1.3. Building the SDKΒΆ

Using the Prebuilt Release Images

SD Card


Booting Android solely from the SD card is not supported in the Processor SDK Android v4.2 release. The SD card should only be used to run U-Boot in order to flash the onboard eMMC.

The prebuilt release image can be found in the ‘board-support/prebuilt-images/’ directory of the Processor SDK Android installation. The create-sdcard.sh script (found in the ‘bin/’ directory of the SDK) will create a bootable SD card using the prebuilt images that you can use to boot your AM572x GP EVM, AM571x IDK, or AM572x IDK.


While the SD card boot method can be useful during development, the recommended setup is to flash the kernel and Android filesystem to the eMMC as described in the next step.


SD card boot is not supported on Android for production environments.

Flashing to onboard eMMC

You can also use the top-level setup.sh script to flash the prebuilt release images to the eMMC of your EVM or IDK.


You will still need to use the create-sdcard.sh script the first time that you flash your board. This will allow you to run u-boot off of the SD card for your first boot and then the flashing procedure will put u-boot into the eMMC (or QSPI on the IDKs) for subsequent boots.

Rebuilding Android from Sources

Build PC setup

You need a 64 bit Ubuntu 14.04 machine for building the Android file system.

Install Pre-requisite packages for building the Android File System Follow instructions from official Android page here for setting up the packages required for building Android.

Use the following command to install the same packages that were used during the SDK development process:

sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 lib32ncurses5-dev x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32z-dev ccache libgl1-mesa-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc unzip openjdk-7-jdk lzop bc u-boot-tools

Proxy/Firewall If you are behind proxy/firewall, workaround it using the instructions in [1]. For installing repo make sure you also export https_proxy environment variable.

repo tool Google’s repo tool is used to clone all of the git repositories that you need to rebuild the full Android filesystem from source. A copy of the repo tool is provided in the Processor SDK Android in the board-support/aosp-6AM.1.3/.repo/repo/ directory. Instructions to use the repo tool are provided below in this guide.

Tool Chain for building Kernel and Drivers The Kernel and Driver sources are built using the Android linux-x86 toolchain for ARM GNU/Linux version . This tool chain is provided in the android-devkit directory of the SDK.

A note on Host binaries of Marshmallow Host binaries like simg2img, make_exr4fs etc.. that are built in Android M needs shared libraries now. You might see errors like below when trying to use those binaries

simg2img: error while loading shared libraries: libc++.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

To resolve it, export your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the libraries. Point it to either the daily build or the folder from your build system

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/ti-processor-sdk-android-am57xx-evm-04.00.00.xx/board-support/aosp-6AM1.3/out/host/linux-x86/lib64/

U-Boot, Linux Kernel, and Android Filesystem Sources

Android Filesystem Sources

You can get the Android filesystem sources for this release by using the repo tool along with the provided manifest file.

cd ~/ti-processor-sdk-android-am57xx-evm-04.00.00.xx/board-support/aosp-6AM.1.3/
./repo sync

This command may take several hours as it is cloning hundreds of repositories and checking them out to a specific commit. This will also take up considerable space on your development machine’s hard drive (~70GB).

Note: The repo tool has already been initialized with the manifest file found in board-support/aosp-6AM.1.3/.repo/manifests/aosp-6AM.1.3_manifest.xml. That is why only the ‘repo sync’ command is required above.

TI Hardware Accelerated Graphics and MultiMedia Binaries

Multimedia (DCE) and accelerated graphics binaries are part of Android file system build

U-Boot Sources

The U-Boot sources are included in the Processor Android SDK in the board-support/u-boot-20xx-yy.zz/ directory.

Kernel & Driver Sources

The Linux kernel sources are included in the Processor Android SDK in the board-support/linux-x.y.zz/ directory.

Build Instructions

Setting up build environment

export CROSS_COMPILE=${HOME}/ti-processor-sdk-android-am57xx-evm-04.00.00.xx/android-devkit/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9.x-google/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-


The lzop tool needs to be installed on Linux PC when building Kernel using Android 4.9 toolchain. lzop should have been installed while following the steps in this section of this guide.

Building U-boot sources

The top-level Makefile can be used to build MLO and U-Boot

cd ~/ti-processor-sdk-android-am57xx-evm-04.00.00.xx/
make u-boot

Building Kernel

The top-level Makefile can also be used to build the Linux kernel

cd ~/ti-processor-sdk-android-am57xx-evm-04.00.00.xx/
make linux
make linux-dtbs


If you are making changes to kernel defconfig and need to rebuild SGX kernel module, refer here

Building Android Filesystem (AFS)

Instructions for building Android file system (Processor SDK 4.2 +)


Starting with Processor SDK 4.2, users must build the android kernel image prior to building the Android file system.

cd ~/ti-processor-sdk-android-am57xx-evm-04.00.00.xx/board-support/aosp-.../
export KERNELDIR=~/ti-processor-sdk-android-am57xx-evm-04.00.00.xx/board-support/linux-.../
make -j8 clean
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch am57xevm_full-userdebug
make -j8

See Android Build Tricks for tricks on building Android. Adjust -jX to match your build machine, where X is the number of jobs.

