP Block. More...
 Maximum number of pins
 This is the maximum number of interrupts which can be supported. Only Ports A, B, C and D are capable of interrupts. Also since each port can have a maximum of 8 pins this is the maximum number of interrupts which can be supported. More...
#define GPIO_GET_PIN_OFFSET(pinNum)   (((uint32_t)pinNum) % (GPIO_MAX_PORT * GPIO_MAX_PINS_PER_PORT))
 Returns the GPIO pin offset based on pin number. More...
 Returns the GPIO port number based on pin number. More...
 Returns the pin Index based on pin number. More...
GPIO Pin Value

#define GPIO_PIN_LOW   (0U)
 GPIO pin is at logic low. More...
#define GPIO_PIN_HIGH   (1U)
 GPIO pin is at logic high. More...
GPIO Direction

 Set GPIO direction as output. More...
 Set GPIO direction as input. More...
GPIO OpenDrain

 GPIO OpenDrain Enable. More...
 GPIO OpenDrain Disable. More...
GPIO Trigger Type

#define GPIO_TRIG_TYPE_NONE   (0U)
 No interrupt request on either rising or falling edges on the pin. More...
 Interrupt request on occurrence of a rising edge on the input pin. More...
 Interrupt request on occurrence of a falling edge on the input pin. More...
 Interrupt request on occurrence of a rising/falling edge on the input pin. More...
GPIO Interrupt Level

#define GPIO_INTR_LEVEL_LOW   (0U)
 GPIO low interrupt level. More...
 GPIO high interrupt level. More...


void GPIO_moduleEnable (uint32_t baseAddr)
 This API performs the module enable of the GPIO module. More...
int32_t GPIO_ignoreOrHonorPolarity (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t pinNum, uint32_t polLevel)
 The function is used to configure the GPIO Pin to ignore or honor polarity. More...
int32_t GPIO_setTrigType (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t pinNum, uint32_t polLevel)
 The function is used to configure the GPIO Pin to control the interrupt polarity. More...
int32_t GPIO_enableInterrupt (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t pinNum)
 The function is used to enable the interrupt on the GPIO Pin. More...
int32_t GPIO_disableInterrupt (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t pinNum)
 The function is used to disable the interrupt on the GPIO Pin. More...
int32_t GPIO_clearInterrupt (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t pinNum)
 The function is used to clear the interrupt on the GPIO Pin. More...
int32_t GPIO_markHighLowLevelInterrupt (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t pinNum, uint32_t interruptLevel)
 The function is used to mark the interrupt as high level or low level for the specific GPIO Pin. More...
uint32_t GPIO_getHighLowLevelPendingInterrupt (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t interruptLevel)
 The function is used to get the high level or low level interrupt pending. The driver will need to cycle through all the pending interrupts before the processing of the interrupt is over. More...
void GPIO_setDirMode (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t pinNum, uint32_t pinDir)
 The function is used to set the output data direction associated with a GPIO Pin. More...
uint32_t GPIO_pinRead (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t pinNum)
 The function is used to get the data input for a specific GPIO Port/Pin. More...
void GPIO_pinWriteHigh (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t pinNum)
 The function is used to write logic HIGH state to a to a specific GPIO Pin. More...
void GPIO_pinWriteLow (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t pinNum)
 The function is used to write logic LOW state to a specific GPIO Port/Pin. More...
void GPIO_setOpenDrainStatus (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t pinNum, uint32_t openDrainStatus)
 The function is used to enable/disable open drain functionality for a specific GPIO Port/Pin. This function is applicable for GPIO pins which are configured as output. More...