SMBusLibrary  1.0
NWK layer


uint16_t SMBus_NWK_getRxPayloadSize (SMBus *smbus)
 Returns the number of received bytes from last transaction. More...
void SMBus_NWK_startTxTransfer (SMBus *smbus)
 Start the TX transfer process. More...
void SMBus_NWK_startRxTransfer (SMBus *smbus)
 Start the RX transfer process. More...
SMBus_State SMBus_NWK_targetProcessStart (SMBus *smbus, uint8_t addrRw)
 Start callback for SMBus. More...
SMBus_State SMBus_NWK_targetProcessRx (SMBus *smbus, uint8_t data)
 RX callback for SMBus target. More...
SMBus_State SMBus_NWK_targetProcessTx (SMBus *smbus, uint8_t *data)
 TX callback for SMBus target. More...
SMBus_State SMBus_NWK_targetProcessStop (SMBus *smbus)
 Stop callback for SMBus-based protocol. More...
SMBus_State SMBus_NWK_targetProcessTimeout (SMBus *smbus)
 Handles the SMBus protocol when a Timeout error is detected by PHY. More...
SMBus_State SMBus_NWK_controllerProcessRx (SMBus *smbus, uint8_t data)
 RX callback for SMBus controller. More...
SMBus_State SMBus_NWK_controllerProcessTx (SMBus *smbus, uint8_t *data)
 TX callback for SMBus controller. More...
SMBus_State SMBus_NWK_controllerTxDone (SMBus *smbus)
 Process a Done condition, between restarts. More...
SMBus_State SMBus_NWK_controllerProcessStop (SMBus *smbus)
 Process a Stop condition. More...
SMBus_State SMBus_NWK_controllerProcessTimeout (SMBus *smbus)
 Handles the SMBus protocol when a Timeout error is detected by PHY. More...
SMBus_State SMBus_NWK_controllerProcessNACK (SMBus *smbus)
 Handles the SMBus protocol when a NACK. More...
void SMBus_NWK_controllerReset (SMBus *smbus)
 Resets the SMBus network layer. More...
void SMBus_NWK_controllerEnableHostNotify (SMBus *smbus, uint8_t *buff)
 Enable network functions for Host Notify. More...
void SMBus_NWK_controllerDisableHostNotify (SMBus *smbus)
 Disable network functions for Host Notify. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

§ SMBus_NWK_getRxPayloadSize()

uint16_t SMBus_NWK_getRxPayloadSize ( SMBus smbus)

Returns the number of received bytes from last transaction.

smbusPointer to SMBus structure
Number of bytes in the RX buffer. PEC byte is not included.

References SMBus_Ctrl::bits, SMBus::ctrl, SMBus::nwk, SMBus_Ctrl::pecEn, and SMBus_Nwk::rxIndex.

Referenced by SMBus_getRxPayloadAvailable().

§ SMBus_NWK_startTxTransfer()

void SMBus_NWK_startTxTransfer ( SMBus smbus)

§ SMBus_NWK_startRxTransfer()

void SMBus_NWK_startRxTransfer ( SMBus smbus)

Start the RX transfer process.

smbusPointer to SMBus structure

References SMBus_Ctrl::bits, SMBus::ctrl, SMBus_Nwk::eState, SMBus::nwk, SMBus_Ctrl::pecEn, SMBus_Nwk::rxIndex, SMBus_Nwk::rxLen, SMBus_NwkState_RX, SMBus_State_OK, and SMBus::state.

Referenced by SMBus_controllerSendByte(), and SMBus_NWK_controllerTxDone().

§ SMBus_NWK_targetProcessStart()

SMBus_State SMBus_NWK_targetProcessStart ( SMBus smbus,
uint8_t  addrRw 

Start callback for SMBus.

