AM263x Digital Power SDK  09.01.00

Welcome to Digital Power SDK for AM263X. This SDK contains examples, libraries and tools to develop no-RTOS based applications enabling real-time digital power applications, and real-time control libraries for ARM R5F CPU and related peripherals.

This SDK also includes AM263X MCU+ SDK.

Getting Started

To get started, see GETTING STARTED page.

To build examples from MCU+ SDK using CCS projects, user has to add ${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/mcu_plus_sdk path to "Product discovery path" respectively in CCS (from Window->Preferences->Code Composer Studio->Products)

Block Diagram

Given below is a block diagram of the SW modules in this SDK

Software Block Diagram

The main software components in the block diagram specific to digital power are described below

Software Components Documentation Page Description
Reference Designs
TIDM-02009 TIDM-02009 DC/DC Converter This illustrates high level overview for PSFB converter of TIDM-02009 reference design and its benchmark results.
Real Time Libraries
Digital Control Library (DCL) Digital Control Library (DCL) Header-only library for digital control applications
Power Measurements Power Measurements Header-only library for power measurements
Software Frequency Response Analyzer Software Frequency Response Analyzer (SFRA) Library(.h, .lib) for software frequency response analyzer
Software Phase Locked Loop Software Phase Locked Loop (SPLL) Header-only library for software phase locked loop for 1phase and 3phase
Datalog Datalog Source based library for datalogging
Exponential Moving Average Exponential Moving Average Header-only library for exponential moving average
Ramp Generator Library Ramp Generator Header-only library for ramp genertaion
Examples Examples Examples and reference designs illustrating use of AM263x features and real-time libraries for digital power applications (no-RTOS)

For details on software components of MCU+ SDK, please refer to AM263X MCU+ SDK.

Directory Structure

Given below is an overview of the directory structure to help you navigate the SDK and related tools.

Folder/Files Description
README_FIRST_AM263X.html Open this file in a web browser to reach this user guide
makefile Top level makefile to build the whole SDK using "make"
imports.mak Top level makefile to list paths to dependent tools
docs/ Offline browseable HTML documentation
examples/ Example applications for AM263X control card
source/ Real-time libraries
mcu_plus_sdk/ MCU+ SDK

Given below are the paths where the different tools needed outside the SDK, like CCS, SysConfig are installed by default in Windows. In Linux, the tools are installed by default in ${HOME}/ti.

Folder/Files Description
C:/ti/ccs1250 Code composer studio
C:/ti/sysconfig_1.18.0 SysConfig. NOTE, SysConfig is also installed as part of CCS at ${CCS_INSTALL_PATH}/ccs/utils/sysconfig_x.x.x
C:/ti/ti-cgt-armllvm_3.2.0.LTS TI ARM CLANG compiler tool chain


The licensing information of this SDK, as well as any third-party components included which are made available under a number of other open-source licenses are enumerated as part of the manifest. A complete manifest along with export control information is detailed here [LINK] and the SDK Software License Agreement (SLA) is here [LINK]

Help and Support

For additional help and support, see

Documentation Credits

This user guide is generated using doxygen, v1.8.20. See