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This document details AUTOSAR BSW Flash module implementation
The Flash Driver provides services for reading, writing, erasing flash memory and Execute-in-Place (XIP) mode for external Flash Device.
The driver supports the following devices:
Device | Flash Protocol | Boards supported |
S28HS512T | XSPI | AM62X_SK, AM62PX |
The main tasks of the FLS driver are:
Please refer the Flash design, which is included as part of CSP.
The Fls Module uses internal OSPI peripheral as the serial bus to transfer data to and from the attached flash device.
Programming of clock source for the flash, is beyond the scope of this document. The Clock programming is taken care by the test application.
1 Fls instance is supported by this driver implementation.
The Fls Driver implementation supports multiple configuration variants (refer section Introduction), the driver expects generated Fls_Cfg.h to be present as (Configuration Folder Structure). Please refer (Build) to specify path to generated configuration. The associated Fls configuration generated files Fls_Cfg.c, and Fls_PBcfg.c to be present as shown (Configuration Folder Structure)
The following section details on the unsupported features and additional features added.
This parameter is the switch between Direct Access Mode (DAC) and Indirect Access Mode (INDAC) used by the OSPI module to communicate with the Flash Device. The Flash will be memory mapped when running in DAC mode, and execution in place will happen directly from flash memory. In INDAC mode, data transfer between system memory and external flash occurs through the internal SRAM.
This parameter is the switch to turn on or off XIP mode. Only XIP Read mode is supported in current driver. XIP mode will only be functional in DAC mode of operation.
This parameter defines the Clock Speed for the OSPI peripheral. The supported clock speeds are as follows:
This parameter is the switch between Double Transfer Rate (DTR) and Single Transfer Rate (STR) for OSPI Flash.
This parameter is the switch to turn on and off PHY mode.
Following features outlined in Specification are not supported:
As noted from the previous MCAL implementation, some of the critical configuration registers could potentially be corrupted by other entities (s/w or h/w). One of the recommended detection methods would be to periodically read-back the configuration and confirm configuration is consistent. The service API defined below shall be implemented to enable this detection
Description | Comments | |
Service Name | Ospi_RegisterReadback | Can potentially be turned OFF (Refer to Design Document provided in CSP) |
Syntax | Ospi_RegisterReadback( P2VAR(CSL_ospi_flash_cfgRegs, AUTOMATIC, SPI_APPL_DATA) RegRbPtr) | E_OK: Register read back has been done, E_NOT_OK: Register read back failed |
Service ID | NA | |
Sync / Async | Sync | |
Reentrancy | Reentrant | |
Parameter in | None | |
Parameters out | RegRbPtr | Pointer to where to store the readback values. If this pointer is NULL_PTR, then the API will return E_NOT_OK. |
Return Value | Std_ReturnType | E_OK, E_NOT_OK |
This API Enable Under/Overflow Interrupts of the hardware unit and returns the status.
Description | Comments | |
Service Name | Fls_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrEnable | Fls_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrEnable Enable Under/Overflow Interrupts of the hardware unit |
Syntax | Fls_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrEnable(uint32 intrFlag) | |
Service ID | NA | |
Sync / Async | Sync | |
Reentrancy | Reentrant | |
Parameter in | intrFlag | Interrupt Enable flag for Underflow=2U Interrupt Enable flag for Overflow=128U |
Parameters out | NA | |
Return Value | Std_ReturnType | E_OK: Interrupt Enabled E_NOT_OK: Interrupt Enable failed |
This API Disable Under/Overflow Interrupts of the hardware unit and returns the status.
Description | Comments | |
Service Name | Fls_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrDisable | Spi_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrDisable Disable Under/Overflow Interrupts of the hardware unit and returns the status. |
Syntax | Fls_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrDisable(uint32 intrFlag) | |
Service ID | NA | |
Sync / Async | Sync | |
Reentrancy | Reentrant | |
Parameter in | intrFlag | Interrupt Disable flag for Underflow=2U Interrupt Disable flag for Overflow=128U |
Parameters out | NA | |
Return Value | Std_ReturnType | E_OK: Interrupt Disabled E_NOT_OK: Interrupt Disabled failed |
This API gets status of Under/Overflow Interrupts of the hardware unit and returns the status.
