AM62x MCU+ SDK  10.00.00
uart/v0/uart.h File Reference


This file contains the prototype of UART driver APIs.

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  UART_Transaction
 Data structure used with UART_read() and UART_write() More...
struct  UART_Params
 UART Parameters. More...
struct  UART_Attrs
 UART instance attributes - used during init time. More...
struct  UART_Object
 UART driver object. More...
struct  UART_Config
 UART global configuration array. More...


#define UART_FIFO_SIZE   (64U)
 Uart FIFO Size. More...
 Timeout in ms used for TX FIFO empty at the time of delete. Three seconds is more than sufficient to transfer 64 bytes (FIFO size) at the lowest baud rate of 2400. More...
 Count Value to check error in the recieved byte
Transfer Status Code

Status codes that are set by the UART driver

 Transaction success. More...
 Time out error. More...
 Break condition error. More...
 Framing error. More...
 Parity error. More...
 Overrun error. More...
 Cancelled. More...
 Transaction started. More...
 Read timeout error. More...
 UART is currently in use. More...
 Other errors. More...
Transfer Mode

This determines whether the driver operates synchronously or asynchronously

In UART_TRANSFER_MODE_BLOCKING mode UART_read() and UART_write() blocks code execution until the transaction has completed

In UART_TRANSFER_MODE_CALLBACK UART_read() and UART_write() does not block code execution and instead calls a UART_CallbackFxn callback function when the transaction has completed

 UART read/write APIs blocks execution. This mode can only be used when called within a Task context. More...
 UART read/write APIs does not block code execution and will call a UART_CallbackFxn. This mode can be used in a Task, Swi, or Hwi context. More...
UART Read length

This enumeration defines the return modes for UART_read().

UART_READ_RETURN_MODE_FULL unblocks or performs a callback when the read buffer has been filled with the number of bytes passed to UART_read(). UART_READ_RETURN_MODE_PARTIAL unblocks or performs a callback whenever a read timeout error occurs on the UART peripheral. The read timeout occurs if the read FIFO is non-empty and no new data has been received for a specific device/baudrate dependent number of clock cycles. This mode can be used when the exact number of bytes to be read is not known.

 Unblock/callback when buffer is full. More...
 Unblock/callback when no new data comes in. More...
UART data length

Note: The values should not be changed since it represents the actual register configuration values used to configure the UART

#define UART_LEN_5   (0U)
#define UART_LEN_6   (1U)
#define UART_LEN_7   (2U)
#define UART_LEN_8   (3U)
UART stop bits

Note: The values should not be changed since it represents the actual register configuration values used to configure the UART

#define UART_STOPBITS_1   (0U)
#define UART_STOPBITS_2   (1U)
UART Parity

Note: The values should not be changed since it represents the actual register configuration values used to configure the UART

#define UART_PARITY_NONE   (0x00U)
#define UART_PARITY_ODD   (0x01U)
#define UART_PARITY_EVEN   (0x03U)
#define UART_PARITY_FORCED0   (0x07U)
#define UART_PARITY_FORCED1   (0x05U)
UART Flow Control Type

Note: The values should not be changed since it represents the actual register configuration values used to configure the UART

#define UART_FCTYPE_NONE   (0x00U)
#define UART_FCTYPE_HW   (0x02U)
UART Flow Control Params for RX

Note: The values should not be changed since it represents the actual register configuration values used to configure the UART

#define UART_FCPARAM_RXNONE   (0x00U)
#define UART_FCPARAM_RXXONXOFF_2   (0x01U)
#define UART_FCPARAM_RXXONXOFF_1   (0x02U)
#define UART_FCPARAM_RXXONXOFF_12   (0x03U)
#define UART_FCPARAM_AUTO_RTS   (0x40U)
UART Flow Control Params for TX

Note: The values should not be changed since it represents the actual register configuration values used to configure the UART

#define UART_FCPARAM_TXNONE   (0x00U)
#define UART_FCPARAM_TXXONXOFF_2   (0x04U)
#define UART_FCPARAM_TXXONXOFF_1   (0x08U)
#define UART_FCPARAM_AUTO_CTS   (0x80U)
UART RX trigger level

Note: The values should not be changed since it represents the actual register configuration values used to configure the UART

#define UART_RXTRIGLVL_1   (1U)
#define UART_RXTRIGLVL_8   (8U)
#define UART_RXTRIGLVL_16   (16U)
#define UART_RXTRIGLVL_56   (56U)
#define UART_RXTRIGLVL_60   (60U)
UART TX trigger level

Note: The values should not be changed since it represents the actual register configuration values used to configure the UART

#define UART_TXTRIGLVL_1   (1U)
#define UART_TXTRIGLVL_8   (8U)
#define UART_TXTRIGLVL_16   (16U)
#define UART_TXTRIGLVL_32   (32U)
#define UART_TXTRIGLVL_56   (56U)
UART Operational Mode

Note: The values should not be changed since it represents the actual register configuration values used to configure the UART

#define UART_OPER_MODE_16X   (0U)
#define UART_OPER_MODE_SIR   (1U)
#define UART_OPER_MODE_13X   (3U)
#define UART_OPER_MODE_MIR   (4U)
#define UART_OPER_MODE_FIR   (5U)
#define UART_OPER_MODE_CIR   (6U)
Values indicating the filled status of TX FIFO

Note: The values should not be changed since it represents the actual register configuration values used to configure the UART

Values related to status of Interrupt souces.

