This module contains APIs to program and use the EPWM module.
Files | |
file | epwm/v2/epwm.h |
This file contains declarations of CSL APIs corresponding to the ePWM module. This also contains necessary structure, enum and macro definitions and APIs are consolidated to provide more functional APIs. | |
Data Structures | |
struct | EPWM_TimebaseCfg |
Structure holding the TimeBase sub-module configuration parameters. More... | |
struct | EPWM_CounterCmpCfg |
Structure holding the Counter Comparator values. More... | |
struct | EPWM_AqActionCfg |
Structure holding the Action Qualifier actions to be taken on the PWM output at the specific events. More... | |
struct | EPWM_DeadbandCfg |
Structure holding the dead band generation sub-module configuration parameters. More... | |
struct | EPWM_ChopperCfg |
Structure holding the configuration parameters of Chopper sub-module. More... | |
struct | EPWM_TripzoneCfg |
Structure holding the trip-zone sub-module configuration parameters. More... | |
struct | EPWM_EtCfg |
Structure holding the Event Trigger Sub-Module configuration parameters. More... | |
Functions | |
void | EPWM_tbTimebaseClkCfg (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t tbClk, uint32_t moduleClk) |
This API configures the clock divider of the Time base module. More... | |
void | EPWM_tbPwmFreqCfg (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t tbClk, uint32_t pwmFreq, uint32_t counterDir, uint32_t enableShadowWrite) |
This API configures the PWM Time base counter Frequency/Period. More... | |
void | EPWM_tbSyncEnable (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t tbPhsValue, uint32_t counterDir) |
This API enables the synchronization of time base sub-module and also configures the phase count value to be loaded after sync event, counter direction after sync event. More... | |
void | EPWM_tbSyncDisable (uint32_t baseAddr) |
This API disables the synchronization. Even if sync-in event occurs the count value will not be reloaded. More... | |
void | EPWM_tbSetSyncOutMode (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t syncOutMode) |
This API selects the source of the synchronization output signal. It determines on which of the supported events sync-out has to be generated. More... | |
void | EPWM_tbTriggerSwSync (uint32_t baseAddr) |
This API generates software triggered sync pulse. More... | |
void | EPWM_tbWriteTbCount (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t tbCount) |
This API loads the Time base counter. The new value is taken immediately. More... | |
uint16_t | EPWM_tbReadTbCount (uint32_t baseAddr) |
This API gets the Time base counter current value. The count operation is not affected by the read. More... | |
uint16_t | EPWM_tbGetStatus (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t tbStatusMask) |
This API gets the Time Base status as indicated by the tbStatusMask parameter. More... | |
void | EPWM_tbStatusClear (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t tbStatusClrMask) |
This API clears the Time base status bits indicated by the tbStatusClrMask parameter. More... | |
void | EPWM_tbSetEmulationMode (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t mode) |
This API configures emulation mode. This setting determines the behaviour of Timebase counter during emulation (debugging). More... | |
uint32_t | EPWM_counterComparatorCfg (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t cmpType, uint32_t cmpVal, uint32_t enableShadowWrite, uint32_t shadowToActiveLoadTrigger, uint32_t overwriteShadow) |
This API configures the counter comparator and loads the comparator value. When Counter comparator value equals the counter value, then an event is generated both in the up direction and down direction. More... | |
void | EPWM_aqActionOnOutputCfg (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t pwmOutputCh, const EPWM_AqActionCfg *pCfg) |
This API configures the action to be taken on output by the Action qualifier module upon receiving the events. This will determine the output waveform. More... | |
void | EPWM_aqSwTriggerOneTimeAction (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t pwmOutputCh, uint32_t swTrigAction) |
This API triggers the SW forced single event on the PWM output. More... | |
void | EPWM_aqSwTriggerContAction (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t pwmOutputCh, uint32_t swTrigAction, uint32_t activeRegReloadMode) |
This API forces output value continuously on PWM output channel. The output can be forced to low or high. More... | |
void | EPWM_deadbandCfg (uint32_t baseAddr, const EPWM_DeadbandCfg *pCfg) |
This API performs the configuration of the dead band sub-module. This API configures the input source, output mode, polarity, rising and falling edge delays. More... | |