Description | Comments | |
Service Name | Fls_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrGetStatus | Fls_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrGetStatus gets status of Under/Overflow Interrupts of the hardware unit |
Syntax | Fls_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrGetStatus(uint32 intFlags) | |
Service ID | NA | |
Sync / Async | Sync | |
Reentrancy | Reentrant | |
Parameter in | intrFlag | Interrupt Enable flag |
Parameters out | NA | |
Return Value | ospiIrqstatus | OSPI_NO_EVENT: No underflow event OSPI_EVENT_PENDING: Underflow Event OSPI_STATUS_READ_FAIL: Status read fail |
This API clear Under/Overflow Interrupts of the hardware unit and returns the status.
Description | Comments | |
Service Name | Fls_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrStatusClear | Fls_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrStatusClear clear Under/Overflow Interrupts of the hardware unit and returns the status. |
Syntax | Fls_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrStatusClear(uint32 intrFlag) | |
Service ID | NA | |
Sync / Async | Sync | |
Reentrancy | Reentrant | |
Parameter in | intrFlag | Interrupt Enable flag for Underflow=2U Interrupt Enable flag for Overflow=128U |
Parameters out | NA | |
Return Value | Std_ReturnType | E_OK: Interrupt status clears E_NOT_OK: Interrupt status clear failed |
The driver can have unexpected behavior and loss of functionality if unsupported values are passed into configurator or unsupported combinations are used. Below is a list of such constraints.
The Driver does not register any interrupt service routine(ISR), it’s expected that consumer of this driver registers the required interrupt handler.
The interrupt number associated with instance of the Fls is detailed in TRM. Please refer FlsApp_InterruptConfig() in fls_app_intr test application for reference.
Please note that interrupt implementation is only available when running with INDAC mode. BlankCheck and Compare APIs are not supported with interrupt mode.
The driver doesn't configure the functional clock and power for the Fls modules. It's expected that secondary boot loader(SBL) power-up the required modules. Please refer SBL documentation.
AM62AX, AM62X, AM62PX do not have PHY tune as of now.
Note:PHY Algorithm not validated on SMPU
Current FLS driver uses OSPI, XSPI, and QSPI protocol modes and supports the three NOR Flash devices for all devices (MT35XU512ABA1G12, S28HS512T, and MT25QU512ABB).
If variation to the supported features are needed, user will need to take care to modify the driver to accommodate changes.
Please follow steps detailed in section (Build) to build library or example. Please note that OSPI Boot mode is not applicable for Fls module.
The below Fls Test Applications are available:
Please refer to Configuration Folder Structure on which of the three configuration folders each Fls Test Apllication uses.
Note: Please do a clean build (make -s allclean) when a different configuration folder is used. Each configuration folder header files have different define values.
Please follow steps detailed in section (Build) to build example
Poll Mode - Storage Mode
Test Applications fls_app_dac and fls_app_indac will run as packaged, just build and the executable will be generated.
Interrupt Mode - Storage Mode
Build fls_app_intr and run. Uses different configuration files than Poll Mode, so please build this application on a clean build.
This implementation depends on the DET in order to report development errors and can be turned OFF. Refer section (Development Error Reporting) for detailed error codes.
This implementation requires one level of exclusive access to guard critical sections. Invokes SchM_Enter_Fls_FLS_EXCLUSIVE_AREA_0 (), SchM_Exit_Fls_FLS_EXCLUSIVE_AREA_0 () to enter critical section and exit.
In the example implementation (Driver File Structure SchM_Fls.c) , all the interrupts on CPU are disabled. However, disabling of the enabled Fls interrupt should suffice.
This implementation depends on MemIf module and uses its imported types such as MemIf_JobResultType, MemIf_ModeType and MemIf_StatusType.
This implementation depends on Fee module for callback notification to notify the module environment about job end and job error.
Development errors are reported to the DET using the service Det_ReportError(), when enabled. The driver interface (Fls.h) lists the SID.
Type of Error | Related Error code | Value (Hex) |
API service called with wrong parameter | FLS_E_PARAM_CONFIG | 0x01 |
API service called with wrong parameter | FLS_E_PARAM_ADDRESS | 0x02 |
API service called with wrong parameter | FLS_E_PARAM_LENGTH | 0x03 |
API service called with wrong parameter | FLS_E_PARAM_DATA | 0x04 |
API service used without module initialization | FLS_E_UNINIT | 0x05 |
API called when module is busy | FLS_E_BUSY | 0x06 |
API called with a Null Pointer | FLS_E_PARAM_POINTER | 0x0A |
Transient errors are reported to the DET using the service Det_reportDetTransientFault(). The driver interface (Fls.h) lists the SID.
