
The Energy Measurement Design Center (EMDC) is a rapid development tool that enables energy measurement using TI MSP430i20xx and MSP430F67xx Flash-based microcontrollers (MCUs). It includes a graphical user interface (GUI), documentation, software library and examples that can simplify development and accelerate designs for power monitoring and energy measurement in smart grid and building automation applications. Start by dragging and dropping a MCU, voltage sensors, and current sensors into the GUI workspace. Configure the MCU and each sensor according to your system configuration. The GUI will check for errors before generating the source code. Import the code into an IDE and program the MCU. The GUI will allow you to easily calibrate the device and view the results.


Development Kits Support

The following development kits are supported in this release :

Device Support

The following families of devices are supported in this release of Energy Measurement Design Center:

  • MSP430i20xx
  • MSP430F67xx(1)(A)

Software API

For more information on the Energy Measurement Software Library and ADC Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL), see Software Library API Guide.

Technology Guide Overview

Each chapter in the Energy Measurement Technology Guide is introduced briefly below.

Energy Measurement Design Center GUI

Read the Design Center GUI chapter to get started with the rapid development tool that can simplify development and accelerate designs in a wide range of power monitoring and energy measurement applications, including smart grid and building automation, using MSP430 MCUs with 24-bit Sigma Delta ADCs. Using the Design Center, you can configure, calibrate, and view results without writing a single line of code! This chapter includes the following sections:

  • Out-Of-Box Experience: This section describes how to program the required tools, make the connections, and quickly view results using the provided EMDC example projects and example firmware images.
  • Quick Start Guide: This section is intended to provide a very basic and quick overview of how to use the Energy Measurement Design Center (EMDC) to configure a typical energy measurement design (based on the three-phase EVM430-F6779), generate the source code, communicate with the target, and calibrate the system.
  • User’s Guide: This sections is intended to provide more detailed information about the features of the Energy Measurement Design Center.

Communication Protocol Specification

The Communication Protocol Spec chapter introduces the command details and protocol used between EMDC and the target.

Revision History

The Revision History chapter tracks changes in the Energy Measurement Technology Guide and Energy Measurement Software Library.

For More Information