AM62Px MCU+ SDK  09.02.01


This is FVID2 datatypes layer interface.


file  fvid2_dataTypes.h
 FVID2 Datatypes.

Data Structures

struct  Fvid2_Format
 FVID2 video buffer format specification. More...
struct  Fvid2_SubFrameInfo
 Sub-Frame information. More...
struct  Fvid2_Frame
 FVID2 frame buffer structure. More...
struct  Fvid2_FrameList
 FVID2 frame buffer list used to exchange multiple FVID2 frames in a single driver call. More...
struct  Fvid2_ModeInfo
 FVID2 Mode information structure. More...
struct  Fvid2_CropConfig
 Structure containing crop configuration - used in Scaler and VCOMP. More...
struct  Fvid2_EdgeCropConfig
 Structure containing edge crop configuration - used in DSS. More...
struct  Fvid2_PosConfig
 Structure containing position configuration - used in VCOMP and CIG. More...
struct  Fvid2_SizeConfig
 Structure containing size configuration. More...


int32_t Fvid2_getModeInfo (Fvid2_ModeInfo *modeInfo)
 Function to get the information about various FVID2 modes/standards. More...
const Char * Fvid2_getDataFmtString (uint32_t dataFmt)
 Function to get the name of the data format in printable string. More...
const Char * Fvid2_getStandardString (uint32_t standard)
 Function to get the name of the standard in printable string. More...
static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtYuv422 (uint32_t dataFmt)
 Function to check whether a data format is YUV422. More...
static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtYuv420 (uint32_t dataFmt)
 Function to check whether a data format is YUV420. More...
static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtYuv420Sp (uint32_t dataFmt)
 Function to check whether a data format is YUV420SP. More...
static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtYuv422Sp (uint32_t dataFmt)
 Function to check whether a data format is YUV422SP. More...
static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtSemiPlanar (uint32_t dataFmt)
 Function to check whether a data format is semi-planar. More...
static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtYuv422I (uint32_t dataFmt)
 Function to check whether a data format is YUV422 interleaved. More...
static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtYuv444 (uint32_t dataFmt)
 Function to check whether a data format is YUV444 . More...
static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtYuv (uint32_t dataFmt)
 Function to check whether a data format is YUV. More...
static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtBayer (uint32_t dataFmt)
 Function to check whether a data format is Bayer with MosaicPattern. More...
static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtRgb16bit (uint32_t dataFmt)
 Function to check whether a data format is RGB 16-bit. More...
static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtRgb (uint32_t dataFmt)
 Function to check whether a data format is RGB . More...
static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtRgb24bit (uint32_t dataFmt)
 Function to check whether a data format is RGB 24-bit. More...
static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtRgb32bit (uint32_t dataFmt)
 Function to check whether a data format is RGB 32-bit. More...
static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtRgb64bit (uint32_t dataFmt)
 Function to check whether a data format is RGB 64 bit. More...
static uint32_t Fvid2_BayerColorIndex (uint32_t dataFmt, uint32_t color)
 Function to get the index of the color for bayer data format. More...
static int32_t Fvid2_isStandardVesa (uint32_t standard)
 Function to check whether a standard is VESA mode or not. More...
static void Fvid2Format_init (Fvid2_Format *fmt)
 Fvid2_Format structure init function. More...
static void Fvid2SubFrameInfo_init (Fvid2_SubFrameInfo *sfInfo)
 Fvid2_SubFrameInfo structure init function. More...
static void Fvid2Frame_init (Fvid2_Frame *frm)
 Fvid2_Frame structure init function. More...
static void Fvid2FrameList_init (Fvid2_FrameList *fList)
 Fvid2_FrameList structure init function. More...
static void Fvid2ModeInfo_init (Fvid2_ModeInfo *modeInfo)
 Fvid2_ModeInfo structure init function. This defaults to 1080p60. More...
static void Fvid2CropConfig_init (Fvid2_CropConfig *cropCfg)
 Fvid2_CropConfig structure init function. More...
static void Fvid2EdgeCropConfig_init (Fvid2_EdgeCropConfig *edgeCropCfg)
 Fvid2_EdgeCropConfig structure init function. More...
static void Fvid2PosConfig_init (Fvid2_PosConfig *posCfg)
 Fvid2_PosConfig structure init function. More...


#define FVID2_TIMEOUT_NONE   (0U)
 No Timeout. More...
#define FVID2_TIMEOUT_FOREVER   (~((uint32_t) 0U))
 Timeout wait forever. More...

FVID2 Error Codes

Error codes returned by FVID2 APIs

#define FVID2_SOK   ((int32_t) 0)
 FVID2 API call successful. More...
#define FVID2_EFAIL   (-(int32_t) 1)
 FVID2 API call returned with error as failed. Used for generic error. It may be some hardware failure and/or software failure. More...
#define FVID2_EBADARGS   (-(int32_t) 2)
 FVID2 API call returned with error as bad arguments. Typically, NULL pointer passed to the FVID2 API where its not expected. More...
#define FVID2_EINVALID_PARAMS   (-(int32_t) 3)
 FVID2 API call returned with error as invalid parameters. Typically when parameters passed are not valid or out of range. More...
#define FVID2_EDEVICE_INUSE   (-(int32_t) 4)
 FVID2 API call returned with error as device already in use. Example, tried to open the driver maximum + 1 times. Display and Capture driver supports single open only, while M2M driver supports multiple open. More...
#define FVID2_ETIMEOUT   (-(int32_t) 5)
 FVID2 API call returned with error as timed out. Typically API is waiting for some condition and returned as condition not happened in the timeout period. More...
#define FVID2_EALLOC   (-(int32_t) 6)
 FVID2 API call returned with error as allocation failure. Typically memory or resource allocation failure. More...
#define FVID2_EOUT_OF_RANGE   (-(int32_t) 7)
 FVID2 API call returned with error as out of range. Typically when API is called with some argument that is out of range for that API like array index etc. More...
#define FVID2_EAGAIN   (-(int32_t) 8)
 FVID2 API call returned with error as try again. Momentarily API is not able to service request because of queue full or any other temporary reason. More...
#define FVID2_EUNSUPPORTED_CMD   (-(int32_t) 9)
 FVID2 API call returned with unsupported command. Typically when command is not supported by control API. More...
#define FVID2_ENO_MORE_BUFFERS   (-(int32_t) 10)
 FVID2 API call returned with error as no more buffers available. Typically when no buffers are available. More...
#define FVID2_EUNSUPPORTED_OPS   (-(int32_t) 11)
 FVID2 API call returned with error as unsupported operation. Typically when the specific operation is not supported by that API such as IOCTL not supporting some specific functions. More...
#define FVID2_EDRIVER_INUSE   (-(int32_t) 12)
 FVID2 API call returned with error as driver already in use. More...
#define FVID2_WNON_RECOMMENDED_PARAMS   (-(int32_t) 13)
 FVID2 API call returned with warning for non-recommended parameter settings sent by application. Application may choose to ignore this. More...
#define FVID2_ENO_DEVICE   (-(int32_t) 14)
 FVID2 API call returned with error as no device present for the given command and API. More...

FVID2 Max limits

#define FVID2_MAX_FRAME_PTR   (64U)
 This macro determines the maximum number of FVID2 frame pointers that can be passed per frame list. More...
#define FVID2_MAX_FIELDS   (2U)
 Number of fields - top and bottom. Used for allocating address pointers for both the fields. More...
 This macro determines the maximum number of planes/address used to represent a video buffer per field. Currently this is set to 3 to support the maximum pointers required for YUV/RGB planar format - Y, Cb and Cr or R, G and B. More...
 This macro determines the maximum number of planes/address used to represent a video buffer. Currently this is set to 6 to support the maximum pointers required for two fields of YUV/RGB planar format - Y, Cb and Cr or R, G and B. More...

FVID2 Frame Address Index

Fvid2_Frame.addr structure is array of pointers. The below indices are used to identify the correct buffer address corresponding to the field and buffer formats.

#define FVID2_YUV_PL_Y_ADDR_IDX   (0U)
 Y Index for YUV444/YUV422/YUV420 planar formats. More...
#define FVID2_YUV_PL_CB_ADDR_IDX   (1U)
 CB Index for YUV444/YUV422/YUV420 planar formats. More...
#define FVID2_YUV_PL_CR_ADDR_IDX   (2U)
 CR Index for YUV444/YUV422/YUV420 planar formats. More...
#define FVID2_YUV_SP_Y_ADDR_IDX   (0U)
 Y Index for YUV semi planar formats. More...
 CB Index for semi planar formats. More...
#define FVID2_RGB_ADDR_IDX   (0U)
 Index for RGB888/RGB565/ARGB32 formats. More...
#define FVID2_YUV_INT_ADDR_IDX   (0U)
 Index for YUV444/YUV422 interleaved formats. More...
 Y Index for YUV444/YUV422/YUV420 planar formats for field 2. More...
 CB Index for YUV444/YUV422/YUV420 planar formats for field 2. More...
 CR Index for YUV444/YUV422/YUV420 planar formats for field 2. More...
 Y Index for YUV semi planar formats for field 2. More...
 CB Index for semi planar formats for field 2. More...
 Index for RGB888/RGB565/ARGB32 formats for field 2. More...
 Index for YUV444/YUV422 interleaved formats for field 2. More...

Digital Video Format

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_DVFormat
#define FVID2_DV_BT656_EMBSYNC   ((uint32_t) 0x00U)
 Video format is BT656 with embedded sync. More...
#define FVID2_DV_BT1120_EMBSYNC   ((uint32_t) 0x01U)
 Video format is BT1120 with embedded sync. More...
#define FVID2_DV_GENERIC_DISCSYNC   ((uint32_t) 0x02U)
 Video format is for any discrete sync. More...

Video Buffer Flip Type

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_FlipType
#define FVID2_FLIP_TYPE_NONE   ((uint32_t) 0x00U)
 Flip Type is None. More...
#define FVID2_FLIP_TYPE_H   ((uint32_t) 0x01U)
 Flip Type is Horizontal i.e. along Y axis. More...
#define FVID2_FLIP_TYPE_V   ((uint32_t) 0x02U)
 Flip Type is Vertical i.e. along X axis. More...
#define FVID2_FLIP_TYPE_HV   ((uint32_t) 0x03U)
 Flip Type is Horizontal + Vertical. More...

CSI2 Data formats

Data formats for CSI2 protocol.

#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_YUV420_8B   ((uint32_t) 0x18)
 YUV 4:2:0 with 8bit for each Y/U/V. More...
#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_YUV420_10B   ((uint32_t) 0x19)
 YUV 4:2:0 with 10bit for each Y/U/V. More...
#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_YUV420_8B_LEGACY   ((uint32_t) 0x1A)
 YUV 4:2:0 with 8bit for each Y/U/V. More...
#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_YUV420_8B_CHROMA_SHIFT   ((uint32_t) 0x1C)
 YUV 4:2:0 with 8bit for each Y/U/V with with phase shifted chroma. More...
#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_YUV420_10B_CHROMA_SHIFT   ((uint32_t) 0x1D)
 YUV 4:2:0 with 10bit for each Y/U/V with with phase shifted chroma. More...
#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_YUV422_8B   ((uint32_t) 0x1E)
 YUV 4:2:2 with 8bit for each Y/U/V. More...
#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_YUV422_10B   ((uint32_t) 0x1F)
 YUV 4:2:2 with 10bit for each Y/U/V. More...
#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_RGB444   ((uint32_t) 0x20)
 RGB444 - 4-bits B); 4-bits G); 4-bits R. More...
#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_RGB555   ((uint32_t) 0x21)
 RGB555 - 5-bits B); 5-bits G); 5-bits R. More...
#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_RGB565   ((uint32_t) 0x22)
 RGB565 - 5-bits B); 6-bits G); 5-bits R. More...
#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_RGB666   ((uint32_t) 0x23)
 RGB666 - 6-bits B); 6-bits G); 6-bits R. More...
#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_RGB888   ((uint32_t) 0x24)
 RGB888 - 8-bits B); 8-bits G); 8-bits R. More...
#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_RAW6   ((uint32_t) 0x28)
 6 bit raw-data. More...
#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_RAW7   ((uint32_t) 0x29)
 7 bit raw-data. More...
#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_RAW8   ((uint32_t) 0x2A)
 8 bit raw-data. More...
#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_RAW10   ((uint32_t) 0x2B)
 10 bit raw-data. More...
#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_RAW12   ((uint32_t) 0x2C)
 12 bit raw-data. More...
#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_RAW14   ((uint32_t) 0x2D)
 14 bit raw-data. More...
#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_RAW16   ((uint32_t) 0x2E)
 16 bit raw-data. More...
#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_RAW20   ((uint32_t) 0x2F)
 20 bit raw-data. More...

