AM64x MCU+ SDK  08.02.00
Release Notes 08.01.00

Also refer to individual module pages for more details on each feature, unsupported features, important usage guidelines.
A53 support is applicable for AM64x only. It is NOT applicable for AM243x.
The examples will show usage of SW modules and APIs on a specific CPU instance and OS combination.
Unless noted otherwise, the SW modules would work in both FreeRTOS and NORTOS environment.
Unless noted otherwise, the SW modules would work on any of the R5F's present on the SOC.
Unless noted otherwise, the SW modules would work on all supported EVMs
All SW modules will not work on M4F. M4F support for a module will be explicitly called out.

New in this Release

Feature Module
EtherCAT examples running from On-chip RAM Industrial Communications Toolkit
EtherNet/IP Adapter examples with Device Level Ring Support Industrial Communications Toolkit
Profinet RT and IRT examples Industrial Communications Toolkit
SBL OSPI booting R5F, M4F and Linux on A53 Bootloader
IPC RPMsg with M4F IPC
MMCSD Raw Write/Read support for MMCSD0, eMMC MMCSD
Layer 2 Timesync example CPSW
Layer 2 Switch/Dual-MAC example ICSSG
VLAN,FDB conformance example ICSSG
Crypto SHA and AES examples CRYPTO
FreeRTOS+FAT file system integrated to use in a NO-RTOS environment File System
MMCSD File I/O support for MMCSD0, eMMC using FreeRTOS+FAT MMCSD
SBL MMCSD enabled to boot from SD card using File I/O Bootloader
SBL eMMC booting R5F, M4F and Linux on A53 Bootloader

Device and Validation Information

SOC Supported CPUs EVM Host PC
AM64x R5F, M4F, A53 AM64x GP EVM (referred to as am64x-evm in code) Windows 10 64b or Ubuntu 18.04 64b

Tools, Compiler and Other Open Source SW Module Information

Tools / SW module Supported CPUs Version
Code Composer Studio R5F, M4F, A53 11.0.0
SysConfig R5F, M4F, A53 1.10.0, build 2163
GCC AARCH64 A53 9.2-2019.12
GCC ARM R5F 7-2017-q4-major (AM64x only)
FreeRTOS Kernel R5F, M4F 10.4.3
Tiny USB R5F 0.10.0
LwIP R5F 2.12.2
Security mbedtls R5F mbedtls-3.0.0

Key Features

Experimental Features

Features listed below are early versions and should be considered as "experimental".
Users can evaluate the feature, however the feature is not fully tested at TI side.
TI would not support these feature on public e2e.
Experimental features will be enabled with limited examples and SW modules.
Feature Module
A53 NORTOS support and A53 NORTOS examples DPL, NORTOS
A53 FreeRTOS (single core) support and A53 FreeRTOS examples DPL, FreeRTOS
SBL booting A53 NORTOS Bootloader
GCC support for R5F for limited examples R5F
A53 FreeRTOS on dual core A53 in SMP mode is not supported

OS Kernel

OS Supported CPUs SysConfig Support Key features tested Key features not tested / NOT supported
FreeRTOS Kernel R5F, M4F, A53 NA Task, Task notification, interrupts, semaphores, mutexs, timers, event groups. ROV views in CCS IDE, Task load measurement using FreeRTOS run time statistics APIs. Only single core A53 FreeRTOS is supported. Second core is NOT used.
FreeRTOS POSIX R5F, M4F, A53 NA pthread, mqueue, semaphore, clock -
NO RTOS R5F, M4F, A53 NA See Driver Porting Layer (DPL) below Only single core A53 NORTOS is supported. Second core is NOT used.

Driver Porting Layer (DPL)

Module Supported CPUs SysConfig Support OS support Key features tested Key features not tested / NOT supported
Address Translate M4F YES FreeRTOS, NORTOS Use RAT to allow M4F access to peripheral address space -
Cache R5F, A53 YES FreeRTOS, NORTOS Cache write back, invalidate, enable/disable -
Clock R5F, M4F, A53 YES FreeRTOS, NORTOS Tick timer at user specified resolution, timeouts and delays -
CycleCounter R5F, M4F, A53 NA FreeRTOS, NORTOS Measure CPU cycles using CPU specific internal counters -
Debug R5F, M4F, A53 YES FreeRTOS, NORTOS Logging and assert to any combo of: UART, CCS, shared memory -
Heap R5F, M4F, A53 NA FreeRTOS, NORTOS Create arbitrary heaps in user defined memory segments -
Hwi R5F, M4F, A53 YES FreeRTOS, NORTOS Interrupt register, enable/disable/restore -
MPU R5F, M4F YES FreeRTOS, NORTOS Setup MPU and control access to address space -
MMU A53 YES NORTOS Setup MMU and control access to address space -
Semaphore R5F, M4F, A53 NA FreeRTOS, NORTOS Binary, Counting Semaphore, recursive mutexs with timeout -
Task R5F, M4F, A53 NA FreeRTOS Create, delete tasks -
Timer R5F, M4F, A53 YES FreeRTOS, NORTOS Configure arbitrary timers -
Event R5F, M4F YES FreeRTOS Setting, getting, clearing, and waiting of Event bits -

