MSPM0G1X0X_G3X0X TI-Driver Library
Data Fields
ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs Struct Reference

ADCMSPM0 Hardware attributes These fields are used by driverlib APIs and therefore must be populated by driverlib macro definitions. Currently the Single channel single conversion and the Repeat single channel conversion are supported. For the other conversion modes, user has to modify or add the needed parameters to below structure. More...

#include <ADCMSPM0.h>

Data Fields

ADC12_Regs * adc
uint8_t adcInputDIO
uint8_t adcInputPincm
uint32_t adcInputPinMux
uint8_t adcPosRefDIO
uint8_t adcPosRefPincm
uint32_t adcPosRefPinMux
uint8_t adcNegRefDIO
uint8_t adcNegRefPincm
uint32_t adcNegRefPinMux
uint8_t adcChannel
uint_fast32_t refVoltage
ADCMSPM0_Reference_Source refSource
uint16_t samplingDuration
ADCMSPM0_Resolution_Bits resolutionBits
ADCMSPM0_Clock_Divider adcClkkDivider
ADCMSPM0_Clock_Select adcClkSelect
ADCMSPM0_Freq_Range adcClkFreqRange
ADCMSPM0_Conversion_Mode conversionMode
ADCMSPM0_Repeat_Conversion_Mode repeatConversionMode
ADCMSPM0_Sampling_Mode samplingMode
ADCMSPM0_Sampling_Trg sampleTrigger
ADCMSPM0_Conv_Data_Format conversionDataFormat
ADCMSPM0_Sample_Timer_Source sampleTimerSrc
ADCMSPM0_Conv_Trig_Src conversionTrigger
ADCMSPM0_HW_Avg adcHWAveraging
ADCMSPM0_AVGD adcHwAvgDenominator
ADCMSPM0_AVGN adcHwAvgNumerator
uint8_t idxMEMCTLx

Detailed Description

ADCMSPM0 Hardware attributes These fields are used by driverlib APIs and therefore must be populated by driverlib macro definitions. Currently the Single channel single conversion and the Repeat single channel conversion are supported. For the other conversion modes, user has to modify or add the needed parameters to below structure.

Field Documentation

§ adc

ADC12_Regs* ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::adc

Base Address of ADC instance

§ adcInputDIO

uint8_t ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::adcInputDIO

DIO that the ADC input is routed to

§ adcInputPincm

uint8_t ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::adcInputPincm

Pincm value for the selected adc input pin

§ adcInputPinMux

uint32_t ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::adcInputPinMux

ADC input pin function

§ adcPosRefDIO

uint8_t ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::adcPosRefDIO

DIO that the ADC positive reference is routed to

§ adcPosRefPincm

uint8_t ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::adcPosRefPincm

Pincm value for the selected adc pos ref pin

§ adcPosRefPinMux

uint32_t ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::adcPosRefPinMux

ADC positive reference pin function

§ adcNegRefDIO

uint8_t ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::adcNegRefDIO

DIO that the ADC negative reference is routed to

§ adcNegRefPincm

uint8_t ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::adcNegRefPincm

Pincm value for the selected adc neg ref pin

§ adcNegRefPinMux

uint32_t ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::adcNegRefPinMux

ADC negative reference pin function

§ adcChannel

uint8_t ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::adcChannel

Internal ADC channel

§ refVoltage

uint_fast32_t ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::refVoltage

Reference voltage in microvolts

§ refSource

ADCMSPM0_Reference_Source ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::refSource

Reference source for the ADC to use

§ samplingDuration

uint16_t ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::samplingDuration

Time the ADC spends sampling, in CLK-cycles.

§ resolutionBits

ADCMSPM0_Resolution_Bits ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::resolutionBits

Resolution of ADC-conversion.

§ adcClkkDivider

ADCMSPM0_Clock_Divider ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::adcClkkDivider

ADC clock divider value

§ adcClkSelect

ADCMSPM0_Clock_Select ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::adcClkSelect

ADC clock source select

§ adcClkFreqRange

ADCMSPM0_Freq_Range ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::adcClkFreqRange

ADC clock freq range

§ conversionMode

ADCMSPM0_Conversion_Mode ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::conversionMode

Mode for ADC

§ conversionStartAddr


Conversion Start Address used as an index for MEMCTLx

§ conversionEndAddr


Conversion End Address used as an index for MEMCTLx

§ repeatConversionMode

ADCMSPM0_Repeat_Conversion_Mode ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::repeatConversionMode

Enable repeat mode for the given conversion mode

§ samplingMode

ADCMSPM0_Sampling_Mode ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::samplingMode

Set the sampling mode to auto or manual

§ sampleTrigger

ADCMSPM0_Sampling_Trg ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::sampleTrigger

Set the sample trigger source to sw or event

§ conversionDataFormat

ADCMSPM0_Conv_Data_Format ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::conversionDataFormat

Set the conversion data format signed or unsigned

§ sampleTimerSrc

ADCMSPM0_Sample_Timer_Source ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::sampleTimerSrc

Set the sample timer source to SCOMP0 or SCOMP1

§ conversionTrigger

ADCMSPM0_Conv_Trig_Src ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::conversionTrigger

Select the adc conversion trigger to auto or with trigger

§ adcHWAveraging

ADCMSPM0_HW_Avg ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::adcHWAveraging

Set the hardware averaging enabled/disabled

§ adcHwAvgDenominator

ADCMSPM0_AVGD ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::adcHwAvgDenominator

Set the hardware averaging denominator

§ adcHwAvgNumerator

ADCMSPM0_AVGN ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::adcHwAvgNumerator

Set the hardware averaging numerator

§ idxMEMCTLx

uint8_t ADCMSPM0_HWAttrs::idxMEMCTLx

MEMCTLx index

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
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