Handles the protocol when a Start is received. Depending on the current state, the start could also mean re-start.

smbusPointer to SMBus structure
addrRwCurrent Address+RW as received by PHY_DL
SMBus_State value as follows:
  • SMBus_State_Target_NotReady : Packet in progress
  • SMBus_State_PECError : Packet was invalid
  • SMBus_State_Target_CmdComplete : restart received after command, process previous packet

References SMBus_Ctrl::bits, SMBus_Status::bits, SMBus_Ctrl::controller, SMBus::ctrl, SMBus_Nwk::currentAddr, SMBus_Nwk::eState, SMBus_Ctrl::hostNotifyEn, SMBus::nwk, SMBus_Status::packOvrErr, SMBus::phy, SMBus_Nwk::rxIndex, SMBus_Nwk::rxLen, SMB_HOST_DEFAULT_ADDRESS, SMBus_NwkState_Idle, SMBus_NwkState_RX, SMBus_NwkState_TX_Resp, SMBus_Phy::SMBus_Phy_i2cBase, SMBus_State_OK, SMBus_State_Target_CmdComplete, SMBus_State_Target_QCMD, SMBus::state, SMBus::status, SMBus_Nwk::txIndex, and SMBus_Nwk::txLen.

Referenced by SMBus_PHY_controllerProcessInt(), and SMBus_PHY_targetProcessInt().

§ SMBus_NWK_targetProcessRx()

SMBus_State SMBus_NWK_targetProcessRx ( SMBus smbus,
uint8_t  data 

RX callback for SMBus target.

Handles the protocol when a reception is requested.

smbusPointer to SMBus structure
dataData byte as received by the PHY layer
SMBus_State value as follows:
  • SMBus_State_OK
  • SMBus_State_Target_NotReady : Packet in progress
  • SMBus_State_Target_FirstByte : First byte (Command) was received
  • SMBus_State_Target_ByteReceived : Data byte (2-n) was received
  • SMBus_State_Target_Error : not expecting RX
  • SMBus_State_Target_NotReady : not ready for RX
  • SMBus_State_DataSizeError : Max packet size exceeded

References SMBus_Ctrl::bits, SMBus_Status::bits, SMBus_Status::byteOvrErr, SMBus_Ctrl::controller, SMBus::ctrl, SMBus_Nwk::currentAddr, SMBus_Nwk::currentCmd, SMBus_Nwk::eState, SMBus_Ctrl::hostNotifyEn, SMBus_Nwk::hostNotifyRxBuffPtr, SMBus::nwk, SMBus_Status::packErr, SMBus_Nwk::rxBuffPtr, SMBus_Nwk::rxIndex, SMBus_Nwk::rxLen, SMBus_Nwk::rxSize, SMB_HOST_DEFAULT_ADDRESS, SMB_MAX_PACKET_SIZE, SMBus_NwkState_Error, SMBus_NwkState_Idle, SMBus_NwkState_RX, SMBus_State_DataSizeError, SMBus_State_OK, SMBus_State_Target_ByteReceived, SMBus_State_Target_Error, SMBus_State_Target_FirstByte, SMBus_State_Target_NotReady, SMBus::state, and SMBus::status.

Referenced by SMBus_PHY_controllerProcessInt(), and SMBus_PHY_targetProcessInt().

§ SMBus_NWK_targetProcessTx()

SMBus_State SMBus_NWK_targetProcessTx ( SMBus smbus,
uint8_t *  data 

TX callback for SMBus target.

Handles the protocol when a transmission is requested.

smbusPointer to SMBus structure
*dataPointer to tranmission byte, must be written with value being sent
SMBus_State value as follows:
  • SMBus_State_OK
  • SMBus_State_Target_NotReady : Buffer not initialized
  • SMBus_State_Target_Error : not expecting TX
  • SMBus_State_Target_NotReady : not ready for TX
  • SMBus_State_DataSizeError : Max packet size exceeded