Secondary Bootloader (SBL)

Module Supported CPUs SysConfig Support OS support Key features tested Key features not tested / NOT supported
Bootloader R5FSS0-0 YES NORTOS Boot modes: OSPI, OSPI XIP, UART, SD. All R5F's, M4F, A53 NORTOS/FreeRTOS/Linux boot. RPRC, multi-core image format, DDR init SBL OSPI XIP for A53

SOC Device Drivers

Peripheral Supported CPUs SysConfig Support Key features tested Key features not tested / NOT supported
ADC R5F YES Single conversion (one-shot mode), interrupt mode, DMA mode Continuous conversion not tested
CRC R5F YES CRC in full CPU mode -
DDR R5F YES Tested LPDDR4 at 400MHz frequency. -
ECAP R5F YES Frequency, Duty cycle, interrupt mode PWM mode not tested
EPWM R5F YES Different Frequency, Duty cycle, interrupt mode, Deadband and chopper module Tripzone module not tested
EQEP R5F YES Signal Frequency and Direction, interrupt mode -
FSI (RX/TX) R5F YES RX, TX, polling, interrupt mode, single/dual lanes -
GPIO R5F, M4F, A53 YES Basic input/output, GPIO as interrupt GPIO as interrupt is not tested for A53.
GTC R5F, A53 NA Enable GTC, setting FID (Frequency indicator) -
I2C R5F, M4F, A53 YES Master mode, basic read/write, polling and interrupt mode Slave mode not supported. M4F not tested due to EVM limitation
IPC Notify R5F, M4F, A53 YES Low latency IPC between RTOS/NORTOS CPUs -
IPC Rpmsg R5F, M4F, A53 YES RPMessage protocol based IPC for all R5F, M4F, A53 running NORTOS/FreeRTOS/Linux -
MCAN R5F YES RX, TX, interrupt and polling mode -
MCSPI R5F, M4F YES Master/Slave mode, basic read/write, polling, interrupt mode DMA mode not supported
MDIO R5F NA Register read/write, link status and link interrupt enable API -
MMCSD R5F YES Raw read/write and file I/O on MMCSD0 eMMC, and MMCSD1 SD. eMMC tested till HS SDR mode (8-bit data, 52 MHz), SD tested till SD HS mode (4-bit, 25 MHz) Interrupt mode not tested
OSPI R5F YES Read direct, Write indirect, Read/Write commands, DMA for read, PHY Mode Interrupt mode not supported
Pinmux R5F, M4F, A53 YES Tested with multiple peripheral pinmuxes -
PRUICSS R5F YES Tested with Ethercat, EtherNet/IP, IO-Link, ICSS-EMAC, HDSL, EnDat -
SOC R5F, M4F, A53 YES lock/unlock MMRs, get CPU clock, CPU name, clock enable, set frequency -
Sciclient R5F, M4F, A53 YES Tested with clock setup, module on/off -
SPINLOCK R5F, M4F, A53 NA Lock, unlock HW spinlocks -
UART R5F, M4F, A53 YES Basic read/write, polling, interrupt mode, HW flow control not tested. DMA mode not supported
UDMA R5F, A53 YES Basic memory copy, SW trigger, Chaining -

Board Device Drivers

Peripheral Supported CPUs SysConfig Support Key features tested Key features not tested
ETHPHY R5F YES Ethernet Phy configuration for EtherCAT Slave example -
Flash R5F YES XSPI, OSPI, QSPI based flash, Octal, Quad mode, DDR mode All vendor flash types not tested
LED R5F, A53 YES GPIO , I2C IO expander based LED control, I2C based industrial LEDs(TPIC2810) -

File System

Module Supported CPUs SysConfig Support OS Support Key features tested Key features not tested
FreeRTOS+FAT R5F YES NORTOS File read, write, create. FAT partition and mounting File I/O with FreeRTOS


Module Supported CPUs SysConfig Support OS Support Key features tested Key features not tested
CMSIS DSP R5F NA FreeRTOS, NORTOS Basic math, complex math, controller, fast math, filtering, Matrix, statistics, transform -

