4. Foundational Components

4.1. TI-RTOS Kernel

4.2. XDAIS

4.4. OpenCL


4.5. Boot


This page provides an overview about the Secondary Bootloader support provided in Processor SDK RTOS.
The Secondary Bootloader (SBL) sets-up the PLL clocks, powers on the I/O Peripherals, initializes the DDR, loads the application image into DDR & brings the slave cores for applicable SOCs out of reset. Additional details including execution boot flow is covered in more elaborate detail under individual SOC section.

Boot Modes


MMCSD bootloader is required to boot target using an SD card containing bootloader and application images. When the board is powered ON the ROM bootloader detects the MMCSD bootloader image and loads it to the internal memory.The bootloader initializes the board, copies the application image from SD card to the DDR memory and gives control to the application.


A flash device interfaced with QSPI is flashed with QSPI bootloader and application images. When the board is powered ON the ROM bootloader detects the bootloader image from flash device and loads it to the internal memory. The Bootloader initializes the board, copies the application image from QSPI device to the DDR memory and gives control to the application.


A Serial connection is used for transferring the bootloader binary from PC to target board through XMODEM protocol. The bootloader on execution prompts for application image to transfer through XMODEM. On providing the path, the application binary is transferred through serial connection to DDR memory and the control is passed to application to execute.


A SPI flash device flashed with MCSPI/SPI bootloader and application images is used for booting the board. When the board is powered ON the ROM bootloader detects the bootloader image from flash device and loads it to the internal memory. The Bootloader initializes the board, copies the application image from flash to the DDR memory and gives control to the application.


NAND flash with bootloader and and application images is used for booting the board. When the board is powered ON the ROM bootloader detects the bootloader image from flash device and loads it to the internal memory. The bootloader initializes the board, copies the application image from flash to the DDR memory and gives control to the application.

NOTE For information on boot mode setting, see the applicable EVM Hardware User Guide

4.5.1. AM335x/AM437x


Bootloader supports power-on-reset bootstraps for the board. It initializes board, loads application from the memory device to DDR and transfers control to application. Section provides additional details including flashing and booting instructions across different media.

Source Reference

< BASE_DIR = PDK_INSTALL_DIR\packages\ti\starterware>

Bootloader build files for AM335x/AM437x

Source files:

  • BASE_DIRbootloadersrc: Common source files for bootloader functionality
  • BASE_DIRbootloadersrc<device>: Files specific to device to initialize platform features like PLL, pinmux and DDR

Build Files:

  • BASE_DIR/build/makerules/rules_a8.mk: Common Compiler flags used for A8 cores. Applies to AMIC110 and AM335x
  • BASE_DIR/build/makerules/rules_a8.mk: Common Compiler flags used for A9 cores. Applies to AM437x devices
  • BASE_DIR/build/makerules/platform.mk: Global settings for all components for a particular platform.
  • BASE_DIR/build/makerules/components.mk: Specific settings for components in starterware
  • BASE_DIR/build/makerules/build_cfg.mk: Flags to enable features in the build
  • BASE_DIR/bootloader/Makefile: Makefile for bootloader that provides list of source files and library to create bootloader binary.

Boot and flashing tools:

  • BASE_DIR/tools Contains tools to create boot images and flashing tools to program the boot binary on the boot media.

Bootloader execution sequence

The Processor SDK RTOS boot loader uses a two stage boot process. The different stages of the application boot sequence using Processor SDK RTOS bootloader are shown below:

Boot Sequence

  1. Power on Reset
  2. ROM Bootloader (RBL)
    • Platform configuration and initialization.
      • DPLL and clock settings for MPU, I2C, MMCSD, USB, SPI, QSPI, Ethernet etc.
    • Checks Sysboot pins and choose booting device
      • If no valid bootloader found on booting device, RBL checks for next booting device. The sequence depends on RBL execution flow and Sysboot pins.
    • RBL gets image size and load address by checking TI Image Header appended on bootloader binary(.bin). Check binary formats.
    • Loads the binary to internal OCMC memory at the Load address fetched from TI Image Header
    • Passes control to Secondary Bootloader(SBL)
  3. Secondary Bootloader(SBL)
    • Configure PLL and Initialize DDR
    • Configure PRCM and PinMux  for Boot Peripherals
    • Copies application image to DDR
    • Passes execution control to Application
  4. Application execution

Tools and Binary formats

Binary format Requirement Details

QSPI bootloader,

UART bootloader and app

QSPI bootloader binary should in .bin format and Application binary should be in _ti.bin format.

UART bootloader and applications are loaded in .bin format through XMODEM in terminal.


MMCSD bootloader and app,

NAND bootloader and app,

MCSPI boot loader and app,

QSPI app.

.bin binaries are converted to _ti.bin format by adding Image size(4bytes) and Image load address(4bytes) as image header. Refer to Image format section in Initialization chapter of AM437x TRM

MMCSD, NAND and MCSPI boot loaders and application binaries should be appended with ti image header.

TI Boot image

Offset Binary value
0x00000000 Size
0x00000004 Entry Point (Location)
0x00000008 Binary (.bin)

NOTE * For bootloader Entry point is usually 0x402f0000

  • For the app the entry point is usually 0x80000000.

Binary format conversion procedure

Binary format conversion in Linux

  1. To convert from .out -> .bin
TOOLCHAIN_PATH_<A8/A9>/bin/arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary <application>.out <application>.bin
  1. Build tiimage.out. Go to starterware/tools/ti_image/
gcc tiimage.c –o tiimage.out
  1. To convert from .bin -> _ti.bin
tiimage.out <Image Load Address> NONE <application>.bin <application>_ti.bin

Binary format conversion in Windows

  1. To convert from .out -> .bin
TOOLCHAIN_PATH_<A8/A9>/bin/arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary <application>.out <application>.bin

2) To convert from .bin -> _ti.bin. tiimage.exe is provided as prebuilt binary in starterware/tools/ti_image.

tiimage.exe <Image Load Address> NONE <application>.bin <application>_ti.bin

Boot Modes supported

Following are the Boot Modes supported through AM335x/AM437x bootloader for the various EVMs.

AM335x StarterKi t YES NO NO NO YES
AM335x BeagleBon eBlack YES NO NO NO YES
AM437x StarterKi t YES NO NO NO NO

Building the Bootloader

Pre-requisite: Setup SDK build environment as described in article

Normal Operation of Bootloader:

Bootloading an application from flash into DDR memory as in case of TI evaluation platforms is described as normal operation mode for the bootloader. This is the default behaviour of the bootloader and can be built using the following command in starterware.

  • BOOT_MODE: mcspi, nand, qspi, mmcsd, uart (Check supported boot modes for your evaluation platform)
  • EVM: am335x-evm, am43xx-evm, amic110-ddrless
  • BUILD_PROFILE: debug, release

Additional Build options (currently support only for AMIC110/AM335x ICE Users)

  • DDR less Application boot setup
gmake bootloader BUILDCFG=boot BOOTMODE=mcspi PLATFORM=amic110-ddrless PROFILE=debug -s KW_BUILD=no USE_DDR=no
gmake bootloader BUILDCFG=boot BOOTMODE=mcspi PLATFORM=amic110-ddrless PROFILE=release -s KW_BUILD=no USE_DDR=no

This option builds an ultra light weight (<10 KB) bootloader for cost optimized application that don`t external DDR memory.

  • PRU/ICSS Enable in SBL
gmake bootloader BUILDCFG=boot BOOTMODE=mcspi PLATFORM=am335x-evm PROFILE=debug -s KW_BUILD=no ENABLE_PRU=yes
gmake bootloader BUILDCFG=boot BOOTMODE=mcspi PLATFORM=am335x-evm PROFILE=release -s KW_BUILD=no ENABLE_PRU=yes

This feature is required in application that need to quick wake up of ICSS/PRU cores. The PRU cores can be woken up and loaded from the SBL by combining the ENABLE_PRU and BIN_LOAD arguments.