References SMBus_Ctrl::bits, SMBus_Status::bits, SMBus_Ctrl::controller, SMBus::ctrl, SMBus_Nwk::eState, SMBus::nwk, SMBus_Status::packErr, SMBus_Ctrl::pecEn, SMBus::phy, SMBus_Nwk::recByteTxPtr, RESPONSE_NTR, SMB_MAX_PACKET_SIZE, SMBus_NwkState_Error, SMBus_NwkState_Idle, SMBus_NwkState_TX, SMBus_NwkState_TX_Resp, SMBus_Phy::SMBus_Phy_i2cBase, SMBus_State_DataSizeError, SMBus_State_OK, SMBus_State_Target_Error, SMBus_State_Target_NotReady, SMBus::status, SMBus_Nwk::txBuffPtr, SMBus_Nwk::txIndex, SMBus_Nwk::txLen, and SMBus_Nwk::txSize.

Referenced by SMBus_PHY_targetProcessInt().

§ SMBus_NWK_targetProcessStop()

SMBus_State SMBus_NWK_targetProcessStop ( SMBus smbus)

Stop callback for SMBus-based protocol.

Handles SMus protocol when a stop is detected

smbusPointer to SMBus structure
SMBus_State value as follows:
  • SMBus_State_OK
  • SMBus_State_Target_NotReady : Packet in progress
  • SMBus_State_PECError : Packet was invalid
  • SMBus_State_Target_QCMD : Quick Command was detected
  • SMBus_State_Target_CmdComplete : Stop was detected and packet is ready to process

References SMBus_Ctrl::bits, SMBus_Ctrl::controller, SMBus::ctrl, SMBus_Nwk::currentAddr, SMBus_Nwk::eState, SMBus_Ctrl::hostNotifyEn, SMBus::nwk, SMBus_Nwk::rxIndex, SMB_HOST_DEFAULT_ADDRESS, SMBus_NwkState_Idle, SMBus_NwkState_RX, SMBus_State_Controller_HostNotify, SMBus_State_OK, SMBus_State_Target_CmdComplete, and SMBus_State_Target_QCMD.

Referenced by SMBus_PHY_controllerProcessInt(), and SMBus_PHY_targetProcessInt().

§ SMBus_NWK_targetProcessTimeout()

SMBus_State SMBus_NWK_targetProcessTimeout ( SMBus smbus)

Handles the SMBus protocol when a Timeout error is detected by PHY.

smbusPointer to SMBus structure

References SMBus_Status::bits, SMBus_Nwk::eState, SMBus::nwk, SMBus_NwkState_Idle, SMBus_PHY_disable(), SMBus_PHY_targetEnable(), SMBus_State_TimeOutError, SMBus::status, and SMBus_Status::toErr.

§ SMBus_NWK_controllerProcessRx()

SMBus_State SMBus_NWK_controllerProcessRx ( SMBus smbus,
uint8_t  data 

RX callback for SMBus controller.

Handles the protocol when a reception is requested.

smbusPointer to SMBus structure
dataData byte as received by the PHY layer
SMBus_State value as follows:
  • SMBus_State_OK
  • SMBus_State_Controller_Error : not expecting RX
  • SMBus_State_DataSizeError : Max packet size exceeded, or greater than expected

References SMBus_Ctrl::bits, SMBus_Status::bits, SMBus::ctrl, SMBus_Nwk::eState, SMBus::nwk, SMBus_Status::packErr, SMBus_Ctrl::pecEn, SMBus_Nwk::rxBuffPtr, SMBus_Nwk::rxIndex, SMBus_Nwk::rxLen, SMB_MAX_PACKET_SIZE, SMB_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE, SMBus_NwkState_Error, SMBus_NwkState_RX, SMBus_NwkState_RX_Block_Byte_Count, SMBus_NwkState_RX_Block_Payload, SMBus_PHY_controllerSendStop(), SMBus_State_Controller_Error, SMBus_State_DataSizeError, SMBus::state, and SMBus::status.

Referenced by SMBus_PHY_controllerProcessInt().

§ SMBus_NWK_controllerProcessTx()

SMBus_State SMBus_NWK_controllerProcessTx ( SMBus smbus,
uint8_t *  data 

TX callback for SMBus controller.