Type of Error | Related Error code | Value (Hex) |
Flash Erase Failed in HW | FLS_E_ERASE_FAILED | 0x01 |
Flash Write Failed in HW | FLS_E_WRITE_FAILED | 0x02 |
Flash Read Failed in HW | FLS_E_READ_FAILED | 0x03 |
Flash Compare Failed in HW | FLS_E_COMPARE_FAILED | 0x04 |
Expected HW ID not matched | FLS_E_UNEXPECTED_FLASH_ID | 0x05 |
The AUTOSAR BSW Flash Driver specification details the APIs required for Flash Driver. Please refer to (Refer to Design Document provided in CSP) for detailed API description.
Refer API Documentation for details
The example application demonstrates use of Fls module, the list below identifies key steps performed in the example. The configuration file is present at (Configuration Folder Structure).
Polled Storage Mode (fls_app_dac and fls_app_indac)
Interrupt Storage Mode (fls_app_intr)
Performance Measurements
FLS_APP_DAC: ------------------FLS Sample Application - STARTS !!! ------------------ FLS_APP_DAC: Running on J7 ES FLS_APP_DAC: OSPI0 controller will be configured for OSPI/XSPI flash FLS_APP_DAC: FLS spi_test Initiating and Starting. FLS_APP_DAC: Variant - Pre Compile being used !!! FLS_APP_DAC: Configuring Clocks. FLS_APP_DAC: Clock Configured at 166666666Hz FLS MCAL Version Info --------------------- Vendor ID : 44 Module ID : 92 SW Major Version : 10 SW Minor Version : 0 SW Patch Version : 0 FLS_APP_DAC: DATA SIZE TEST is 0x100000 FLS_APP_DAC: Offset is 0x0 FLS_APP_DAC: *****************Writing PHY Tune Data to last sector in memory***************** FLS_APP_DAC: Erasing FLS_APP_DAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_DAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_DAC: Blank Checking FLS_APP_DAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_DAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_DAC: Writing FLS_APP_DAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_DAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_DAC: Write 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 107557 Kbps FLS_APP_DAC: Comparing FLS_APP_DAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_DAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_DAC: *************************Writing PHY Tune Data complete************************* FLS_APP_DAC: Erasing FLS_APP_DAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_DAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_DAC: Blank Checking FLS_APP_DAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_DAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_DAC: Writing FLS_APP_DAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_DAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_DAC: Write 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 2533 Kbps FLS_APP_DAC: Reading FLS_APP_DAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_DAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_DAC: Read 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 40725 Kbps FLS_APP_DAC: Comparing FLS_APP_DAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_DAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_DAC: Reading FLS_APP_DAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_DAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_DAC: Read 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 41341 Kbps FLS_APP_DAC: All tests have passed!