  • Load additional binaries from flash
gmake bootloader BUILDCFG=boot BOOTMODE=mcspi PLATFORM=am335x-evm PROFILE=debug -s KW_BUILD=no BIN_LOAD=yes
gmake bootloader BUILDCFG=boot BOOTMODE=mcspi PLATFORM=am335x-evm PROFILE=release -s KW_BUILD=no BIN_LOAD=yes

The location of binaries in offset is configured using sbl_flash_offset_cfg.h in the bootloader source. Users are required to use TIIMAGE tool to append an header to the binary so that the bootloader knows the loction and size of the binary to be loaded.

Industrial DDRless Booting

The AMIC110 DDRLESS platform provides a superset flag to enable all the above features and build the bootloader . The superset build is invoked using BUILD_ICSS_DDRLESS_BOOT=yes as shown below:

gmake bootloader BUILDCFG=boot BOOTMODE=mcspi PLATFORM=amic110-ddrless PROFILE=debug -s KW_BUILD=no BUILD_ICSS_DDRLESS_BOOT=yes
gmake bootloader BUILDCFG=boot BOOTMODE=mcspi PLATFORM=amic110-ddrless PROFILE=release -s KW_BUILD=no BUILD_ICSS_DDRLESS_BOOT=yes

Prebuilt binaries inside the Processor SDK RTOS for AMIC110-DDRLESS will be configured using this option to allow for testing of cost optimized industrial use case.

Boot Mode settings

Boot mode settings for all supported AM335x and AM437x boards are here

Boot Modes

Booting Via SD Card

Booting from SD Card involves two steps.

  1. Preparing SD card.
  2. Booting target.

Preparing SD card

  1. To boot target the SD card should be bootable. Follow the steps at Creating bootable SD card in windows or Creating bootable SD card in Linux.
  2. Delete the “MLO” and “app” in the bootable SD card which are created in the process of making the SD bootable.
  3. Bootloader images with ti header (<mmcsd_bootloader>_ti.bin)should be renamed to “MLO”. Bootloader images are located at <PDK_INSTALL_DIRpackagestistarterwarestarterwarebinarybootloaderbin<TargetType>
  4. Similarly the converted application binary image has to be renamed to “app” from “<app_name>_ti.bin
  5. Copy both the boot loader image “MLO” and the application image “app” to the SD card.
  6. The SD card is ready for use on target.

Booting target

  1. Insert SD card to the base board SD slot. Connect a UART cable to a host running a serial terminal application (teraterm/hyperterminal) with 115200 baud, 8bit, No parity and 1 STOP bit configuration.
  2. Configure the board for SD Boot mode
    1. SD instance 0 (on base board) is available in all profiles.
    2. SD instance 0 boot mode needs to appropriately set. For SD boot to be selected first, SD boot should appear first in the boot device list in the boot mode. If any other boot mode is selected, even if a SD boot card is inserted, and does not appear first in the list, the first available sane boot image (like NAND or SPI etc) is booted and SD is not selected. Only if no sane boot image is found in the first devices, SD boot image will be selected.
  3. Once SD boot image is chosen, the MLO is first detected and copied and executed from the OCMC0 RAM. The MLO then copies the application image (app) from the card to the SDRAM and passes the control to the application. If the process is succesful, messages identifying board and SoC will appear on the serial console.

After this the application will take control and execute.

NOTE: If board have BootMode selection pins choose proper Boot Selection pins from hardware reference manuals.

If the boards have no boot mode selection pins and a valid boot image is present on McSPI flash, Booting will happen from McSPI flash. Erase McSPI flash in such cases to boot from SD card McSPI flash erase . The boot sequence depends on ROM bootloader.

Booting Via QSPI

Booting from QSPI flash involves two steps-

  1. Preparing Flash Device
  2. Booting target.

Preparing Flash Device

Procedure relies on contents being copied to SD card. Additional details below:
  1. Copy bootloader image(bootloader_boot_qspi_a9host_debug.bin rename) and app image(“<app_name>_ti.bin”) into the SD card. The file names have to be renamed in such a way that the length of name is less than 9 characters. Any file name less than 9 characters can be used. Rename the bootloader file to ‘boot’ and application image to ‘app’ with no extensions.
  2. Copy the ‘config’ file into the SD card which will contain the names of the image to be flashed and the offset. A sample config file can be found at <PDK_INSTALL_DIRpackagestistarterwarestarterwaretoolsqspiconfig> directory. Do not change name of the config file. NOTE: “config” file can be used without any modifications if bootloader and application images are renamed to “boot” and “app”. NOTE: Do not rename bootloader to be copied to SD card as “MLO”, as MMCSD bootloader expects “MLO” and “app” to boot.
  3. Now SD card contains 1)boot 2)app 3)config files. config file contains the address of boot image as 0x0 and app image as 0x80000. Insert it into the SD card slot.
  4. Connect the board with CCS and load the prebuilt qspi flash writer application from <PDK_INSTALL_DIRpackagestistarterwarestarterwarebinaryqspi_app_flash_writerbinm43xx-evm>
  5. Run the QSPI flash writer application. Following logs expected on console.
StarterWare QSPI Flash Writer!!
BOARDInit status [0x0]
SoC                   : [AM43XX]
Core                  : [A9]
Board Detected        : [IDKEVM]
Base Board Revision   : [UNKNOWN]
Daughter Card Revision: [UNKNOWN]
Copying boot to QSPI Flash
Copying app to QSPI Flash
Changing read to quad mode
Read mode has been changed to Quad mode
Flashing completed

Booting the target.

  1. Connect UART cable to a host running serial terminal application (teraterm/hyperterminal) with 115200 baud, 8bit, No parity and 1 STOP bit configuration.
  2. After flashing successfully remove SD card and reboot to see following logs
StarterWare Boot Loader
BOARDInit status [0x0]
SoC                   : [AM43XX]
Core                  : [A9]
Board Detected        : [IDKEVM]
Base Board Revision   : [UNKNOWN]
Daughter Card Revision: [UNKNOWN]
Copying Header of the application image
Copying image from flash to DDR
Jumping to StarterWare Application...
NOTE: Boot logs will appear approximately after 25 seconds on reset.
 NOTE:If there is no boot mode selection present on board, boot image will be loaded depending on ROM boot sequence
Example: If QSPI flash and MMCSD has valid bootloaders, on reset MMCSD boot image will be loaded following ROM Boot sequence.

Booting Via UART

ROM and Bootloader supports XMODEM protocol with images being binary not requiring any additional headers. Following are steps for boot:
  1. Configure board for UART boot mode : UART boot need to be first in the boot device list. Note: In case if any other boot mode is selected, the first available boot image (eg:NAND or MMCSD etc) will override. In case of no valid images, UART boot will be selected.
    • Select View->Memory Browser through CCS.
    • Select address 0x44e10040.
    • Write 0x19 to last 2 bytes of this memory address.(UART boot)
    • Soft reset the board. This is a volatile bit which gets reset after power on.
  2. ROM code will print “CC..” on UART console expecting Bootloader via XMODEM. File can be sent via xmodem through tera-term File-> Transfer -> XMODEM -> Send.
  3. On transmitting bootloader image, bootloader_boot_uart_a9host_debug.bin via XMODEM, following message will be expected on serial console.
StarterWare Boot Loader
BOARDInit status [0x0]
 SoC                   : [AM43XX]
 Core                  : [A9]
 Board Detected        : [IDKEVM]
 Base Board Revision   : [UNKNOWN]
 Daughter Card Revision: [UNKNOWN]
GPIO Instance number: 0
Pin number: 22
Please transfer file:

  4.  As  a next step application binary (without header) can be sent via XMODEM which will lead to application start executing.

