6.1.15. Program the eMMC on Beaglebone Black Overview

This documentation provides the flow and scripts for programming the eMMC on a BeagleBone Black solely via CPSW Ethernet or USB Gadget Mode Ethernet connection to a Linux host PC. This solution will work with a completely blank board / EVM. This solution can be used as a base to create a custom production programming solution.

In order to accomplish this goal, two main objectives need to happen:
  1. Modify the SDK to boot Linux from the eMMC. Most of this can be done using pre-built images provided with the SDK

  2. Use the SDK to build a separate “flasher” image which can be transferred from the host PC via Ethernet or USB to program the above image on to the eMMC

../../../_images/Flash_programming_block_diagram.png What is Needed

  • The most current Processor SDK for Linux installed on an appropriate development system

  • An image to flash. This can be derived from the SDK mentioned above

  • A Linux Filesystem small enough to be peripheral booted, with the functionality needed to do the necessary flashing operation. This can be derived from the SDK mentioned above

  • A Linux host PC to serve as a flashing server

  • A Beaglebone Black

  • A mini-USB or Ethernet cable to connect the Beaglebone Black to the host PC

  • A 5V power supply compatible with the Beaglebone Black

  • A Serial Debug Cable is recommended to monitor U-Boot outputs

  • A configured TFTP Server

  • The following files: Preparing the Flasher Image

Before flashing the eMMC, we need to create the image that will run on the flash.

  1. Populate pre-built U-Boot images from SDK into TFTP folder


    We can use the prebuilt U-Boot images as-is with no modifications needed


    A configured TFTP Server is necessary for this guide. Steps to properly configure a TFTP Server can be found here

    • Copy u-boot-spl.bin-am335x-evm and u-boot-am335x-evm.img files from <Processor-SDK>/board-support/prebuilt-images/ into the root /tftpboot/ folder. /tftpboot/ is often located under /var/lib/

  2. Prepare a rootfs to be used as a “flasher tool”

    • Navigate to <Processor-SDK>/filesystem

    • Extract SDK-provided “tiny” rootfs:

      • Create a directory called arago-tiny-image-am335x-evm under <Processsor-SDK>/filesystem/

      • Create a tarball from the arago-tiny-image-am335x-evm directory called arago-tiny-image-am335x-evm.tar.xz.

        tar -C arago-tiny-image-am335x-evm -xvf arago-tiny-image-am335x-evm.tar.xz
    • Create an /init link pointing to /sbin/init. The Kernel requires this to boot from the initramfs:

      • ln -s /sbin/init arago-tiny-image-am335x-evm/init

    • Verify contents of initramfs root folder:

      • ls -l arago-tiny-image-am335x-evm/

      • init should now be linked to sbin/init

    • Copy provided fetcher.sh script into arago-tiny-image-am335x-evm/etc/init.d/ directory

    • Verify fetcher.sh script has been populated into rootfs:

      • ls -l arago-tiny-image-am335x-evm/etc/init.d/

    • Create a symlink to fetcher.sh into rc5 for automatic startup init runlevel 5:

      • ln -s -r arago-tiny-image-am335x-evm/etc/init.d/fetcher.sh arago-tiny-image-am335x-evm/etc/rc5.d/S99fetcher.sh

    • Verify rc5 configuration for presence of symlink:

      • ls -l arago-tiny-image-am335x-evm/etc/rc5.d/

      • S99fetcher.sh should now be linked to /init.d/fetcher.sh

    • Copy provided interfaces file into arago-tiny-image-am335x-evm/etc/network/


      This Interfaces file disables the automatic bringup of the usb0 interface (i.e., ) and configures it for DHCP (‘iface usb0 inet dhcp’). We want to prevent the automatic bringup because we first want to populate a custom Ethernet HW address via ‘ip link set usb0 address ${MAC_ADDR}’ in fetcher.sh.

  3. Prepare Kernel to be used as a “flasher tool” with baked-in initramfs


    You can choose to follow these steps, or use the provided tisdk_am335x-evm-flasher_defconfig and .config files. In this case, just make a backup copy of the SDK’s original .config file named .config.orig and use the provided .config instead.

