AM65x MCU+ SDK  09.01.00

The UDMA driver provides API to program the DMA module of the NAVSS subsystem to setup and initiate DMA transfers.

Features Supported

  • Supports all DMA operations from both instances from all the cores in the SOC except M3F core
  • UDMA block copy for memory to memory transfer
  • PDMA module to initiate transfers to/from PDMA peripherals like UART, McASP, McSPI, ADC, MCAN
  • DMA transfer to/from from native PSIL peripherals like CPSW, SA2UL
  • Event and interrupt management like DMA completion, channel chaining, interrupt sharing using Interrupt Aggregator (IA)
  • Resources management across instances and cores for DMA channels, RX flow, Interrupt Aggregator (IA), Interrupt Routers (IR), Global events, Ring Accelerator (RA)
  • Interaction with DMSC RM module via SCICLIENT for all non-RealTime (NRT) configuration

SysConfig Features

It is strongly recommend to use SysConfig where it is available instead of using direct SW API calls. This will help simplify the SW application and also catch common mistakes early in the development cycle.
  • Selection of UDMA instance
  • Option to skip default global event registration done as part of Udma_init API
  • Option to provide user function for virtual to physical and physical to virtual address translation
  • Ability of add and configure DMA block copy channels
    • Ability to enable interrupt mode for the channel
    • Ability to specify the number of ring entries for the channel
    • Based on above parameters, the SysConfig generated code does below as part of Drivers_open and Drivers_close functions
      • Channel open/close - the handle can be retrieved by the application using g<User_Config_Name>BlkCopyChHandle global variable
      • Set default channel configuration
      • Allocates required ring memories and pass them to channel configuration
      • Register user specified callback when interrupt mode is enabled

Features NOT Supported

  • UDMA driver is not supported for M3F core as the DMSS is present only in the main domain

Important Usage Guidelines

  • UDMA driver doesn't manage/allocate the descriptor and RA memory. The caller need to allocate and provide the required memory.
  • UDMA driver doesn't use any global variables. All the required object memory like channel, driver instance, event etc should be allocated by the caller

NAVSS Overview

The DMA architecture specifies the data structures used by Texas Instruments standard communications modules to facilitate direct memory access (DMA) and to provide a consistent application programming interface (API) to the host software in multi-core devices. The data structures and the API used to manipulate them will be jointly referred to as NAVSS. Frequent tasks are commonly offloaded from the host processor to peripheral hardware to increase system performance. Significant performance gains may result from careful design of the host software and communication module interface. In networking systems, packet transmission and reception are critical tasks. Texas Instruments has developed the NAVSS standard, which is aimed at maximizing the efficiency of interaction between the host software and communications modules.

The Navigator Subsystem (NAVSS hardware) is a container which groups together as much as possible the components which provide the Hardare to Software boundary for data movement control in the system. All of the components which control work handoff (queuing, interrupts, monitoring and debugging) are included in the NAVSS which in turn is located as close as possible to the various host processors to which services are provided. Other DMA components such as DRUs, UTC, and PDMAs exist outside the NAVSS but all are controlled by the root complexes provided in NAVSS.

NAVSS Block Diagram

Unified DMA Controller (UDMA-C)

The Unified DMA 3rd-Party Channel Controller is intended to perform similar (but significantly upgraded) functions to the EDMA Channel Controller engine on previous SoC devices. The UDMA-C module supports the transmission of Transfer Request packets from memory mapped data structures to data channels within UTCs in the system and reception of Transfer Response packets from data channels in UTCs in the system into memory mapped data structures. Up to 512 (configuration specific) third-party.DMA control channels are provided within the UDMA-C. Each control channel corresponds to a single third party DMA data channel in a separate UTC. Transfer Request messages provide transfer parameters which are to be used by the UTC channels to move data in the system (previously implemented as PARAM entries). Transfer Response messages are sent back from the UTC in a one to one relationship with Transfer Request packets and provide an indication of both completion of a data transfer and whether or not any exception or error occurred during the data transfer.

The UDMA-C controller maintains state information for each of its channels which allows Transfer Request packet transmission and Transfer Response packet reception operations to be time division multiplexed between channels in order to share the underlying DMA hardware. An internal DMA scheduler is used to control the ordering and rate at which this multiplexing occurs for the transmission of Transfer Request packets. The ordering and rate of Transfer Response receive operations is directly controlled by the order in which those packets are received on the Rx PSI-L interface.

UDMA-C Block Diagram

UDMA Peripheral (UDMA-P)

The UDMA-P is intended to perform similar (but significantly upgraded) functions as the packet-oriented DMA used on previous SoC devices. The UDMA-P module supports the transmission and reception of various packet types. The UDMA-P is architected to facilitate the segmentation and reassembly of SoC DMA data structure compliant packets to/from smaller data blocks that are natively compatible with the specific requirements of each connected peripheral. Multiple Tx and Rx channels are provided within the DMA which allow multiple segmentation or reassembly operations to be ongoing. The DMA controller maintains state information for each of the channels which allows packet segmentation and reassembly operations to be time division multiplexed between channels in order to share the underlying DMA hardware. An external DMA scheduler is used to control the ordering and rate at which this multiplexing occurs for Transmit operations. The ordering and rate of Receive operations is indirectly controlled by the order in which blocks are pushed into the DMA on the Rx PSI-L interface.

