AM62Px MCU+ SDK  10.01.00

Detailed Description

Short IPG configuration for CPSW IP.

It's used as output args for CPSW_PER_IOCTL_GET_SHORT_IPG_CFG command.

Data Fields

uint32_t ipgTriggerThreshBlkCnt
uint32_t numMacPorts
CpswMacPort_PortTxShortIpgCfg portShortIpgCfg [CPSW_MAC_PORT_NUM]

Field Documentation

◆ ipgTriggerThreshBlkCnt

uint32_t Cpsw_TxShortIpgCfg::ipgTriggerThreshBlkCnt

Ethernet port associated FIFO transmit block usage value for triggering transmit short gap when short gap is enabled

◆ numMacPorts

uint32_t Cpsw_TxShortIpgCfg::numMacPorts

Number of MAC ports to configure TX IPG

◆ portShortIpgCfg

CpswMacPort_PortTxShortIpgCfg Cpsw_TxShortIpgCfg::portShortIpgCfg[CPSW_MAC_PORT_NUM]

Per Port short TX IPG configuration. Up to numMacPorts entries should be populated