AM64x MCU+ SDK  08.01.00
Enet Data Path (DMA)


Sub Modules

 Enet UDMA module APIs
 Enet packet utils API and data structures.
 Packet statistics


EnetDma_Handle EnetDma_initDmaCfg (Enet_Type enetType, uint32_t instId, const EnetDma_initCfg *pDmaCfg)
 Initialize data path. More...
int32_t EnetDma_deinitDmaCfg (EnetDma_Handle hEnetUdma)
 De-initialize data path. More...
EnetDma_Handle EnetDma_open (Enet_Type enetType, uint32_t instId, const void *dmaCfg)
 Set default data path parameters. More...
int32_t EnetDma_close (EnetDma_Handle hEnetDma)
 Close Enet DMA (data path). More...
void EnetDma_initRxChParams (void *pRxChCfg)
 Initialize RX channel open parameters. More...
EnetDma_RxChHandle EnetDma_openRxCh (EnetDma_Handle hDma, const void *pRxChCfg)
 Enet DMA open RX channel. More...
int32_t EnetDma_closeRxCh (EnetDma_RxChHandle hRxCh, EnetDma_PktQ *fq, EnetDma_PktQ *cq)
 Enet DMA close RX channel. More...
int32_t EnetDma_enableRxEvent (EnetDma_RxChHandle hRxCh)
 Enable RX channel packet reception event. More...
int32_t EnetDma_disableRxEvent (EnetDma_RxChHandle hRxCh)
 Disable RX channel packet reception event. More...
void EnetDma_initTxChParams (void *pTxChCfg)
 Initialize TX channel open parameters. More...
EnetDma_TxChHandle EnetDma_openTxCh (EnetDma_Handle hDma, const void *pTxChCfg)
 Enet DMA open TX channel. More...
int32_t EnetDma_closeTxCh (EnetDma_TxChHandle hTxCh, EnetDma_PktQ *fq, EnetDma_PktQ *cq)
 Enet DMA close TX channel. More...
int32_t EnetDma_enableTxEvent (EnetDma_TxChHandle hTxCh)
 Enable TX channel packet transmit completion event. More...
int32_t EnetDma_disableTxEvent (EnetDma_TxChHandle hTxCh)
 Disable TX channel packet transmit completion event. More...
int32_t EnetDma_retrieveRxPktQ (EnetDma_RxChHandle hRxCh, EnetDma_PktQ *pRetrieveQ)
 Retrieve queue of RX ready (full) packets from RX channel. More...
int32_t EnetDma_retrieveRxPkt (EnetDma_RxChHandle hRxCh, EnetDma_Pkt **pPkt)
 Retrieve single RX ready (full) packet (single) from RX channel. More...
int32_t EnetDma_submitRxPktQ (EnetDma_RxChHandle hRxCh, EnetDma_PktQ *pSubmitQ)
 Submit queue of RX free (empty) packets for reception to RX channel. More...
int32_t EnetDma_submitRxPkt (EnetDma_RxChHandle hRxCh, EnetDma_Pkt *pPkt)
 Submit single RX free (empty) packet for reception to RX channel. More...
int32_t EnetDma_retrieveTxPktQ (EnetDma_TxChHandle hTxCh, EnetDma_PktQ *pRetrieveQ)
 Retrieve queue of TX free (empty) packets from TX channel. More...
int32_t EnetDma_retrieveTxPkt (EnetDma_TxChHandle hTxCh, EnetDma_Pkt **pPkt)
 Retrieve single TX free (empty) packet from TX channel. More...
int32_t EnetDma_submitTxPktQ (EnetDma_TxChHandle hTxCh, EnetDma_PktQ *pSubmitQ)
 Submit a queue of ready (full) packets to TX channel. More...
int32_t EnetDma_submitTxPkt (EnetDma_TxChHandle hTxCh, EnetDma_Pkt *pPkt)
 Submit a single ready (full) packet to TX channel. More...
void EnetDma_initPktInfo (EnetDma_Pkt *pktInfo)
 Initialize packet information structure. More...
int32_t EnetDma_getRxChStats (EnetDma_RxChHandle hRxCh, EnetDma_RxChStats *pStats)
 Get RX channel statistics. More...
int32_t EnetDma_getTxChStats (EnetDma_TxChHandle hTxCh, EnetDma_TxChStats *pStats)
 Get TX channel statistics. More...
int32_t EnetDma_resetRxChStats (EnetDma_RxChHandle hRxCh)
 Reset RX channel statistics. More...
int32_t EnetDma_resetTxChStats (EnetDma_TxChHandle hTxCh)
 Reset TX channel statistics. More...


typedef EnetQ EnetDma_PktQ
 Packet queue. More...


