111 #include "Std_Types.h" 116 #include "MemIf_Types.h" 117 #include <SchM_Fls.h> 136 #define FLS_ISR_VOID (0x00U) 138 #define FLS_ISR_CAT1 (0x01U) 140 #define FLS_ISR_CAT2 (0x02U) 150 #define FLS_SW_MAJOR_VERSION (10U) 152 #define FLS_SW_MINOR_VERSION (1U) 154 #define FLS_SW_PATCH_VERSION (0U) 164 #define FLS_AR_RELEASE_MAJOR_VERSION (4U) 166 #define FLS_AR_RELEASE_MINOR_VERSION (3U) 168 #define FLS_AR_RELEASE_REVISION_VERSION (1U) 176 #define FLS_VENDOR_ID ((uint16) 44U) 178 #define FLS_MODULE_ID ((uint16) 92U) 180 #define FLS_INSTANCE_ID ((uint8) 0U) 201 #ifndef FLS_E_PARAM_CONFIG 203 #define FLS_E_PARAM_CONFIG ((uint8) 0x01U) 205 #ifndef FLS_E_PARAM_ADDRESS 207 #define FLS_E_PARAM_ADDRESS ((uint8) 0x02U) 209 #ifndef FLS_E_PARAM_LENGTH 211 #define FLS_E_PARAM_LENGTH ((uint8) 0x03U) 213 #ifndef FLS_E_PARAM_DATA 215 #define FLS_E_PARAM_DATA ((uint8) 0x04U) 219 #define FLS_E_UNINIT ((uint8) 0x05U) 223 #define FLS_E_BUSY ((uint8) 0x06U) 225 #ifndef FLS_E_PARAM_POINTER 227 #define FLS_E_PARAM_POINTER ((uint8) 0x0AU) 229 #ifndef FLS_E_VERIFY_ERASE_FAILED 231 #define FLS_E_VERIFY_ERASE_FAILED ((uint8) 0x07U) 233 #ifndef FLS_E_VERIFY_WRITE_FAILED 235 #define FLS_E_VERIFY_WRITE_FAILED ((uint8) 0x08U) 237 #ifndef FLS_E_TIMEOUT 239 #define FLS_E_TIMEOUT ((uint8) 0x09U) 244 #ifndef FLS_E_ERASE_FAILED 246 #define FLS_E_ERASE_FAILED ((uint8) 0x01U) 248 #ifndef FLS_E_WRITE_FAILED 250 #define FLS_E_WRITE_FAILED ((uint8) 0x02U) 252 #ifndef FLS_E_READ_FAILED 254 #define FLS_E_READ_FAILED ((uint8) 0x03U) 256 #ifndef FLS_E_COMPARE_FAILED 258 #define FLS_E_COMPARE_FAILED ((uint8) 0x04U) 260 #ifndef FLS_E_UNEXPECTED_FLASH_ID 262 #define FLS_E_UNEXPECTED_FLASH_ID ((uint8) 0x05U) 274 #define FLS_SID_INIT ((uint8) 0x00U) 276 #define FLS_SID_ERASE ((uint8) 0x01U) 278 #define FLS_SID_WRITE ((uint8) 0x02U) 280 #define FLS_SID_CANCEL ((uint8) 0x03U) 282 #define FLS_SID_GET_STATUS ((uint8) 0x04U) 284 #define FLS_SID_GET_JOB_RESULT ((uint8) 0x05U) 286 #define FLS_SID_READ ((uint8) 0x07U) 288 #define FLS_SID_COMPARE ((uint8) 0x08U) 290 #define FLS_SID_SET_MODE ((uint8) 0x09U) 292 #define FLS_SID_GET_VERSION_INFO ((uint8) 0x10U) 294 #define FLS_SID_BLANK_CHECK ((uint8) 0x0AU) 296 #define FLS_SID_MAIN_FUNCTION ((uint8) 0x06U) 347 typedef struct Fls_ConfigType_s
395 FUNC(
void, FLS_CODE)
boolean dacEnable,
boolean xipEnable);
496 uint8 *TargetAddressPtr,
Std_ReturnType Fls_GetVersionInfo(Std_VersionInfoType *versioninfo)
This service returns the version information of this module.
uint32 Fls_LengthType
Definition: Fls.h:189
Std_ReturnType Fls_Erase(Fls_AddressType TargetAddress, Fls_LengthType Length)
Erases flash sector(s).
uint64 ospiClkSpeed
Definition: Fls.h:369
boolean dtrEnable
Definition: Fls.h:371
Std_ReturnType Fls_Compare(Fls_AddressType SourceAddress, const uint8 *TargetAddressPtr, Fls_LengthType Length)
Compares the contents of an area of flash memory with that of an application data buffer.
uint32 maxWriteNormalMode
Definition: Fls.h:358
void Fls_Init(const Fls_ConfigType *ConfigPtr)
Initializes the Flash Driver.
Std_ReturnType Fls_BlankCheck(Fls_AddressType Address, Fls_LengthType Length)
The function Fls_BlankCheck shall verify, whether a given memory area has been erased but not (yet) p...
Fls_JobErrorNotifyType Fls_JobErrorNotification
Definition: Fls.h:352
FLS Module Flashable Sectors and pages.
Definition: Fls.h:315
This file contains ISR function declaration for FLS MCAL driver.
MemIf_StatusType Fls_GetStatus(void)
Returns the driver state.
MemIf_JobResultType Fls_GetJobResult(void)
Returns the result of the last job.
Fls_LengthType numberOfSectors
Definition: Fls.h:317
Fls_JobEndNotifyType Fls_JobEndNotification
Definition: Fls.h:349
Std_ReturnType Fls_Read(Fls_AddressType SourceAddress, uint8 *TargetAddressPtr, Fls_LengthType Length)
Reads from flash memory..
uint32 blockSize
Definition: Fls.h:379
uint32 Fls_AddressType
Type of address type.
Definition: Fls.h:188
Number of lines used for OSPI read/write transaction.
Definition: Fls.h:330
uint32 flsBaudRateDiv
Definition: Fls.h:377
void Fls_MainFunction(void)
Performs the processing of jobs.
Std_ReturnType Fls_Write(Fls_AddressType TargetAddress, const uint8 *SourceAddressPtr, Fls_LengthType Length)
Writes one or more complete flash pages.
boolean xipEnable
Definition: Fls.h:367
Fls_LengthType sectorPageSize
Definition: Fls.h:319
void Fls_Cancel(void)
Cancels an ongoing job.
uint32 maxReadNormalMode
Definition: Fls.h:355
This file contains generated pre compile configuration file for FLS MCAL driver.
OSPI_xferLines ospixferlines
Definition: Fls.h:375
boolean phyEnable
Definition: Fls.h:373
boolean dacEnable
Definition: Fls.h:365
Fls_AddressType sectorStartaddress
Definition: Fls.h:323
void Fls_SwitchMode(boolean dacEnable, boolean xipEnable)
Switch Mode of the OSPI Driver Parameters (in) : boolean dacEnable - should DAC mode be enaled or dis...
Fls_LengthType sectorSize
Definition: Fls.h:321
FLS Module Configuration Structure.
Definition: Fls.h:347