Industrial Communications Toolkit

Module Supported CPUs SysConfig Support OS Support Key features tested Key features not tested
EtherCAT Slave FWHAL R5F NO FreeRTOS Tested with ethercat_slave_beckhoff_ssc_demo example Reset isolation
EtherCAT Slave Evaluation Stack R5F NO FreeRTOS Tested with examples from examples\industrial_comms\ethercat_slave_demo folder -
EtherNet/IP Adapter FWHAL R5F NO FreeRTOS Tested with examples from examples\industrial_comms\ethernetip_adapter_demo folder Multicast Filtering
EtherNet/IP Adapter Evaluation Stack R5F NO FreeRTOS Tested with examples from examples\industrial_comms\ethernetip_adapter_demo folder -
IO-Link Master Evaluation Stack R5F NO FreeRTOS Tested with iolink_master_demo example -
Profinet Device FWHAL R5F NO FreeRTOS Tested with examples from examples\industrial_comms\profinet_device_demo folder MRP
Profinet Device Evaluation Stack R5F NO FreeRTOS Tested with examples from examples\industrial_comms\profinet_device_demo folder -

Motor Control

Module Supported CPUs SysConfig Support OS Support Key features tested Key features not tested
Position Sense HDSL R5F YES FreeRTOS, NORTOS Freerun mode, Sync mode -
Position Sense EnDAT R5F YES FreeRTOS, NORTOS Single channel, Multi channel, Continuous mode -


Module Supported CPUs SysConfig Support OS Support Key features tested Key features not tested
LwIP R5F NO FreeRTOS TCP/UDP IP networking stack, DHCP, ping, TCP iperf, TCP/UDP IP Other LwIP features, performance and memory optimizations pending, more robustness tests pending
Ethernet driver (ENET) R5F NO FreeRTOS Ethernet as port using CPSW and ICSS Ethernet as switch
ICSS-EMAC R5F YES FreeRTOS Tested switch mode with ethernetip_adapter_mii and ethernetip_adapter_rgmii examples EMAC mode, VLAN/Multicast Filtering
ICSS TimeSync R5F NO FreeRTOS Tested with examples from examples\industrial_comms\ethernetip_adapter_demo folder -


Module Supported CPUs SysConfig Support OS Support Key features tested Key features not tested
USB SoC Porting Layer R5F YES FreeRTOS, NORTOS USB 2.0 device mode USB 3.0
USB Device Driver R5F NO FreeRTOS, NORTOS USB 2.0 device mode USB Host driver
TinyUSB Core and CDC Driver R5F NO FreeRTOS, NORTOS USB device with CDC class USB Host, other USB device class drivers


Module Supported CPUs SysConfig Support OS Support Key features tested Key features not tested
Crypto AES SW R5F YES NORTOS AES CBC-128 encryption and decryption, AES CBC-192 encryption and decryption, AES CBC-256 encryption and decryption, AES CMAC-256 single shot and multi-shot, AES CMAC-128 single shot and multi-shot, AES CMAC-192 single shot and multi-shot -
Crypto SHA SW R5F Yes NORTOS SHA 512 single shot and multi-shot, SHA 256 single shot and multi-shot, HMAC SHA-256, HMAC SHA-512, HMAC SHA-1, -
SA2UL RNG R5F Yes NORTOS SA2UL Random number generator -
Crypto SHA HW R5F Yes NORTOS SA2UL Crypto single-shot SHA 512 and 256 -


Module Supported CPUs SysConfig Support OS Support Key features tested Key features not tested
Benchmark demo 4xR5F's YES NORTOS CFFT, FIR and FOC benchmarks ADC/PWM benchmark