Booting Via McSPI

Booting from McSPI involves two steps.

  1. Preparing Flash Device
  2. Booting the target.

Preparing Flash Device

  • Set the appropriate bootmode if applicable for EVM.Refer Boot mode settings. Note: Most of the boards may not have switch settings.
  • Add a required target configuration in CCS depending on emulator and board connected.
  • Connect target to required core. Ex: A8.
  • Load the flash writer from <PDK_INSTALL_DIRpackagestistarterwarestarterwaretoolsflash_writerspi_flash_writer_AM335X.out onto the EVM.
  • Run the application and observe the logs on CCS console.
Starting SPIWriter.
Choose Operation:
Enter 1 ----> To FLASH an Image
Enter 2 ----> To ERASE Flash
Enter 3 ----> To EXIT
  • When Flash option is chosen program prompts to enter file name.
Enter the File Name
  • Provide the complete path of file bootloader_boot_mcspi_a8host_release_ti.bin at directory “binary/bootloader/bin/<PLATFORM>/<gcc/ccs>/” and hit Enter.
Enter the Offset in bytes (in HEX)
  • Provide 0x00000 to flash bootloader.
  • To flash application binary image <app_name>_a8host_ti.bin, provide 0x20000.
  • Wait for few miniuits as flashing is a slower process.
Erasing flash at byte offset: xx, byte length: xxxx
SF: Successfully erased xxxx bytes @ xxxx
Writing flash at page offset: x, number of pages: xxxx
Flashing is in progress...
Verifying... Success.
  • Once SPI flash writing completes disconnect target.

Booting the target

  1. Connect a serial cable to a host running a serial terminal application (teraterm/hyperterminal) with 115200 baud, 8bit, No parity and 1 STOP bit configuration.
  2. Configure the board for SPI boot mode.
  3. On reset, ROM bootloder copies the bootloader from flash to internal memory. The bootloader then copies the application image from flash to DDR and passes the control to the application.

Booting Via NAND

Booting from NAND involves two steps.

  1. Preparing Flash Device
  2. Booting the target.

Preparing Flash Device

  • Configure BOOT pins for NAND Boot mode settings
  • Connect target with CCS.
  • Load the <PDK_INSTALL_DIRpackagestistarterwarestarterwaretoolsflash_writernand_flash_writer_AM335X.out> to target and Run. Flash writer will output messages to CCS console. When it prompts for inputs, proper inputs shall be given via CCS console.
  • When prompted for binary file name, update file with proper path.
  • Select option for flashing.
Choose your operation
Enter 1 ---> To Flash an Image
Enter 2 ---> To ERASE the whole NAND
Enter 3 ---> To EXIT
  • If Option 1 is selected, enter image path to flash when prompted as shown below.
Enter image file path

    Provide the complete path (e.g. <PDK_INSTALL_DIRpackagestistarterwarestarterwarebinarybootloaderbin<am335x/am437x-evm><compiler>bootloader_boot_nand_a8host_<debug/release>_ti.bin)

  • Enter offset when prompted as shown below.
Enter offset (in hex):
    This offset is start location from where the image should be flashed.
  1. Use hex format
  2. If bootloader is to be flashed, provide 0x00000. For application binary, provide 0x80000.
  • Select ECC for flashing.
Choose the ECC scheme from given options
Enter 1 ---> BCH 8 bit
Enter 2 ---> HAM
Enter 3 ---> T0 EXIT
Please enter ECC scheme type:

    Always select BCH8 for bootloader and application as ROM code and bootloader uses the BCH8 ECC scheme.

  • Ensure that flash info displayed by tool matches NAND flash in EVM.
  • After this tool should first erase the required region in flash and then start flashing new image.
  • If flashing procedure is complete following message should be displayed.
Application is successfully flashed
NAND flashing successful!
  • Once NAND flash writing completes, disconnect from CCS.

Booting the target

  • Connect a UART cable to a host running a serial terminal application (teraterm/hyperterminal) with 115200 baud, 8bit, No parity and 1 STOP bit configuration.
  • Configure the board for NAND boot mode. Refer  Boot mode settings
  • On reset, ROM detects bootloader from NAND and copies it to internal memory. Bootloader then copies application image from the NAND to DDR and passes control to application. If the process is succesful, following messages appear in serial console.
   StarterWare Boot Loader
BOARDInit status [0x0]
SoC                   : [AM335X]
Core                  : [A8]
Board Detected        : [GPEVM]
Base Board Revision   : [1.5]
Daughter Card Revision: [UNKNOWN]
NAND flash is connected to GPMC on this board
Jumping to StarterWare Application...
After this application should take control and execute.

Test Application

The section explains steps for building and booting a sample pdk application for am335x or am437x using MMCSD bootloader.

Test Application Image Creation

Follow below steps to generate the bootable application image.

  1. Generate .out files using steps for Rebuilding PDK. Locate .out file in directory <PDK_INSTALL_PATH/MyExampleProjects/<ExampleProjectDirectory>/Debug>
  2. Convert files to support MMCSD boot using steps as per Binary format conversion procedure.
  3. Rename generated <Application>_ti.bin to “app”.

Loading Test application

Follow procedure to use “app” file as per section Booting Via SD Card.

Usage Notes

  • Bootloader Memory map

The bootloader code runs from internal OCMC memory and occupies certain amount of OCMC memory that is not available for application to use during booting.

Refer to the map file for the boot loader to check for latest information on the memory utilization in the boot loader.

Location of linker command file:


After SBL execution is complete, this region can be used as per application requirement.

  • Configuring entry point for SBL

The three files that help setup the entry point in the bootloader build are “PDK_INSTALL_PATHpackagestistarterwaresocarmv7agccsbl_init.S” and the linker command file “PDK_INSTALL_PATHpackagestistarterwareexamplesgcc<device>_boot.lds”. The global symbol Entry is used to provide the entry point to the bootloader. The Base address of the memory section OCMCRAM (starts at 1K offset in OCMC RAM as defined in TRM) is then used by the tiimage or GPHEader tool to provide RBL the guidance to find the entry point to pass control. After MLO is created check the TI image format file( _ti.bin) to confirm that the entry point matches the location of Entry symbol in the .map file.

NOTE The object file created by sbl_init.S should always be the first object file in the link order for the symbol Entry to be placed at the BASE address of the memory section SBL_MEM

  • Boot image creation tools generates a large boot image if load sections are fragmented

Please note that when using objcopy the compiler generates a contiguous binary that gets loaded by the bootloader at the location specified in the header appended by TIIMAGE boot utility. IF you have some code sections in OCMC or SRAM and some section in DDR the compiler will generates a binary that spans across full memory range which would be in order of MB or even GB size so it is recommended that you create compact binaries that can be loaded into memory or implement a ELF parser to bootloader memory sections that may be fragmented in the address space. you can also load separate binaries for OCMC sections and DDR memory and load the sections separately

  • Removing Heap section from application binary to speed up boot times

A common issue reported with the ARM GCC compiler is that it appends Heap section associated with the binary to the binary image used to boot. The Heap section is usually filled with zeros so can cause significant delay in boot times. Essentially the bootloader will be writing a bunch of zeros in memory so is inefficient. Following work around has been used to circumvent the issue

Option 1: Eliminate the heap by using the compiler option “–remove-section” as described in the E2E post below:

Refer: E2E post to configure Heap in ARM application binary by adding “–remove-section”

Example BIOS configuration:

var heap1 = HeapMem.create();
heap1.size = 256 * 1024 * 1024;
heap1.sectionName = ".stack";
Memory.defaultHeapInstance = heap1;

Compiler Setting : –remove-section=.stack

Option 2 Configure Segment type to be “NO LOAD” in .cfg and use excludeSections

SYSBIOS Memory map configurations allows user to specify the section name, length and type. by configuring the section type to “NOLOAD” and using excludeSection option the heap memory can be eliminated from the final binary.