The UDMA-P also supports acting as both a UTC and UDMA-C for its internal channels. Channels in the UDMA-P can be configured to be either Packet-Based or Third-Party channels on a channel by channel basis.

UDMA-P Block Diagram

NAVSS Transfer Overview

Below section describes the high level flow of the driver for the data transfer

Transfer Request (TR) Record

Transfer configuration is specified in the TR record. Size of TR is variable from 16 bytes to 64 bytes. Specified via TR Type in FLAGS field

TR record fields

Below table summarizes different TR types and the transfer type for which they are used

TR Type Descriptrion
Type 0 1D (word0-3)
Type 1 2D (word0-4)
Type 2 3D (word0-6)
Type 3 4D (word0-8)
Type 5 Cache warm (word0-15) (MSMC DRU ONLY)
Type 8 4D Block Copy (word0-15)
Type 9 4D Block Copy with reformatting (word0-15) (MSMC DRU ONLY)
Type 10 2D Block Copy (word0-15)
Type 11 2D Block Copy with reformatting (word0-15) (MSMC DRU ONLY)
Type 15 4D Block Copy with reformatting and indirection (word0-15) (MSMC DRU ONLY)

UDMA Setup/Flow

Below diagram shows the high level flow for the transfer requests from application and driver

UDMA setup TRPD flow

Below diagram shows the UDMA transfer API flow


Additional Documentation

Example Usage

Include the below file to access the APIs

#include <stdio.h>
#include <drivers/udma.h>

Channel Open Example

int32_t retVal;
Udma_ChHandle chHandle = (Udma_ChHandle) &gUdmaChObj;
uint32_t chType;
Udma_ChPrms chPrms;
Udma_ChTxPrms txPrms;
Udma_ChRxPrms rxPrms;
UdmaChPrms_init(&chPrms, chType);
chPrms.fqRingPrms.ringMem = &gTxRingMem[0U];
chPrms.fqRingPrms.elemCnt = 1;
chPrms.fqRingPrms.ringMemSize = chPrms.fqRingPrms.elemCnt * sizeof(uint64_t);
retVal = Udma_chOpen(drvHandle, chHandle, chType, &chPrms);
if(UDMA_SOK != retVal)
printf("[Error] UDMA channel open failed!!\r\n");
/* Config TX channel */
UdmaChTxPrms_init(&txPrms, chType);
retVal = Udma_chConfigTx(chHandle, &txPrms);
if(UDMA_SOK != retVal)
printf("[Error] UDMA TX channel config failed!!\r\n");
/* Config RX channel - which is implicitly paired to TX channel in
* block copy mode */
UdmaChRxPrms_init(&rxPrms, chType);
retVal = Udma_chConfigRx(chHandle, &rxPrms);
if(UDMA_SOK != retVal)
printf("[Error] UDMA RX channel config failed!!\r\n");
/* Channel enable */
retVal = Udma_chEnable(chHandle);
if(UDMA_SOK != retVal)
printf("[Error] UDMA channel enable failed!!\r\n");

Channel Close Example

int32_t retVal;
Udma_ChHandle chHandle = (Udma_ChHandle) &gUdmaChObj;
if(UDMA_SOK != retVal)
printf("[Error] UDMA channel disable failed!!\r\n");
retVal = Udma_chClose(chHandle);
if(UDMA_SOK != retVal)
printf("[Error] UDMA channel close failed!!\r\n");



UDMA TX channel parameters.
Definition: udma_ch.h:272
UDMA channel open parameters.
Definition: udma_ch.h:212
int32_t Udma_chOpen(Udma_DrvHandle drvHandle, Udma_ChHandle chHandle, uint32_t chType, const Udma_ChPrms *chPrms)
UDMA open channel.
int32_t Udma_chEnable(Udma_ChHandle chHandle)
UDMA channel enable API.
void * Udma_ChHandle
UDMA channel handle.
Definition: udma_types.h:67
UDMA RX channel parameters.
Definition: udma_ch.h:345
int32_t Udma_chDisable(Udma_ChHandle chHandle, uint32_t timeout)
UDMA channel teardown and disable API.
Default UDMA channel disable timeout.
Definition: udma_types.h:86
Udma_RingPrms fqRingPrms
Definition: udma_ch.h:252
int32_t Udma_chConfigTx(Udma_ChHandle chHandle, const Udma_ChTxPrms *txPrms)
UDMA configure TX channel.
void UdmaChPrms_init(Udma_ChPrms *chPrms, uint32_t chType)
Udma_ChPrms structure init function.
TR block copy type - TX/RX pair.
Definition: udma_ch.h:127
uint32_t ringMemSize
Definition: udma_ring.h:132
void UdmaChTxPrms_init(Udma_ChTxPrms *txPrms, uint32_t chType)
Udma_ChTxPrms structure init function.
void UdmaChRxPrms_init(Udma_ChRxPrms *rxPrms, uint32_t chType)
Udma_ChRxPrms structure init function.
UDMA Driver API/interface file.
int32_t Udma_chClose(Udma_ChHandle chHandle)
UDMA close channel.
uint32_t elemCnt
Definition: udma_ring.h:143
void * ringMem
Definition: udma_ring.h:125
#define UDMA_SOK
API call successful.
Definition: udma_types.h:97
int32_t Udma_chConfigRx(Udma_ChHandle chHandle, const Udma_ChRxPrms *rxPrms)
UDMA configure RX channel.