AM62Px MCU+ SDK  10.01.00

Detailed Description

UDMA RX channel flow parameters.

The structure is stripped down version of Udma_FlowPrms.

Data Fields

uint8_t einfoPresent
uint8_t psInfoPresent
uint16_t sopOffset
uint16_t defaultRxCQ
uint8_t srcTagHi
uint8_t srcTagLo
uint8_t srcTagHiSel
uint8_t srcTagLoSel
uint8_t destTagHi
uint8_t destTagLo
uint8_t destTagHiSel
uint8_t destTagLoSel
uint8_t sizeThreshEn

Field Documentation

◆ einfoPresent

uint8_t EnetUdma_UdmaFlowPrms::einfoPresent

[IN] Set to 1 if extended packet info is present in the descriptor

◆ psInfoPresent

uint8_t EnetUdma_UdmaFlowPrms::psInfoPresent

[IN] Set to 1 if protocol-specific info is present in the descriptor

◆ sopOffset

uint16_t EnetUdma_UdmaFlowPrms::sopOffset

[IN] Start of rx packet data (byte offset from the start of the SOP buffer)

◆ defaultRxCQ

uint16_t EnetUdma_UdmaFlowPrms::defaultRxCQ

[IN] RX destination queue

◆ srcTagHi

uint8_t EnetUdma_UdmaFlowPrms::srcTagHi

[IN] UDMAP receive flow source tag high byte constant configuration to be programmed into the rx_src_tag_hi field of the flow's RFLOW_RFB register

◆ srcTagLo

uint8_t EnetUdma_UdmaFlowPrms::srcTagLo

[IN] UDMAP receive flow source tag low byte constant configuration to be programmed into the rx_src_tag_lo field of the flow's RFLOW_RFB register

◆ srcTagHiSel

uint8_t EnetUdma_UdmaFlowPrms::srcTagHiSel

[IN] UDMAP receive flow source tag high byte selector configuration to be programmed into the rx_src_tag_hi_sel field of the RFLOW_RFC register. Refer tisci_msg_rm_udmap_flow_cfg_req::rx_src_tag_hi_sel

◆ srcTagLoSel

uint8_t EnetUdma_UdmaFlowPrms::srcTagLoSel

[IN] UDMAP receive flow source tag low byte selector configuration to be programmed into the rx_src_tag_low_sel field of the RFLOW_RFC register. Refer tisci_msg_rm_udmap_flow_cfg_req::rx_src_tag_lo_sel

◆ destTagHi

uint8_t EnetUdma_UdmaFlowPrms::destTagHi

[IN] UDMAP receive flow destination tag high byte constant configuration to be programmed into the rx_dest_tag_hi field of the flow's RFLOW_RFB register

◆ destTagLo

uint8_t EnetUdma_UdmaFlowPrms::destTagLo

[IN] UDMAP receive flow destination tag low byte constant configuration to be programmed into the rx_dest_tag_lo field of the flow's RFLOW_RFB register

◆ destTagHiSel

uint8_t EnetUdma_UdmaFlowPrms::destTagHiSel

[IN] UDMAP receive flow destination tag high byte selector configuration to be programmed into the rx_dest_tag_hi_sel field of the RFLOW_RFC register. Refer tisci_msg_rm_udmap_flow_cfg_req::rx_dest_tag_hi_sel

◆ destTagLoSel

uint8_t EnetUdma_UdmaFlowPrms::destTagLoSel

[IN] UDMAP receive flow destination tag low byte selector configuration to be programmed into the rx_dest_tag_low_sel field of the RFLOW_RFC register. Refer tisci_msg_rm_udmap_flow_cfg_req::rx_dest_tag_lo_sel

◆ sizeThreshEn

uint8_t EnetUdma_UdmaFlowPrms::sizeThreshEn

[IN] UDMAP receive flow packet size based free buffer queue enable configuration