Example BIOS configuration:

Program.sectMap[".biosheap"] = new Program.SectionSpec();
Program.sectMap[".biosheap"].runSegment = "DDR2"
Program.sectMap[".biosheap"].type = "NOLOAD";
Program.sectionsExclude = ".biosheap"

Alternate approach using linker command file:

.ddr3Heap (NOLOAD):
  } > HOST_DDR3

NOTE The approach described above helps improve boot times but Users are recommended to initialize the HEAP sections to zeros post boot during initialization to avoid any undesired behavior during normal operation of the app

Debugging application boot

Steps to debug application boot using Processor SDK RTOS bootloader are discussed in the article `Common steps to debug application boot <https://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Processor_SDK_RTOS_Boot#Common_steps_to_debug_application_boot>`__

4.5.2. AM57x


The Secondary Bootloader (SBL) for AM57xx device initializes the execution environment for multi-core application and this can be used to demonstrate an out-of-box experience.The section covers additional details including execution sequence, tools and additional flashing instructions.

Bootloader Execution Sequence

  • Power On Reset
  • ROM Bootloader (RBL)
    • Software pre-programmed in ROM memory starts executing
    • Checks Sysboot pins and choose booting device
    • If no valid bootloader found on booting device, RBL checks for next booting device.
    • Platform configuration and initialization.
    • Configures DPLL and clock settings for MPU, and boot media like I2C, MMCSD, SD/MMC, SPI, QSPI, Ethernet etc for reliable boot.
    • The sequence depends on RBL execution flow and Sysboot pins.
    • RBL gets image size and load address by checking TI Image Header appended on bootloader binary(.bin). Check binary formats.
    • Loads the binary to internal memory at the Load address fetched from TI Image Header
    • Passes control to Secondary Bootloader(SBL)

NOTE Detailed description of ROM bootloader is provided in Initialization Chapter in AM57xx Technical Reference manual

  • Secondary bootloader(SBL)
    • User level secondary bootloader(SBL) begins execution from internal memory by running basic initialization routines like setting up Stack, BSS and then jumps to main() to begin Board Initialization.
    • Board Initialization is done by a call to Board_init() API.For additional details refer Processor SDK Board Support.
    • It includes setting up PLLs, enabling clocks to all interfaces and modules, performing pinmux and setting up UART console.
    • Once Board Initialization is complete, it enables clocks to the slave cores like C66x/DSP, IPU, etc and brings them out of reset.
    • Parses Multicore Application image located in memory device and copies it to DDR memory based on load address for different sections.
    • Once copy is successful it transfers control to application.
  • Application then starts executing from DDR.


  • RBL requires boot loader to be in a special format with a header appended to the binary image. The header shall contain the load address of the bootloader and size of the bootloader image.
  • For more information on the TI header refer TRM document

Directory structure


  • PDK_INSTALL_PATH/tibootsblboard<EVAL_BOARD>build: Makefile for bootloader that provides list of source files and library and compiler options to create bootloader binary.

Source Files:

  • PDK_INSTALL_PATH/tibootsblboard<EVAL_BOARD>: Source to SBL main function that consolidates all features
  • PDK_INSTALL_PATH/tibootsblsoc: Source to SOC specific initialization used in the SBL.
  • PDK_INSTALL_PATH/tibootsblsrc: Source to boot media specific initialization used in the SBL.

Tools and Binary Formats

This section lists out the various tools and scripts used by SBL for different boot modes and those required to create a bootable application image.

SBL/MLO image format:

To generate the MLO, SBL uses tiImageGen tool to prepend the sbl.bin image with the TI header information. The image format has been described in detail in the Image Format Section of theAM57xx Technical Reference manual

Application image format:

A bootable application image can be created by using the Am57xImageGen script provided under tools folder as part of sbl. It can be located at <PDK_INSTALL_DIR>packagestibootsbltoolsscripts folder.

The Am57xImageGen script uses out2rprc and multicoreImageGen format conversion tools to create the final application image. Graphical view of the multicore application image is provided below:


The script creates the bootable image in 2 steps

Step 1: Conversion to RPRC format conversion

  • Firstly, application executable is converted from ELF/COFF format (.out) to custom TI Rprc binary image using out2rprc tool. This tool strips out the initialized sections from the executable file (i.e. *.out) and places them in a compact format that the SBL can understand. The output (bin) file is typically much smaller than the original executable (out) file.
  • The rprc files are intermediate files in a format that is consumed by MulticoreImageGen tool that generates the final binary.

RPRC File Header Format

Offset Binary value
0x00000000 Magic Word(43525052)
0x00000004 Entry Point (Location)
0x00000008 Reserved Addr
0x0000000C Section Count
0x00000010 Version

RPRC Section Header Format

Offset Binary value
0x00000000 Section start Address
0x00000004 Reserved Addr
0x00000008 Size
0x0000000C Reserved CRC
0x00000010 Reserved

Step 2: Multicore Image file generation
  • RPRC files for each cores is combined into a single multicore bootable application image.

Multicore boot image format

Meta Header Start

Offset Binary value
0x00000000 Magic String (0x5254534D)
0x00000004 Number of Files
0x00000008 Device ID
0x0000000C Reserved

Meta Header per Core

Offset Binary value
0x00000000 Core ID
0x00000004 Image Offset

Core ID and Device ID for specific devices can be located in the file sbl_slave_core_boot.h in the boot/sbl/soc/<SOC_NAME> folder

Refer section App Image Creation for more details on usage of this script and application image creation.

Flashing Tools

SBL provides a CCS based qspi flash writer utility to flash image and multicore AppImage from a SD card to onboard QSPI device. It is located at <PDK_INSTALL_DIR>packagestibootsbltoolsflashWriterqspi

Building the SBL

Pre-requisites to Building

  • Set your environment using pdksetupenv.bat or pdksetupenv.sh. Refer to the Processor SDK RTOS Building page for information on setting up your build environment
  • The SBL has following dependencies and will need the following libraries built
    • Board
    • UART
    • I2C
    • SPI
    • CSL
    • OSAL
    • MMCSD
    • PM

NOTE Refer to the makefile for the board you are using for the latest driver dependency. These libraries should come pre-built with any fresh installation of the Processor SDK RTOS but may be removed if a gmake clean is invoked

Compiling the SBL Components

To build the SBL components:

  1. cd <PDK>/packages/ti/board/diag
  • BOARD_NAME : idkAM572x, idkAM571x, evmAM572x, idkAM574x
  • SOC_NAME : AM572x, AM571x, AM574x

This will make the SBL for a specific $BOARD and $BOOT_MEDIA. Output files will be located in: <PDK>/packages/ti/boot/sbl/binary/<BOARD>

NOTE Refer <PDK>/packages/ti/boot/sbl/sbl_<DEVICE>.sh for more build options

Building SBL using CCS project

The SBL build in the Processor SDK RTOS is designed to be built using Makefile. Users can also choose to create a CCS project for the bootloader if they prefer the IDE environment by converting the make file based build to CCS project by linking the appropriate source files to the project and using the same compiler options.

Example: The wiki article “Creating_a_CCS_Project_for_SBL_on_AM572x_GP_EVM” demonstrates creation of SBL in CCS for AM572x GP EVM.

Boot Modes

This Release of SBL supports MMCSD and QSPI Boot modes. The different boot modes supported for all the boards is tabulated in the table below.


Booting Via SD Card

  1. Preparing the SD card.
  2. Booting the target.

Preparing the SD card

  1. To boot the target the SD card should be bootable. Follow the steps at Creating bootable SD card in windows or Creating bootable SD card in Linux.
  2. Delete the “MLO” and “app” in the bootable SD card which are created in the process of making the SD bootable.
  3. Copy the sbl binary(MLO) to the SD card.
  4. Copy the Application image(app) generated using the Script to the SD card.

