AM263x Motor Control SDK  09.02.00


Top level header that contains all DCL common strctures and functions.

Go to the source code of this file.


#define IEEE754_TYPES
 Defines single,double precision data type. More...
#define _DCL_CODE_ACCESS   static inline
 Defines the scope of dcl functions. More...
#define _DCL_CRIT_ACCESS   static __attribute__((always_inline))
 Defines the scope of critical dcl functions. More...
 Defines volatile for DCL strctures. More...
#define DCL_setBreakPoint()
 Set a software breakpoint assembly instruction. More...
#define DCL_disableInts()   0
 Define enable and disable interrupt operations. More...
#define DCL_restoreInts(v)


typedef float float32_t
typedef double float64_t
typedef uint32_t dcl_interrupt_t