void | EPWM_deadbandBypass (uint32_t baseAddr) |
This API bypasses the Dead-band sub-module. More... | |
void | EPWM_chopperCfg (uint32_t baseAddr, const EPWM_ChopperCfg *pCfg) |
This API performs the configuration of the chopper sub-module. This API configures chopping clock duty cycle, chopping clock frequency and pulse width of first pulse of chopping clock. More... | |
void | EPWM_chopperEnable (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t enableChopper) |
This API controls the enabling or disabling of chopper sub-module. More... | |
void | EPWM_tzTriggerTripAction (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t tripAction, uint32_t pwmOutputCh) |
This API configures the o/p on PWM channel when a trip event is recognized. The output can be set to high or low or high impedance. More... | |
void | EPWM_tzTripEventEnable (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t tzEventType, uint32_t pinNum) |
This API enables the trip event. More... | |
void | EPWM_tzTripEventDisable (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t tzEventType, uint32_t pinNum) |
This API disable the trip event. The disabled trip events will be ignored. More... | |
void | EPWM_tzIntrEnable (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t tzEventType) |
This API enables the trip interrupt. When trip event occurs the sub-module can be configured to interrupt CPU. More... | |
void | EPWM_tzIntrDisable (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t tzEventType) |
This API disables the trip interrupt. More... | |
uint16_t | EPWM_tzEventStatus (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t eventMask) |
This API returns the selected trip zone event status. More... | |
void | EPWM_tzEventStatusClear (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t eventMask) |
This API clears the selected trip zone event status. More... | |
void | EPWM_tzTriggerSwEvent (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t tzEventType) |
This API enables to generate Software forced trip condition. More... | |
void | EPWM_etIntrCfg (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t intrEvtSrc, uint32_t intrPrd) |
This API configures the Event Trigger sub-module. This API configures the interrupt source and interrupt period. More... | |
void | EPWM_etIntrEnable (uint32_t baseAddr) |
This API enables the ePWM Event interrupt. More... | |
void | EPWM_etIntrDisable (uint32_t baseAddr) |
This API disables the ePWM Event interrupt. More... | |
uint16_t | EPWM_etIntrStatus (uint32_t baseAddr) |
This API returns the ePWM event interrupt status. More... | |
void | EPWM_etIntrClear (uint32_t baseAddr) |
This API clears the interrupt. This will clear the interrupt flag bit and enable further interrupts pulses to be generated. More... | |
void | EPWM_etIntrTrigger (uint32_t baseAddr) |
This API forces interrupt to be generated. This API is used for testing purpose. More... | |
uint16_t | EPWM_etGetEventCount (uint32_t baseAddr) |
This API returns the number of events occurred. More... | |
Macros | |
Mask used to check interrupt status. More... | |
EPWM Output Channel | |
typedef uint32_t | EPWM_OutputCh_t |
Number of supported EPWM outputs in a single epwm channel. More... | |
#define | EPWM_OUTPUT_CH_MIN (0U) |
#define | EPWM_OUTPUT_CH_B (1U) |
EPWM Tb Counter Direction | |
typedef uint32_t | EPWM_TbCounterDir_t |
Types of Time base counter direction modes. More... | |
EPWM Shadow register Control | |
typedef uint32_t | EPWM_ShadowRegCtrl_t |
Shadow register enable or disable control. More... | |
EPWM Counter directions after sync event | |
typedef uint32_t | EPWM_TbCntDirAftSync_t |
Counter directions after sync event. More... | |
EPWM Source of Synchronization output signal | |
typedef uint32_t | EPWM_TbSyncOutEvt_t |
Source of Synchronization output signal. More... | |
EPWM Flags to get the different types of time base status | |
typedef uint32_t | EPWM_TbSts_t |
Flags to get the different types of time base status. More... | |
EPWM Emulation Mode | |
typedef uint32_t | EPWM_TbEmuMode_t |
Emulation Mode. This selects the behaviour of the ePWM time-base counter during emulation events. More... | |
EPWM Comparator type | |
typedef uint32_t | EPWM_CcCmp_t |
#define | EPWM_CC_CMP_MIN (0U) |
#define | EPWM_CC_CMP_B (1U) |
EPWM Counter-Comparator registers(A and B) load mode | |
typedef uint32_t | EPWM_CcCmpLoadMode_t |
Counter-Comparator registers(A and B) load mode flags from shadow register. More... | |
EPWM Actions | |
typedef uint32_t | EPWM_AqAction_t |
Types of Actions that Action Qualifier can take on the Output when the supported counter compare event occurs. More... | |
EPWM output actions | |
typedef uint32_t | EPWM_AqSwTrigOtAction_t |