Booting the target

  1. Insert micro SD card into the SD card slot of the board.
  2. Open a serial communication terminal like TeraTerm, MiniCom on host PC and connect to the UART console port
  3. Do a power reset of the board to boot the appliation from the SD card.

Booting Via QSPI

Booting from QSPI flash involves two steps-

  1. Flashing bootloader and app image to QSPI flash.
  2. Booting the target.

Preparing Flash Device

Use the CCS based qspi_flash_writer.out utility provided in <TI_PDK_INSTALL_DIR>packagestibootsbltoolsflashwriterqspi<Board>’ to flash the SBL image at offset 0 and application image at offset 0x80000 to the QSPI device.

QSPI device Memory Map:

Offset 0x00 SBL
Offset 0x80000 Application Multicore Image

The images can be flashed into QSPI flash by following steps given below.

  1. Copy QSPI mode SBL image TI_PDK_INSTALL_DIRpackagestibootsblbinary<BoardName>qspibinMLO and application image(app) generated using the Script into the SD card. Rename the bootloader file to ‘boot’ and application image to ‘app’ with no extensions.
  2. Copy ‘config’ file into the SD card, the config file should contain names of the image to be flashed and the offset. A sample config file can be found at TI_PDK_INSTALL_DIRpackagestibootsbltoolsflashWriterqspiconfig. Do not change the name of the config file. NOTE: “config” file can be used without any modifications if bootloader and application images are renamed to “boot” and “app”. NOTE: Do not rename the bootloader to be copied to SD card as “MLO”, as MMCSD bootloader expects “MLO” and “app” to boot.
  3. Now SD card contains 3 files 1)boot 2)app 3)config files. config file contains the address of boot image as 0x0 and app image as 0x80000. Insert it into the SD card slot.
  4. Connect the board with CCS and and load the prebuilt qspi flash writer application from $(TI_PDK_INSTALL_DIR)packagestibootsbltoolsflashWriterqspibin<BoardName>\
  5. Run the QSPI flash writer application. You will see the following logs on the EVM’s UART console.
  6. After the images have been flashed to the QSPI device disconnect from CCS and do a power reset to boot from the QSPI memory.
PDK QSPI Flash Writer!!
Copying boot to QSPI Flash
Copying app to QSPI Flash
Changing read to quad mode
Read mode has been changed to Quad mode
Flashing completed


  • The file names have to be renamed in such a way that the length of name is less than 9 characters. Any file name less than 9 characters can be used.
  • This application will flash the image at required offset without taking into consideration any overwriting to previously flashed image.
  • It is the responsibility of the user to provide proper offsets.

Test Application

SBL provides a test application to demonstrate booting of multicore application image on A15 and DSP cores.The multicore sample application uses mailbox for inter-processor communication. It is used to validate the multi-core boot-up use case.

Master application sends wake-up message to the DSP slave cores & waits for acknowledgement message from the slave cores in an infinite loop.Each slave DSP core waits for wake-up message from the master core responds back with an acknowledgement message.

Application Image Creation

Application Image creation involves two steps.

  1. Generating the .outs of applications for individual cores
  2. Combining the .outs of individual cores to create a bootable multicore image

The steps to create the bootable image in Linux and Windows environment are listed below.


  • Valid SOC settings are AM571x/AM572x
  • Valid BOARD settings are evmAM572x/idkAM571x/idkAM572x

Linux Environment:

Command to build the test application.

Go to cd (TI_PDK_INSTALL_DIR)\packages\ti\boot\sbl

make example BOARD=<BOARD> SOC=<SOC> to build the application
make example_clean BOARD=<BOARD>


make example BOARD=idkAM572x SOC=AM572x

To create the final bootable application image use the AM57xImageGen script and follow these steps

1. Set the following environment variable in the shell.  BIN_PATH: Pointing to the path where the AppImage needs to be generated

Ex: export BIN_PATH=$(TI_PDK_INSTALL_DIR)/packages/ti/boot/sbl/binary

2. Edit the script file to point to the application elf files by setting the input application variables.

 App_MPU_CPU0: Point to the path where the application .out for A15 MPU is located
 App_DSP1: Point to the path where the dsp core 1 application is located
 App_DSP2: Point to the path where the dsp core 2 application is located
export APP_MPU_CPU0=$(TI_PDK_INSTALL_DIR)/packages/ti/boot/sbl/binary/idkAM572x/example/armv7/bin/sbl_app.out

export APP_DSP1=$(TI_PDK_INSTALL_DIR)/packages/ti/boot/sbl/binary/idkAM572x/example/c66/dsp1/bin/sbl_app.xe66

export APP_DSP2=$(TI_PDK_INSTALL_DIR)/packages/ti/boot/sbl/binary/idkAM572x/example/c66/dsp2/bin/sbl_app.xe663

export APP_IPU1_CPU0=$(TI_PDK_INSTALL_DIR)/packages/ti/boot/sbl/binary/idkAM572x/example/m4/ipu1/bin/sbl_app.xem4

export APP_IPU1_CPU0=$(TI_PDK_INSTALL_DIR)/packages/ti/boot/sbl/binary/idkAM572x/example/m4/ipu2/bin/sbl_app.xem4

3. If it is not required to load an application on specific core leave the variable blank.

  1. Run the script file

5. An application image by name app is created in the path pointed by BIN_PATH variable

6. Copy the Bootlaoder image(MLO) and application(app) in the SD card to boot using MMCSD boot mode.


  • The AM57xImageGen.sh script depends on tools like mono to execute the out2rprc.exe.
  • The linux host environment needs to have this tool installed to execute this script.
  • Refer this link to download the mono tool

Windows environment:

Command to build the test application.

Go to cd (TI_PDK_INSTALL_DIR)\packages\ti\boot\sbl

gmake example BOARD=<BOARD> SOC=<SOC> to build the application
gmake example_clean BOARD=<BOARD>


gmake example BOARD=idkAM572x SOC=AM572x

To create the final bootable application image use the AM57xImageGen script and follow these steps

  1. Set the following environment variable in windows command prompt

BIN_PATH: Pointing to the path where the AppImage needs to be generated

Ex:  set BIN_PATH=%TI_PDK_INSTALL_DIR%\packages\ti\boot\sbl\binary

2. Edit the batch file to point to the application elf files by setting the input application variables.

  App_MPU_CPU0: Point to the path where the application .out for A15 MPU is located
  App_DSP1: Point to the path where the dsp core 1 application is located
  App_DSP2: Point to the path where the dsp core 2 application is located
set App_MPU_CPU0=%TI_PDK_INSTALL_DIR%\packages\ti\boot\sbl\binary\idkAM572x\example\armv7\bin\sbl_app.out

set App_DSP1=%TI_PDK_INSTALL_DIR%\packages\ti\boot\sbl\binary\idkAM572x\example\c66\dsp1\bin\sbl_app.xe66

set App_DSP2=%TI_PDK_INSTALL_DIR%\packages\ti\boot\sbl\binary\idkAM572x\example\c66\dsp2\bin\sbl_app.xe66

set App_IPU1_CPU0=%TI_PDK_INSTALL_DIR%\packages\ti\boot\sbl\binary\idkAM572x\example\m4\ipu1\bin\sbl_app.xem4

set App_IPU2_CPU0=%TI_PDK_INSTALL_DIR%\packages\ti\boot\sbl\binary\idkAM572x\example\m4\ipu2\bin\sbl_app.xem4

3. If it is not required to load an application on specific core leave the variable blank.

  1. Run the batch file
5. Follow the steps 4 to 6 listed above for Linux environment.

Setup Requirements

For information on board specific requirements like power supply, UART console port connections refer the Hardware User guide of the respective boards.

The configurations needed to setup UART console through a serial terminal application on host PC are listed in the next section.

