MSP430UltrasonicLibrary  02_20_00_16
Functions | Variables
ussSwLibISR.c File Reference
#include <msp430.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "common/USSGenericRegDef.h"
#include "ussSwLib.h"
#include "USS_Lib_HAL.h"
Include dependency graph for ussSwLibISR.c:


void USS_registerSDHSInterruptCallback (USS_SDHS_Interrupt interruptNum, void function(void))
 The following API registers a function callback to the desired SAPH interrupt vector. More...
void USS_unregisterSDHSInterruptCallback (USS_SDHS_Interrupt interruptNum)
 The following API registers a function callback to the desired SAPH interrupt vector. More...
void USS_registerSAPHInterruptCallback (USS_SAPH_Interrupt interruptNum, void function(void))
 The following API registers a function callback to the desired SAPH interrupt vector. More...
void USS_unregisterSAPHInterruptCallback (USS_SAPH_Interrupt interruptNum)
 The following API unregisters a function callback to the desired SAPH interrupt vector. More...
void USS_registerUUPSInterruptCallback (USS_UUPS_Interrupt interruptNum, void function(void))
 The following API registers a function callback to the desired UUPS interrupt vector. More...
void USS_unregisterUUPSInterruptCallback (USS_UUPS_Interrupt interruptNum)
 The following API unregisters a function callback to the desired UUPS interrupt vector. More...
void USS_registerHSPLLInterruptCallback (USS_HSPLL_Interrupt interruptNum, void function(void))
 The following API registers a function callback to the desired HSPLL interrupt vector. More...
void USS_unregisterHSPLLInterruptCallback (USS_HSPLL_Interrupt interruptNum)
 The following API unregisters a function callback to the desired HSPLL interrupt vector. More...


volatile uint32_t USSSWLIB_USS_interrupt_status =0
 The following variable is used to monitor USS interrupt status this variable combines SAPH, UUPS, HSPLL interrupts as well as a Timer interrupt status. More...

Variable Documentation

§ USSSWLIB_USS_interrupt_status

volatile uint32_t USSSWLIB_USS_interrupt_status =0
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