Fixed Issues

ID Head Line Module Applicable Releases Applicable Devices Resolution/Comments
MCUSDK-750 Not all pins are supported by SYSCFG. Leads to manual pinmux of ICSSG PRU pins. ICSS 7.3.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x Fixed
MCUSDK-1564 time.h APIs do not work as expected with SBL OSPI SBL, OSPI 7.3.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x When the time.h functions are called from a CCS environment, the implementation uses queries the host PC to get the time. Hence this does not work with a non-CCS (SBL) environment. Clock APIs like ClockP_getTimeUsec should be used instead.
MCUSDK-1598 LWIP: UDP iperf test results in assert due to memory alloc failure LWIP 8.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x NONE
MCUSDK-1599 LWIP: LwIP Stack diagnostics prints like assert and printf are not redirected to DebugP_log, i.e UART terminal LWIP 8.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x look at CCS console for these logs
MCUSDK-1620 A53 NORTOS: A53 Interrupts doesn't work with CCS Reset and Reload DPL 8.1 onwards AM64x Power cycle the EVM before reloading application to A53
MCUSDK-1622 ClockP_start is not allowed from ISR context DPL 7.3.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x Fixed
MCUSDK-1623 A53 NORTOS: Application halts when using Console logs without debug port connected DPL 8.1 onwards AM64x Use UART logs when using booting through SBL
MCUSDK-1629 Timer configuration is not allowed in units of nsecs and does not allow to select different clock source DPL / Timer 7.3.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x Added a new parameter to allow set timer period in units of nsecs and updated SysConfig to allow selecting different timer clock sources
MCUSDK-1637 EtherNet/IP DLR Port 1 Interrupt comes multiple times EtherNet/IP Adapter FWHAL 7.3.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x Fixed an offset calculation in PORT 1 ISR
MCUSDK-1646 16 bits accessed instead of 8 bits while checking for busy_s bit of queue in ICSS EMAC ICSS-EMAC 7.3.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x Changed HW_WR_REG16 to HW_WR_REG8
MCUSDK-1651 In EtherNet/IP DLR, Neighbour Check Requests are sent 4 times instead of 3 EtherNet/IP Adapter FWHAL 7.3.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x Fixed
MCUSDK-1652 Data abort is seen in TimeSync_drvInit function of ICSS TimeSync driver ICSS TimeSync 7.3.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x Add "-mno-unaligned-access" flag for library compilation
MCUSDK-1736 TimeSync_drvDisable API does not work everytime ICSS TimeSync 7.3.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x NONE
MCUSDK-1737 ICSS TimeSync driver tries to create a Hwi with priority 20 ICSS TimeSync 7.3.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x Changed priority to 15
MCUSDK-1743 [EQEP]Incorrect Maximum Limit Check for Pulse Width Period Cycles EQEP 7.3.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x Fixed
MCUSDK-1755 Interrupt callback does not happen for CPSW CPSW 7.3.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x Fixed
MCUSDK-1758 [UART]Read Return Partial Mode is not functional UART 7.3.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x Fixed
MCUSDK-1814 [MCSPI]Transfer Timeout feature is not functional McSPI 7.3.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x Fixed
MCUSDK-1815 [MCSPI]Multi Channel Transfer, Results in Failure McSPI 7.3.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x Enabled FIFO for all channels in case of Multi Channel Transfer.
MCUSDK-1824 A53 DPL: malloc not working with GCC AArch64 compiler DPL 8.0 onwards AM64x Linker command file updates to add symbols to mark heap start and heap end
MCUSDK-1830 [MCSPI]Incorrect channel configuration in slave mode, Results in Failure McSPI 7.3.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x Fixed
MCUSDK-1898 UART Read fails at baud rate greater than 230.4kbps UART 7.3.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x Updated driver and SYSCFG to support baudrate greater than 230.4kbps.
MCUSDK-1907 [MCSPI]Channel number configuration is not 0 in slave mode McSPI 7.3.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x SYSCFG updates to configure channel number always to 0 in SLAVE mode.
MCUSDK-2082 [MCSPI]Master RX Only mode, Slave TX Only Mode transfer is not functional McSPI 7.3.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x Fixed
MCUSDK-1954 PHY delay values for RX and TX are incorrect in Profinet Device FWHAL Profinet Device FWHAL 7.3.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x Fixed
MCUSDK-1980 Change optimization level for ti-arm-clang from O3 to Os Build 7.3.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x Fixed
MCUSDK-2060 Need CMSIS example and benchmark data Bench Mark Demo 7.3.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x Fixed

Known Issues

ID Head Line Module Applicable Releases Applicable Devices Workaround
MCUSDK-626 DMA not working with ADC FIFO 1 ADC 7.3.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x Use ADC FIFO 0
MCUSDK-1016 Semaphore does not function as expected when "post" call is present in multiple ISRs at different priorities DPL 7.3.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x Interrupt nesting should be disabled. SDK disables interrupt nesting by default.
MCUSDK-1572 OSPI: Flash IO and Flash DMA examples fail for AM243x-LP when built from CCS in release mode OSPI 7.3.0 onwards AM243x i. Build via makefile
ii.Try the CCS build in debug mode
iii.Disable phy mode if performance is not concern
iv. Change memcpy version to slow version in CCS Project properties :
Properties->Build->Arm linker->Advanced options->Link-time optimization->choose "small" option for using memcpy slow version.
MCUSDK-2131 EtherCAT Slave increments long frame errors for frames with size less than 2000 bytes EtherCAT Slave FWHAL 7.3.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x -
MCUSDK-2135 Insufficient UDMA TX channels allocated for in Dual-mac mode Enet 8.1.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x Allocate minimum of 2 TX channels(ENET_CFG_TX_CHANNELS_NUM macro) in enet_cfg.h file
MCUSDK-2171 SBL OSPI, SBL Linux (OSPI and eMMC) pauses in between the SBL profiling logs when UART is in interrupt mode. The issue is observed in debug build only. SBL, UART 8.1.0 onwards AM64x, AM243x Change the UART mode to polling mode