Video Data format

Naming convention followed FVID2_DF_ARGB32_8888 In 8-bit byte memory

B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7

| A | R | G | B | A | R | G | B |


B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7

| U | Y | V | Y | U | Y | V | Y |


B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7

| AR | GB | AR | GB | AR | GB | AR | GB |

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_DataFormat
#define FVID2_DF_YUV422I_UYVY   ((uint32_t) 0x0000U)
 YUV 422 Interleaved format - UYVY. More...
#define FVID2_DF_YUV422I_YUYV   ((uint32_t) 0x0001U)
 YUV 422 Interleaved format - YUYV. More...
#define FVID2_DF_YUV422I_YVYU   ((uint32_t) 0x0002U)
 YUV 422 Interleaved format - YVYU. More...
#define FVID2_DF_YUV422I_VYUY   ((uint32_t) 0x0003U)
 YUV 422 Interleaved format - VYUY. More...
#define FVID2_DF_YUV422SP_UV   ((uint32_t) 0x0004U)
 YUV 422 Semi-Planar - Y separate, UV interleaved. More...
#define FVID2_DF_YUV422SP_VU   ((uint32_t) 0x0005U)
 YUV 422 Semi-Planar - Y separate, VU interleaved. More...
#define FVID2_DF_YUV422P   ((uint32_t) 0x0006U)
 YUV 422 Planar - Y, U and V separate. More...
#define FVID2_DF_YUV420SP_UV   ((uint32_t) 0x0007U)
 YUV 420 Semi-Planar - Y separate, UV interleaved. More...
#define FVID2_DF_YUV420SP_VU   ((uint32_t) 0x0008U)
 YUV 420 Semi-Planar - Y separate, VU interleaved. More...
#define FVID2_DF_YUV420P   ((uint32_t) 0x0009U)
 YUV 420 Planar - Y, U and V separate. More...
#define FVID2_DF_YUV444P   ((uint32_t) 0x000AU)
 YUV 444 Planar - Y, U and V separate. More...
#define FVID2_DF_YUV444I   ((uint32_t) 0x000BU)
 YUV 444 interleaved - YUVYUV... More...
#define FVID2_DF_RGB16_565   ((uint32_t) 0x000CU)
 RGB565 16-bit - 5-bits R, 6-bits G, 5-bits B. More...
#define FVID2_DF_ARGB16_1555   ((uint32_t) 0x000DU)
 ARGB1555 16-bit - 5-bits R, 5-bits G, 5-bits B, 1-bit Alpha . More...
#define FVID2_DF_RGBA16_5551   ((uint32_t) 0x000EU)
 RGBA5551 16-bit - 5-bits R, 5-bits G, 5-bits B, 1-bit Alpha . More...
#define FVID2_DF_ARGB16_4444   ((uint32_t) 0x000FU)
 ARGB4444 16-bit - 4-bits R, 4-bits G, 4-bits B, 4-bit Alpha . More...
#define FVID2_DF_RGBA16_4444   ((uint32_t) 0x0010U)
 RGBA4444 16-bit - 4-bits R, 4-bits G, 4-bits B, 4-bit Alpha . More...
#define FVID2_DF_RGBX16_4444   ((uint32_t) 0x0011U)
 RGBX4444 16-bit - 4-bits R, 4-bits G, 4-bits B, 4-bit Unused . More...
#define FVID2_DF_ARGB24_6666   ((uint32_t) 0x0012U)
 ARGB6666 24-bit - 6-bits R, 6-bits G, 6-bits B, 6-bit Alpha . More...
#define FVID2_DF_RGBA24_6666   ((uint32_t) 0x0013U)
 RGBA6666 24-bit - 6-bits R, 6-bits G, 6-bits B, 6-bit Alpha . More...
#define FVID2_DF_RGB24_888   ((uint32_t) 0x0014U)
 RGB24 24-bit - 8-bits R, 8-bits G, 8-bits B. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BGRX_4444   ((uint32_t) 0x0015U)
 RGBx12-16bit- 4-bits R, 4-bits G, 4-bits B, 4-bits unused . More...
#define FVID2_DF_XBGR_4444   ((uint32_t) 0x0016U)
 xRGB12-16bit- 4-bits R, 4-bits G, 4-bits B, 4-bits unused. More...
#define FVID2_DF_ARGB32_8888   ((uint32_t) 0x0017U)
 ARGB32 32-bit - 8-bits R, 8-bits G, 8-bits B, 8-bit Alpha . More...
#define FVID2_DF_XRGB32_8888   ((uint32_t) 0x0018U)
 XRGB32 32-bit - 8-bits R, 8-bits G, 8-bits B, 8-bit unused . More...
#define FVID2_DF_RGBA32_8888   ((uint32_t) 0x0019U)
 RGBA32 32-bit - 8-bits R, 8-bits G, 8-bits B, 8-bit Alpha . More...
#define FVID2_DF_BGR16_565   ((uint32_t) 0x001AU)
 BGR565 16-bit - 5-bits B, 6-bits G, 5-bits R. More...
#define FVID2_DF_ABGR16_1555   ((uint32_t) 0x001BU)
 ABGR1555 16-bit - 5-bits B, 5-bits G, 5-bits R, 1-bit Alpha . More...
#define FVID2_DF_ABGR16_4444   ((uint32_t) 0x001CU)
 ABGR4444 16-bit - 4-bits B, 4-bits G, 4-bits R, 4-bit Alpha . More...
#define FVID2_DF_BGRA16_5551   ((uint32_t) 0x001DU)
 BGRA5551 16-bit - 5-bits B, 5-bits G, 5-bits R, 1-bit Alpha . More...
#define FVID2_DF_BGRA16_4444   ((uint32_t) 0x001EU)
 BGRA4444 16-bit - 4-bits B, 4-bits G, 4-bits R, 4-bit Alpha . More...
#define FVID2_DF_AGBR16_1555   ((uint32_t) 0x001FU)
 ABGR1555 16-bit - 5-bits G, 5-bits B, 5-bits R, 1-bit Alpha . More...
#define FVID2_DF_AGBR16_4444   ((uint32_t) 0x0020U)
 ABGR4444 16-bit - 4-bits G, 4-bits B, 4-bits R, 4-bit Alpha . More...
#define FVID2_DF_XGBR16_1555   ((uint32_t) 0x0021U)
 XGBR1555 16-bit - 5-bits G, 5-bits B, 5-bits R, 1-bit unused . More...
#define FVID2_DF_BGRX16_5551   ((uint32_t) 0x0022U)
 BGRX5551 16-bit - 5-bits B, 5-bits G, 5-bits R, 1-bit unused . More...
#define FVID2_DF_ABGR24_6666   ((uint32_t) 0x0023U)
 ABGR6666 24-bit - 6-bits B, 6-bits G, 6-bits R, 6-bit Alpha . More...
#define FVID2_DF_BGR24_888   ((uint32_t) 0x0024U)
 BGR888 24-bit - 8-bits B, 8-bits G, 8-bits R. More...
#define FVID2_DF_XBGR24_8888   ((uint32_t) 0x0025U)
 xBGR888 24-bit - 8-bits B, 8-bits G, 8-bits R, 8-bit unused More...
#define FVID2_DF_RGBX24_8888   ((uint32_t) 0x0026U)
 xBGR888 24-bit - 8-bits B, 8-bits G, 8-bits R, 8-bit unused
#define FVID2_DF_BGRX24_8888   ((uint32_t) 0x0027U)
 xBGR888 24-bit - 8-bits B, 8-bits G, 8-bits R, 8-bit unused More...
#define FVID2_DF_ABGR32_8888   ((uint32_t) 0x0028U)
 ABGR8888 32-bit - 8-bits B, 8-bits G, 8-bits R, 8-bit Alpha . More...
#define FVID2_DF_BGRA24_6666   ((uint32_t) 0x0029U)
 BGRA6666 24-bit - 6-bits B, 6-bits G, 6-bits R, 6-bit Alpha . More...
#define FVID2_DF_BGRA32_8888   ((uint32_t) 0x002AU)
 BGRA8888 32-bit - 8-bits B, 8-bits G, 8-bits R, 8-bit Alpha . More...
#define FVID2_DF_BGRX32_8888   ((uint32_t) 0x002BU)
 BGRX8888 32-bit - 8-bits B, 8-bits G, 8-bits R, 8-bit unused. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BGRA16_1555   ((uint32_t) 0x002CU)
 BGRA1555 16-bit - 5-bits B, 5-bits G, 5-bits R, 1-bit Alpha. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BGRX16_1555   ((uint32_t) 0x002DU)
 BGRX1555 16-bit - 5-bits B, 5-bits G, 5-bits R, 1-bit unused. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BGRA32_1010102   ((uint32_t) 0x002EU)
 BGRA1010102 32-bit - 10-bits B, 10-bits G, 10-bits R, 2-bit Alpha. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BGRX32_1010102   ((uint32_t) 0x002FU)
 BGRX1010102 32-bit - 10-bits B, 10-bits G, 10-bits R, 2-bit unused. More...
#define FVID2_DF_RGBA32_1010102   ((uint32_t) 0x0030U)
 RGBA1010102 32-bit - 10-bits B, 10-bits G, 10-bits R, 2-bit Alpha. More...
#define FVID2_DF_RGBX32_1010102   ((uint32_t) 0x0031U)
 RGBX1010102 32-bit - 10-bits B, 10-bits G, 10-bits R, 2-bit unused. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BGRA64_16161616   ((uint32_t) 0x0032U)
 RGBA16161616 64-bit - 16-bits B, 16-bits G, 16-bits R, 16-bit Alpha. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BGRX64_16161616   ((uint32_t) 0x0033U)
 BGRX16161616 64-bit - 16-bits B, 16-bits G, 16-bits R, 16-bit unused. More...
#define FVID2_DF_ABGR64_16161616   ((uint32_t) 0x0034U)
 ABGR16161616 64-bit - 16-bits B, 16-bits G, 16-bits R, 16-bit Alpha. More...
#define FVID2_DF_XBGR64_16161616   ((uint32_t) 0x0035U)
 XBGR16161616 64-bit - 16-bits B, 16-bits G, 16-bits R, 16-bit unused. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP8   ((uint32_t) 0x0036U)
 BITMAP 8bpp. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP4_LOWER   ((uint32_t) 0x0037U)
 BITMAP 4bpp lower address in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP4_UPPER   ((uint32_t) 0x0038U)
 BITMAP 4bpp upper address in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP2_OFFSET0   ((uint32_t) 0x0039U)
 BITMAP 2bpp offset 0 in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP2_OFFSET1   ((uint32_t) 0x003AU)
 BITMAP 2bpp offset 1 in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP2_OFFSET2   ((uint32_t) 0x003BU)
 BITMAP 2bpp offset 2 in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP2_OFFSET3   ((uint32_t) 0x003CU)
 BITMAP 2bpp offset 3 in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_OFFSET0   ((uint32_t) 0x003DU)
 BITMAP 1bpp offset 0 in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_OFFSET1   ((uint32_t) 0x003EU)
 BITMAP 1bpp offset 1 in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_OFFSET2   ((uint32_t) 0x003FU)
 BITMAP 1bpp offset 2 in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_OFFSET3   ((uint32_t) 0x0040U)
 BITMAP 1bpp offset 3 in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_OFFSET4   ((uint32_t) 0x0041U)
 BITMAP 1bpp offset 4 in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_OFFSET5   ((uint32_t) 0x0042U)
 BITMAP 1bpp offset 5 in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_OFFSET6   ((uint32_t) 0x0043U)
 BITMAP 1bpp offset 6 in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_OFFSET7   ((uint32_t) 0x0044U)
 BITMAP 1bpp offset 7 in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP8_BGRA32   ((uint32_t) 0x0045U)
 BITMAP 8bpp BGRA32. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP4_BGRA32_LOWER   ((uint32_t) 0x0046U)
 BITMAP 4bpp BGRA32 lower address in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP4_BGRA32_UPPER   ((uint32_t) 0x0047U)
 BITMAP 4bpp BGRA32 upper address in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP2_BGRA32_OFFSET0   ((uint32_t) 0x0048U)
 BITMAP 2bpp BGRA32 offset 0 in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP2_BGRA32_OFFSET1   ((uint32_t) 0x0049U)
 BITMAP 2bpp BGRA32 offset 1 in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP2_BGRA32_OFFSET2   ((uint32_t) 0x004AU)
 BITMAP 2bpp BGRA32 offset 2 in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP2_BGRA32_OFFSET3   ((uint32_t) 0x004BU)
 BITMAP 2bpp BGRA32 offset 3 in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_BGRA32_OFFSET0   ((uint32_t) 0x004CU)
 BITMAP 1bpp BGRA32 offset 0 in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_BGRA32_OFFSET1   ((uint32_t) 0x004DU)
 BITMAP 1bpp BGRA32 offset 1 in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_BGRA32_OFFSET2   ((uint32_t) 0x004EU)
 BITMAP 1bpp BGRA32 offset 2 in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_BGRA32_OFFSET3   ((uint32_t) 0x004FU)
 BITMAP 1bpp BGRA32 offset 3 in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_BGRA32_OFFSET4   ((uint32_t) 0x0050U)
 BITMAP 1bpp BGRA32 offset 4 in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_BGRA32_OFFSET5   ((uint32_t) 0x0051U)
 BITMAP 1bpp BGRA32 offset 5 in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_BGRA32_OFFSET6   ((uint32_t) 0x0052U)
 BITMAP 1bpp BGRA32 offset 6 in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_BGRA32_OFFSET7   ((uint32_t) 0x0053U)
 BITMAP 1bpp BGRA32 offset 7 in CLUT. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BAYER_RAW   ((uint32_t) 0x0054U)
 Bayer pattern. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BAYER_GRBG   ((uint32_t) 0x0055U)
 Raw bayer data color pattern G R G R ... B G B G ... More...
#define FVID2_DF_BAYER_RGGB   ((uint32_t) 0x0056U)
 Raw bayer data color pattern R G G R ... G B G B ... More...
#define FVID2_DF_BAYER_BGGR   ((uint32_t) 0x0057U)
 Raw bayer data color pattern B G B G ... G B G B ... More...
#define FVID2_DF_BAYER_GBRG   ((uint32_t) 0x0058U)
 Raw bayer data color pattern G B G B ... R R R G ... More...
#define FVID2_DF_RAW_VBI   ((uint32_t) 0x0059U)
 Raw VBI data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_RAW24   ((uint32_t) 0x005AU)
 24 bit raw-data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_RAW16   ((uint32_t) 0x005BU)
 16 bit raw-data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_RAW08   ((uint32_t) 0x005CU)
 8 bit raw-data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_MISC   ((uint32_t) 0x005DU)
 For future purpose. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP4   ((uint32_t) FVID2_DF_BITMAP4_LOWER)
 BITMAP 4bpp. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP2   ((uint32_t) FVID2_DF_BITMAP2_OFFSET0)
 BITMAP 2bpp. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1   ((uint32_t) FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_OFFSET0)
 BITMAP 1bpp. More...
#define FVID2_DF_RAW06   ((uint32_t) 0x5EU)
 6 bit raw-data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_RAW07   ((uint32_t) 0x5FU)
 7 bit raw-data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_RAW10   ((uint32_t) 0x60U)
 10 bit raw-data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_RAW12   ((uint32_t) 0x61U)
 12 bit raw-data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_RAW14   ((uint32_t) 0x62U)
 14 bit raw-data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_JPEG1_INTERCHANGE   ((uint32_t) 0x63U)
#define FVID2_DF_JPEG2_JFIF   ((uint32_t) 0x64U)
 JPEG2 JFIF data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_JPEG3_EXIF   ((uint32_t) 0x65U)
 JPEG3 EXIF data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_DPCM_10_8_10_PRED1   ((uint32_t) 0x66U)
 DPCM 10-8-10 PRED1 data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_DPCM_10_8_10_PRED2   ((uint32_t) 0x67U)
 DPCM 10-8-10 PRED2 data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_DPCM_10_7_10_PRED1   ((uint32_t) 0x68U)
 DPCM 10-7-10 PRED1 data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_DPCM_10_7_10_PRED2   ((uint32_t) 0x69U)
 DPCM 10-7-10 PRED2 data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_DPCM_10_6_10_PRED1   ((uint32_t) 0x6AU)
 DPCM 10-6-10 PRED1 data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_DPCM_10_6_10_PRED2   ((uint32_t) 0x6BU)
 DPCM 10-6-10 PRED2 data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_DPCM_12_8_10_PRED1   ((uint32_t) 0x6CU)
 DPCM 12-8-10 PRED1 data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_DPCM_12_8_10_PRED2   ((uint32_t) 0x6DU)
 DPCM 12-8-10 PRED2 data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_DPCM_12_7_10_PRED1   ((uint32_t) 0x6EU)
 DPCM 12-7-10 PRED1 data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_DPCM_12_7_10_PRED2   ((uint32_t) 0x6FU)
 DPCM 12-7-10 PRED2 data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_DPCM_12_6_10_PRED1   ((uint32_t) 0x70U)
 DPCM 12-6-10 PRED1 data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_DPCM_12_6_10_PRED2   ((uint32_t) 0x71U)
 DPCM 12-6-10 PRED2 data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BGR16_565_A8   ((uint32_t) 0x72U)
 BGR565 16-bit - 5-bits B, 6-bits G, 5-bits R. Alpha 8-bits another plane. More...
#define FVID2_DF_RGB16_565_A8   ((uint32_t) 0x73U)
 RGB565 16-bit - 5-bits R, 6-bits G, 5-bits B. Alpha 8-bits another plane. More...
#define FVID2_DF_LUMA_ONLY   ((uint32_t) 0x74U)
 Luma only data for YUV data format. More...
#define FVID2_DF_CHROMA_ONLY   ((uint32_t) 0x75U)
 Chroma only data for YUV data format. More...
#define FVID2_DF_RGB24_888_PLANAR   ((uint32_t) 0x76U)
 RGB888 planar format data format. More...
#define FVID2_DF_ARGB48_12121212   ((uint32_t) 0x0077U)
 ARGB48 48-bit - 12-bits R, 12-bits G, 12-bits B, 12-bit Alpha . More...
#define FVID2_DF_GREY   ((uint32_t) 0x0078U)
 Grey only data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_SATURATION   ((uint32_t) 0x0079U)
 Saturation only data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_HUE   ((uint32_t) 0x007AU)
 Hue only data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_RAW   ((uint32_t) 0x007BU)
 RAW data. More...
#define FVID2_DF_RED   ((uint32_t) 0x007CU)
 Red Color Component. More...
#define FVID2_DF_GREEN   ((uint32_t) 0x007DU)
 Green Color Component. More...
#define FVID2_DF_BLUE   ((uint32_t) 0x007EU)
 Blue Color Component. More...
#define FVID2_DF_2PLANES   ((uint32_t) 0x007FU)
 2 plane format, These plane can be YY or any combination of RGB More...
#define FVID2_DF_PLANE_1   ((uint32_t) 0x0080U)
#define FVID2_DF_PLANE_2   ((uint32_t) 0x0081U)
#define FVID2_DF_R_GBI   ((uint32_t) 0x0082U)
 R+GB interleaved. More...
#define FVID2_DF_RGI_B   ((uint32_t) 0x0083U)
 RG+B RG interleaved. More...
#define FVID2_DF_RGB   ((uint32_t) 0x0084U)
 R+G+B. More...
#define FVID2_DF_R   ((uint32_t) 0x0085U)
 R. More...
#define FVID2_DF_GBI   ((uint32_t) 0x0086U)
 GB interleaved. More...
#define FVID2_DF_RGI   ((uint32_t) 0x0087U)
#define FVID2_DF_INVALID   ((uint32_t) 0x00FFU)
 Invalid data format. Could be used to initialize variables. More...

