IO-Link Master  1.04.06
Hardware Port


The hardware port is divided into general functions (IO-Link Port Definitions) and Master specific functions (IO-Link Master Port Definitions). All functions need to be available. For details what the port functions need to do, see the detailed description of the specific functions.

For a minimal working system, the functions of Physical Layer and Timer System need to be ported. The other functions can be left as they are in the port template.

Physical Layer

The following functions belong to the physical layer and are used to access the IO-Link Phy chips:

If a Device frame is received, the following function has to be called:

Timer System

The following functions belong to the timer system and need to be ported:

If a timer expires, the following function has to be called:

Wake-up Flow

The following image shows how the Physical Layer and Timer System functions are called during the wake-up procedure.

Physical Port Wake-up Sequence

Cycle Flow

The following image shows how the Physical Layer and Timer System functions are called during the cyclic operation. The position of IOLM_Port_PL_vTransferPrepare can differ, depending on the setting of IOLM_IRQ_PROCESSING. If this is enabled, the prepare is done with the timer interrupt during cycle start. If IRQ processing is disabled, it is done somewhere between Device receive and the start of the next cycle.

Cyclic Sequence

Example Code for Physical Layer

Here are some basic example code snippets to implement the Master board specific functions for a communication interface between the stack and the lower level IO-Link driver.


These functions handle the basic communication with the physical layer.

// This function is called by the stack if the IO-Link mode has changed
void IOLM_Port_PL_vSetMode(INT8U u8Port_p, IOL_ETargetMode eTargetMode_p)
// ToDo: Insert hardware specific code here
// This function is called by the stack and tells the driver to trigger an
// IO-Link wakup request
// ToDo: Insert hardware specific code here
// This function is called by the stack and prepares data for the next transfer
void IOLM_Port_PL_vTransferPrepare(INT8U u8Port_p, const INT8U* pu8Data_p, INT8U u8DataLength_p,
INT8U* pu8ResponseData_p, INT8U u8ResponseLength_p)
// ToDo: Insert hardware specific code here
// This function is called by the stack and tells the driver to trigger the prepared data
// ToDo: Insert hardware specific code here
// This function is called by the stack to set the port to a specific value in SIO mode
void IOLM_Port_PL_vSetDO(INT8U u8Port_p, TBOOL boOutValue_p)
// ToDo: Insert hardware specific code here
// This function is called by the stack to get the input value of a specific port in SIO mode
TBOOL boReturn;
// ToDo: Insert hardware specific code heree
return TBOOL;
// This function is called by the stack to tell the physical layer to turn the power on/off for a specific port
// ToDo: Insert hardware specific code here


These callbacks are generated by the IO-Link driver to send the received events/data back to the stack.

// Callback generated by the IO-Link driver, if the timer is expired
void IOLM_Port_cbTimerCallback(u8Port_p)
// Callback generated by the IO-Link driver, if there was a succesful transfer
void IOLM_Port_cbXferRspCallback(IOLINK_Handle suIOLHandle_p, INT32U u32Port_p)
IOLM_API_PL_vTransferInd(u8Port_p, u32LenthOfReceivedData, IOL_eTransferStatus_OK);
// Callback generated by the IO-Link driver, if there was an unsuccesful transfer
void IOLM_Port_cbXferErrRspCallback(INT8U u8Port_p)
IOLM_API_PL_vTransferInd(u8Port_p, u32LenthOfReceivedData, IOL_eTransferStatus_FRAMING_ERROR);

Timer System

These timer related functions need to be implemented.

// This function is called by the stack and needs to tell the driver to start
// a hardware timer for the specific port.
void IOLM_Port_vStartTimer(INT8U u8Port_p, INT32U u32TimeUs_p)
// ToDo: Insert hardware specific code here
// This function is called by the stack to receive the current SysTick value.
// The SysTick interval is defined in IOLM_SYSTICK_INTERVAL_MS.
INT32S s32ClockGetTicks;
// ToDo: Insert hardware specific code here
return s32ClockGetTicks;

Physical Frame Handler and/or Cycle Timer

If the IO-Link hardware implementation offers a physical frame handler, the stack calls this function and the driver implementation needs to send back the negotiated baud rate.

