EtherCAT Slave  1.10.00

◆ EC_API_SLV_cbRegisterStartInputHandler()

void EC_API_SLV_cbRegisterStartInputHandler ( EC_API_SLV_SHandle_t pEcSlaveApi_p,
void *  pContext_p,
EC_API_SLV_CBStartInputHandler_t  cbFunc_p 

This is the function to register a function which starts the input handler.

The function is called in the state transition from PREOP to SAFEOP when all general settings were checked to start the input handler. This function informs the application about the state transition, the application can refuse the state transition when returning an AL Status error code. When returning ALSTATUSCODE_NOERROR, the inputs has to be updated once before return. The return code NOERROR_INWORK can be used, if the application cannot confirm the state transition immediately, in that case the application need to be complete the transition by calling ECAT_StateChange

[in]pEcSlaveApi_pThe pointer to the EtherCAT API instance.
[in]pContext_pstartInputHandler call context
[in]cbFunc_pFunction pointer to the Start Input Handler
#include <ecSlvApi.h>
// the Call
ecSlvCiA402.c, and ecSlvESI.c.
void EC_API_SLV_cbRegisterStartInputHandler(EC_API_SLV_SHandle_t *pEcSlaveApi_p, void *pContext_p, EC_API_SLV_CBStartInputHandler_t cbFunc_p)
This is the function to register a function which starts the input handler.
Definition: ecSlvApi_ESMStub.c:256