Scan format

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_ScanFormat
#define FVID2_SF_INTERLACED   ((uint32_t) 0x00U)
 Interlaced mode. More...
#define FVID2_SF_PROGRESSIVE   ((uint32_t) 0x01U)
 Progressive mode. More...
#define FVID2_SF_MAX   ((uint32_t) 0x02U)
 Used by driver for validating the input parameters. More...

Video standards

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_Standard
#define FVID2_STD_NTSC   ((uint32_t) 0x00U)
 720x480 30FPS interlaced NTSC standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_PAL   ((uint32_t) 0x01U)
 720x576 30FPS interlaced PAL standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_480I   ((uint32_t) 0x02U)
 720x480 30FPS interlaced SD standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_576I   ((uint32_t) 0x03U)
 720x576 30FPS interlaced SD standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_CIF   ((uint32_t) 0x04U)
 Interlaced, 360x120 per field NTSC, 360x144 per field PAL. More...
#define FVID2_STD_HALF_D1   ((uint32_t) 0x05U)
 Interlaced, 360x240 per field NTSC, 360x288 per field PAL. More...
#define FVID2_STD_D1   ((uint32_t) 0x06U)
 Interlaced, 720x240 per field NTSC, 720x288 per field PAL. More...
#define FVID2_STD_480P   ((uint32_t) 0x07U)
 720x480 60FPS progressive ED standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_576P   ((uint32_t) 0x08U)
 720x576 60FPS progressive ED standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_720P_60   ((uint32_t) 0x09U)
 1280x720 60FPS progressive HD standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_720P_50   ((uint32_t) 0x0AU)
 1280x720 50FPS progressive HD standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_1080I_60   ((uint32_t) 0x0BU)
 1920x1080 30FPS interlaced HD standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_1080I_50   ((uint32_t) 0x0CU)
 1920x1080 50FPS interlaced HD standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_1080P_60   ((uint32_t) 0x0DU)
 1920x1080 60FPS progressive HD standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_1080P_50   ((uint32_t) 0x0EU)
 1920x1080 50FPS progressive HD standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_1080P_24   ((uint32_t) 0x0FU)
 1920x1080 24FPS progressive HD standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_1080P_30   ((uint32_t) 0x10U)
 1920x1080 30FPS progressive HD standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_VGA_60   ((uint32_t) 0x11U)
 640x480 60FPS VESA standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_VGA_72   ((uint32_t) 0x12U)
 640x480 72FPS VESA standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_VGA_75   ((uint32_t) 0x13U)
 640x480 75FPS VESA standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_VGA_85   ((uint32_t) 0x14U)
 640x480 85FPS VESA standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_WVGA_60   ((uint32_t) 0x15U)
 800x480 60PFS WVGA More...
#define FVID2_STD_SVGA_60   ((uint32_t) 0x16U)
 800x600 60FPS VESA standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_SVGA_72   ((uint32_t) 0x17U)
 800x600 72FPS VESA standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_SVGA_75   ((uint32_t) 0x18U)
 800x600 75FPS VESA standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_SVGA_85   ((uint32_t) 0x19U)
 800x600 85FPS VESA standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_WSVGA_70   ((uint32_t) 0x1AU)
 1024x600 70FPS standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_XGA_60   ((uint32_t) 0x1BU)
 1024x768 60FPS VESA standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_XGA_DSS_TDM_60   ((uint32_t) 0x1CU)
 1024x768 60FPS VESA standard. Applicable for DSS in 8-bit TDM mode. More...
#define FVID2_STD_XGA_70   ((uint32_t) 0x1DU)
 1024x768 72FPS VESA standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_XGA_75   ((uint32_t) 0x1EU)
 1024x768 75FPS VESA standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_XGA_85   ((uint32_t) 0x1FU)
 1024x768 85FPS VESA standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_1368_768_60   ((uint32_t) 0x20U)
 1368x768 60 PFS VESA. More...
#define FVID2_STD_1366_768_60   ((uint32_t) 0x21U)
 1366x768 60 PFS VESA. More...
#define FVID2_STD_1360_768_60   ((uint32_t) 0x22U)
 1360x768 60 PFS VESA. More...
#define FVID2_STD_WXGA_30   ((uint32_t) 0x23U)
 1280x800 30FPS VESA standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_WXGA_60   ((uint32_t) 0x24U)
 1280x800 60FPS VESA standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_WXGA_75   ((uint32_t) 0x25U)
 1280x800 75FPS VESA standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_WXGA_85   ((uint32_t) 0x26U)
 1280x800 85FPS VESA standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_1440_900_60   ((uint32_t) 0x27U)
 1440x900 60 PFS VESA standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_SXGA_60   ((uint32_t) 0x28U)
 1280x1024 60FPS VESA standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_SXGA_75   ((uint32_t) 0x29U)
 1280x1024 75FPS VESA standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_SXGA_85   ((uint32_t) 0x2AU)
 1280x1024 85FPS VESA standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_WSXGAP_60   ((uint32_t) 0x2BU)
 1680x1050 60 PFS VESA standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_SXGAP_60   ((uint32_t) 0x2CU)
 1400x1050 60FPS VESA standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_SXGAP_75   ((uint32_t) 0x2DU)
 1400x1050 75FPS VESA standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_UXGA_60   ((uint32_t) 0x2EU)
 1600x1200 60FPS VESA standard. More...
#define FVID2_STD_MUX_2CH_D1   ((uint32_t) 0x2FU)
 Interlaced, 2Ch D1, NTSC or PAL. More...
#define FVID2_STD_MUX_2CH_HALF_D1   ((uint32_t) 0x30U)
 Interlaced, 2ch half D1, NTSC or PAL. More...
#define FVID2_STD_MUX_2CH_CIF   ((uint32_t) 0x31U)
 Interlaced, 2ch CIF, NTSC or PAL. More...
#define FVID2_STD_MUX_4CH_D1   ((uint32_t) 0x32U)
 Interlaced, 4Ch D1, NTSC or PAL. More...
#define FVID2_STD_MUX_4CH_CIF   ((uint32_t) 0x33U)
 Interlaced, 4Ch CIF, NTSC or PAL. More...
#define FVID2_STD_MUX_4CH_HALF_D1   ((uint32_t) 0x34U)
 Interlaced, 4Ch Half-D1, NTSC or PAL. More...
#define FVID2_STD_MUX_8CH_CIF   ((uint32_t) 0x35U)
 Interlaced, 8Ch CIF, NTSC or PAL. More...
#define FVID2_STD_MUX_8CH_HALF_D1   ((uint32_t) 0x36U)
 Interlaced, 8Ch Half-D1, NTSC or PAL. More...
#define FVID2_STD_WXGA_5x3_30   ((uint32_t) 0x37U)
 WXGA standard (1280x768) with the aspect ratio 5:3 at 30FPS. More...
#define FVID2_STD_WXGA_5x3_60   ((uint32_t) 0x38U)
 WXGA resolution (1280x768) with the aspect ratio 5:3 at 60FPS. More...
#define FVID2_STD_WXGA_5x3_75   ((uint32_t) 0x39U)
 WXGA resolution (1280x768) with the aspect ratio 5:3 at 75FPS. More...
#define FVID2_STD_AUTO_DETECT   ((uint32_t) 0x3AU)
 Auto-detect standard. Used in capture mode. More...
#define FVID2_STD_CUSTOM   ((uint32_t) 0x3BU)
 Custom standard used when connecting to external LCD etc... The video timing is provided by the application. Used in display mode. More...

