5.1. SBL Overview¶
5.1.1. Introduction¶
NOTE SBL is an example only and any further optimization and changes in boot flow should be owned by customers
Boot Modes
MMCSD bootloader is required to boot target using an SD card containing bootloader and application images. When the board is powered ON the ROM bootloader detects the MMCSD bootloader image and loads it to the internal memory. The bootloader initializes the board, copies the application image from SD card to the DDR memory and gives control to the application.
A flash device interfaced with OSPI is flashed with OSPI bootloader and application images. When the board is powered ON the ROM bootloader detects the bootloader image from flash device and loads it to the internal memory. The Bootloader initializes the board, copies the application image from OSPI device to the DDR memory and gives control to the application.
A Serial connection is used for transferring the bootloader binary from PC to target board through XMODEM protocol. The bootloader on execution prompts for application image to transfer through XMODEM. On providing the path, the application binary is transferred through serial connection to DDR memory and the control is passed to application to execute.
NOTE For information on boot mode setting, see the applicable EVM Hardware User Guide
Common Steps to debug application boot
Bootloading an application is a system level issue which is impacted by hardware as well as software setup. There are some common steps that users are expected to check while debugging boot related issues. This section discusses common issues to checkout when debugging application boot.
Hardware Debug Steps
Input clocks and power sequencing
- Ensure that correct power sequencing is occurring on your board. Power sequencing specifications can be found in the data manual.
- Check the system clock and ensure this is outputting the expected frequency and the signal is swinging rail to rail (should be a 1.8V signal). If you have an external oscillator, it should be outputting a square wave at the desired frequency. If you are using a crystal , you should have a sine wave at the desired frequency at XTALIN. XTALOUT should be similar (may be distorted a little).
- Check the power on reset signal PORZ. This signal should stay low throughout the power sequencing and go high when the power AND high frequency clock are stable.
- If the device has an OBSCLK or CLKOUT then ensure that this pin provides the correct output that matches your software configurations.
Boot pins:
Best way to confirm what the device ROM bootloader reads from the pins is to read the register where the Boot pins are latched into the device
Boot media connectivity
Users are required to test their boot interface by running boot loader independent diagnostic tests that confirm that the SOC can read and write from the boot interface.
TI Technical documentation like Technical reference manual and Bootloader Application notes list default behavior or the ROM bootloader and limitations and constraints for each boot mode. Application developers need to account for this while designing their system to ensure smooth bring up process.
Signalling on boot media and reset pins
If software and other hardware debug steps have not helped identify the issue, you may need to hook up a scope or protocol analyzer to check the clocks and the data transfers from the boot media to check if there is any issues that can be identified. Another commonly known issue that impacts boot is noise on the power lines which may cause the SOC to reset or cause a hang on the boot core. Provide these scope shots to TI on E2E forums so TI engineers can confirm that there are no issues.
Software Debug Steps
SBL and app Entry points
If you don`t see your bootloader executing post boot, a good sanity check is for you to look at the map file for the bootloader and ensure that the entry point matches with the location in the TI or GPHeader in the boot image. this can be done by looking at the entry point in the MLO/_ti.bin/GPheader and ensure that it matches with the location of symbol Entry in the .out/map file for the bootloader.
SBL and App memory map
The SBL executes from device onchip memory so if your application is also using Onchip memory in addition to DDR memory, developers need to ensure that the code sections in the application do not overlap with memory sections that are used by the SBL. This can cause the SBL to hang during the application boot process and go into an abort state.
To check what memory region is used by the SBL please locate the map file created from building the bootloader.
Flash Programming verification
It is essential to understand that the flash programmer that you use has not just the ability to write the image to flash but should also be able to verify that the image written to flash matches the image that you have created on your host machine. You can use TI flash programming utilities as reference and ensure that the production flashing tools use a method to erase, write and then verify the boot image that is written to the flash.
DDR timings and configuration /SBL
The bootloader ships with DDR clock and timing settings that apply to the external memory devices that have been used in TI evaluation platforms. When running the code on custom platforms, users may be required to change these setting to match the timings required by custom design. We highly recommend that users create a GEL script similar to one provided by TI and test the memory interface with the new settings before using them in the secondary bootloader to setup external memory. provides a mem_test that can be used to test read and writes to the entire DDR address space for confirming the SOC EMIF settings.
Emulator based debugging of boot
The bootloader is like any other application that can be loaded over the emulator and debugged. Steps to connect an emulator to the EVM have been described in the hardware setup guides.
Loading the bootloader over emulator can be very useful step in debugging the system boot. Before generating the final binary for bootloader, the build generates the .out file for the bootloader which is then formatted in a boot format that the ROM bootloader(RBL) can interpret. This .out can be loaded over the emulator similar to any other application. If you load the debug version of the bootloader, you can single step through the code that initializes the SOC and also part of the SBL code that loads the app from the boot media.
NOTE SBL runs from onchip memory so users can load the SBL.out even without using the GEL file but using the GEL sometimes helps with putting the core in a clean state so usage of the GEL is optional
Alternate Approach:
Add a spinlock in SBL main
In some occasions the RBL may load the SBL but there may be some issue that you need to debug in the SBL. In this case you can add a spinlock loop at the start of main in SBL and allow the first stage boot to complete normally and then connect to the core when you connect the core will be held in the spinlock condition waiting for you to connect.
volatile int exitSpinLock = 0;
void Debug_spinLock(void)
while (exitSpinLock == 0) { }
You will then have to “release” the core by toggling the variable which the while loop is blocking on. You can either do this manually by halting CCS, examining the variable in the watch window and then changing the value before continuing execution on the core, or you can use a GEL script.
Use an IO input to stall the core until user input is received:
printf("Hit enter to continue:");
System state at boot failure
A useful data point for TI to debug boot related issues is to isolate commonly known initialization and to understand how far the bootloader has executed correctly before it runs into any issues. Users are required to capture ARM/DSP clocks, Program counter value, Entry points detected, pinmux configuration and confirm DDR initialization and slave core states. This helps minimize the number of variables in the system boot and helps us zero in on the most likely cause for the boot failure.