FLS_APP_INDAC: ------------------FLS Sample Application - STARTS !!! ------------------ FLS_APP_INDAC: Running on J7 ES FLS_APP_INDAC: OSPI0 controller will be configured for OSPI/XSPI flash FLS_APP_INDAC: FLS spi_test Initiating and Starting. FLS_APP_INDAC: Variant - Pre Compile being used !!! FLS_APP_INDAC: Configuring Clocks. FLS_APP_INDAC: Clock Configured at 166666666Hz FLS MCAL Version Info --------------------- Vendor ID : 44 Module ID : 92 SW Major Version : 10 SW Minor Version : 0 SW Patch Version : 0 FLS_APP_INDAC: DATA SIZE TEST is 0x100000 FLS_APP_INDAC: Offset is 0x0 FLS_APP_INDAC: Erasing FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INDAC: Blank Checking FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INDAC: Writing FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INDAC: Write 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 8912 Kbps FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel while Erasing FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Error is expected as we are cancelling the operation. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: ERROR FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel while Writing FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Error is expected as we are cancelling the operation. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: ERROR FLS_APP_INDAC: Write 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 53350 Kbps FLS_APP_INDAC: Erasing FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INDAC: Comparing.Expected to fail as data is erased. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress. Det Error reported Module ID 92 Instance ID 0 SID 8 Error ID 8 FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: ERROR FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel while Comparing.Expected to fail as data is erased. FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Error is expected as we are cancelling the operation. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: ERROR FLS_APP_INDAC: Writing to compare again FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INDAC: Write 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 8911 Kbps FLS_APP_INDAC: Comparing FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INDAC: Reading FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INDAC: Read 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 44758 Kbps FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel while Reading FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Error is expected as we are cancelling the operation. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: ERROR FLS_APP_INDAC: Read 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 53349 Kbps FLS_APP_INDAC: .......................Changing mode to DAC....................... FLS_APP_INDAC: Reading FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INDAC: Read 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 20022 Kbps FLS_APP_INDAC: Comparing FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INDAC: ....................Changing mode to INDAC..................... FLS_APP_INDAC: Erasing FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INDAC: Blank Checking FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INDAC: Writing FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INDAC: Write 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 8913 Kbps FLS_APP_INDAC: Reading FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INDAC: Read 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 44756 Kbps FLS_APP_INDAC: Comparing FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel Erase Job FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Error is expected as we are cancelling the operation. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: ERROR FLS_APP_INDAC: Blank Checking after erase cancel-----Expect to fail FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress. Det Error reported Module ID 92 Instance ID 0 SID 10 Error ID 7 FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: ERROR FLS_APP_INDAC: Erasing again FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INDAC: Blank Checking after erase again FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel after Writing FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Error is expected as we are cancelling the operation. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: ERROR FLS_APP_INDAC: Write 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 53350 Kbps FLS_APP_INDAC: Comparing after write cancel---Expect to fail FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress. Det Error reported Module ID 92 Instance ID 0 SID 8 Error ID 8 FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: ERROR FLS_APP_INDAC: Writing again. Will pass FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INDAC: Write 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 8914 Kbps FLS_APP_INDAC: Comparing.Expected to pass since write passed. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INDAC: Erasing FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INDAC: Writing. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INDAC: Write 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 8913 Kbps FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel while Reading FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Error is expected as we are cancelling the operation. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: ERROR FLS_APP_INDAC: Read 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 53349 Kbps FLS_APP_INDAC: Reading again FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INDAC: Read 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 44751 Kbps FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel while Comparing FLS_APP_INDAC: Cancel job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Error is expected as we are cancelling the operation. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: ERROR FLS_APP_INDAC: Comparing again FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INDAC: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INDAC: Changing mode to DAC FLS_APP_INDAC: FLS SPI TEST DONE! FLS_APP_INDAC: Ospi configuration Register Readback values FLS_APP_INDAC: CONFIG_REG : 0x81783881 FLS_APP_INDAC: DEV_INSTR_RD_CONFIG_REG : 0x1e03339d FLS_APP_INDAC: DEV_INSTR_WR_CONFIG_REG : 0x33082 FLS_APP_INDAC: DEV_DELAY_REG : 0x300000a FLS_APP_INDAC: DEV_SIZE_CONFIG_REG : 0x111003 FLS_APP_INDAC: SRAM_PARTITION_CFG_REG : 0x3f FLS_APP_INDAC: DMA_PERIPH_CONFIG_REG : 0x0 FLS_APP_INDAC: MODE_BIT_CONFIG_REG : 0x200 FLS_APP_INDAC: TX_THRESH_REG : 0x1 FLS_APP_INDAC: RX_THRESH_REG : 0x1 FLS_APP_INDAC: PHY_CONFIGURATION_REG : 0x2d0021 FLS_APP_INDAC: All tests have passed!