ID Head Line Module Reported in Release Applicable Devices Workaround
MCUSDK-208 gmake with -j can sometimes lock up Windows command prompt Build 7.3.0 AM64x, AM243x Use bash for windows as part of git for windows or don't use -j option

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

When migrating from Processor SDK RTOS, see Migration Guides for more details

This section lists changes which could affect user applications developed using older SDK versions. Read this carefully to see if you need to do any changes in your existing application when migrating to this SDK version relative to previous SDK version. Also refer to older SDK version release notes to see changes in earlier SDKs.

Compiler Options

Module Affected API Change Additional Remarks
Release Build - Updated optimization level in release build to 'Os' as part of bug fix MCUSDK-1980. The release build with ti-arm-clang compiler has been updated from 'O3' to 'Os' optimization level. It is recommended that user rebuilds the existing libraries and applications with 'Os' option. This can be done by updating CFLAGS_release in library/example makefiles.


Module Affected API Change Additional Remarks
UART - Added new parameter 'Operational Mode' in UART SYSCFG as part of bug fix MCUSDK-1898. Also removed partial mode configuration in UART ECHO SYSCFG and updated example to receive 8 characters and then echoing back the same.
Industrial Communications Toolkit - EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP and IO-Link examples are moved from ${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/examples/industrial_protocols to ${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/examples/industrial_comms -
Industrial Communications Toolkit - Profinet Device RT examples are moved from ${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/examples/industrial_comms/profinet_device_rt_demo to ${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/examples/profinet_device_demo -

OS Kernel

Module Affected API Change Additional Remarks
Timer TimerP_Params Added new parameter TimerP_Params::periodInNsec to allow to specify timer period in units of nsecs No change needed in existing applications if TimerP_Params_init is being used to init TimerP_Params

SOC Device Drivers

Module Affected API Change Additional Remarks
PRUICSS - Files for PRUICSS are moved from ${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/source/drivers/pruicss/v0 to ${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/source/drivers/pruicss/g_v0 -
PRUICSS PRUICSS_setIcssCfgMiiMode and PRUICSS_setIcssCfgTxFifo These APIs were renamed. Old names were PRUICSS_setIcssgCfgMiiMode and PRUICSS_setIcssgCfgTxFifo. -

Industrial Communications Toolkit

Module Affected API Change Additional Remarks
EtherCAT Slave FWHAL and stack, EtherNet/IP Adapter FWHAL and stack, IO-Link stack and Profinet Device FWHAL - Sources are moved from ${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/source/industrial_protocols to ${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/source/industrial_comms -
SysConfig - Removed the module "Ethernet (ICSS)" and added "EtherNet/IP" and "Profinet" modules in SysConfig. Also removed inclusion of pins which are either not connected appropriately on the board or not required. Any examples using "Ethernet (ICSS)" module in SysConfig will be affected. Any .syscfg file using this module, needs to be updated by removing lines related to "Ethernet (ICSS)" module using text editor and adding "EtherNet/IP" or "Profinet" module using SysConfig GUI.
SysConfig - In "EtherCAT" module, removed inclusion of pins which are either not connected appropriately on the board or not required. Any examples using "EtherCAT" module in SysConfig will be affected. Any .syscfg file using this module, needs to be updated by first removing and then adding this module back using SysConfig GUI.
EtherNet/IP Adapter FWHAL EIP_drvInit Added pruicssHandle in EIP_Handle structure pruicssHandle should be set by user before calling EIP_drvInit API.
Profinet Device FWHAL PN_initDrv Added latchIntConfig in PN_IntConfig structure latchIntConfig should be set by user before calling PN_initDrv API, if ENABLE_LATCH_SUPPORT macro is enabled in ${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/industrial_comms/profinet_device/icss_fwhal/IRT/pnDrvConfig.h or ${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/industrial_comms/profinet_device/icss_fwhal/RT_MRP/pnDrvConfig.h.
ICSS TimeSync TimeSync_reset Added ptpDrvStackReset in TimeSync_Config_t structure ptpDrvStackReset callback function should be provided by the user if a PTP stack reset callback is needed inside TimeSync_reset.