Field type

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_Fid
#define FVID2_FID_TOP   ((uint32_t) 0U)
 Top field. More...
#define FVID2_FID_BOTTOM   ((uint32_t) 1U)
 Bottom field. More...
#define FVID2_FID_FRAME   ((uint32_t) 2U)
 Frame mode - Contains both the fields or a progressive frame. More...
#define FVID2_FID_MAX   ((uint32_t) 3U)
 Used by driver for validating the input parameters. More...

Polarity type

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_Polarity
#define FVID2_POL_LOW   ((uint32_t) 0U)
 Low Polarity. More...
#define FVID2_POL_HIGH   ((uint32_t) 1U)
 High Polarity. More...
#define FVID2_POL_MAX   ((uint32_t) 2U)
 Used by driver for validating the input parameters. More...

Edge Polarity type

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_EdgePolarity
#define FVID2_EDGE_POL_RISING   ((uint32_t) 0U)
 Rising Edge. More...
#define FVID2_EDGE_POL_FALLING   ((uint32_t) 1U)
 Falling Edge. More...
#define FVID2_EDGE_POL_MAX   ((uint32_t) 2U)
 Used by driver for validating the input parameters. More...

Field ID polarity

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_FidPol
#define FVID2_FIDPOL_NORMAL   ((uint32_t) 0U)
 FID = 0, top field. More...
#define FVID2_FIDPOL_INVERT   ((uint32_t) 1U)
 FID = 1, bottom field. More...

Buffer storage format

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_BufferFormat
#define FVID2_BUF_FMT_FIELD   ((uint32_t) 0U)
 Buffers are captured/displayed as fields instead of frames. More...
#define FVID2_BUF_FMT_FRAME   ((uint32_t) 1U)
 Buffers are captured/displayed as frames. More...

Storage Format for each color component in pixel

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_ColorCompStorageFmt
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS1_PACKED   ((uint32_t) 0x00U)
 1 Bits per Pixel packed. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS2_PACKED   ((uint32_t) 0x01U)
 2 Bits per Pixel packed. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS4_PACKED   ((uint32_t) 0x02U)
 4 Bits per Pixel packed. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS8_PACKED   ((uint32_t) 0x03U)
 8 Bits per Pixel packed. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS10_PACKED   ((uint32_t) 0x04U)
 12 Bits per Pixel packed. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS12_PACKED   ((uint32_t) 0x05U)
 12 Bits per Pixel packed. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS14_PACKED   ((uint32_t) 0x06U)
 14 Bits per Pixel packed. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS16_PACKED   ((uint32_t) 0x07U)
 16 Bits per Pixel packed. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS24_PACKED   ((uint32_t) 0x08U)
 24 Bits per Pixel packed. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS32_PACKED   ((uint32_t) 0x09U)
 32 Bits per Pixel packed. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS6_UNPACKED8   ((uint32_t) 0x0AU)
 6 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 8bit container. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS7_UNPACKED8   ((uint32_t) 0x0BU)
 7 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 8bit container. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS8_UNPACKED12   ((uint32_t) 0x0CU)
 8 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 12bit container. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS8_UNPACKED16   ((uint32_t) 0x0DU)
 8 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 12bit container. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS9_UNPACKED16   ((uint32_t) 0x0EU)
 9 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 16bit container. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS10_UNPACKED16   ((uint32_t) 0x0FU)
 10 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 16bit container More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS11_UNPACKED16   ((uint32_t) 0x10U)
 11 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 16bit container. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS12_UNPACKED16   ((uint32_t) 0x11U)
 12 Bits per Pixel, unpacked in 16bit container More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS13_UNPACKED16   ((uint32_t) 0x12U)
 13 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 16bit container. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS14_UNPACKED16   ((uint32_t) 0x13U)
 14 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 16bit container. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS15_UNPACKED16   ((uint32_t) 0x14U)
 15 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 16bit container. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS20_UNPACKED24   ((uint32_t) 0x15U)
 20 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 24bit container. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS6_UNPACKED8_MSB_ALIGNED   ((uint32_t) 0x16U)
 6 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 8bit container. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS7_UNPACKED8_MSB_ALIGNED   ((uint32_t) 0x17U)
 7 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 8bit container. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS8_UNPACKED12_MSB_ALIGNED   ((uint32_t) 0x18U)
 8 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 12bit container. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS8_UNPACKED16_MSB_ALIGNED   ((uint32_t) 0x19U)
 8 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 12bit container. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS9_UNPACKED16_MSB_ALIGNED   ((uint32_t) 0x1AU)
 9 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 16bit container. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS10_UNPACKED16_MSB_ALIGNED   ((uint32_t) 0x1BU)
 10 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 16bit container More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS11_UNPACKED16_MSB_ALIGNED   ((uint32_t) 0x1CU)
 11 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 16bit container. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS12_UNPACKED16_MSB_ALIGNED   ((uint32_t) 0x1DU)
 12 Bits per Pixel, unpacked in 16bit container More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS13_UNPACKED16_MSB_ALIGNED   ((uint32_t) 0x1EU)
 13 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 16bit container. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS14_UNPACKED16_MSB_ALIGNED   ((uint32_t) 0x1FU)
 14 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 16bit container. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS15_UNPACKED16_MSB_ALIGNED   ((uint32_t) 0x20U)
 15 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 16bit container. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS20_UNPACKED24_MSB_ALIGNED   ((uint32_t) 0x21U)
 20 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 24bit container. More...
#define FVID2_CCSF_MAX   ((uint32_t) 0x22U)
 Used by driver for validating the input parameters. More...

Digital video interface width

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_VideoIfWidth
#define FVID2_VIFW_8BIT   ((uint32_t) 0x00U)
 8-bit interface. More...
#define FVID2_VIFW_10BIT   ((uint32_t) 0x01U)
 10-bit interface. More...
#define FVID2_VIFW_12BIT   ((uint32_t) 0x02U)
 12-bit interface. More...
#define FVID2_VIFW_14BIT   ((uint32_t) 0x03U)
 14-bit interface. More...
#define FVID2_VIFW_16BIT   ((uint32_t) 0x04U)
 16-bit interface. More...
#define FVID2_VIFW_18BIT   ((uint32_t) 0x05U)
 18-bit interface. More...
#define FVID2_VIFW_20BIT   ((uint32_t) 0x06U)
 20-bit interface. More...
#define FVID2_VIFW_24BIT   ((uint32_t) 0x07U)
 24-bit interface. More...
#define FVID2_VIFW_30BIT   ((uint32_t) 0x08U)
 30-bit interface. More...
#define FVID2_VIFW_36BIT   ((uint32_t) 0x09U)
 36-bit interface. More...
#define FVID2_VIFW_1LANES   ((uint32_t) 0x0AU)
 CSI2 specific - 1 data lanes. More...
#define FVID2_VIFW_2LANES   ((uint32_t) 0x0BU)
 CSI2 specific - 2 data lanes. More...
#define FVID2_VIFW_3LANES   ((uint32_t) 0x0CU)
 CSI2 specific - 3 data lanes. More...
#define FVID2_VIFW_4LANES   ((uint32_t) 0x0DU)
 CSI2 / LVDS specific - 4 data lanes. More...
#define FVID2_VIFW_MAX   ((uint32_t) 0x0EU)
 Maximum modes. More...

Fvid2 Video If Mode

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_VideoIfMode
 Video interface mode. More...
#define FVID2_VIFM_SCH_ES   (0U)
#define FVID2_VIFM_SCH_CSI2   (8U)
#define FVID2_VIFM_SCH_LVDS   (9U)
#define FVID2_VIFM_SCH_CPI   (10U)
#define FVID2_VIFM_MAX   (11U)

Fvid2 chroma position

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_ChromaPos
 Enum for selecting chroma position in chroma up or down sampler. More...

Fvid2 Bayer Color Component

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_BayerColorComp
 Enum for selecting bayer color components for odd/even pixel position on odd/even lines, Also used for specifying gain and offset in White balance config for each color component. More...

Fvid2 frame status

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_FrameStatus
 Enum for state of the FVID2 frame. Typically used for marking FVID2_frame as either SUBMITTED, Completed/Done, Errorneous at the time of flush/abort when driver returns back all the frames. More...
#define FVID2_FRAME_STATUS_MAX   (10U)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define FVID2_SOK   ((int32_t) 0)

FVID2 API call successful.


#define FVID2_EFAIL   (-(int32_t) 1)

FVID2 API call returned with error as failed. Used for generic error. It may be some hardware failure and/or software failure.


#define FVID2_EBADARGS   (-(int32_t) 2)

FVID2 API call returned with error as bad arguments. Typically, NULL pointer passed to the FVID2 API where its not expected.


#define FVID2_EINVALID_PARAMS   (-(int32_t) 3)

FVID2 API call returned with error as invalid parameters. Typically when parameters passed are not valid or out of range.


#define FVID2_EDEVICE_INUSE   (-(int32_t) 4)

FVID2 API call returned with error as device already in use. Example, tried to open the driver maximum + 1 times. Display and Capture driver supports single open only, while M2M driver supports multiple open.


#define FVID2_ETIMEOUT   (-(int32_t) 5)

FVID2 API call returned with error as timed out. Typically API is waiting for some condition and returned as condition not happened in the timeout period.


#define FVID2_EALLOC   (-(int32_t) 6)

FVID2 API call returned with error as allocation failure. Typically memory or resource allocation failure.


#define FVID2_EOUT_OF_RANGE   (-(int32_t) 7)

FVID2 API call returned with error as out of range. Typically when API is called with some argument that is out of range for that API like array index etc.


#define FVID2_EAGAIN   (-(int32_t) 8)

FVID2 API call returned with error as try again. Momentarily API is not able to service request because of queue full or any other temporary reason.


#define FVID2_EUNSUPPORTED_CMD   (-(int32_t) 9)

FVID2 API call returned with unsupported command. Typically when command is not supported by control API.


#define FVID2_ENO_MORE_BUFFERS   (-(int32_t) 10)

FVID2 API call returned with error as no more buffers available. Typically when no buffers are available.


#define FVID2_EUNSUPPORTED_OPS   (-(int32_t) 11)

FVID2 API call returned with error as unsupported operation. Typically when the specific operation is not supported by that API such as IOCTL not supporting some specific functions.


#define FVID2_EDRIVER_INUSE   (-(int32_t) 12)

FVID2 API call returned with error as driver already in use.


#define FVID2_WNON_RECOMMENDED_PARAMS   (-(int32_t) 13)

FVID2 API call returned with warning for non-recommended parameter settings sent by application. Application may choose to ignore this.


#define FVID2_ENO_DEVICE   (-(int32_t) 14)

FVID2 API call returned with error as no device present for the given command and API.


#define FVID2_MAX_FRAME_PTR   (64U)

This macro determines the maximum number of FVID2 frame pointers that can be passed per frame list.


#define FVID2_MAX_FIELDS   (2U)

Number of fields - top and bottom. Used for allocating address pointers for both the fields.



This macro determines the maximum number of planes/address used to represent a video buffer per field. Currently this is set to 3 to support the maximum pointers required for YUV/RGB planar format - Y, Cb and Cr or R, G and B.



This macro determines the maximum number of planes/address used to represent a video buffer. Currently this is set to 6 to support the maximum pointers required for two fields of YUV/RGB planar format - Y, Cb and Cr or R, G and B.


#define FVID2_TIMEOUT_NONE   (0U)

No Timeout.


#define FVID2_TIMEOUT_FOREVER   (~((uint32_t) 0U))

Timeout wait forever.


#define FVID2_YUV_PL_Y_ADDR_IDX   (0U)

Y Index for YUV444/YUV422/YUV420 planar formats.


#define FVID2_YUV_PL_CB_ADDR_IDX   (1U)

CB Index for YUV444/YUV422/YUV420 planar formats.


#define FVID2_YUV_PL_CR_ADDR_IDX   (2U)

CR Index for YUV444/YUV422/YUV420 planar formats.


#define FVID2_YUV_SP_Y_ADDR_IDX   (0U)

Y Index for YUV semi planar formats.



CB Index for semi planar formats.


#define FVID2_RGB_ADDR_IDX   (0U)

Index for RGB888/RGB565/ARGB32 formats.


#define FVID2_YUV_INT_ADDR_IDX   (0U)

Index for YUV444/YUV422 interleaved formats.



Y Index for YUV444/YUV422/YUV420 planar formats for field 2.



CB Index for YUV444/YUV422/YUV420 planar formats for field 2.



CR Index for YUV444/YUV422/YUV420 planar formats for field 2.



Y Index for YUV semi planar formats for field 2.



CB Index for semi planar formats for field 2.



Index for RGB888/RGB565/ARGB32 formats for field 2.



Index for YUV444/YUV422 interleaved formats for field 2.


#define FVID2_DV_BT656_EMBSYNC   ((uint32_t) 0x00U)

Video format is BT656 with embedded sync.


