AM62Px MCU+ SDK  10.01.00

Detailed Description

Param struct for the TX channel open function.

The configuration structure for the TX channel open function # EnetDma_openTxCh().

Data Fields

Udma_DrvHandle hUdmaDrv
uint32_t chNum
EnetUdma_UdmaChPrms udmaChPrms
EnetUdma_UdmaChTxPrms udmaTxChPrms
bool useGlobalEvt
EnetDma_PktNotifyCb notifyCb
uint32_t numTxPkts
bool disableCacheOpsFlag
EnetUdma_AllocRingMemFxn ringMemAllocFxn
EnetUdma_FreeRingMemFxn ringMemFreeFxn
EnetUdma_AllocDmaDescFxn dmaDescAllocFxn
EnetUdma_FreeDmaDescFxn dmaDescFreeFxn
void * cbArg
bool useProxy
EnetUdma_AutoReclaimPrms autoReclaimPrms

Field Documentation

◆ hUdmaDrv

Udma_DrvHandle EnetUdma_OpenTxChPrms::hUdmaDrv

UDMA driver handle

◆ chNum

uint32_t EnetUdma_OpenTxChPrms::chNum

UDMA channel number allocated for transmit. Set to UDMA_DMA_CH_ANY if the channel to allocate and open could be any from the free pool

◆ udmaChPrms

EnetUdma_UdmaChPrms EnetUdma_OpenTxChPrms::udmaChPrms

UDMA channel params

◆ udmaTxChPrms

EnetUdma_UdmaChTxPrms EnetUdma_OpenTxChPrms::udmaTxChPrms

UDMA transmit channel params

◆ useGlobalEvt

bool EnetUdma_OpenTxChPrms::useGlobalEvt

Whether to use the shared global event or not. If set to false, a dedicated event will be used for this channel.

◆ notifyCb

EnetDma_PktNotifyCb EnetUdma_OpenTxChPrms::notifyCb

Enet UDMA event callback function - this function will be called when the registered packets are transmitted on TX channel

◆ numTxPkts

uint32_t EnetUdma_OpenTxChPrms::numTxPkts

Maximum number of transmit packets, used for allocating number of DMA descriptors Note - The HW ring element count field is 19-bit

◆ disableCacheOpsFlag

bool EnetUdma_OpenTxChPrms::disableCacheOpsFlag

Flag to disable cache operations on the ring memory

◆ ringMemAllocFxn

EnetUdma_AllocRingMemFxn EnetUdma_OpenTxChPrms::ringMemAllocFxn

Callback functions. Callback function typedefs so that the EnetUdma layer can call into the app layer and let it translate between the hardware buffer descriptors and packets and the stack/translation layer's buffers and packets

Ring memory allocation callback, this cannot be NULL

◆ ringMemFreeFxn

EnetUdma_FreeRingMemFxn EnetUdma_OpenTxChPrms::ringMemFreeFxn

Ring memory free function callback, used in close flow

◆ dmaDescAllocFxn

EnetUdma_AllocDmaDescFxn EnetUdma_OpenTxChPrms::dmaDescAllocFxn

DMA HPD (host packet descriptor) memory allocation callback

◆ dmaDescFreeFxn

EnetUdma_FreeDmaDescFxn EnetUdma_OpenTxChPrms::dmaDescFreeFxn

Transmit HPD (host packet descriptor) memory free callback

◆ cbArg

void* EnetUdma_OpenTxChPrms::cbArg

Argument to be used for the callback routines (it should mean something to layer into which the callback calls)

◆ useProxy

bool EnetUdma_OpenTxChPrms::useProxy

Flag to indicate if a dedicated proxy should be allocated for the "FQ" for this flow. This should be enabled only for those flows that require very high throughput as there are limited proxy available in the system

◆ autoReclaimPrms

EnetUdma_AutoReclaimPrms EnetUdma_OpenTxChPrms::autoReclaimPrms

Buffer auto-reclaim params