MSP430 DriverLib for MSP430FR2xx_4xx Devices
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void CRC_setSeed (uint16_t baseAddress, uint16_t seed)
 Sets the seed for the CRC. More...
void CRC_set16BitData (uint16_t baseAddress, uint16_t dataIn)
 Sets the 16 bit data to add into the CRC module to generate a new signature. More...
void CRC_set8BitData (uint16_t baseAddress, uint8_t dataIn)
 Sets the 8 bit data to add into the CRC module to generate a new signature. More...
void CRC_set16BitDataReversed (uint16_t baseAddress, uint16_t dataIn)
 Translates the 16 bit data by reversing the bits in each byte and then sets this data to add into the CRC module to generate a new signature. More...
void CRC_set8BitDataReversed (uint16_t baseAddress, uint8_t dataIn)
 Translates the 8 bit data by reversing the bits in each byte and then sets this data to add into the CRC module to generate a new signature. More...
uint16_t CRC_getData (uint16_t baseAddress)
 Returns the value currently in the Data register. More...
uint16_t CRC_getResult (uint16_t baseAddress)
 Returns the value pf the Signature Result. More...
uint16_t CRC_getResultBitsReversed (uint16_t baseAddress)
 Returns the bit-wise reversed format of the Signature Result. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

uint16_t CRC_getData ( uint16_t  baseAddress)

Returns the value currently in the Data register.

This function returns the value currently in the data register. If set in byte bits reversed format, then the translated data would be returned.

baseAddressis the base address of the CRC module.
The value currently in the data register
uint16_t CRC_getResult ( uint16_t  baseAddress)

Returns the value pf the Signature Result.

This function returns the value of the signature result generated by the CRC.

baseAddressis the base address of the CRC module.
The value currently in the data register
uint16_t CRC_getResultBitsReversed ( uint16_t  baseAddress)

Returns the bit-wise reversed format of the Signature Result.

This function returns the bit-wise reversed format of the Signature Result.

baseAddressis the base address of the CRC module.
The bit-wise reversed format of the Signature Result
void CRC_set16BitData ( uint16_t  baseAddress,
uint16_t  dataIn 

Sets the 16 bit data to add into the CRC module to generate a new signature.

This function sets the given data into the CRC module to generate the new signature from the current signature and new data.

baseAddressis the base address of the CRC module.
dataInis the data to be added, through the CRC module, to the signature.
Modified bits are CRCDI of CRCDI register.
void CRC_set16BitDataReversed ( uint16_t  baseAddress,
uint16_t  dataIn 

Translates the 16 bit data by reversing the bits in each byte and then sets this data to add into the CRC module to generate a new signature.

This function first reverses the bits in each byte of the data and then generates the new signature from the current signature and new translated data.

baseAddressis the base address of the CRC module.
dataInis the data to be added, through the CRC module, to the signature.
Modified bits are CRCDIRB of CRCDIRB register.
void CRC_set8BitData ( uint16_t  baseAddress,
uint8_t  dataIn 

Sets the 8 bit data to add into the CRC module to generate a new signature.

This function sets the given data into the CRC module to generate the new signature from the current signature and new data.

baseAddressis the base address of the CRC module.
dataInis the data to be added, through the CRC module, to the signature.
Modified bits are CRCDI of CRCDI register.
void CRC_set8BitDataReversed ( uint16_t  baseAddress,
uint8_t  dataIn 

Translates the 8 bit data by reversing the bits in each byte and then sets this data to add into the CRC module to generate a new signature.

This function first reverses the bits in each byte of the data and then generates the new signature from the current signature and new translated data.

baseAddressis the base address of the CRC module.
dataInis the data to be added, through the CRC module, to the signature.
Modified bits are CRCDIRB of CRCDIRB register.
void CRC_setSeed ( uint16_t  baseAddress,
uint16_t  seed 

Sets the seed for the CRC.

This function sets the seed for the CRC to begin generating a signature with the given seed and all passed data. Using this function resets the CRC signature.

baseAddressis the base address of the CRC module.
seedis the seed for the CRC to start generating a signature from.
Modified bits are CRCINIRES of CRCINIRES register.

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