AM64x MCU+ SDK  08.01.00
enet.h File Reference


This file contains the top-level API of the Enet driver.

Go to the source code of this file.


uint32_t Enet_getCoreId (void)
EnetTrace_TraceLevel Enet_setTraceLevel (EnetTrace_TraceLevel level)
 Set global trace level. More...
EnetTrace_TraceLevel Enet_getTraceLevel (void)
 Get current trace level. More...
void Enet_initOsalCfg (EnetOsal_Cfg *osalCfg)
 Initialize OSAL configuration. More...
void Enet_initUtilsCfg (EnetUtils_Cfg *utilsCfg)
 Initialize utils configuration. More...
void Enet_init (const EnetOsal_Cfg *osalCfg, const EnetUtils_Cfg *utilsCfg)
 Initialize Enet LLD. More...
void Enet_deinit (void)
 De-initialize Enet LLD. More...
Enet_Handle Enet_getHandle (Enet_Type enetType, uint32_t instId)
 Get the Enet handle of a peripheral. More...
uint32_t Enet_getMacPortMax (Enet_Type enetType, uint32_t instId)
 Get number of MAC ports available in the Ethernet peripheral. More...
void Enet_initCfg (Enet_Type enetType, uint32_t instId, void *cfg, uint32_t cfgSize)
 Initialize the peripheral configuration parameters. More...
Enet_Handle Enet_open (Enet_Type enetType, uint32_t instId, const void *cfg, uint32_t cfgSize)
 Open and initializes the Enet driver for a peripheral. More...
Enet_Handle Enet_rejoin (Enet_Type enetType, uint32_t instId)
 Rejoin a running Ethernet peripheral. More...
EnetDma_Handle Enet_getDmaHandle (Enet_Handle hEnet)
 Get the handle to the DMA used for packet transmit/receive. More...
int32_t Enet_ioctl (Enet_Handle hEnet, uint32_t coreId, uint32_t cmd, Enet_IoctlPrms *prms)
 Issue an operation on the Enet Peripheral. More...
void Enet_registerEventCb (Enet_Handle hEnet, Enet_Event evt, uint32_t evtNum, Enet_EventCallback evtCb, void *evtCbArgs)
 Register a callback for an event. More...
void Enet_unregisterEventCb (Enet_Handle hEnet, Enet_Event evt, uint32_t evtNum)
 Unregister callback for an event. More...
void Enet_poll (Enet_Handle hEnet, Enet_Event evt, const void *arg, uint32_t argSize)
 Poll for Ethernet events. More...
void Enet_periodicTick (Enet_Handle hEnet)
 Run periodic tick on the Ethernet peripheral. More...
uint32_t Enet_getMacPortCnt (Enet_Handle hEnet)
 Get number of MAC ports available in the Ethernet peripheral. More...
void Enet_close (Enet_Handle hEnet)
 Close the Enet peripheral. More...