#define FVID2_DV_BT1120_EMBSYNC   ((uint32_t) 0x01U)

Video format is BT1120 with embedded sync.


#define FVID2_DV_GENERIC_DISCSYNC   ((uint32_t) 0x02U)

Video format is for any discrete sync.


#define FVID2_FLIP_TYPE_NONE   ((uint32_t) 0x00U)

Flip Type is None.


#define FVID2_FLIP_TYPE_H   ((uint32_t) 0x01U)

Flip Type is Horizontal i.e. along Y axis.


#define FVID2_FLIP_TYPE_V   ((uint32_t) 0x02U)

Flip Type is Vertical i.e. along X axis.


#define FVID2_FLIP_TYPE_HV   ((uint32_t) 0x03U)

Flip Type is Horizontal + Vertical.


#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_YUV420_8B   ((uint32_t) 0x18)

YUV 4:2:0 with 8bit for each Y/U/V.

◆ FVID2_CSI2_DF_YUV420_10B

#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_YUV420_10B   ((uint32_t) 0x19)

YUV 4:2:0 with 10bit for each Y/U/V.


#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_YUV420_8B_LEGACY   ((uint32_t) 0x1A)

YUV 4:2:0 with 8bit for each Y/U/V.


#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_YUV420_8B_CHROMA_SHIFT   ((uint32_t) 0x1C)

YUV 4:2:0 with 8bit for each Y/U/V with with phase shifted chroma.


#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_YUV420_10B_CHROMA_SHIFT   ((uint32_t) 0x1D)

YUV 4:2:0 with 10bit for each Y/U/V with with phase shifted chroma.


#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_YUV422_8B   ((uint32_t) 0x1E)

YUV 4:2:2 with 8bit for each Y/U/V.

◆ FVID2_CSI2_DF_YUV422_10B

#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_YUV422_10B   ((uint32_t) 0x1F)

YUV 4:2:2 with 10bit for each Y/U/V.


#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_RGB444   ((uint32_t) 0x20)

RGB444 - 4-bits B); 4-bits G); 4-bits R.


#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_RGB555   ((uint32_t) 0x21)

RGB555 - 5-bits B); 5-bits G); 5-bits R.


#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_RGB565   ((uint32_t) 0x22)

RGB565 - 5-bits B); 6-bits G); 5-bits R.


#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_RGB666   ((uint32_t) 0x23)

RGB666 - 6-bits B); 6-bits G); 6-bits R.


#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_RGB888   ((uint32_t) 0x24)

RGB888 - 8-bits B); 8-bits G); 8-bits R.


#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_RAW6   ((uint32_t) 0x28)

6 bit raw-data.


#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_RAW7   ((uint32_t) 0x29)

7 bit raw-data.


#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_RAW8   ((uint32_t) 0x2A)

8 bit raw-data.


#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_RAW10   ((uint32_t) 0x2B)

10 bit raw-data.


#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_RAW12   ((uint32_t) 0x2C)

12 bit raw-data.


#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_RAW14   ((uint32_t) 0x2D)

14 bit raw-data.


#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_RAW16   ((uint32_t) 0x2E)

16 bit raw-data.


#define FVID2_CSI2_DF_RAW20   ((uint32_t) 0x2F)

20 bit raw-data.


#define FVID2_DF_YUV422I_UYVY   ((uint32_t) 0x0000U)

YUV 422 Interleaved format - UYVY.


#define FVID2_DF_YUV422I_YUYV   ((uint32_t) 0x0001U)

YUV 422 Interleaved format - YUYV.


#define FVID2_DF_YUV422I_YVYU   ((uint32_t) 0x0002U)

YUV 422 Interleaved format - YVYU.


#define FVID2_DF_YUV422I_VYUY   ((uint32_t) 0x0003U)

YUV 422 Interleaved format - VYUY.


#define FVID2_DF_YUV422SP_UV   ((uint32_t) 0x0004U)

YUV 422 Semi-Planar - Y separate, UV interleaved.


#define FVID2_DF_YUV422SP_VU   ((uint32_t) 0x0005U)

YUV 422 Semi-Planar - Y separate, VU interleaved.


#define FVID2_DF_YUV422P   ((uint32_t) 0x0006U)

YUV 422 Planar - Y, U and V separate.


#define FVID2_DF_YUV420SP_UV   ((uint32_t) 0x0007U)

YUV 420 Semi-Planar - Y separate, UV interleaved.


#define FVID2_DF_YUV420SP_VU   ((uint32_t) 0x0008U)

YUV 420 Semi-Planar - Y separate, VU interleaved.


#define FVID2_DF_YUV420P   ((uint32_t) 0x0009U)

YUV 420 Planar - Y, U and V separate.


#define FVID2_DF_YUV444P   ((uint32_t) 0x000AU)

YUV 444 Planar - Y, U and V separate.


#define FVID2_DF_YUV444I   ((uint32_t) 0x000BU)

YUV 444 interleaved - YUVYUV...

◆ FVID2_DF_RGB16_565

#define FVID2_DF_RGB16_565   ((uint32_t) 0x000CU)

RGB565 16-bit - 5-bits R, 6-bits G, 5-bits B.

◆ FVID2_DF_ARGB16_1555

#define FVID2_DF_ARGB16_1555   ((uint32_t) 0x000DU)

ARGB1555 16-bit - 5-bits R, 5-bits G, 5-bits B, 1-bit Alpha .

◆ FVID2_DF_RGBA16_5551

#define FVID2_DF_RGBA16_5551   ((uint32_t) 0x000EU)

RGBA5551 16-bit - 5-bits R, 5-bits G, 5-bits B, 1-bit Alpha .

◆ FVID2_DF_ARGB16_4444

#define FVID2_DF_ARGB16_4444   ((uint32_t) 0x000FU)

ARGB4444 16-bit - 4-bits R, 4-bits G, 4-bits B, 4-bit Alpha .

◆ FVID2_DF_RGBA16_4444

#define FVID2_DF_RGBA16_4444   ((uint32_t) 0x0010U)

RGBA4444 16-bit - 4-bits R, 4-bits G, 4-bits B, 4-bit Alpha .

◆ FVID2_DF_RGBX16_4444

#define FVID2_DF_RGBX16_4444   ((uint32_t) 0x0011U)

RGBX4444 16-bit - 4-bits R, 4-bits G, 4-bits B, 4-bit Unused .

◆ FVID2_DF_ARGB24_6666

#define FVID2_DF_ARGB24_6666   ((uint32_t) 0x0012U)

ARGB6666 24-bit - 6-bits R, 6-bits G, 6-bits B, 6-bit Alpha .

◆ FVID2_DF_RGBA24_6666

#define FVID2_DF_RGBA24_6666   ((uint32_t) 0x0013U)

RGBA6666 24-bit - 6-bits R, 6-bits G, 6-bits B, 6-bit Alpha .

◆ FVID2_DF_RGB24_888

#define FVID2_DF_RGB24_888   ((uint32_t) 0x0014U)

RGB24 24-bit - 8-bits R, 8-bits G, 8-bits B.

◆ FVID2_DF_BGRX_4444

#define FVID2_DF_BGRX_4444   ((uint32_t) 0x0015U)

RGBx12-16bit- 4-bits R, 4-bits G, 4-bits B, 4-bits unused .

◆ FVID2_DF_XBGR_4444

#define FVID2_DF_XBGR_4444   ((uint32_t) 0x0016U)

xRGB12-16bit- 4-bits R, 4-bits G, 4-bits B, 4-bits unused.

◆ FVID2_DF_ARGB32_8888

#define FVID2_DF_ARGB32_8888   ((uint32_t) 0x0017U)

ARGB32 32-bit - 8-bits R, 8-bits G, 8-bits B, 8-bit Alpha .

◆ FVID2_DF_XRGB32_8888

#define FVID2_DF_XRGB32_8888   ((uint32_t) 0x0018U)

XRGB32 32-bit - 8-bits R, 8-bits G, 8-bits B, 8-bit unused .

◆ FVID2_DF_RGBA32_8888

#define FVID2_DF_RGBA32_8888   ((uint32_t) 0x0019U)

RGBA32 32-bit - 8-bits R, 8-bits G, 8-bits B, 8-bit Alpha .

◆ FVID2_DF_BGR16_565

#define FVID2_DF_BGR16_565   ((uint32_t) 0x001AU)

BGR565 16-bit - 5-bits B, 6-bits G, 5-bits R.

◆ FVID2_DF_ABGR16_1555

#define FVID2_DF_ABGR16_1555   ((uint32_t) 0x001BU)

ABGR1555 16-bit - 5-bits B, 5-bits G, 5-bits R, 1-bit Alpha .

◆ FVID2_DF_ABGR16_4444

#define FVID2_DF_ABGR16_4444   ((uint32_t) 0x001CU)

ABGR4444 16-bit - 4-bits B, 4-bits G, 4-bits R, 4-bit Alpha .

◆ FVID2_DF_BGRA16_5551

#define FVID2_DF_BGRA16_5551   ((uint32_t) 0x001DU)

BGRA5551 16-bit - 5-bits B, 5-bits G, 5-bits R, 1-bit Alpha .

◆ FVID2_DF_BGRA16_4444

#define FVID2_DF_BGRA16_4444   ((uint32_t) 0x001EU)

BGRA4444 16-bit - 4-bits B, 4-bits G, 4-bits R, 4-bit Alpha .

◆ FVID2_DF_AGBR16_1555

#define FVID2_DF_AGBR16_1555   ((uint32_t) 0x001FU)

ABGR1555 16-bit - 5-bits G, 5-bits B, 5-bits R, 1-bit Alpha .

◆ FVID2_DF_AGBR16_4444

#define FVID2_DF_AGBR16_4444   ((uint32_t) 0x0020U)

ABGR4444 16-bit - 4-bits G, 4-bits B, 4-bits R, 4-bit Alpha .

◆ FVID2_DF_XGBR16_1555

#define FVID2_DF_XGBR16_1555   ((uint32_t) 0x0021U)

XGBR1555 16-bit - 5-bits G, 5-bits B, 5-bits R, 1-bit unused .

◆ FVID2_DF_BGRX16_5551

#define FVID2_DF_BGRX16_5551   ((uint32_t) 0x0022U)

BGRX5551 16-bit - 5-bits B, 5-bits G, 5-bits R, 1-bit unused .

◆ FVID2_DF_ABGR24_6666

#define FVID2_DF_ABGR24_6666   ((uint32_t) 0x0023U)

ABGR6666 24-bit - 6-bits B, 6-bits G, 6-bits R, 6-bit Alpha .

◆ FVID2_DF_BGR24_888

#define FVID2_DF_BGR24_888   ((uint32_t) 0x0024U)

BGR888 24-bit - 8-bits B, 8-bits G, 8-bits R.

◆ FVID2_DF_XBGR24_8888

#define FVID2_DF_XBGR24_8888   ((uint32_t) 0x0025U)

xBGR888 24-bit - 8-bits B, 8-bits G, 8-bits R, 8-bit unused

◆ FVID2_DF_RGBX24_8888

#define FVID2_DF_RGBX24_8888   ((uint32_t) 0x0026U)

xBGR888 24-bit - 8-bits B, 8-bits G, 8-bits R, 8-bit unused

◆ FVID2_DF_BGRX24_8888

#define FVID2_DF_BGRX24_8888   ((uint32_t) 0x0027U)

xBGR888 24-bit - 8-bits B, 8-bits G, 8-bits R, 8-bit unused

◆ FVID2_DF_ABGR32_8888

#define FVID2_DF_ABGR32_8888   ((uint32_t) 0x0028U)

ABGR8888 32-bit - 8-bits B, 8-bits G, 8-bits R, 8-bit Alpha .

◆ FVID2_DF_BGRA24_6666

#define FVID2_DF_BGRA24_6666   ((uint32_t) 0x0029U)

BGRA6666 24-bit - 6-bits B, 6-bits G, 6-bits R, 6-bit Alpha .

◆ FVID2_DF_BGRA32_8888

#define FVID2_DF_BGRA32_8888   ((uint32_t) 0x002AU)

BGRA8888 32-bit - 8-bits B, 8-bits G, 8-bits R, 8-bit Alpha .

◆ FVID2_DF_BGRX32_8888

#define FVID2_DF_BGRX32_8888   ((uint32_t) 0x002BU)

BGRX8888 32-bit - 8-bits B, 8-bits G, 8-bits R, 8-bit unused.

◆ FVID2_DF_BGRA16_1555

#define FVID2_DF_BGRA16_1555   ((uint32_t) 0x002CU)

BGRA1555 16-bit - 5-bits B, 5-bits G, 5-bits R, 1-bit Alpha.

◆ FVID2_DF_BGRX16_1555

#define FVID2_DF_BGRX16_1555   ((uint32_t) 0x002DU)

BGRX1555 16-bit - 5-bits B, 5-bits G, 5-bits R, 1-bit unused.

◆ FVID2_DF_BGRA32_1010102

#define FVID2_DF_BGRA32_1010102   ((uint32_t) 0x002EU)

BGRA1010102 32-bit - 10-bits B, 10-bits G, 10-bits R, 2-bit Alpha.