UART Console Setup

PDK SBL prints messages on the UART Serial Console running on the host. Hence, a serial terminal application (like Tera Term/HyperTerminal/minicom) should be running on the host.

The host serial port must be configured at 115200 baud, no parity, 1 stop bit and no flow control.
Please ensure that the local echo setting for the terminal is turned off.

Loading the test application

Follow these steps to load the test application using a SD card on the target

copy the MLO to your SD card (located at %TI_PDK_INSTALL_DIR%packagestibootsblbinary[BOARD]mmcsd)

  1. copy the example app located at path pointed to by BIN_PATH to your SD card
  2. insert your SD card into your board and power on your board
  3. open teraterm to connect to the board’s UART console
  4. press the “Hard Reset” button on your board

On Successful bootup you should see the following logs on the UART console for a AM572x based board.


NOTE MPU Core 0 example does a sequential check of mailbox messages sent from the other cores. On rare occasions, the check happens before the message is sent - the “<core> boot-up Successful” message might not be displayed even though the core(s) were booted successfully.

Application Integration

Memory Map

Table indicated below provides memory map details for SBL image in OCMC_RAM1.  For more details on pinmux and IO delay requirements refer this link Processor SDK Board Support

We recommend that users should refer to the linker command file and the map file for the boot loader to check for latest information on the memory utilization in the boot loader.

Location of linker command file: <PDK_INSTALL_PATH>packagestibootsblboard<BOARD>build

The SBL memory map is shown below



  • After the application boots and is running on the SOC, it is free to use the SBL_MEM region.
  • The pinmux data from the board library and MMU Table are part of the SBL_MEM region indicated in the figure above. If pinmux data needs to be placed at a specific location then users can update the SBL linker command file to add the BOARD_IO_DELAY_CODE and BOARD_IO_DELAY_DATA as described in Application Integration of board library for AM5x

SBL Customization

Changing boot media offsets

The location at which SBL resides on the flash is predefined by the ROM bootloader spec and so these defaults can`t be changed. However the SBL is a user defined bootloader so many of the defaults can easily be modified to meet application requirements. For example the flash offset location from which the bootloader reads the application is configured in the source files located under PDK_INSTALL_PATHpackagestibootsblsrc<BOOT_MEDIA>

Examples of customization that can be changed:

  • QSPI/SPI flash offsets: These offsets are configured in sbl_qspi.c and sbl_spi.c
  • MMCSD: The name of the application is hard coded as app in function SBL_MMCBootImage in the sbl_mmcsd.c

Speeding up boot by increasing speed of the boot interface

The SBL for AM57xx devices uses LLD drivers to read and write from boot media supported. The SBL uses the default SOC configuration of the drivers and the speeds setup. For example, the SPI driver default SPI bitrate is 1 MHz (Refer PDK_INSTALL_PATHpackagestidrvspisrcSPI_drv.c) so if you wish to speed up boot you can update the SPI parameter in the SBL as shown below:

spiParams.bitRate = 24000000U;

The configuration of the driver is usually done in the boot/sbl/soc/<device>/sbl_soc.c file.

  • For SD/MMC: You can configure higher speed and change bus width using MMCSD_v1_HwAttrs_s or MMCSD_v0_HwAttrs_s
  • For QSPI: 2 pin and 4 pin mode, and input frequency is configured using QSPI_HwAttrs in the QSPI driver. Check driver for defaults.

Also, check to see if the CACHE and MMU settings for the ARM core are setup to enable fast boot.

NOTE SYSBOOT settings for AM57xx The SYSBOOT configuration in your hardware using Sitara devices (AM3/AM4/AM5) can play a big role in the time required to boot successfully. On these devices the boot pins configure a boot sequence for the ROM bootloader to check for valid boot image so if you have a preferred boot mode designers are required to use SYSBOOT setup such that the preferred boot media is first in the boot sequence. If the preferred boot media occurs later boot sequence, the boot is likely to add the time required by RBL to check other boot media for an valid image. For example if QSPI is the preferred boot media on your AM57xx hardware then you should have system configure SYSBOOT to boot of QSPI first using SYSBOOT setting for QSPI_1 or QSPI4 for Memory preferred booting or Production booting (Refer: Initialization chapter in TRM).Incorrect SYSBOOT configuration can causes long delays especially if peripheral boot is configured to be one of the preferred boot modes in the boot order

Reducing size of SBL and application

Another way to optimize boot times is to reduce the size of the binary that needs to be loaded by the bootloader by building the app with optimization for code size using -Os (GNU GCC) and for -O<level> when using TI compilers.

Other than compiler based optimizations developers can actively shutdown non-essential modules and features to reduce code size. For example if UART logging is not required or DDR memory is not connected in the system, the initialization functions can be removed to reduce code size.

Usage Notes

  • SBL AVS and ABB setup

AVS and ABB configuration is mandated for normal operation of AM57xx devices. All Processor SDK RTOS releases v3.3 and later contain SBL that sets up AVS and ABB configuration features using PM LLD APIs The complete details of PMIC configuration and AVS and ABB configuration required by the chip for different OPP has been implemented in the file:

PDK_INSTALL_PATHpackagestibootsblboardsrcsbl_avs_config.c If you are using the same PMIC as GP EVM or IDK platform then you can reuse the settings as is in SBL for your custom platform

  • Configuring entry point for SBL

The two key files that help setup the entry point in the SBL build are “sbl/soc/<SOC_NAME>/sbl_init.S” and the linker command file “sbl/soc/<SOC_NAME>/linker.cmd”. The global symbol Entry is used to provide the entry point to the SBL. The Base address of the memory section SBL_MEM is then used by the tiimage and GP Header tool to provide RBL the guidance to find the entry point to pass control. After MLO is created check the TI image format file(MLO or _ti.bin) or the GP Header file to confirm that the entry point matches the location of Entry symbol in the sbl.map

NOTE The object file created by sbl_init.S should always be the first object file in the link order for the symbol Entry to be placed at the BASE address of the memory section SBL_MEM

Debugging application boot

Steps to debug application boot using Processor SDK RTOS bootloader are discussed in the article `Common steps to debug application boot <https://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Processor_SDK_RTOS_Boot#Common_steps_to_debug_application_boot>`__

4.5.3. C66x


C66x SOCs use the Intermediate Boot-Loader (IBL) to initialize and setup the SOC for specific boot modes. The table below illustrates the supported bootmodes:

Boot Mode TMDSEVM6678 TMDXEVM6657
NOR boot via IBL over I2C1 Yes Yes
NAND boot via IBL over I2C1 Yes Yes
TFTP boot via IBL over I2C1 Yes Yes
I2C POST boot2 Yes Yes
Ethernet boot Yes Yes
SRIO boot Yes Yes
PCIe boot Yes Yes


  1. Support boot over I2C bus address 0x51
  2. Support POST boot over I2C bus address 0x50
  3. Only ELF and BBLOB images are supported for booting
  4. IBL is using the first 128KB L2 local memory, any application booting from IBL should NOT use the first 128KB L2 memory, OR should only use the first 128KB L2 memory for uninitialized data section
Please refer to the boot mode dip switch settings for different boot modes on TMDSEVM6678L_EVM, and TMDSEVM6657L_EVM that IBL supports.

Flashing the Bootloader

IBL needs to be flashed into EEPROM address 0x51.

Refer to Processor SDK RTOS Flashing Bootable Images] for instructions on using the script, program_evm.js, to automatically flash your device.

Bootloader Execution Sequence

IBL is flashed into I2C EEPROM bus address 0x51. IBL provides a workaround for the PLL lockup issue (please refer to C6678 errata document, February 2011, advisory 8 for details on the PLL lockup issue). For ROM boot modes (EMAC,SRIO,PCIe,Hyperlink etc) and I2C boot mode with bus address 0x50, DSP will initially boot from I2C EEPROM bus address 0x51 which does the PLL reset workaround, updates the DEVSTAT for appropriate values based on the DIP switch settings (SW3 through SW6 settings) and then re enters the ROM to accomplish the desired boot mode. Please note that the re entry is done for all boot modes except for PCIe boot mode and I2C boot mode with bus address 0x51.

