AM62x MCU+ SDK  10.01.00


RTC Driver API/interface file.

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  RTC_HwAttrs
 RTC Hardware attributes. More...
struct  RTC_Params
 RTC Parameters. More...
struct  RTC_Object
 RTC driver object. More...
struct  RTC_Config
 RTC Global Configuration. More...
struct  RTC_Time
 RTC Time Structure. More...


#define OSCILLATOR_FREQ_HZ   ((uint32_t) 32768U)
 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator Frequency More...
#define RTC_FREEZE_MODE   ((uint32_t) 0x02000000U)
 Enable Freeze Mode. More...
 O32K_OSC_DEP_EN_MASK. More...
 Read Pend Status. More...
 Write Pend Status. More...
 Unlock State Status. More...
#define OSC_LOCK_WAIT   (3U)
 Wait time for stabalizing OSC. More...
#define KICK0_UNLOCK_VALUE   (uint32_t)0x83E70B13U
 RTC Kick unlock values. More...
#define KICK1_UNLOCK_VALUE   (uint32_t)0x95A4F1E0U
 RTC Kick lock values. More...
#define RTC_BASEADDR   (uint32_t)0x2B1F0000U
 RTC Base Address. More...
RTC Timer Interrupt Set/Indication Flags

 ON_OFF status interrupt. More...
 OFF_ON status interrupt. More...
 ON_OFF clear interrupt. More...
 OFF_ON clear interrupt. More...
 ON_OFF set interrupt. More...
 OFF_ON set interrupt. More...
 ON_OFF raw status interrupt. More...
 OFF_ON raw status interrupt. More...
 All interrupt status mask. More...
 All interrupt clear mask. More...
 All interrupt set mask. More...
 All interrupt raw status mask. More...


typedef struct RTC_Config_s * RTC_Handle
 A handle that is returned from a RTC_open() call. More...
typedef void(* RTC_OnOffCallbackFxn) (RTC_Handle handle)
 The definition of a ON_OFF callback function used by the RTC driver. More...
typedef void(* RTC_OffOnCallbackFxn) (RTC_Handle handle)
 The definition of a OFF_ON callback function used by the RTC driver. More...


void RTC_init (void)
 Initialize the RTC module. More...
void RTC_deinit (void)
 De-initialize the RTC module. More...
void RTC_paramsInit (RTC_Params *params)
 Function to set default values of RTC_Params in params. More...
RTC_Handle RTC_open (uint32_t idx, const RTC_Params *params)
 Open the RTC at index idx with parameters params. More...
void RTC_close (RTC_Handle handle)
 Function to close the RTC Peripheral specified by the handle. More...
int32_t RTC_setTime (RTC_Handle handle, const RTC_Time *rtc_time)
 Set the RTC time. More...
int32_t RTC_getTime (RTC_Handle handle, RTC_Time *rtc_time)
 Get the current RTC time. More...
int32_t RTC_setOff_OnTimerEvent (RTC_Handle handle, const RTC_Time *rtc_time)
 Set the off-on timer event / Use as timer 1 for RTC. More...
int32_t RTC_setOn_OffTimerEvent (RTC_Handle handle, const RTC_Time *rtc_time)
 Set the on-off timer event / Use as timer 2 for RTC. More...
uint32_t RTC_readScratchRegister (RTC_Handle handle, uint32_t scratchIndex)
 Read a value from a specific RTC scratch register. More...
int32_t RTC_writeScratchRegister (RTC_Handle handle, uint32_t scratchIndex, uint32_t value)
 Write a value to a specific RTC scratch register. More...
RTC_Time RTC_calculateElapsedTime (const RTC_Time *startTime, const RTC_Time *endTime)
 Calculate Elapsed Time. More...
int32_t RTC_adjustForDrift (RTC_Handle handle, Float32 measuredDriftInSeconds)
 Calculate Elapsed Time. More...
int32_t RTC_stop (RTC_Handle handle)
 Stop the RTC. More...
int32_t RTC_start (RTC_Handle handle)
 Start the RTC after it's stopped. More...
void RTC_erratumi2327Init (void)
 RTC Erratum i2327 Workaround. More...