◆ FVID2_DF_BGRX32_1010102

#define FVID2_DF_BGRX32_1010102   ((uint32_t) 0x002FU)

BGRX1010102 32-bit - 10-bits B, 10-bits G, 10-bits R, 2-bit unused.

◆ FVID2_DF_RGBA32_1010102

#define FVID2_DF_RGBA32_1010102   ((uint32_t) 0x0030U)

RGBA1010102 32-bit - 10-bits B, 10-bits G, 10-bits R, 2-bit Alpha.

◆ FVID2_DF_RGBX32_1010102

#define FVID2_DF_RGBX32_1010102   ((uint32_t) 0x0031U)

RGBX1010102 32-bit - 10-bits B, 10-bits G, 10-bits R, 2-bit unused.

◆ FVID2_DF_BGRA64_16161616

#define FVID2_DF_BGRA64_16161616   ((uint32_t) 0x0032U)

RGBA16161616 64-bit - 16-bits B, 16-bits G, 16-bits R, 16-bit Alpha.

◆ FVID2_DF_BGRX64_16161616

#define FVID2_DF_BGRX64_16161616   ((uint32_t) 0x0033U)

BGRX16161616 64-bit - 16-bits B, 16-bits G, 16-bits R, 16-bit unused.

◆ FVID2_DF_ABGR64_16161616

#define FVID2_DF_ABGR64_16161616   ((uint32_t) 0x0034U)

ABGR16161616 64-bit - 16-bits B, 16-bits G, 16-bits R, 16-bit Alpha.

◆ FVID2_DF_XBGR64_16161616

#define FVID2_DF_XBGR64_16161616   ((uint32_t) 0x0035U)

XBGR16161616 64-bit - 16-bits B, 16-bits G, 16-bits R, 16-bit unused.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP8   ((uint32_t) 0x0036U)

BITMAP 8bpp.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP4_LOWER   ((uint32_t) 0x0037U)

BITMAP 4bpp lower address in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP4_UPPER   ((uint32_t) 0x0038U)

BITMAP 4bpp upper address in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP2_OFFSET0   ((uint32_t) 0x0039U)

BITMAP 2bpp offset 0 in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP2_OFFSET1   ((uint32_t) 0x003AU)

BITMAP 2bpp offset 1 in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP2_OFFSET2   ((uint32_t) 0x003BU)

BITMAP 2bpp offset 2 in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP2_OFFSET3   ((uint32_t) 0x003CU)

BITMAP 2bpp offset 3 in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_OFFSET0   ((uint32_t) 0x003DU)

BITMAP 1bpp offset 0 in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_OFFSET1   ((uint32_t) 0x003EU)

BITMAP 1bpp offset 1 in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_OFFSET2   ((uint32_t) 0x003FU)

BITMAP 1bpp offset 2 in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_OFFSET3   ((uint32_t) 0x0040U)

BITMAP 1bpp offset 3 in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_OFFSET4   ((uint32_t) 0x0041U)

BITMAP 1bpp offset 4 in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_OFFSET5   ((uint32_t) 0x0042U)

BITMAP 1bpp offset 5 in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_OFFSET6   ((uint32_t) 0x0043U)

BITMAP 1bpp offset 6 in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_OFFSET7   ((uint32_t) 0x0044U)

BITMAP 1bpp offset 7 in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP8_BGRA32   ((uint32_t) 0x0045U)



#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP4_BGRA32_LOWER   ((uint32_t) 0x0046U)

BITMAP 4bpp BGRA32 lower address in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP4_BGRA32_UPPER   ((uint32_t) 0x0047U)

BITMAP 4bpp BGRA32 upper address in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP2_BGRA32_OFFSET0   ((uint32_t) 0x0048U)

BITMAP 2bpp BGRA32 offset 0 in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP2_BGRA32_OFFSET1   ((uint32_t) 0x0049U)

BITMAP 2bpp BGRA32 offset 1 in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP2_BGRA32_OFFSET2   ((uint32_t) 0x004AU)

BITMAP 2bpp BGRA32 offset 2 in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP2_BGRA32_OFFSET3   ((uint32_t) 0x004BU)

BITMAP 2bpp BGRA32 offset 3 in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_BGRA32_OFFSET0   ((uint32_t) 0x004CU)

BITMAP 1bpp BGRA32 offset 0 in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_BGRA32_OFFSET1   ((uint32_t) 0x004DU)

BITMAP 1bpp BGRA32 offset 1 in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_BGRA32_OFFSET2   ((uint32_t) 0x004EU)

BITMAP 1bpp BGRA32 offset 2 in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_BGRA32_OFFSET3   ((uint32_t) 0x004FU)

BITMAP 1bpp BGRA32 offset 3 in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_BGRA32_OFFSET4   ((uint32_t) 0x0050U)

BITMAP 1bpp BGRA32 offset 4 in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_BGRA32_OFFSET5   ((uint32_t) 0x0051U)

BITMAP 1bpp BGRA32 offset 5 in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_BGRA32_OFFSET6   ((uint32_t) 0x0052U)

BITMAP 1bpp BGRA32 offset 6 in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_BGRA32_OFFSET7   ((uint32_t) 0x0053U)

BITMAP 1bpp BGRA32 offset 7 in CLUT.


#define FVID2_DF_BAYER_RAW   ((uint32_t) 0x0054U)

Bayer pattern.


#define FVID2_DF_BAYER_GRBG   ((uint32_t) 0x0055U)

Raw bayer data color pattern G R G R ... B G B G ...


#define FVID2_DF_BAYER_RGGB   ((uint32_t) 0x0056U)

Raw bayer data color pattern R G G R ... G B G B ...


#define FVID2_DF_BAYER_BGGR   ((uint32_t) 0x0057U)

Raw bayer data color pattern B G B G ... G B G B ...


#define FVID2_DF_BAYER_GBRG   ((uint32_t) 0x0058U)

Raw bayer data color pattern G B G B ... R R R G ...


#define FVID2_DF_RAW_VBI   ((uint32_t) 0x0059U)

Raw VBI data.


#define FVID2_DF_RAW24   ((uint32_t) 0x005AU)

24 bit raw-data.


#define FVID2_DF_RAW16   ((uint32_t) 0x005BU)

16 bit raw-data.


#define FVID2_DF_RAW08   ((uint32_t) 0x005CU)

8 bit raw-data.


#define FVID2_DF_MISC   ((uint32_t) 0x005DU)

For future purpose.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP4   ((uint32_t) FVID2_DF_BITMAP4_LOWER)

BITMAP 4bpp.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP2   ((uint32_t) FVID2_DF_BITMAP2_OFFSET0)

BITMAP 2bpp.


#define FVID2_DF_BITMAP1   ((uint32_t) FVID2_DF_BITMAP1_OFFSET0)

BITMAP 1bpp.


#define FVID2_DF_RAW06   ((uint32_t) 0x5EU)

6 bit raw-data.


#define FVID2_DF_RAW07   ((uint32_t) 0x5FU)

7 bit raw-data.


#define FVID2_DF_RAW10   ((uint32_t) 0x60U)

10 bit raw-data.


#define FVID2_DF_RAW12   ((uint32_t) 0x61U)

12 bit raw-data.


#define FVID2_DF_RAW14   ((uint32_t) 0x62U)

14 bit raw-data.


#define FVID2_DF_JPEG1_INTERCHANGE   ((uint32_t) 0x63U)



#define FVID2_DF_JPEG2_JFIF   ((uint32_t) 0x64U)

JPEG2 JFIF data.


#define FVID2_DF_JPEG3_EXIF   ((uint32_t) 0x65U)

JPEG3 EXIF data.

◆ FVID2_DF_DPCM_10_8_10_PRED1

#define FVID2_DF_DPCM_10_8_10_PRED1   ((uint32_t) 0x66U)

DPCM 10-8-10 PRED1 data.

◆ FVID2_DF_DPCM_10_8_10_PRED2

#define FVID2_DF_DPCM_10_8_10_PRED2   ((uint32_t) 0x67U)

DPCM 10-8-10 PRED2 data.

◆ FVID2_DF_DPCM_10_7_10_PRED1

#define FVID2_DF_DPCM_10_7_10_PRED1   ((uint32_t) 0x68U)

DPCM 10-7-10 PRED1 data.

◆ FVID2_DF_DPCM_10_7_10_PRED2

#define FVID2_DF_DPCM_10_7_10_PRED2   ((uint32_t) 0x69U)

DPCM 10-7-10 PRED2 data.

◆ FVID2_DF_DPCM_10_6_10_PRED1

#define FVID2_DF_DPCM_10_6_10_PRED1   ((uint32_t) 0x6AU)

DPCM 10-6-10 PRED1 data.

◆ FVID2_DF_DPCM_10_6_10_PRED2

#define FVID2_DF_DPCM_10_6_10_PRED2   ((uint32_t) 0x6BU)

DPCM 10-6-10 PRED2 data.

◆ FVID2_DF_DPCM_12_8_10_PRED1

#define FVID2_DF_DPCM_12_8_10_PRED1   ((uint32_t) 0x6CU)

DPCM 12-8-10 PRED1 data.

◆ FVID2_DF_DPCM_12_8_10_PRED2

#define FVID2_DF_DPCM_12_8_10_PRED2   ((uint32_t) 0x6DU)

DPCM 12-8-10 PRED2 data.

◆ FVID2_DF_DPCM_12_7_10_PRED1

#define FVID2_DF_DPCM_12_7_10_PRED1   ((uint32_t) 0x6EU)

DPCM 12-7-10 PRED1 data.

◆ FVID2_DF_DPCM_12_7_10_PRED2

#define FVID2_DF_DPCM_12_7_10_PRED2   ((uint32_t) 0x6FU)

DPCM 12-7-10 PRED2 data.

◆ FVID2_DF_DPCM_12_6_10_PRED1

#define FVID2_DF_DPCM_12_6_10_PRED1   ((uint32_t) 0x70U)

DPCM 12-6-10 PRED1 data.

◆ FVID2_DF_DPCM_12_6_10_PRED2

#define FVID2_DF_DPCM_12_6_10_PRED2   ((uint32_t) 0x71U)

DPCM 12-6-10 PRED2 data.

◆ FVID2_DF_BGR16_565_A8

#define FVID2_DF_BGR16_565_A8   ((uint32_t) 0x72U)

BGR565 16-bit - 5-bits B, 6-bits G, 5-bits R. Alpha 8-bits another plane.

◆ FVID2_DF_RGB16_565_A8

#define FVID2_DF_RGB16_565_A8   ((uint32_t) 0x73U)

RGB565 16-bit - 5-bits R, 6-bits G, 5-bits B. Alpha 8-bits another plane.


#define FVID2_DF_LUMA_ONLY   ((uint32_t) 0x74U)

Luma only data for YUV data format.


#define FVID2_DF_CHROMA_ONLY   ((uint32_t) 0x75U)

Chroma only data for YUV data format.


#define FVID2_DF_RGB24_888_PLANAR   ((uint32_t) 0x76U)

RGB888 planar format data format.

◆ FVID2_DF_ARGB48_12121212

#define FVID2_DF_ARGB48_12121212   ((uint32_t) 0x0077U)

ARGB48 48-bit - 12-bits R, 12-bits G, 12-bits B, 12-bit Alpha .


#define FVID2_DF_GREY   ((uint32_t) 0x0078U)

Grey only data.


#define FVID2_DF_SATURATION   ((uint32_t) 0x0079U)

Saturation only data.


#define FVID2_DF_HUE   ((uint32_t) 0x007AU)

Hue only data.


#define FVID2_DF_RAW   ((uint32_t) 0x007BU)

RAW data.


#define FVID2_DF_RED   ((uint32_t) 0x007CU)

Red Color Component.


#define FVID2_DF_GREEN   ((uint32_t) 0x007DU)

Green Color Component.


#define FVID2_DF_BLUE   ((uint32_t) 0x007EU)

Blue Color Component.


#define FVID2_DF_2PLANES   ((uint32_t) 0x007FU)

2 plane format, These plane can be YY or any combination of RGB


#define FVID2_DF_PLANE_1   ((uint32_t) 0x0080U)


#define FVID2_DF_PLANE_2   ((uint32_t) 0x0081U)


#define FVID2_DF_R_GBI   ((uint32_t) 0x0082U)

R+GB interleaved.


#define FVID2_DF_RGI_B   ((uint32_t) 0x0083U)

RG+B RG interleaved.


#define FVID2_DF_RGB   ((uint32_t) 0x0084U)



#define FVID2_DF_R   ((uint32_t) 0x0085U)



#define FVID2_DF_GBI   ((uint32_t) 0x0086U)

GB interleaved.


#define FVID2_DF_RGI   ((uint32_t) 0x0087U)


#define FVID2_DF_INVALID   ((uint32_t) 0x00FFU)

Invalid data format. Could be used to initialize variables.


#define FVID2_SF_INTERLACED   ((uint32_t) 0x00U)

Interlaced mode.


#define FVID2_SF_PROGRESSIVE   ((uint32_t) 0x01U)

Progressive mode.


#define FVID2_SF_MAX   ((uint32_t) 0x02U)

Used by driver for validating the input parameters.


#define FVID2_STD_NTSC   ((uint32_t) 0x00U)

720x480 30FPS interlaced NTSC standard.