#define ENET_DMA_STATS_HISTORY_CNT   ((uint32_t)32U)
 Enet DMA statistics configuration. More...

Enet DMA driver callback function types.

Callback function typedefs so that the EnetDma layer can call into the app layer and let it translate between the DMA packet descriptors and packets and the stack/translation layer's buffers and packets.

typedef EnetDma_Pkt *(* EnetDma_AllocEthPktFxn) (uint32_t pktSize, uint32_t alignSize, void *appPriv)
 Function pointer type for Ethernet packet allocation function. More...
typedef void(* EnetDma_FreeEthPktFxn) (EnetDma_Pkt *pPktInfo)
 Function pointer type for Ethernet packet free function. More...

Enet DMA driver opaque handles

Opaque handle typedefs for Enet DMA driver objects.

typedef struct EnetUdma_DrvObj_s * EnetDma_Handle
 Opaque handle for Enet UDMA driver object. More...
typedef struct EnetUdma_RxFlowObj_s * EnetDma_RxChHandle
 Opaque handle that holds software state for Enet RX DMA flow. More...
typedef struct EnetUdma_TxChObj_s * EnetDma_TxChHandle
 Opaque handle that holds software state for Enet TX DMA channel. More...
typedef struct EnetUdma_PktInfo_s EnetDma_Pkt
 Opaque handle that represents a DMA packet. More...

Enet DMA driver opaque handles

Opaque handle typedefs for Enet DMA driver objects.

typedef struct EnetCpdma_DrvObj_s * EnetDma_Handle
 Opaque handle for Enet CPDMA driver object. More...
typedef struct EnetCpdma_RxChObj_s * EnetDma_RxChHandle
 Opaque handle that holds software state for Enet RX DMA channel. More...
typedef struct EnetCpdma_TxChObj_s * EnetDma_TxChHandle
 Opaque handle that holds software state for Enet TX DMA channel. More...
typedef struct EnetCpdma_PktInfo_s EnetDma_Pkt
 Opaque handle that holds software state for Enet Packet Info. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ENET_DMA_STATS_HISTORY_CNT   ((uint32_t)32U)

Enet DMA statistics configuration.

Number of entries kept in the statistics for DMA module.

Typedef Documentation

◆ EnetDma_AllocEthPktFxn

typedef EnetDma_Pkt*(* EnetDma_AllocEthPktFxn) (uint32_t pktSize, uint32_t alignSize, void *appPriv)

Function pointer type for Ethernet packet allocation function.

◆ EnetDma_FreeEthPktFxn

typedef void(* EnetDma_FreeEthPktFxn) (EnetDma_Pkt *pPktInfo)

Function pointer type for Ethernet packet free function.

◆ EnetDma_PktQ

Packet queue.

A queue of packets, which are used for managing the packets given to the DMA driver by an application. It can also be used by the translation or application layer to manage free packets pools.

◆ EnetDma_Handle [1/2]

typedef struct EnetUdma_DrvObj_s* EnetDma_Handle

Opaque handle for Enet UDMA driver object.

Opaque structure to hold software state for the Enet UDMA module.

◆ EnetDma_RxChHandle [1/2]

typedef struct EnetUdma_RxFlowObj_s* EnetDma_RxChHandle

Opaque handle that holds software state for Enet RX DMA flow.

Note - Even though the typedef is EnetDma_RxChHandle, it is actually flow handle. CPSW and ICSSG has single RX channel with multiple flows with apps using flow to get data from host port.

◆ EnetDma_TxChHandle [1/2]

typedef struct EnetUdma_TxChObj_s* EnetDma_TxChHandle

Opaque handle that holds software state for Enet TX DMA channel.

◆ EnetDma_Pkt [1/2]

typedef struct EnetUdma_PktInfo_s EnetDma_Pkt

Opaque handle that represents a DMA packet.

◆ EnetDma_Handle [2/2]

typedef struct EnetCpdma_DrvObj_s* EnetDma_Handle

Opaque handle for Enet CPDMA driver object.

Opaque structure to hold software state for the Enet CPDMA module.

