MSP430UltrasonicLibrary  02_30_00_03
Data Fields
_USS_Meter_Configuration_ Struct Reference

Contains USS SW Lib Meter Configuration. More...

#include <ussSwLib.h>

Data Fields

float volumeScaleFactor
float volumeAddlScaleFactor
float acousticLength
 Acoustic length in usec at room temperature. More...
uint32_t transducerFreq
 Transducer Frequency in Hz. More...

Detailed Description

Contains USS SW Lib Meter Configuration.

Field Documentation

§ volumeScaleFactor

float _USS_Meter_Configuration_::volumeScaleFactor

Volume scale factor (Area x Length) length^3. This value is used by the library to calculate volume flow rate and is converted to iq21 format as follows _IQ21(volumeScaleFactor/1e6). Therefore, to prevent saturation of volumeflow rate calculation volumeScaleFactor should fall beetween this range [-1.024e9 and 1.023e9]

§ volumeAddlScaleFactor

float _USS_Meter_Configuration_::volumeAddlScaleFactor

Volume Additional scale factor. This value is used if the volumeScaleFactor needs to be larger than the defined range.

Referenced by USS_scaleVolumeFlowRate().

§ acousticLength

float _USS_Meter_Configuration_::acousticLength

Acoustic length in usec at room temperature.

§ transducerFreq

uint32_t _USS_Meter_Configuration_::transducerFreq

Transducer Frequency in Hz.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
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