EtherNet/IP™ Adapter  1.04.00
User Reference Manual

◆ EI_API_ADP_setQoS()

uint32_t EI_API_ADP_setQoS ( T *  pAdp_p,
const EI_API_ADP_SQos_t pQoS_p 

Set the current QoS settings (Instance Attribute IDs: 4 - 8).

Function to set the Quality of Service (QoS) settings. The KUNBUS EtherNet/IP stack supports instance attributes 4 - 8, and uses DSCP Scheduled (instance attribute 5) and DSCP Explicit (instance attribute 8) only.

802.1Q tagging (instance attribute 1) and PTP (IEEE 1588, instance attributes 2 and 3) are not supported.
[in]pAdp_pPointer to the adapter.
[in]pQoS_pPointer to structure with the new QoS settings.
EI_API_ADP_EError_t as uint32_t value.
Return values
EI_API_ADP_eERR_QOS_802_1Q_NOT_SUPPORTEDInstance attribute 1 802.1Q Tag Enable unequal 0. 802.1Q tagging not supported.
EI_API_ADP_eERR_QOS_PTP_EVENT_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGEDSCP value for PTP (IEEE 1588) event messages out of range (0 - 63).
EI_API_ADP_eERR_QOS_PTP_GENERAL_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGEDSCP value for PTP (IEEE 1588) general messages out of range (0 - 63).
EI_API_ADP_eERR_QOS_URGENT_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGEDSCP value for CIP transport class 0/1 Urgent priority messages out of range (0 - 63).
EI_API_ADP_eERR_QOS_SCHEDULED_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGEDSCP value for CIP transport class 0/1 Scheduled priority messages out of range (0 - 63).
EI_API_ADP_eERR_QOS_HIGH_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGEDSCP value for CIP transport class 0/1 High priority messages out of range (0 - 63).
EI_API_ADP_eERR_QOS_LOW_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGEDSCP value for CIP transport class 0/1 low priority messages out of range (0 - 63).
EI_API_ADP_eERR_QOS_EXPLICIT_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGEDSCP value for CIP explicit messages (transport class 2/3 and UCMM) and all other EtherNet/IP encapsulation messages out of range (0 - 63).
#include <api/EI_API.h>
uint32_t errCode;
uint8_t numInterfaces = 1;
pEI_API_ADP = EI_API_ADP_new(numInterfaces);
// Set DSCP (Differentiated Service CodePoint, RFC 2474) default values
EI_API_ADP_SQos_t qos = { 0, 59, 47, 55, 47, 43, 31, 27 };
errCode = EI_API_ADP_setQoS(pEI_API_ADP, &qos);
ETHIP_API T * EI_API_ADP_new(uint8_t numInterfaces_p)
Create a new EtherNet/IP adapter.
Definition: EI_API_ADP_main.c:232
ETHIP_API uint32_t EI_API_ADP_setQoS(T *pAdp_p, const EI_API_ADP_SQos_t *pQos_p)
Set the current QoS settings (Instance Attribute IDs: 4 - 8).
Definition: EI_API_ADP_main.c:1844
General QoS attribute parameter collection.
Definition: EI_API_def.h:222
See also