◆ EnetDma_RxChHandle [2/2]

typedef struct EnetCpdma_RxChObj_s* EnetDma_RxChHandle

Opaque handle that holds software state for Enet RX DMA channel.

◆ EnetDma_TxChHandle [2/2]

typedef struct EnetCpdma_TxChObj_s* EnetDma_TxChHandle

Opaque handle that holds software state for Enet TX DMA channel.

◆ EnetDma_Pkt [2/2]

typedef struct EnetCpdma_PktInfo_s EnetDma_Pkt

Opaque handle that holds software state for Enet Packet Info.

Function Documentation

◆ EnetDma_initDmaCfg()

EnetDma_Handle EnetDma_initDmaCfg ( Enet_Type  enetType,
uint32_t  instId,
const EnetDma_initCfg pDmaCfg 

Initialize data path.

Initialize DMA data path state on remote core.

enetType[IN] Enet Peripheral type
instId[IN] Enet Peripheral instance id
pDmaCfg[OUT] Data Path Init params
Enet DMA opaque handle

◆ EnetDma_deinitDmaCfg()

int32_t EnetDma_deinitDmaCfg ( EnetDma_Handle  hEnetUdma)

De-initialize data path.

De-initialize DMA data path state on remote core.

hEnetUdma[IN] Cpsw DMA Handle

◆ EnetDma_open()

EnetDma_Handle EnetDma_open ( Enet_Type  enetType,
uint32_t  instId,
const void *  dmaCfg 

Set default data path parameters.

enetType[IN] Enet Peripheral type
instId[IN] Enet Peripheral instance id
dmaCfg[IN] DMA module (data path) configuration pointer.
Return values
EnetDMA handle if opened. Otherwise, NULL.

◆ EnetDma_close()

int32_t EnetDma_close ( EnetDma_Handle  hEnetDma)

Close Enet DMA (data path).

hEnetDma[IN] DMA handle

◆ EnetDma_initRxChParams()

void EnetDma_initRxChParams ( void *  pRxChCfg)

Initialize RX channel open parameters.

Initializes RX channel parameters with default values. Refer to SOC DMA specific RX channel config structure for specific config details.

pRxChCfgRX channel configuration parameters.

◆ EnetDma_openRxCh()

EnetDma_RxChHandle EnetDma_openRxCh ( EnetDma_Handle  hDma,
const void *  pRxChCfg 

Enet DMA open RX channel.

Opens the Enet DMA RX channel based on the channel parameters. This function configures the DMA channel. This also configures event if notifyCb is not null. Refer to SOC DMA specific RX channel config structure for specific config details.

Enet DMA is peripheral-aware as peripherals in a given SoC may need different handling, i.e. DMA descriptor's extra fields having different meaning for two peripherals using same DMA engine. This peripheral-awareness is given to the RX channel/flow via EnetDma_Handle passed at open time.

hDmaEnet DMA handle
pRxChCfgRX channel configuration parameters. This parameter can't be NULL.
RX channel opaque handle if opened. Otherwise, NULL.

◆ EnetDma_closeRxCh()

int32_t EnetDma_closeRxCh ( EnetDma_RxChHandle  hRxCh,
EnetDma_PktQ fq,
EnetDma_PktQ cq 

Enet DMA close RX channel.

Closes the Enet DMA RX channel and frees all associated resources. During close operation, we flush FQ taking all DMA descriptors with packet submitted in advance for reception and return to app. Also we retrieve all packets from the CQ (packets received between last EnetDma_retrieveRxPktQ() function call) and return those to app. App doesn't need to call function EnetDma_retrieveRxPktQ() explicitly to retrieve these packets.

hRxCh[IN] Enet DMA channel handle. This parameter can't be NULL.
fq[OUT] Pointer to EnetDma_PktQ structure where packets from FQ (submitted for reception) are retrieved and returned to application. This parameter can't be NULL.
cq[OUT] Pointer to EnetDma_PktQ structure where packets from CQ (received packets) are retrieved and returned to application. This parameter can't be NULL.

◆ EnetDma_enableRxEvent()

int32_t EnetDma_enableRxEvent ( EnetDma_RxChHandle  hRxCh)

Enable RX channel packet reception event.