Actions to be taken on the output, when Software triggered one time events will occur. More... | |
EPWM Continuous software forced actions | |
typedef uint32_t | EPWM_AqSwTrigContAction_t |
Types of Continuous software forced actions on output. More... | |
EPWM Software Force Active Register Reload | |
typedef uint32_t | EPWM_AqCsfrcRegReload_t |
Action Qualifier Software Force Active Register Reload From Shadow Options. More... | |
EPWM Dead Band Input Mode Control | |
typedef uint32_t | EPWM_DbInMode_t |
Dead Band Input Mode Control. This allows you to select the input source to the falling-edge and rising-edge delay. More... | |
EPWM Polarity Select Control | |
typedef uint32_t | EPWM_DbPolSel_t |
Polarity Select Control. This allows you to selectively invert one of the delayed signals before it is sent out of the dead-band sub-module. More... | |
EPWM Dead-band Output Mode Control | |
typedef uint32_t | EPWM_DbOutMode_t |
Dead-band Output Mode Control. This allows you to selectively enable or bypass the dead-band generation for the falling-edge and rising-edge delay. More... | |
EPWM Chopping Clock Duty Cycle | |
typedef uint32_t | EPWM_ChpDutyCycle_t |
Chopping Clock Duty Cycle values. More... | |
EPWM Chopping Clock Frequency | |
typedef uint32_t | EPWM_ChpClkFreq_t |
Chopping Clock Frequency values . More... | |
EPWM One-Shot Pulse Width | |
typedef uint32_t | EPWM_ChpOshtWidth_t |
One-Shot Pulse Width values. More... | |
#define | EPWM_CHP_OSHT_WIDTH_MIN (0U) |
#define | EPWM_CHP_OSHT_WIDTH_11XSYSOUT_BY_8 (10U) |
#define | EPWM_CHP_OSHT_WIDTH_12XSYSOUT_BY_8 (11U) |
#define | EPWM_CHP_OSHT_WIDTH_13XSYSOUT_BY_8 (12U) |
#define | EPWM_CHP_OSHT_WIDTH_14XSYSOUT_BY_8 (13U) |
#define | EPWM_CHP_OSHT_WIDTH_15XSYSOUT_BY_8 (14U) |
#define | EPWM_CHP_OSHT_WIDTH_16XSYSOUT_BY_8 (15U) |
EPWM output action when a trip event occurs | |
typedef uint32_t | EPWM_TzTripAction_t |
Action to be taken on PWM output When a trip event occurs. More... | |
EPWM trip zone events | |
typedef uint32_t | EPWM_TzEvent_t |
Type of trip zone events. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_EVENT_MIN (0x0U) |
EPWM Trip zone status flags | |
typedef uint32_t | EPWM_TzStsFlg_t |
Trip zone status flags. More... | |
EPWM Interrupt (EPWMx_INT) Selection Options | |
typedef uint32_t | EPWM_EtIntrEvt_t |
ePWM Interrupt (EPWMx_INT) Selection Options. More... | |
EPWM Interrupt (EPWMx_INT) Period Select | |
typedef uint32_t | EPWM_EtIntrPeriod_t |
ePWM Interrupt (EPWMx_INT) Period Select. These values determine how many selected events need to occur before an interrupt is generated. More... | |
#define EPWM_OUTPUT_CH_MIN (0U) |
Minimum value of enumeration. Used for input validation.
Output channel A. Note that channel A is an alias of channel 0.
#define EPWM_OUTPUT_CH_B (1U) |
Output channel B. Note that channel B is an alias of channel 1.
Maximum value of enumeration. Used for input validation.
Up Count mode.
Down count mode.
Up down count mode.
stop-freeze counter operation (default on reset).
Shadow register value will be used.
Shadow register is disabled and active register value will be used.
Count down after the synchronization event.
Count up after the synchronization event.
Sync Input signal.
Time-base counter equal to zero.
Time-base counter equal to counter-compare B (TBCTR = CMPB).
Disable EPWMxSYNCO(Sync Output) signal.
Time-Base Counter Max Latched Status.
Input Synchronization Latched Status.
Time-Base Counter Direction Status.
Stop after the next time-base counter increment or decrement.
Stop after the next time-base counter increment or decrement. Up-count mode: stop when the time-base counter = period. Down-count mode: stop when the time-base counter = 0000. Up-down-count mode: stop when the time-base counter = 0000.
Counter is in Free run.
#define EPWM_CC_CMP_MIN (0U) |
Minimum value of enumeration. Used for input validation.
Counter Comparator A.
#define EPWM_CC_CMP_B (1U) |
Counter Comparator B.
Maximum value of enumeration. Used for input validation.
Load on CTR = 0: Time-base counter equal to zero.
Load on CTR = PRD: Time-base counter equal to period.
Load on either CTR = 0 or CTR = PRD.
Freeze (no loads possible).
Do nothing (Action disabled).
Clear: Force EPWMx output low.
Set: Force EPWMx output high.
Toggle EPWMx output: low output signal will be forced high, and a high signal will be forced low.
Do nothing (Action disabled).
Clear: Output Low.
Set: Output high.
Toggle output.
Forcing disabled, that is, has no effect.
Forces a continuous low on output A.
Forces a continuous high on output A.
Software forcing is disabled and has no effect.
Load on event counter equals zero.
Load on event counter equals period.
Load on event counter equals zero or counter equals period.
Load immediately.