Below are the steps done in the IBL:
  1. FPGA samples the bootmode pins
  2. FPGA forces the DSP to boot via I2C bus address 0x51
  3. PLL is initialized correctly by the IBL on the I2C.
  4. IBL reads the sampled bootmode from an FPGA register.
  5. IBL checks the bootmode, if it is not I2C boot or it is I2C boot but with bus address 0x50, IBL writes bootmode into the DEVSTAT register
  6. IBL then checks if the bootmode is PCIE boot or not. If it is, it executes some PCIE workaround to configure the PCIE registers (mainly to accept spread spectrum clock) and stays inside IBL waiting for PCIe boot.
  7. If it is not PCIE boot mode, IBL writes the Boot ROM entry address into the DSP Program Counter, DSP executes the desired internal ROM boot mode or boot from I2C bus address 0x50 as normal.


The recommended rule-of-thumb to compiling projects in the Processor SDK RTOS package is to use the makefiles provided. The makefiles are usable after setting up your shell/terminal/command prompt environment with the setupenv.bat or setupenv.sh script located in

[SDK Install Path]/processor_sdk_rtos_<platform>_<version>

Refer to Processor SDK RTOS Building the SDK guide on how to setup your environment for building within any of the Processor SDK RTOS packages.

Note: C66x projects are supported by C6000 Code Generation Tools 7.4.x. Make sure your environment variable, C6X_GEN_INSTALL_PATH, is pointing to a valid C6000 compiler. Compiling IBL invokes the C6000 compiler, cl6x, directly. Your PATH variable will need to have $C6X_GEN_INSTALL_PATH/bin.

The IBL package can be found in:

[SDK Install Path]/pdk_<platform>_<version>/packages/ti/boot/ibl

To build:

cd [SDK Install Path]/pdk_<platform>_<version>/packages/ti/boot/ibl/src/make

<IBL_BINARY_NAME> can be of values: evm_c6657_i2c or evm_c6678_i2c. (For C6657 or C6678 platforms, respectively)

<BINARY_ENDIANNESS> can be of values: little or big

I2C_BUS_ADDR specifies the I2C bus address to use, and has to be 0x51 for C66x SOCs to access the EEPROM.

The resulting output will be in [SDK Install Path]/pdk_<platform>_<version>/packages/ti/boot/ibl/src/make/bin directory.

NOTE For developers, who want to build IBL in Windows environment. Please build this using MinGW environment using the instructions provided in the build_instructions.txt that can be found under pdk_c66xx_xx_xxpackagestibootibldocibldoc

Flash Writers

There are three types of flash memory provided with the C66x SOCs: EEPROM, NOR, and NAND. Each of these flash memory can hold bootable application binaries. As such, respective flash writers are provided in:

[SDK Install Path]/pdk_<platform>_<version>/packages/ti/boot/writer

Note: Please set your EVM to NO BOOT mode before loading and running any of the flash writers. Flashing in NO BOOT mode is the safest way since it eliminates any unwarranted interactions with booted applications.


The EEPROM Writer is used to write a binary into the EEPROM memory.


cd [SDK Install Path]/pdk_<platform>_<version>/packages/ti/boot/writer/eeprom/<platform>/build
make all


  1. Set your EVM to NO BOOT. Power on, launch target configuration in CCS, and connect to Core 0. Be sure the GEL file is used and DDR is initialized.
  2. Copy the desired binary you want to flash to [SDK Install Path]/pdk_<platform>_<version>/packages/ti/boot/writer/eeprom/<platform>/bin directory.
  3. Rename the binary you copied in the previous step to “app.bin”.
  4. In CCS, select Core 0 and open the Memory Browser
  5. In the Memory Browser window, right click and select “Load Memory”
  6. Load your app.bin to 0x0C000000. Do so by selecting app.bin for the file, click Next, and input 0x0C000000 for Start Address (Type-size selected should be 32-bit)
  7. Load [SDK Install Path]/pdk_<platform>_<version>/packages/ti/boot/writer/eeprom/<SOC>/bin/eepromwriter_<platform>.out
  8. Run Core 0. This will program the flash memory.

If it succeeds, the console will print “EEPROM programming completed successfully”

NOR Writer

The NOR Writer is used to write a binary into the NOR memory.


cd [SDK Install Path]/pdk_<platform>_<version>/packages/ti/boot/writer/nor/<platform>/build
make all


  1. Set your EVM to NO BOOT. Power on, launch target configuration in CCS, and connect to Core 0. Be sure the GEL file is used and DDR is initialized.
  2. Copy the desired binary you want to flash to [SDK Install Path]/pdk_<platform>_<version>/packages/ti/boot/writer/nor/<platform>/bin directory.
  3. Rename the binary you copied in the previous step to “app.bin”.
  4. In CCS, select Core 0 and open the Memory Browser
  5. In the Memory Browser window, right click and select “Load Memory”
  6. Load your app.bin to 0x80000000. Do so by selecting app.bin for the file, click Next, and input 0x80000000 for Start Address (Type-size selected should be 32-bit)
  7. Load [SDK Install Path]/pdk_<platform>_<version>/packages/ti/boot/writer/nor/<SOC>/bin/norwriter_<platform>.out
  8. Run Core 0. This will program the flash memory.

If it succeeds, the console will print “NOR programming completed successfully”

NAND Writer

The NAND Writer is used to write a binary into the NAND memory.


cd [SDK Install Path]/pdk_<platform>_<version>/packages/ti/boot/writer/nand/<platform>/build
make all


  1. Set your EVM to NO BOOT. Power on, launch target configuration in CCS, and connect to Core 0. Be sure the GEL file is used and DDR is initialized.
  2. Copy the desired binary you want to flash to [SDK Install Path]/pdk_<platform>_<version>/packages/ti/boot/writer/nand/<platform>/bin directory.
  3. Rename the binary you copied in the previous step to “app.bin”.
  4. In CCS, select Core 0 and open the Memory Browser
  5. In the Memory Browser window, right click and select “Load Memory”
  6. Load your app.bin to 0x80000000. Do so by selecting app.bin for the file, click Next, and input 0x80000000 for Start Address (Type-size selected should be 32-bit)
  7. Load [SDK Install Path]/pdk_<platform>_<version>/packages/ti/boot/writer/nand/<SOC>/bin/nandwriter_<platform>.out
  8. Run Core 0. This will program the flash memory.

If it succeeds, the console will print “NAND programming completed successfully”

Boot Modes



NAND boot is a multi-stage process which is designed to boot an application from NAND flash after reset. Figure below illustrates the elements of the NAND boot process.

On reset the DSP starts execution with the bootrom which transfers execution to the secondary bootloader from EEPROM using the I2C slave bus address 0x51. The secondary bootloader loads the application program from NAND flash then transfers control to the application. To execute the NAND bootloader you must ensure the DIP switches for your platform are properly configured for I2C Master Boot and address 0x51, AND the boot parameter index dip switch should be set to 2 or 3.

NAND boot supports multiple images booting. Depending on the boot parameter index dip switch, maximum 2 boot images can be supported. By default NAND boot only supports a BBLOB image format, if the customer wants to boot an ELF image,  the IBL configuration table needs to be modified and re-programmed to EEPROM.

NOR Boot


NOR boot is a multi-stage process which is designed to boot an application from NOR flash after reset. Figure below illustrates the elements of the NOR boot process.