Enables the packet arrival event for RX channel. This allows application to control notify events runtime and retrieve packet only once to do burst packet processing.

hRxCh[IN] Handle to Enet DMA RX channel

◆ EnetDma_disableRxEvent()

int32_t EnetDma_disableRxEvent ( EnetDma_RxChHandle  hRxCh)

Disable RX channel packet reception event.

Disable the packet arrival event for RX channel.

hRxCh[IN] Handle to Enet DMA RX channel

◆ EnetDma_initTxChParams()

void EnetDma_initTxChParams ( void *  pTxChCfg)

Initialize TX channel open parameters.

Initializes TX channel open parameters with default values. Refer to SOC DMA specific RX channel config structure for specific config details.

pTxChCfgTX channel configuration parameters.

◆ EnetDma_openTxCh()

EnetDma_TxChHandle EnetDma_openTxCh ( EnetDma_Handle  hDma,
const void *  pTxChCfg 

Enet DMA open TX channel.

Opens the DMA TX DMA channel based on the channel parameters. This function open TX channel using chNum provided in EnetDma_OpenTxChPrms() and configures TX channel. This also configures event if notifyCb is not null. Refer to SOC DMA specific RX channel config structure for specific config details.

Enet DMA is peripheral-aware as peripherals in a given SoC may need different handling, i.e. DMA descriptor's extra fields having different meaning for two peripherals using same DMA engine. This peripheral-awareness is given to the TX channel via EnetDma_Handle passed at open time.

hDmaEnet DMA handle
pTxChCfgTX channel configuration parameters. This parameter can't be NULL.
TX channel opaque handle if opened. Otherwise, NULL.

◆ EnetDma_closeTxCh()

int32_t EnetDma_closeTxCh ( EnetDma_TxChHandle  hTxCh,
EnetDma_PktQ fq,
EnetDma_PktQ cq 

Enet DMA close TX channel.

Closes the Enet DMA TX channel and frees all associated resources. During close operation, we flush FQ taking all DMA descriptors with packet submitted but not yet transmitted and return to app. Also we retrieve all packets from the CQ (transmission completed packets) and return those to app. App doesn't need to call EnetDma_retrieveTxPktQ() explicitly to retrieve these packets.

hTxCh[IN] Enet DMA TX Channel handle. This parameter can't be NULL.
fq[OUT] Pointer to EnetDma_PktQ structure where packets from FQ (TX ready - submitted for transmission) are retrieved and returned to application. This parameter can't be NULL.
cq[OUT] Pointer to EnetDma_PktQ structure where packets from CQ (TX free - transmitted packets) are retrieved and returned to application. This parameter can't be NULL.

◆ EnetDma_enableTxEvent()

int32_t EnetDma_enableTxEvent ( EnetDma_TxChHandle  hTxCh)

Enable TX channel packet transmit completion event.

Enables the packet transmit event for TX channel. This allows application to control notify events runtime and retrieve empty packets only once to do burst packet processing.

hTxCh[IN] Handle to Enet DMA TX channel

◆ EnetDma_disableTxEvent()

int32_t EnetDma_disableTxEvent ( EnetDma_TxChHandle  hTxCh)

Disable TX channel packet transmit completion event.

Disable the packet transmit event for TX channel.

hTxCh[IN] Handle to Enet DMA TX channel

◆ EnetDma_retrieveRxPktQ()

int32_t EnetDma_retrieveRxPktQ ( EnetDma_RxChHandle  hRxCh,
EnetDma_PktQ pRetrieveQ 

Retrieve queue of RX ready (full) packets from RX channel.

hRxCh[IN] Enet DMA RX channel handle for the RX channel we wish to retrieve packets from
pRetrieveQ[OUT] Pointer to EnetDma_PktQ structure where packets from hardware are retrieved and returned to application

◆ EnetDma_retrieveRxPkt()

int32_t EnetDma_retrieveRxPkt ( EnetDma_RxChHandle  hRxCh,
EnetDma_Pkt **  pPkt 

Retrieve single RX ready (full) packet (single) from RX channel.

hRxCh[IN] Enet DMA RX channel handle for the RX channel we wish to retrieve packet from
pPkt[OUT] Pointer to EnetDma_Pkt structure where packet from hardware is retrieved and returned to application

◆ EnetDma_submitRxPktQ()

int32_t EnetDma_submitRxPktQ ( EnetDma_RxChHandle  hRxCh,
EnetDma_PktQ pSubmitQ 

Submit queue of RX free (empty) packets for reception to RX channel.

hRxCh[IN] Enet DMA RX channel handle for the RX channel we wish to submit packets to
pSubmitQ[IN] Pointer to EnetDma_PktQ structure containing packets to be submitted to channel [OUT] Returned packets for which driver couldn't allocate the DMA descriptors.

