Build date: 12202018

Release Information

Thank you for your interest in the K2H/K2K Software Development Kit (SDK). If you would like to install the full SDK on a Linux Host computer for development, you’ll need the K2H/K2K Linux SDK Essentials below

Supported Platforms
PlatformSupported DevicesSupported EVMs
K2H66AK2H06, 66AK2H12, 66AK2H1466AK2Hx EVM (EVMK2H)

More Information
If you’d like more information on all of these choices, please refer to the Processor SDK Linux Getting Started Guide (GSG) below or the latest version here. For a complete overview of the SDK, please refer to the Processor SDK Linux Software Developer’s Guide (SDG) below or the latest version here.

PROCESSOR-SDK-LINUX-K2HK Product downloads

Title Description Size
K2H/K2K Linux SDK Essentials
ti-processor-sdk-linux-k2hk-evm- K2H/K2K EVM Linux SDK (64-bit Binary) 3408716K
K2H/K2K Linux SDK Optional Addons
ccs_setup_8.2.0.00007.exe Code Composer Studio IDE for Windows Host
CCS8.2.0.00007_web_linux-x64.tar.gz Code Composer Studio IDE for Linux Host
K2H/K2K Linux SDK Individual Components (all of the below compoonents are bundled within the Linux SDK Essentials package)
Download Linaro Toolchain Standalone Linaro Toolchain - Linaro GCC 7.2.1 2017.11 hard-float toolchain
k2hk-evm-linux-sdk-src- K2H/K2K Linux SDK BSP Source Code 1210576K
k2hk-evm-linux-sdk-bin- K2H/K2K Linux SDK prebuilt BSP binaries and root filesystem 1241152K
K2H/K2K Linux SDK Arago Source Tarball
k2hk-evm-linux-sdk-arago-src- K2H/K2K Linux SDK Arago source downloads 8K
K2H/K2K Linux SDK Documentation
Processor SDK Linux Release Notes Link to Release Notes for Processor SDK Linux
66AK2Hx EVM Quick Start Guide Quick Start Guide that was included in the EVM kit
Processor SDK Linux Getting Started Guide Getting Started Guide
Processor SDK Linux Developer Guide Link to the online Software Developers Guide which has the latest content
Software Manifest Software Manifest of Components Inside the SDK 1708K
K2H/K2K Linux SDK Checksums
md5sum.txt MD5 Checksums 4K
Previous SDK Link
Processor SDK Linux for K2H/K2K v05.01.00.11 Download Link to Processor SDK Linux for K2H/K2K Download Page

Locked Fill in Form. Approved users receive download URL in 1 minute.
Locked Fill in Form. TI will contact you in 1-2+ business days.

For more information

Thu Dec 20 01:34:38 EST 2018