On reset the DSP starts execution with the bootrom which transfers execution to the secondary bootloader from EEPROM using the I2C slave address 0x51. The secondary bootloader loads the application program from NOR flash then transfers control to the application. To execute the NOR bootloader you must ensure the DIP switches for your platform are properly configured for I2C Master Boot and address 0x51, AND the boot parameter index switch should be set to 0 or 1.

NOR boot supports multiple images booting. Depending on the boot parameter index dip switch, maximum 2 boot images can be supported.



EMAC boot is a multi-stage process which is designed to boot an application from TFTP server after reset. Figure below illustrates the elements of the EMAC boot process.

On reset the DSP starts execution with the bootrom which transfers execution to the secondary bootloader from EEPROM using the I2C slave address 0x51. The secondary bootloader loads the application program from a remote TFTP server then transfers control to the application. To execute the EMAC bootloader you must ensure the DIP switches for your platform are properly configured for I2C Master Boot and address 0x51, AND the boot parameter index switch should be set to 4. By default EMAC boot only supports a BBLOB image format, if the customer wants to boot an ELF image, the IBL configuration table needs to be modified and re-programmed to EEPROM.

Updating the IBL Ethernet Configurations

There are two ways to update the IBL ethernet configurations for ethernet boot.

Using CCS

  1. Turn on and connect to your EVM with the appropriate Target Configuration file.
  2. Connect to Core 0.
  3. Go to Run -> Load Program and select i2cparam_0x51_c667#_le_0x500.out located in [SDK Install Path]/pdk_<platform>_<version>/packages/ti/boot/ibl/src/make/bin
  4. Go to Tools -> GEL Files and then right click on GEL Files window and Load the i2cConfig.gel GEL file, located in [SDK Install Path]/pdk_<platform>_<version>/packages/ti/boot/ibl/src/make/bin
  5. Run the program. The following message will be printed on the CCS console: Run the GEL for the SOC to be configured, press return to program the I2C. DO NOT PRESS ENTER UNTIL STEP 6 IS DONE
  6. Run the GEL script”Scripts -> EVM c6678 IBL” -> setConfig_c6678_main.
  7. Now press “Enter” in the CCS console window, and the program will write the boot parameter table to the EEPROM. On success the message “I2c table write complete” will be printed on the CCS console.

Please note that the i2cConfig.gel file can be modified via a text editor before loading and running the script in CCS. Please note that this gel file contains configuration settings for multiple SOCs and multiple boot modes.

Using iblConfig Utility Program

The second way to update the IBL ethernet configurations is to use iblConfig.out. This utility program is located under:

[SDK Install Path]/pdk_<platform>_<version>/packages/ti/boot/ibl/src/util/iblConfig/build

In command line, use “make” with the given Makefile to generate iblConfig.out and input.txt. Please be sure to fill in the parameters for input.txt before running iblConfig.out; below is an example of input.txt:

file_name = ibl.bin
SOC = 6
offset = 0x500
ethBoot-doBootp = TRUE
ethBoot-bootFormat = ibl_BOOT_FORMAT_ELF
ethBoot-ipAddr =
ethBoot-serverIp =
ethBoot-gatewayIp =
ethBoot-netmask =
ethBoot-fileName =

The first 3 parameters must be filled in for iblConfig.out to work:

  • file_name refers to the IBL binary file to update. This file must be in the same directory as iblConfig.out.
  • SOC refers to the SOC being used. Please enter 6 for C6678, and 8 for C6657.
  • offset refers to an offset space in the IBL. The value is 0x500 for C6678, and C6657

The ethernet parameters (the entries beginning with ethBoot) refer to specific ethernet configurations. If they are not specified, they will be defaulted to the values in the [SDK Install Path]/pdk_<platform>_<version>/packages/ti/boot/ibl/src/util/iblConfig/src/SOC.h file. In the example above, the ethernet boot file name will be defaulted to c6678-le.bin when iblConfig.out is run.

After running iblConfig.out and updating the IBL binary, you must flash the modified IBL binary to your EVM. You can do this as part of program_evm (refer to Processor SDK Flashing Bootable Images) or you can flash it individually using eepromwriter (refer to “Flash Writers” section above).
Note: If you updated the IBL with iblConfig and flashed it
with eepromwriter, you should NOT use i2cparam_0x51_c667#_le_0x500.out and iblConfig.gel - this would overwrite the changes you made to the IBL.


cd [SDK Install Path]/pdk_<platform>_<version>/packages/ti/boot/i2c/tftp/<platform>/build
make all


After your IBL ethernet settings are configured correctly and flashed into EEPROM memory, follow these steps to continue the TFTP booting process:

  1. Start a TFTP server on your local PC. Your local PC will be the one sending the image to be booted, so make sure your PC and EVM are connected to the same subnet via ethernet
  2. Copy i2ctftpboot_<platform>.out (refer to compilation step above) to your base TFTP directory
  3. Rename i2ctftpboot_<platform>.out to app.out
  4. Set the IP address of the PC that is running the TFTP server to, since by default IBL will set the EVM IP address to and the TFTP server IP address to
  5. Set EVM to TFTP boot mode and power on the EVM

Your PC will send the application image to the EVM to boot. Open an UART terminal to view the output.


POST (Power On Self Test) Boot is designed to do a quick self-diagnostic upon boot. The POST application itself is located in

[SDK Install Path]/pdk_<platform>_<version>/packages/ti/boot/post

This application should already be compiled and flashed into EEPROM out-of-box. Below instructions are for re-compilation or re-flashing only.


cd [SDK Install Path]/pdk_<platform>_<version>/packages/ti/boot/post/<platform>/build
make all
cd [SDK Install Path]/pdk_<platform>_<version>/packages/ti/boot/post/<platform>/bin

Note: You would need to use post_romparse.bat instead of the *.sh version if your host system is running on Windows.


To flash the POST binary into EEPROM:

  1. Refer to above Flash Writers section on flashing EEPROM memory. The binary you are flashing is “post_i2crom.bin”.
  2. Before running the last step of the EEPROM flashing instruction to run the DSP core, modify the eepromwriter_input.txt to use 0x50 for the bus_addr field. The eepromwriter_input.txt file is located in:
[SDK Install Path]/pdk_<platform>_<version>/packages/ti/boot/writers/eeprom/<SOC>/bin

Configure your EVM’s DIP Switches accordingly to I2C POST BOOT mode. The POST application will be loaded from EEPROM 0x50 and output will be available over the UART serial console.


ETHERNET Boot uses Ethernet sockets to transfer a bootable image from a host to the EVM. After powering on in Ethernet boot mode, the EVM will send BOOTP packets at regular interval - this gives visibility of the MAC ID of the EVM to the network.

Below are instructions on compiling and running an example to send a simple program to the EVM while in Ethernet boot mode.


cd [SDK Install Path]/pdk_<platform>_<version>/packages/ti/boot/examples/ethernet/Utilities
make all
cd [SDK Install Path]/pdk_<platform>_<version>/packages/ti/boot/examples/ethernet/simple
make all


  1. Set the EVM’s DIP switches to Ethernet boot mode. Connect Ethernet cables such that the EVM and your Host PC are on the same network.
  2. Power on the EVM. The EVM will start sending BOOTP packets. Read the packets for the EVM’s MAC ID. You can read the packet by using a network tool such as Wireshark.
  3. On your Host PC, add an ARP entry to associate the EVM’s MAC ID with an IP address on your network.
  4. Use the pcsendpkt utility provided to send the simple.eth program compiled in the compilation step to the EVM.

To use pcsendpkt:

cd [SDK Install Path]/pdk_<platform>_<version>/packages/ti/boot/examples/ethernet/Utilities
pcsendpkt simple.eth <EVM IP ADDRESS>

<EVM IP ADDRESS> is the IP address you assigned the EVM in step 3

Note: If you are on a Linux Host PC, you may need to recompile pcsendpkt locally with GCC

To verify, connect to the EVM’s Core 0 via CCS and check that the A1 register is set to 0x11223344