Handles the protocol when a transmission is requested.

smbusPointer to SMBus structure
*dataPointer to tranmission byte, must be written with value being sent
SMBus_State value as follows:
  • SMBus_State_OK
  • SMBus_State_Controller_Error : not expecting TX

References SMBus_Ctrl::bits, SMBus::ctrl, SMBus_Nwk::currentCmd, SMBus_Nwk::eState, SMBus::nwk, SMBus_Ctrl::pecEn, SMBus_NwkState_Error, SMBus_NwkState_TX, SMBus_NwkState_TX_Block, SMBus_NwkState_TXHostAlert, SMBus_NwkState_TXQuickCMD, SMBus_State_Controller_Error, SMBus::state, SMBus_Nwk::txBuffPtr, SMBus_Nwk::txIndex, and SMBus_Nwk::txLen.

Referenced by SMBus_PHY_controllerProcessInt(), and SMBus_PHY_targetProcessInt().

§ SMBus_NWK_controllerTxDone()

SMBus_State SMBus_NWK_controllerTxDone ( SMBus smbus)

Process a Done condition, between restarts.

smbusPointer to SMBus structure
Current SMBus_State.

References SMBus::nwk, SMBus_Nwk::rxLen, SMBus_NWK_startRxTransfer(), and SMBus::state.

Referenced by SMBus_PHY_controllerProcessInt(), and SMBus_PHY_targetProcessInt().

§ SMBus_NWK_controllerProcessStop()

SMBus_State SMBus_NWK_controllerProcessStop ( SMBus smbus)

§ SMBus_NWK_controllerProcessTimeout()

SMBus_State SMBus_NWK_controllerProcessTimeout ( SMBus smbus)

Handles the SMBus protocol when a Timeout error is detected by PHY.

smbusPointer to SMBus structure

References SMBus_Status::bits, SMBus_NWK_controllerReset(), SMBus_State_TimeOutError, SMBus::state, SMBus::status, and SMBus_Status::toErr.

Referenced by SMBus_PHY_controllerProcessInt().

§ SMBus_NWK_controllerProcessNACK()

SMBus_State SMBus_NWK_controllerProcessNACK ( SMBus smbus)

Handles the SMBus protocol when a NACK.

smbusPointer to SMBus structure
SMBus_State value as follows:
  • SMBus_State_OK
  • SMBus_State_Controller_NACK

References SMBus_Nwk::eState, SMBus::nwk, SMBus_NwkState_Ending, SMBus_NwkState_Error, SMBus_PHY_controllerSendStop(), SMBus_State_Controller_NACK, SMBus_State_OK, and SMBus::state.

Referenced by SMBus_PHY_controllerProcessInt(), and SMBus_PHY_targetProcessInt().

§ SMBus_NWK_controllerReset()

void SMBus_NWK_controllerReset ( SMBus smbus)

Resets the SMBus network layer.

smbusPointer to SMBus structure

References SMBus_Nwk::eState, SMBus::nwk, SMBus_NwkState_Idle, SMBus_PHY_controllerEnable(), and SMBus_PHY_disable().

Referenced by SMBus_controllerReset(), and SMBus_NWK_controllerProcessTimeout().

§ SMBus_NWK_controllerEnableHostNotify()

void SMBus_NWK_controllerEnableHostNotify ( SMBus smbus,
uint8_t *  buff 

Enable network functions for Host Notify.

smbusPointer to SMBus structure
buffPointer to Host Notify buffer
The new state of controller (see SMBus_controllerProcessInt())

References SMBus_Nwk::hostNotifyRxBuffPtr, and SMBus::nwk.

Referenced by SMBus_controllerEnableHostNotify().

§ SMBus_NWK_controllerDisableHostNotify()

void SMBus_NWK_controllerDisableHostNotify ( SMBus smbus)

Disable network functions for Host Notify.

smbusPointer to SMBus structure
The new state of controller (see SMBus_controllerProcessInt())

Referenced by SMBus_controllerDisableHostNotify().

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