 Values pertaining to status of UART Interrupt sources. More...
#define UART_INTR_PENDING   (0U)
 Values indicating the UART Interrupt pending status. More...
#define UART_N0_INTR_PENDING   (1U)
Values related to enabling/disabling of Interrupts.
 Values for enabling/disabling the interrupts of UART. More...
Values related to Line Status information.
 Values pertaining to UART Line Status information. More...
Values related to Register Mode Configuration.
#define UART_REG_CONFIG_MODE_A   ((uint32_t) 0x0080)
 Values to be used while switching between register configuration modes. More...
#define UART_REG_CONFIG_MODE_B   ((uint32_t) 0x00BF)
#define UART_REG_OPERATIONAL_MODE   ((uint32_t) 0x007F)
UART Configration Mode

This determines whether the driver configuration mode like Polled, Interrupt, Dma used for the transfer function

#define UART_CONFIG_MODE_DMA   (0x03U)


typedef void * UART_Handle
 A handle that is returned from a UART_open() call. More...
typedef void(* UART_CallbackFxn) (UART_Handle handle, UART_Transaction *transaction)
 The definition of a callback function used by the UART driver when used in UART_TRANSFER_MODE_CALLBACK. More...


void UART_init (void)
 This function initializes the UART module. More...
void UART_deinit (void)
 This function de-initializes the UART module. More...
UART_Handle UART_open (uint32_t index, const UART_Params *prms)
 This function opens a given UART peripheral. More...
void UART_close (UART_Handle handle)
 Function to close a UART peripheral specified by the UART handle. More...
int32_t UART_write (UART_Handle handle, UART_Transaction *trans)
 Function to perform UART write operation. More...
int32_t UART_read (UART_Handle handle, UART_Transaction *trans)
 Function to perform UART read operation. More...
int32_t UART_writeCancel (UART_Handle handle, UART_Transaction *trans)
 Function to perform UART canceling of current write transaction. More...
int32_t UART_readCancel (UART_Handle handle, UART_Transaction *trans)
 Function to perform UART canceling of current read transaction. More...
UART_Handle UART_getHandle (uint32_t index)
 Function to return a open'ed UART handle given a UART instance index. More...
void UART_flushTxFifo (UART_Handle handle)
 Function to flush a TX FIFO of peripheral specified by the UART handle. More...
static void UART_Params_init (UART_Params *prms)
 Function to initialize the UART_Params struct to its defaults. More...
static void UART_Transaction_init (UART_Transaction *trans)
 Function to initialize the UART_Transaction struct to its defaults. More...
uint32_t UART_getBaseAddr (UART_Handle handle)
 Function to get base address of UART instance of a particular handle. More...
void UART_enableLoopbackMode (uint32_t baseAddr)
 Function to enable loopback mode. This function is for internal use. Not recommended for customers to use. More...
void UART_disableLoopbackMode (uint32_t baseAddr)
 Function to disable loopback mode. This function is for internal use. Not recommended for customers to use. More...
static void UART_putChar (uint32_t baseAddr, uint8_t byteTx)
 This API writes a byte to the Transmitter FIFO without checking for the emptiness of the Transmitter FIFO or the Transmitter Shift Register(TSR). More...
static uint32_t UART_getChar (uint32_t baseAddr, uint8_t *pChar)
 This API reads a byte from the Receiver Buffer Register (RBR). It checks once if any character is ready to be read. More...
static void UART_intrEnable (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t intrFlag)
 This API enables the specified interrupts in the UART mode of operation. More...
static void UART_intrDisable (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t intrFlag)
 This API disables the specified interrupts in the UART mode of operation. More...
static void UART_intr2Enable (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t intrFlag)
 This API enables the specified interrupts in the UART mode of operation for IER2. More...
static void UART_intr2Disable (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t intrFlag)
 This API disables the specified interrupts in the UART mode of operation for IER2. More...
static uint32_t UART_getIntrIdentityStatus (uint32_t baseAddr)
 This API determines the UART Interrupt Status. More...
static uint32_t UART_getIntr2Status (uint32_t baseAddr)
 This API determines the UART Interrupt Status 2. More...
static uint32_t UART_checkCharsAvailInFifo (uint32_t baseAddr)
 This API checks if the RX FIFO (or RHR in non-FIFO mode) has atleast one byte of data to be read. More...
static uint32_t UART_readLineStatus (uint32_t baseAddr)
 This API reads the line status register value. More...
static uint8_t UART_getCharFifo (uint32_t baseAddr, uint8_t *readBuf)
 This API reads the data present at the top of the RX FIFO, that is, the data in the Receive Holding Register(RHR). However before reading the data from RHR, it checks for RX error. More...


UART_Config gUartConfig []
 Externally defined driver configuration array. More...
uint32_t gUartConfigNum
 Externally defined driver configuration array size. More...