EtherCAT Slave1.12.02

◆ EC_API_SLV_CiA402_registerStateMachine()

void EC_API_SLV_CiA402_registerStateMachine ( EC_API_SLV_SHandle_t pEcSlaveApi_p,
void *  pContext_p,
EC_API_SLV_CiA402_CBUsrApplSM_t  cbFunc_p 

Register the CiA402 state machine.

The state sachine is required for controlling the power drive system. This state machine (FSA SM) is different to the EtherCAT communication State machine (ESM). It handles different state, sortetd by the low level power states, the high level power states and the torque enabled states.

[in]pEcSlaveApi_pEtherCAT DTK instance.
[in]pContext_pcallback context
[in]cbFunc_pCiA402 State Machine function.
The DTK has a default CiA402 state machine. This DTK state machine is only used if no function is registered.
#include <ecSlvApi.h>
* // required variables
// the Call
bool(* EC_API_SLV_CiA402_CBUsrApplSM_t)(void *pAppRunCtxt_p)
User defined function. Called as "application Cia402 StateMachine" in MainLoop.
Definition: ecSlvApi.h:848
void EC_API_SLV_CiA402_registerStateMachine(EC_API_SLV_SHandle_t *pEcSlaveApi_p, void *pContext_p, EC_API_SLV_CiA402_CBUsrApplSM_t cbFunc_p)
Register the CiA402 state machine.
Definition: ecSlvApi_CiA402Stub.c:180
struct EC_API_SLV_SHandle EC_API_SLV_SHandle_t
EC_API_SLV_SHandle_t describes the EtherCAT Slave API.
Definition: ecSlvApi.h:157
See also