    • Copy tisdk_am335x-evm-flasher_defconfig to <Processor-SDK>/board-support/linux-x.xx.xx+gitAUTOINC+be5389fd85-gbe5389fd85/arch/arm/configs/

    • Build device defconfig file

      make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- tisdk_am335x-evm-flasher_defconfig
    • Make a backup copy of .config called .config.orig

    • Edit the current Kernel config using menuconfig as follows:

      make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- menuconfig
      1. Set CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE = <Processor-SDK>/filesystem/arago-tiny-image-am335x-evm

        Select General setup:


        Scroll down to Initial RAM Filesystem and RAM Disk (initramfs/initrd) support and Select it:


        Move down a line to Initramfs source file(s). Select it and fill in the location of the files:


      1. Bake USB gadget Ethernet driver into Kernel (optional, for Ethernet USB gadget mode)

        Use Exit to get back to the beginning of menuconfig. Scroll down and find Device Drivers:


        Scroll down and select USB support:


        Scroll down to USB Gadget support and use the space bar to enable it:


        Use Enter to go further into USB Gadget support. Make sure everything below USB Gadget precomposed configurations is configured like this:


      1. Bake MUSB drivers and anything related needed for AM335x USB into Kernel (optional, for Ethernet USB gadget mode)

        Use Exit to move back to USB support. Use the sapcebar to enable Inventra Highspeed Dual Role Controller:


      1. Set MUSB DMA Mode to “Disable DMA” (optional, for Ethernet USB gadget mode)

        Scroll down to TI DSPS platforms and enable it:


        Scroll down to Disable DMA (always use PIO) and enable it:


      1. Exit menuconfig and save the new configuration

    • Build the Kernel

      • Compile the zImage

        make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- zImage
      • Compile the Device Tree Binary (.dtb)

        make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- am335x-boneblack.dtb
    • Copy <Processor-SDK>/filesystem/arch/arm/boot/zImage to /tftpboot/

    • Copy <Processor-SDK>/filesystem/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack.dtb to root /tftpboot/ directory

    • Copy provided flasher.sh script to root /tftpboot/ directory

  4. Create eMMC boot partition contents archive boot_partition.tar.gz from SDK artifacts in a temporary folder and populate into the TFTP home directory

    • Create a temporary directory called ~/tmp/

    • Copy MLO-am335x-evm and u-boot-am335x-evm.img from <Processor-SDK>/board-support/prebuilt-images/ to the ~/tmp/ directory

    • Rename MLO-am335x-evm to MLO

    • Rename u-boot-am335x-evm.img to u-boot.uimg

    • Create tarball from these files

      tar -cvf boot_partition.tar.gz MLO u-boot.img
    • Copy boot_partition.tar.gz to root directory /tftpboot/

  5. Populate the “base” TI SDK rootfs image for populating the eMMC rootfs into the TFTP gome directory

    • Copy <Processor-SDK>/filesystem/tisdk-base-image-am335x-evm.tar.xz to root /tftpboot/ directory Program the Flash

Now that the flash image has been created we can now flash the EVM


The EVM must be configured properly to boot via Ethernet and a TFTP server must be properly configured to transfer the flash image.

  1. Connect EVM to Linux host machine via Ethernet/USB and Serial Debugging Cable

  2. Open an active console window to monitor bootup messages

  3. Power on EVM and “strike andy key” to halt U-Boot at prompt

  4. Enter command to boot from TFTP server

    dhcp && tftp ${fdtaddr} am335x-boneblack.dtb && env set bootargs
    console=${console} && bootz ${loadaddr} - ${fdtaddr}
  5. The flasher image should boot, run the fetcher.sh script, copy the flasher.sh file, and run it. You should see “Sitara Example Flash Script is complete” if the eMMC was successfully programmed.

  6. Now reboot the board and verify that it boots successfully Troubleshooting

Here are some things to do to debug setup:

  • The flasher.sh script expects to receive files from a TFTP server with IP address Ensure the host has been manually configured to this address.

  • Ensure Toolchain Path has been set before any build commands.

  • Utilize Wireshark to monitor network when things go wrong.

  • If Wireshark is not returning a “BOOTP” request, it is likely the Beaglebone Black has not bee configured to boot via Ethernet or USB. Set SYSBOOT[4:0]=01000b for Ethernet, and SYSBOOT[4:0]=01011b for USB.