AM243x Motor Control SDK  09.02.00


Defines ZPK3 strcture that represents a third order transfer function of poles and zeros.

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Data Structures

struct  DCL_ZPK3
 Defines the DCL_ZPK3 structure. More...
struct  DCL_ZPK3F64
 Defines the 64bit ZPK3 structure. More...


 Defines default values to initialize the DCL_ZPK3 structure. More...
#define ZPK3F64_DEFAULTS
 Defines default values to initialize the DCL_ZPK3F64 structure. More...


_DCL_CODE_ACCESS bool DCL_isStableZpk3 (DCL_ZPK3 *q)
 Determines stability of a ZPK3 representation by checking pole magnitude. More...
_DCL_CODE_ACCESS bool DCL_isStableZpk3F64 (DCL_ZPK3 *q)
 Determines stability of a ZPK3F64 representation by checking pole magnitude. More...