IOL_EBaudrate IOLM_Port_PL_eSetFHCfg(INT8U u8Port_p, INT8U u8PdOut_p, INT8U u8PdIn_p,
INT8U u8ODLen_p, INT8U u8IOLCycle_p)
IOL_EBaudrate = eReceivedBaudrate;
// ToDo: Insert hardware specific code here
return eReceivedBaudrate;

If the IO-Link hardware implementation offers a physical cycle timer, the stack calls this function to set it up.

void IOLM_Port_PL_vSetPhyCycleTimer(INT8U u8Port_p, INT32U u32TimeUs_p)
// ToDo: Insert hardware specific code here
@ IOLM_eWakeupMode_Done
Wake-up is generated by port.
Definition: IOLM_Types.h:632
This enumeration indicates the requested operational mode of the port.
Definition: IOL_Types.h:259
uint32_t INT32U
32 bit unsigned integer
Definition: IOL_Port_Types.h:72
int32_t INT32S
32 bit signed integer
Definition: IOL_Port_Types.h:64
IOL_FUNC_DECL IOLM_EWakeupMode IOLM_Port_PL_eWakeUp(INT8U u8Port_p)
Send wake-up pulse.
Definition: IOLM_Port_Functions.c:59
This IOL_ENUM_DECL defines the wake-up modes.
Definition: IOLM_Types.h:630
@ IOL_eTransferStatus_FRAMING_ERROR
Invalid UART stop bit detected.
Definition: IOL_Types.h:100
IOL_FUNC_DECL INT32S IOLM_Port_s32SysTickVal(void)
Get SysTick value.
Definition: IOLM_Port_Functions.c:129
IOL_FUNC_DECL void IOLM_Port_PL_vSwitchPortPower(INT8U u8Port_p, TBOOL boOn_p)
Switch port power on or off.
Definition: IOLM_Port_Functions.c:109
IOL_FUNC_DECL void IOLM_Port_PL_vSetPhyCycleTimer(INT8U u8Port_p, INT32U u32TimeUs_p)
Cycle timer setup.
void IOLM_API_PL_vTransferInd(INT8U u8Port_p, INT8U u8DataLength_p, IOL_ETransferStatus eStatus_p)
Data receive processing finished.
Definition: IOLM_DLA.c:216
IOL_FUNC_DECL void IOLM_Port_PL_vTransferPrepare(INT8U u8Port_p, const INT8U *pu8Data_p, INT8U u8DataLength_p, INT8U *pu8ResponseData_p, INT8U u8ResponseLength_p)
Prepare data exchange.
Definition: IOLM_Port_Functions.c:66
uint8_t TBOOL
Boolean data type (at least 1 bit)
Definition: IOL_Port_Types.h:58
Get input pin value.
Definition: IOLM_Port_Functions.c:82
IOL_FUNC_DECL void IOLM_Port_PL_vSetMode(INT8U u8Port_p, IOL_ETargetMode eTargetMode_p)
Set physical layer mode.
Definition: IOLM_Port_Functions.c:54
@ IOL_eTransferStatus_OK
No error occurred.
Definition: IOL_Types.h:96
IOL_FUNC_DECL IOL_EBaudrate IOLM_Port_PL_eSetFHCfg(INT8U u8Port_p, INT8U u8PdOut_p, INT8U u8PdIn_p, INT8U u8ODLen_p, INT8U u8IOLCycle_p)
Frame handler setup.
IOL_FUNC_DECL void IOLM_Port_PL_vSetDO(INT8U u8Port_p, TBOOL boOutValue_p)
Set output pin value.
Definition: IOLM_Port_Functions.c:77
IOL_FUNC_DECL void IOLM_Port_vStartTimer(INT8U u8Port_p, INT32U u32TimeUs_p)
Start port hardware timer.
Definition: IOLM_Port_Functions.c:124
This enumeration indicates the transmission rate.
Definition: IOL_Types.h:302
IOL_FUNC_DECL void IOLM_Port_PL_vTransferTrig(INT8U u8Port_p)
Start frame transmission.
Definition: IOLM_Port_Functions.c:72
IOL_FUNC_DECL void IOLM_API_vTimerExpired(INT8U u8Port_p)
Port timer expired.
Definition: IOLM_SYS.c:188
uint8_t INT8U
8 bit unsigned integer
Definition: IOL_Port_Types.h:68