#define FVID2_STD_PAL   ((uint32_t) 0x01U)

720x576 30FPS interlaced PAL standard.

◆ FVID2_STD_480I

#define FVID2_STD_480I   ((uint32_t) 0x02U)

720x480 30FPS interlaced SD standard.

◆ FVID2_STD_576I

#define FVID2_STD_576I   ((uint32_t) 0x03U)

720x576 30FPS interlaced SD standard.


#define FVID2_STD_CIF   ((uint32_t) 0x04U)

Interlaced, 360x120 per field NTSC, 360x144 per field PAL.


#define FVID2_STD_HALF_D1   ((uint32_t) 0x05U)

Interlaced, 360x240 per field NTSC, 360x288 per field PAL.


#define FVID2_STD_D1   ((uint32_t) 0x06U)

Interlaced, 720x240 per field NTSC, 720x288 per field PAL.

◆ FVID2_STD_480P

#define FVID2_STD_480P   ((uint32_t) 0x07U)

720x480 60FPS progressive ED standard.

◆ FVID2_STD_576P

#define FVID2_STD_576P   ((uint32_t) 0x08U)

720x576 60FPS progressive ED standard.

◆ FVID2_STD_720P_60

#define FVID2_STD_720P_60   ((uint32_t) 0x09U)

1280x720 60FPS progressive HD standard.

◆ FVID2_STD_720P_50

#define FVID2_STD_720P_50   ((uint32_t) 0x0AU)

1280x720 50FPS progressive HD standard.

◆ FVID2_STD_1080I_60

#define FVID2_STD_1080I_60   ((uint32_t) 0x0BU)

1920x1080 30FPS interlaced HD standard.

◆ FVID2_STD_1080I_50

#define FVID2_STD_1080I_50   ((uint32_t) 0x0CU)

1920x1080 50FPS interlaced HD standard.

◆ FVID2_STD_1080P_60

#define FVID2_STD_1080P_60   ((uint32_t) 0x0DU)

1920x1080 60FPS progressive HD standard.

◆ FVID2_STD_1080P_50

#define FVID2_STD_1080P_50   ((uint32_t) 0x0EU)

1920x1080 50FPS progressive HD standard.

◆ FVID2_STD_1080P_24

#define FVID2_STD_1080P_24   ((uint32_t) 0x0FU)

1920x1080 24FPS progressive HD standard.

◆ FVID2_STD_1080P_30

#define FVID2_STD_1080P_30   ((uint32_t) 0x10U)

1920x1080 30FPS progressive HD standard.


#define FVID2_STD_VGA_60   ((uint32_t) 0x11U)

640x480 60FPS VESA standard.


#define FVID2_STD_VGA_72   ((uint32_t) 0x12U)

640x480 72FPS VESA standard.


#define FVID2_STD_VGA_75   ((uint32_t) 0x13U)

640x480 75FPS VESA standard.


#define FVID2_STD_VGA_85   ((uint32_t) 0x14U)

640x480 85FPS VESA standard.


#define FVID2_STD_WVGA_60   ((uint32_t) 0x15U)

800x480 60PFS WVGA


#define FVID2_STD_SVGA_60   ((uint32_t) 0x16U)

800x600 60FPS VESA standard.


#define FVID2_STD_SVGA_72   ((uint32_t) 0x17U)

800x600 72FPS VESA standard.


#define FVID2_STD_SVGA_75   ((uint32_t) 0x18U)

800x600 75FPS VESA standard.


#define FVID2_STD_SVGA_85   ((uint32_t) 0x19U)

800x600 85FPS VESA standard.


#define FVID2_STD_WSVGA_70   ((uint32_t) 0x1AU)

1024x600 70FPS standard.


#define FVID2_STD_XGA_60   ((uint32_t) 0x1BU)

1024x768 60FPS VESA standard.


#define FVID2_STD_XGA_DSS_TDM_60   ((uint32_t) 0x1CU)

1024x768 60FPS VESA standard. Applicable for DSS in 8-bit TDM mode.


#define FVID2_STD_XGA_70   ((uint32_t) 0x1DU)

1024x768 72FPS VESA standard.


#define FVID2_STD_XGA_75   ((uint32_t) 0x1EU)

1024x768 75FPS VESA standard.


#define FVID2_STD_XGA_85   ((uint32_t) 0x1FU)

1024x768 85FPS VESA standard.

◆ FVID2_STD_1368_768_60

#define FVID2_STD_1368_768_60   ((uint32_t) 0x20U)

1368x768 60 PFS VESA.

◆ FVID2_STD_1366_768_60

#define FVID2_STD_1366_768_60   ((uint32_t) 0x21U)

1366x768 60 PFS VESA.

◆ FVID2_STD_1360_768_60

#define FVID2_STD_1360_768_60   ((uint32_t) 0x22U)

1360x768 60 PFS VESA.


#define FVID2_STD_WXGA_30   ((uint32_t) 0x23U)

1280x800 30FPS VESA standard.


#define FVID2_STD_WXGA_60   ((uint32_t) 0x24U)

1280x800 60FPS VESA standard.


#define FVID2_STD_WXGA_75   ((uint32_t) 0x25U)

1280x800 75FPS VESA standard.


#define FVID2_STD_WXGA_85   ((uint32_t) 0x26U)

1280x800 85FPS VESA standard.

◆ FVID2_STD_1440_900_60

#define FVID2_STD_1440_900_60   ((uint32_t) 0x27U)

1440x900 60 PFS VESA standard.


#define FVID2_STD_SXGA_60   ((uint32_t) 0x28U)

1280x1024 60FPS VESA standard.


#define FVID2_STD_SXGA_75   ((uint32_t) 0x29U)

1280x1024 75FPS VESA standard.


#define FVID2_STD_SXGA_85   ((uint32_t) 0x2AU)

1280x1024 85FPS VESA standard.


#define FVID2_STD_WSXGAP_60   ((uint32_t) 0x2BU)

1680x1050 60 PFS VESA standard.


#define FVID2_STD_SXGAP_60   ((uint32_t) 0x2CU)

1400x1050 60FPS VESA standard.


#define FVID2_STD_SXGAP_75   ((uint32_t) 0x2DU)

1400x1050 75FPS VESA standard.


#define FVID2_STD_UXGA_60   ((uint32_t) 0x2EU)

1600x1200 60FPS VESA standard.


#define FVID2_STD_MUX_2CH_D1   ((uint32_t) 0x2FU)

Interlaced, 2Ch D1, NTSC or PAL.


#define FVID2_STD_MUX_2CH_HALF_D1   ((uint32_t) 0x30U)

Interlaced, 2ch half D1, NTSC or PAL.


#define FVID2_STD_MUX_2CH_CIF   ((uint32_t) 0x31U)

Interlaced, 2ch CIF, NTSC or PAL.


#define FVID2_STD_MUX_4CH_D1   ((uint32_t) 0x32U)

Interlaced, 4Ch D1, NTSC or PAL.


#define FVID2_STD_MUX_4CH_CIF   ((uint32_t) 0x33U)

Interlaced, 4Ch CIF, NTSC or PAL.


#define FVID2_STD_MUX_4CH_HALF_D1   ((uint32_t) 0x34U)

Interlaced, 4Ch Half-D1, NTSC or PAL.


#define FVID2_STD_MUX_8CH_CIF   ((uint32_t) 0x35U)

Interlaced, 8Ch CIF, NTSC or PAL.


#define FVID2_STD_MUX_8CH_HALF_D1   ((uint32_t) 0x36U)

Interlaced, 8Ch Half-D1, NTSC or PAL.

◆ FVID2_STD_WXGA_5x3_30

#define FVID2_STD_WXGA_5x3_30   ((uint32_t) 0x37U)

WXGA standard (1280x768) with the aspect ratio 5:3 at 30FPS.

◆ FVID2_STD_WXGA_5x3_60

#define FVID2_STD_WXGA_5x3_60   ((uint32_t) 0x38U)

WXGA resolution (1280x768) with the aspect ratio 5:3 at 60FPS.

◆ FVID2_STD_WXGA_5x3_75

#define FVID2_STD_WXGA_5x3_75   ((uint32_t) 0x39U)

WXGA resolution (1280x768) with the aspect ratio 5:3 at 75FPS.


#define FVID2_STD_AUTO_DETECT   ((uint32_t) 0x3AU)

Auto-detect standard. Used in capture mode.


#define FVID2_STD_CUSTOM   ((uint32_t) 0x3BU)

Custom standard used when connecting to external LCD etc... The video timing is provided by the application. Used in display mode.


#define FVID2_FID_TOP   ((uint32_t) 0U)

Top field.


#define FVID2_FID_BOTTOM   ((uint32_t) 1U)

Bottom field.


#define FVID2_FID_FRAME   ((uint32_t) 2U)

Frame mode - Contains both the fields or a progressive frame.


#define FVID2_FID_MAX   ((uint32_t) 3U)

Used by driver for validating the input parameters.


#define FVID2_POL_LOW   ((uint32_t) 0U)

Low Polarity.


#define FVID2_POL_HIGH   ((uint32_t) 1U)

High Polarity.


#define FVID2_POL_MAX   ((uint32_t) 2U)

Used by driver for validating the input parameters.


#define FVID2_EDGE_POL_RISING   ((uint32_t) 0U)

Rising Edge.


#define FVID2_EDGE_POL_FALLING   ((uint32_t) 1U)

Falling Edge.


#define FVID2_EDGE_POL_MAX   ((uint32_t) 2U)

Used by driver for validating the input parameters.


#define FVID2_FIDPOL_NORMAL   ((uint32_t) 0U)

FID = 0, top field.


#define FVID2_FIDPOL_INVERT   ((uint32_t) 1U)

FID = 1, bottom field.


#define FVID2_BUF_FMT_FIELD   ((uint32_t) 0U)

Buffers are captured/displayed as fields instead of frames.


#define FVID2_BUF_FMT_FRAME   ((uint32_t) 1U)

Buffers are captured/displayed as frames.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS1_PACKED   ((uint32_t) 0x00U)

1 Bits per Pixel packed.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS2_PACKED   ((uint32_t) 0x01U)

2 Bits per Pixel packed.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS4_PACKED   ((uint32_t) 0x02U)

4 Bits per Pixel packed.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS8_PACKED   ((uint32_t) 0x03U)

8 Bits per Pixel packed.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS10_PACKED   ((uint32_t) 0x04U)

12 Bits per Pixel packed.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS12_PACKED   ((uint32_t) 0x05U)

12 Bits per Pixel packed.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS14_PACKED   ((uint32_t) 0x06U)

14 Bits per Pixel packed.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS16_PACKED   ((uint32_t) 0x07U)

16 Bits per Pixel packed.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS24_PACKED   ((uint32_t) 0x08U)

24 Bits per Pixel packed.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS32_PACKED   ((uint32_t) 0x09U)

32 Bits per Pixel packed.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS6_UNPACKED8   ((uint32_t) 0x0AU)

6 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 8bit container.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS7_UNPACKED8   ((uint32_t) 0x0BU)

7 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 8bit container.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS8_UNPACKED12   ((uint32_t) 0x0CU)

8 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 12bit container.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS8_UNPACKED16   ((uint32_t) 0x0DU)

8 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 12bit container.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS9_UNPACKED16   ((uint32_t) 0x0EU)

9 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 16bit container.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS10_UNPACKED16   ((uint32_t) 0x0FU)

10 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 16bit container


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS11_UNPACKED16   ((uint32_t) 0x10U)

11 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 16bit container.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS12_UNPACKED16   ((uint32_t) 0x11U)

12 Bits per Pixel, unpacked in 16bit container


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS13_UNPACKED16   ((uint32_t) 0x12U)

13 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 16bit container.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS14_UNPACKED16   ((uint32_t) 0x13U)

14 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 16bit container.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS15_UNPACKED16   ((uint32_t) 0x14U)

15 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 16bit container.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS20_UNPACKED24   ((uint32_t) 0x15U)

20 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 24bit container.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS6_UNPACKED8_MSB_ALIGNED   ((uint32_t) 0x16U)

6 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 8bit container.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS7_UNPACKED8_MSB_ALIGNED   ((uint32_t) 0x17U)

7 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 8bit container.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS8_UNPACKED12_MSB_ALIGNED   ((uint32_t) 0x18U)

8 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 12bit container.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS8_UNPACKED16_MSB_ALIGNED   ((uint32_t) 0x19U)

8 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 12bit container.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS9_UNPACKED16_MSB_ALIGNED   ((uint32_t) 0x1AU)

9 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 16bit container.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS10_UNPACKED16_MSB_ALIGNED   ((uint32_t) 0x1BU)

10 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 16bit container


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS11_UNPACKED16_MSB_ALIGNED   ((uint32_t) 0x1CU)

11 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 16bit container.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS12_UNPACKED16_MSB_ALIGNED   ((uint32_t) 0x1DU)

12 Bits per Pixel, unpacked in 16bit container


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS13_UNPACKED16_MSB_ALIGNED   ((uint32_t) 0x1EU)

13 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 16bit container.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS14_UNPACKED16_MSB_ALIGNED   ((uint32_t) 0x1FU)

14 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 16bit container.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS15_UNPACKED16_MSB_ALIGNED   ((uint32_t) 0x20U)

15 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 16bit container.