FLS_APP_INTR: ------------------FLS Sample Application - STARTS !!! ------------------ FLS_APP_INTR: OSPI0 controller will be configured for OSPI/XSPI flash FLS_APP_INTR: FLS spi_test Initiating and Starting. FLS_APP_INTR: Configuring Interrupt. FLS_APP_INTR: Variant - Pre Compile being used !!! FLS_APP_INTR: Configuring Clocks. FLS_APP_INTR: Clock Configured at 166666666Hz FLS MCAL Version Info --------------------- Vendor ID : 44 Module ID : 92 SW Major Version : 10 SW Minor Version : 0 SW Patch Version : 0 FLS_APP_INTR: DATA SIZE TEST is 0x100000 FLS_APP_INTR: Offset is 0x0 FLS_APP_INTR: Erasing FLS_APP_INTR: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INTR: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INTR: Manual comparing erased data FLS_APP_INTR: Calling Read to manually compare FLS_APP_INTR: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INTR: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INTR: Read 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 58417 Kbps FLS_APP_INTR: Manual Comparing is Correct FLS_APP_INTR: Cancel while Writing FLS_APP_INTR: Cancel job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INTR: Error is expected as we are cancelling the operation. FLS_APP_INTR: Job Ends: ERROR FLS_APP_INTR: Write 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 55448 Kbps FLS_APP_INTR: Cancel while Reading FLS_APP_INTR: Cancel job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INTR: Error is expected as we are cancelling the operation. FLS_APP_INTR: Job Ends: ERROR FLS_APP_INTR: Read 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 56766 Kbps FLS_APP_INTR: Erasing FLS_APP_INTR: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INTR: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INTR: Manual comparing erased data FLS_APP_INTR: Calling Read to manually compare FLS_APP_INTR: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INTR: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INTR: Read 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 58439 Kbps FLS_APP_INTR: Manual Comparing is Correct FLS_APP_INTR: Writing Again without Cancel FLS_APP_INTR: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INTR: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INTR: Write 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 13121 Kbps FLS_APP_INTR: Reading without cancel FLS_APP_INTR: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INTR: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INTR: Read 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 58452 Kbps FLS_APP_INTR: Manual Comparing written data FLS_APP_INTR: Calling Read to manually compare FLS_APP_INTR: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_INTR: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_INTR: Read 1048576 bytes at transfer rate 58433 Kbps FLS_APP_INTR: Manual Comparing is Correct FLS_APP_INTR: Changing mode to DAC FLS_APP_INTR: FLS SPI TEST DONE! FLS_APP_INTR: Ospi configuration Register Readback values FLS_APP_INTR: CONFIG_REG : 0x81783881 FLS_APP_INTR: DEV_INSTR_RD_CONFIG_REG : 0x1e03339d FLS_APP_INTR: DEV_INSTR_WR_CONFIG_REG : 0x33082 FLS_APP_INTR: DEV_DELAY_REG : 0x300000a FLS_APP_INTR: DEV_SIZE_CONFIG_REG : 0x111003 FLS_APP_INTR: SRAM_PARTITION_CFG_REG : 0x3f FLS_APP_INTR: DMA_PERIPH_CONFIG_REG : 0x0 FLS_APP_INTR: MODE_BIT_CONFIG_REG : 0x200 FLS_APP_INTR: TX_THRESH_REG : 0x1 FLS_APP_INTR: RX_THRESH_REG : 0x1 FLS_APP_INTR: PHY_CONFIGURATION_REG : 0x2d0021 FLS_APP_INTR: All tests have passed!
FLS_APP_XIP: ------------------FLS Sample Application - STARTS !!! ------------------ FLS_APP_XIP: Running on J7 ES FLS_APP_XIP: FLS spi_test Initiating and Starting. FLS_APP_XIP: Variant - Pre Compile being used !!! FLS_APP_XIP: Configuring Clocks. FLS_APP_XIP: Clock Configured at 166666666Hz FLS MCAL Version Info --------------------- Vendor ID : 44 Module ID : 92 SW Major Version : 1 SW Minor Version : 2 SW Patch Version : 1 FLS_APP_XIP: DATA SIZE TEST is 0x1000 FLS_APP_XIP: Offset is 0x0 FLS_APP_XIP: Erasing FLS_APP_XIP: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_XIP: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_XIP: Blank Checking FLS_APP_XIP: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_XIP: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_XIP: Writing FLS_APP_XIP: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_XIP: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_XIP: Calling XIP app MCU1_0 running MCU1_0 reports: All tests have passed FLS_APP_XIP: Returning from XIP app, returned value is 0xFEEDFACE FLS_APP_XIP: Reading FLS_APP_XIP: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_XIP: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_XIP: Comparing FLS_APP_XIP: Job Processing in Progress. FLS_APP_XIP: Job Ends: SUCCESS FLS_APP_XIP: DONE!