◆ EnetDma_submitRxPkt()

int32_t EnetDma_submitRxPkt ( EnetDma_RxChHandle  hRxCh,
EnetDma_Pkt pPkt 

Submit single RX free (empty) packet for reception to RX channel.

hRxCh[IN] Enet DMA RX channel handle for the RX channel we wish to submit packet to
pPkt[IN] Pointer to EnetDma_Pkt structure containing packet to be submitted to channel

◆ EnetDma_retrieveTxPktQ()

int32_t EnetDma_retrieveTxPktQ ( EnetDma_TxChHandle  hTxCh,
EnetDma_PktQ pRetrieveQ 

Retrieve queue of TX free (empty) packets from TX channel.

hTxCh[IN] Enet DMA TX channel handle for the TX channel we wish to retrieve packet from
pRetrieveQ[OUT] Pointer to EnetDma_PktQ structure where packets from hardware are retrieved and returned to application

◆ EnetDma_retrieveTxPkt()

int32_t EnetDma_retrieveTxPkt ( EnetDma_TxChHandle  hTxCh,
EnetDma_Pkt **  pPkt 

Retrieve single TX free (empty) packet from TX channel.

hTxCh[IN] Enet DMA TX channel handle for the TX channel we wish to retrieve packet from
pPkt[OUT] Pointer to EnetDma_Pkt structure where packet from hardware is retrieved and returned to application

◆ EnetDma_submitTxPktQ()

int32_t EnetDma_submitTxPktQ ( EnetDma_TxChHandle  hTxCh,
EnetDma_PktQ pSubmitQ 

Submit a queue of ready (full) packets to TX channel.

hTxCh[IN] TX Channel handle for the TX channel we wish to submit packets to
pSubmitQ[IN] Pointer to EnetDma_Pkt structure containing packets to be submitted.

◆ EnetDma_submitTxPkt()

int32_t EnetDma_submitTxPkt ( EnetDma_TxChHandle  hTxCh,
EnetDma_Pkt pPkt 

Submit a single ready (full) packet to TX channel.

hTxCh[IN] TX Channel handle for the TX channel we wish to submit packets to
pPkt[IN] Pointer to EnetDma_Pkt structure containing packet to be submitted.

◆ EnetDma_initPktInfo()

void EnetDma_initPktInfo ( EnetDma_Pkt pktInfo)

Initialize packet information structure.

Initialize packet information structure with null/zero values.

pktInfo[IN] Pointer to EnetDma_Pkt structure

◆ EnetDma_getRxChStats()

int32_t EnetDma_getRxChStats ( EnetDma_RxChHandle  hRxCh,
EnetDma_RxChStats pStats 

Get RX channel statistics.

hRxCh[IN] RX channel handle
pStats[INOUT] Pointer to RX channel stats object where stats would be returned
Return values
ENET_SOKRetrieved stats successfully
ENET_ENOTSUPPORTEDStats is not supported (enabled) or error retrieving

◆ EnetDma_getTxChStats()

int32_t EnetDma_getTxChStats ( EnetDma_TxChHandle  hTxCh,
EnetDma_TxChStats pStats 

Get TX channel statistics.

hTxCh[IN] TX channel handle
pStats[INOUT] Pointer to TX Channel stats object where stats would be returned
Return values
ENET_SOKRetrieved stats successfully
ENET_ENOTSUPPORTEDStats is not supported (enabled) or error retrieving

◆ EnetDma_resetRxChStats()

int32_t EnetDma_resetRxChStats ( EnetDma_RxChHandle  hRxCh)

Reset RX channel statistics.

hRxCh[IN] RX channel handle
Return values
ENET_SOKReseted stats successfully
ENET_ENOTSUPPORTEDStats is not supported (enabled) or error resetting

◆ EnetDma_resetTxChStats()

int32_t EnetDma_resetTxChStats ( EnetDma_TxChHandle  hTxCh)

Reset TX channel statistics.

hTxCh[IN] TX Channel handle
Return values
ENET_SOKReseted stats successfully
ENET_ENOTSUPPORTEDStats is not supported (enabled) or error resetting