IO-Link Master  1.04.06
IOLM_SMI_SArgBlockParam Struct Reference

#include <IOLM_SMI_Types.h>

Data Fields

 Data buffer (can be NULL if u16ArgBlockLengthMax = 0).
INT16U u16ArgBlockLength
 Used length of pu8ArgBlock.
INT16U u16ArgBlockLengthMax
 Total memory Length of pu8ArgBlock.
INT16U u16ExpRefArgBlockId
 Expected Response or referenced ArgBlock Id (0 = not used).

Detailed Description

This structure follows the IOLM_SMI_SHeader struct.

pu8ArgBlock points to the data. u16ArgBlockLength is used to tell the recipient the used length of the ArgBlock. u16ArgBlockLengthMax defines the maximum length of the ArgBlock and can be bigger than u16ArgBlockLength, if a bigger answer is expected.