Building SGX Kernel Module

Instructions for rebuilding the SGX kernel module.

cd ~/ti-processor-sdk-android-am57xx-evm-05.../board-support/aosp-.../vendor/ti/dra7xx
git checkout git-ti-com/sgx-km-from-source (ensure Commit ID=63998e4f98ff0122799d4e37f95a5f0c2df2204e)

Then, follow the instructions above to build the android fileystem.

SGX module will be generated at:


Use ADB to push pvrsrvkm.ko file to the /system/lib/modules/ location on the AM57xx target and reboot the board.


If you get an error about the kernel configuration then you may need to go through the steps mentioned above to build the kernel before completing these steps.

Preparing Android Image

Rebuild Android Filesystem (AFS) to include kernel

Copy Kernel Image (This step is for making your kernel to be part of boot.img)

cd ~/ti-processor-sdk-android-am57xx-evm-04.00.00.xx/board-support/aosp-6AM.1.3
cp -v ../linux-4.4.x.../arch/arm/boot/zImage device/ti/am57xevm/kernel

Rebuild AFS to generate update images

cd ~/ti-processor-sdk-android-am57xx-evm-04.00.00.xx/board-support/aosp-6AM.1.3/
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch am57xevm_full-userdebug
rm out/target/product/am57xevm/*.img
rm out/target/product/am57xevm/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img
make -j2

Preparing eMMC binaries/images

cd ~/ti-processor-sdk-android-am57xx-evm-04.00.00.xx/board-support/
mkdir emmc_files
cp -v ./aosp-6AM.1.3/out/target/product/am57xevm/*img emmc_files
cp -v ./aosp-6AM.1.3/device/ti/am57xevm/fastboot.sh emmc_files
cp -v ./aosp-6AM.1.3/out/host/linux-x86/bin/{simg2img,make_ext4fs,mkbootimg,fastboot,adb} emmc_files
cp -v ./aosp-6AM.1.3/out/host/linux-x86/lib64/{libc++.so,libcutils.so,liblog.so,libselinux.so} emmc_files
cp -v ./linux-4.4.x.../arch/arm/boot/zImage emmc_files/kernel
cp -v ./linux-4.4.x.../arch/arm/boot/dts/am57*.dtb emmc_files
cp -v ./u-boot.20xx.yy.../MLO emmc_files/GP_MLO
cp -v ./u-boot.20xx.yy.../MLO emmc_files/
cp -v ./u-boot.20xx.yy.../u-boot.img emmc_files

Flashing eMMC images

The default setup is to flash MLO and u-boot.img ,kernel, dtb file and AFS to emmc.

  • Instructions are same for AM57x GP EVM and the AM57x IDK boards

Flashing procedure

  • Create an SD card containing MLO and u-boot.img using the create-sdcard.sh script provided in the SDK and then boot the target board from this external SD card.
  • Connect a USB cable from the Linux PC to the micro USB port on the EVM
    • There is only one micro USB port on the AM57x GP EVM
    • On the AM57xx IDK boards you need to connect the micro USB cable to the micro USB port on the opposite side of the (4) RJ-45 connectors (The other micro USB port on the IDK boards is used for serial communication and JTAG).
  • Power on the board and stop the board at u-boot prompt by interrupting with key press
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  3
  • Set the right environment variables for Android SDK and save (This step is needed only for fresh flash, for incremental flashing this is optional)
=> env default -f -a
=> setenv partitions $partitions_android
=> env save
  • Reboot the board and stop it at the u-boot prompt again and put the board into fastboot mode
=> fastboot 1

on the host machine

=> cd ~/ti-processor-sdk-android-am57xx-evm-04.00.00.xx/board-support/emmc_files
=> sudo ./fastboot oem format
=> sudo ./fastboot reboot (reboot and stop the device again in u-boot)


If the emmc_files directory does not exist, you need to following the instructions in the above Preparing eMMC binaries/images section first.

  • Put the board in fastboot mode by typing in below command
=> fastboot 1
  • On the Linux PC which has the emmc images run the fastboot.sh script to flash the binaries
cd ~/ti-processor-sdk-android-am57xx-evm-04.00.00.xx/board-support/emmc_files
sudo ./fastboot.sh
  • NOTE: After the flashing is done, remove the external SD card and reboot the board.