#define FVID2_CCSF_BITS20_UNPACKED24_MSB_ALIGNED   ((uint32_t) 0x21U)

20 Bits per Pixel unpacked in 24bit container.


#define FVID2_CCSF_MAX   ((uint32_t) 0x22U)

Used by driver for validating the input parameters.


#define FVID2_VIFW_8BIT   ((uint32_t) 0x00U)

8-bit interface.


#define FVID2_VIFW_10BIT   ((uint32_t) 0x01U)

10-bit interface.


#define FVID2_VIFW_12BIT   ((uint32_t) 0x02U)

12-bit interface.


#define FVID2_VIFW_14BIT   ((uint32_t) 0x03U)

14-bit interface.


#define FVID2_VIFW_16BIT   ((uint32_t) 0x04U)

16-bit interface.


#define FVID2_VIFW_18BIT   ((uint32_t) 0x05U)

18-bit interface.


#define FVID2_VIFW_20BIT   ((uint32_t) 0x06U)

20-bit interface.


#define FVID2_VIFW_24BIT   ((uint32_t) 0x07U)

24-bit interface.


#define FVID2_VIFW_30BIT   ((uint32_t) 0x08U)

30-bit interface.


#define FVID2_VIFW_36BIT   ((uint32_t) 0x09U)

36-bit interface.


#define FVID2_VIFW_1LANES   ((uint32_t) 0x0AU)

CSI2 specific - 1 data lanes.


#define FVID2_VIFW_2LANES   ((uint32_t) 0x0BU)

CSI2 specific - 2 data lanes.


#define FVID2_VIFW_3LANES   ((uint32_t) 0x0CU)

CSI2 specific - 3 data lanes.


#define FVID2_VIFW_4LANES   ((uint32_t) 0x0DU)

CSI2 / LVDS specific - 4 data lanes.


#define FVID2_VIFW_MAX   ((uint32_t) 0x0EU)

Maximum modes.


#define FVID2_VIFM_SCH_ES   (0U)

Single Channel non multiplexed mode.



Multi-channel line-multiplexed mode.



Multi-channel pixel muxed.



Single Channel non multiplexed discrete sync mode with HSYNC and VBLK as control signals.



Single Channel non multiplexed discrete sync mode with HSYNC and VSYNC as control signals.



Single Channel non multiplexed discrete sync mode with AVID and VBLK as control signals.



Single Channel non multiplexed discrete sync mode with AVID and VBLK as control signals.



Multi-channel line-multiplexed mode - split line mode.


#define FVID2_VIFM_SCH_CSI2   (8U)

Single channel capture via CSI2 interface


#define FVID2_VIFM_SCH_LVDS   (9U)

Single channel capture via LVDS interface


#define FVID2_VIFM_SCH_CPI   (10U)

Single channel capture via Parallel interface


#define FVID2_VIFM_MAX   (11U)

Should be the last value of this enumeration. Will be used by driver for validating the input parameters.



Chroma is cosited



Chroma is Centered



Red Color Component in Bayer image



GreenR Color Component in Bayer image



GreenB Color Component in Bayer image



Blue Color Component in Bayer image



This should be the last number, used in specifying array size



FVID2 Frame is initialized using init function



Frame processing is completed and can be used in the application



Frame processing is still pending, used for the frames which are dequeued before being processed



Frame is just submitted to the driver



Frame has error



Frame processing is aborted, used for the frames which are force moved to output queue



The IP processing this frame experienced and overflow of its internal buffers. Indicates severe error



There was 1 bit ECC error, which was corrected. Provided the hardware and/or protocol used to process this frame supports ECC



CRC errors were detected, the integrity of the data is not guaranteed. Provided the hardware and/or protocol used to process this frame supports CRC



There were multiple bit ECC error, which was could not be corrected. Provided the hardware and/or protocol used to process this frame supports ECC


#define FVID2_FRAME_STATUS_MAX   (10U)

This should be the last number,

Typedef Documentation

◆ Fvid2_DVFormat

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_DVFormat

◆ Fvid2_FlipType

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_FlipType

◆ Fvid2_DataFormat

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_DataFormat

◆ Fvid2_ScanFormat

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_ScanFormat

◆ Fvid2_Standard

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_Standard

◆ Fvid2_Fid

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_Fid

◆ Fvid2_Polarity

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_Polarity

◆ Fvid2_EdgePolarity

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_EdgePolarity

◆ Fvid2_FidPol

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_FidPol

◆ Fvid2_BufferFormat

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_BufferFormat

◆ Fvid2_ColorCompStorageFmt

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_ColorCompStorageFmt

◆ Fvid2_VideoIfWidth

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_VideoIfWidth

◆ Fvid2_VideoIfMode

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_VideoIfMode

Video interface mode.

◆ Fvid2_ChromaPos

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_ChromaPos

Enum for selecting chroma position in chroma up or down sampler.

◆ Fvid2_BayerColorComp

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_BayerColorComp

Enum for selecting bayer color components for odd/even pixel position on odd/even lines, Also used for specifying gain and offset in White balance config for each color component.

◆ Fvid2_FrameStatus

typedef uint32_t Fvid2_FrameStatus

Enum for state of the FVID2 frame. Typically used for marking FVID2_frame as either SUBMITTED, Completed/Done, Errorneous at the time of flush/abort when driver returns back all the frames.

Function Documentation

◆ Fvid2_getModeInfo()

int32_t Fvid2_getModeInfo ( Fvid2_ModeInfo modeInfo)

Function to get the information about various FVID2 modes/standards.

modeInfo[OUT] Pointer to Fvid2_ModeInfo structure where the information is filled.
FVID2_SOK on success, else appropriate FVID2 error code on failure.

◆ Fvid2_getDataFmtString()

const Char* Fvid2_getDataFmtString ( uint32_t  dataFmt)

Function to get the name of the data format in printable string.

dataFmt[IN] Data format to get the name. For valid values see Fvid2_DataFormat.
Returns a const pointer to the string. If the data format is not known, then it return the string as "UNKNOWN".

◆ Fvid2_getStandardString()

const Char* Fvid2_getStandardString ( uint32_t  standard)

Function to get the name of the standard in printable string.

standard[IN] Standard to get the name. For valid values see Fvid2_Standard.
Returns a const pointer to the string. If the standard is not known, then it return the string as "UNKNOWN".

◆ Fvid2_isDataFmtYuv422()

static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtYuv422 ( uint32_t  dataFmt)

Function to check whether a data format is YUV422.

dataFmt[IN] Data format to check. For valid values see Fvid2_DataFormat.
Returns TRUE if data format is YUV422, FALSE otherwise.

◆ Fvid2_isDataFmtYuv420()

static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtYuv420 ( uint32_t  dataFmt)

Function to check whether a data format is YUV420.

dataFmt[IN] Data format to check. For valid values see Fvid2_DataFormat.
Returns TRUE if data format is YUV420, FALSE otherwise.

◆ Fvid2_isDataFmtYuv420Sp()

static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtYuv420Sp ( uint32_t  dataFmt)

Function to check whether a data format is YUV420SP.

dataFmt[IN] Data format to check. For valid values see Fvid2_DataFormat.
Returns TRUE if data format is YUV420SP, FALSE otherwise.

◆ Fvid2_isDataFmtYuv422Sp()

static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtYuv422Sp ( uint32_t  dataFmt)

Function to check whether a data format is YUV422SP.

dataFmt[IN] Data format to check. For valid values see Fvid2_DataFormat.
Returns TRUE if data format is YUV422SP, FALSE otherwise.

◆ Fvid2_isDataFmtSemiPlanar()

static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtSemiPlanar ( uint32_t  dataFmt)

Function to check whether a data format is semi-planar.

dataFmt[IN] Data format to check. For valid values see Fvid2_DataFormat.
Returns TRUE if data format is semi-planar, FALSE otherwise.

◆ Fvid2_isDataFmtYuv422I()

static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtYuv422I ( uint32_t  dataFmt)

Function to check whether a data format is YUV422 interleaved.

dataFmt[IN] Data format to check. For valid values see Fvid2_DataFormat.
Returns TRUE if data format is YUV422 interleaved, FALSE otherwise.

◆ Fvid2_isDataFmtYuv444()

static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtYuv444 ( uint32_t  dataFmt)

Function to check whether a data format is YUV444 .

dataFmt[IN] Data format to check. For valid values see Fvid2_DataFormat.
Returns TRUE if data format is YUV444 , FALSE otherwise.

◆ Fvid2_isDataFmtYuv()

static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtYuv ( uint32_t  dataFmt)

Function to check whether a data format is YUV.

dataFmt[IN] Data format to check. For valid values see Fvid2_DataFormat.
Returns TRUE if data format is YUV, FALSE otherwise.

◆ Fvid2_isDataFmtBayer()

static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtBayer ( uint32_t  dataFmt)

Function to check whether a data format is Bayer with MosaicPattern.

dataFmt[IN] Data format to check. For valid values see Fvid2_DataFormat.
Returns TRUE if data format is Bayer, FALSE otherwise.

◆ Fvid2_isDataFmtRgb16bit()

static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtRgb16bit ( uint32_t  dataFmt)

Function to check whether a data format is RGB 16-bit.

dataFmt[IN] Data format to check. For valid values see Fvid2_DataFormat.
Returns TRUE if data format is RGB 16-bit, FALSE otherwise.

◆ Fvid2_isDataFmtRgb()

static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtRgb ( uint32_t  dataFmt)

Function to check whether a data format is RGB .

dataFmt[IN] Data format to check. For valid values see Fvid2_DataFormat.
Returns TRUE if data format is RGB , FALSE otherwise.

◆ Fvid2_isDataFmtRgb24bit()

static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtRgb24bit ( uint32_t  dataFmt)

Function to check whether a data format is RGB 24-bit.

dataFmt[IN] Data format to check. For valid values see Fvid2_DataFormat.
Returns TRUE if data format is RGB 24-bit, FALSE otherwise.

◆ Fvid2_isDataFmtRgb32bit()

static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtRgb32bit ( uint32_t  dataFmt)

Function to check whether a data format is RGB 32-bit.

dataFmt[IN] Data format to check. For valid values see Fvid2_DataFormat.
Returns TRUE if data format is RGB 32-bit, FALSE otherwise.

◆ Fvid2_isDataFmtRgb64bit()

static int32_t Fvid2_isDataFmtRgb64bit ( uint32_t  dataFmt)

Function to check whether a data format is RGB 64 bit.

dataFmt[IN] Data format to check. For valid values see Fvid2_DataFormat.
Returns TRUE if data format is RGB 64-bit, FALSE otherwise.

◆ Fvid2_BayerColorIndex()

static uint32_t Fvid2_BayerColorIndex ( uint32_t  dataFmt,
uint32_t  color 

Function to get the index of the color for bayer data format.

dataFmt[IN] Bayer Data Format For valid values see Fvid2_DataFormat.
color[IN] Bayer Color Component For valid values see Fvid2_BayerColorComp
Returns index of the color component.

◆ Fvid2_isStandardVesa()

static int32_t Fvid2_isStandardVesa ( uint32_t  standard)

Function to check whether a standard is VESA mode or not.

standard[IN] Standard to check. For valid values see Fvid2_Standard.
Returns TRUE if standard is VESA, FALSE otherwise.

◆ Fvid2Format_init()

static void Fvid2Format_init ( Fvid2_Format fmt)

Fvid2_Format structure init function.

fmt[IN] Pointer to Fvid2_Format structure.

◆ Fvid2SubFrameInfo_init()

static void Fvid2SubFrameInfo_init ( Fvid2_SubFrameInfo sfInfo)

Fvid2_SubFrameInfo structure init function.

sfInfo[IN] Pointer to Fvid2_SubFrameInfo structure.

◆ Fvid2Frame_init()

static void Fvid2Frame_init ( Fvid2_Frame frm)

Fvid2_Frame structure init function.

frm[IN] Pointer to Fvid2_Frame structure.

◆ Fvid2FrameList_init()

static void Fvid2FrameList_init ( Fvid2_FrameList fList)

Fvid2_FrameList structure init function.

fList[IN] Pointer to Fvid2_FrameList structure.

◆ Fvid2ModeInfo_init()

static void Fvid2ModeInfo_init ( Fvid2_ModeInfo modeInfo)

Fvid2_ModeInfo structure init function. This defaults to 1080p60.

modeInfo[IN] Pointer to Fvid2_ModeInfo structure.

◆ Fvid2CropConfig_init()

static void Fvid2CropConfig_init ( Fvid2_CropConfig cropCfg)

Fvid2_CropConfig structure init function.

cropCfg[IN] Pointer to Fvid2_CropConfig structure.

◆ Fvid2EdgeCropConfig_init()

static void Fvid2EdgeCropConfig_init ( Fvid2_EdgeCropConfig edgeCropCfg)

Fvid2_EdgeCropConfig structure init function.

edgeCropCfg[IN] Pointer to Fvid2_EdgeCropConfig structure.

◆ Fvid2PosConfig_init()

static void Fvid2PosConfig_init ( Fvid2_PosConfig posCfg)

Fvid2_PosConfig structure init function.

posCfg[IN] Pointer to Fvid2_PosConfig structure.
Number of fields - top and bottom. Used for allocating address pointers for both the fields.
Definition: fvid2_dataTypes.h:153