EtherCAT Slave1.12.02

◆ EC_API_SLV_PDO_addPadding()

uint32_t EC_API_SLV_PDO_addPadding ( EC_API_SLV_SHandle_t pEcSlaveApi_p,
EC_API_SLV_SPdo_t pPdo_p,
uint8_t  length_p 

Add padding to the PDO.

The process data can be mapped bitwise, however it can lead into alignment issues. This function add a desired padding to the process data.

[in]pEcSlaveApi_pThe pointer to the EtherCAT API instance.
[in]pPdo_pThe pointer to the PDO.
[in]length_pLength of the padding in bits.
uint32_t Returns the API error code.
#include <ecSlvApi.h>
// required variables
uint32_t retVal = 0;
// the Call
retVal = EC_API_SLV_PDO_addPadding(pEcSlaveApi_p, pPdo_p, length_p)
uint32_t EC_API_SLV_PDO_addPadding(EC_API_SLV_SHandle_t *pEcSlaveApi_p, EC_API_SLV_SPdo_t *pPdo_p, uint8_t length_p)
Add padding to the PDO.
Definition: ecSlvApi_ProcDataStub.c:598