EPWMxA In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for both falling-edge and rising-edge delay.
EPWMxB In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for rising-edge delayed signal. EPWMxA In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for falling-edge delayed signal.
EPWMxA In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for rising-edge delayed signal. EPWMxB In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for falling-edge delayed signal.
EPWMxB In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for both rising-edge delay and falling-edge delayed signal.
Neither EPWMxA nor EPWMxB is inverted (default).
EPWMxA is inverted.
EPWMxB is inverted.
Both EPWMxA and EPWMxB are inverted.
Dead-band generation is bypassed for both output signals. In this mode, both the EPWMxA and EPWMxB output signals from the action-qualifier are passed directly to the PWM-chopper sub-module.
Disable rising-edge delay. The EPWMxA signal from the action-qualifier is passed straight through to the EPWMxA input of the PWM-chopper sub-module. The falling-edge delayed signal is seen on output EPWMxB
Disable falling-edge delay. The EPWMxB signal from the action-qualifier is passed straight through to the EPWMxB input of the PWM-chopper sub-module. The rising-edge delayed signal is seen on output EPWMxA.
Dead-band is fully enabled for both rising-edge delay on output EPWMxA and falling-edge delay on output EPWMxB.
Duty cycle 1/8 (12.5%).
Duty cycle 2/8 (25%).
Duty cycle 3/8 (37.5%).
Duty cycle 4/8 (50%).
Duty cycle 5/8 (62.5%).
Duty cycle 6/8 (75%).
Duty cycle 7/8 (87.5%).
Divide by 1 (no prescale).
Divide by 2.
Divide by 3.
Divide by 4.
Divide by 5.
Divide by 6.
Divide by 7.
Divide by 8.
Minimum value of enumeration. Used for input validation.
1 x SYSCLKOUT/8 wide.
2 x SYSCLKOUT/8 wide.
3 x SYSCLKOUT/8 wide.
4 x SYSCLKOUT/8 wide.
5 x SYSCLKOUT/8 wide.
6 x SYSCLKOUT/8 wide.
7 x SYSCLKOUT/8 wide.
8 x SYSCLKOUT/8 wide.
9 x SYSCLKOUT/8 wide.
10 x SYSCLKOUT/8 wide.
11 x SYSCLKOUT/8 wide.
12 x SYSCLKOUT/8 wide.
13 x SYSCLKOUT/8 wide.
14 x SYSCLKOUT/8 wide.
15 x SYSCLKOUT/8 wide.
16 x SYSCLKOUT/8 wide.
Maximum value of enumeration. Used for input validation.
High impedance (EPWMxA = High-impedance state).
Force EPWMxA to a high state.
Force EPWMxA to a low state.
Do nothing, no action is taken on EPWMxA.
#define EPWM_TZ_EVENT_MIN (0x0U) |
Minimum value of enumeration. Used for input validation.
One shot trip zone event.
Cycle by cycle trip zone event.
Maximum value of enumeration. Used for input validation.
Latched Status Flag for A One-Shot Trip Event.
Latched Status Flag for Cycle-By-Cycle Trip Event.
Latched status for Trip Interrupt .
Enable event time-base counter equal to zero. (TBCTR = 0000h).
Enable event time-base counter equal to period (TBCTR = TBPRD).
Enable event time-base counter equal to CMPA when the timer is incrementing.
Enable event time-base counter equal to CMPA when the timer is decrementing.
Enable event: time-base counter equal to CMPB when the timer is incrementing.
Enable event: time-base counter equal to CMPB when the timer is decrementing.
Disable the interrupt event counter. No interrupt will be generated.
Generate an interrupt on the first event.
Generate an interrupt on the second event.
Generate an interrupt on the third event.
Mask used to check interrupt status.
typedef uint32_t EPWM_OutputCh_t |
Number of supported EPWM outputs in a single epwm channel.
typedef uint32_t EPWM_TbCounterDir_t |
Types of Time base counter direction modes.
typedef uint32_t EPWM_ShadowRegCtrl_t |
Shadow register enable or disable control.
Same macros will be used to control the following shadow registers
typedef uint32_t EPWM_TbCntDirAftSync_t |
Counter directions after sync event.
typedef uint32_t EPWM_TbSyncOutEvt_t |
Source of Synchronization output signal.
typedef uint32_t EPWM_TbSts_t |
Flags to get the different types of time base status.
typedef uint32_t EPWM_TbEmuMode_t |
Emulation Mode. This selects the behaviour of the ePWM time-base counter during emulation events.
typedef uint32_t EPWM_CcCmp_t |
\ Counter Comparator type either A or B.
typedef uint32_t EPWM_CcCmpLoadMode_t |
Counter-Comparator registers(A and B) load mode flags from shadow register.
Same macros will be used to control the following registers
typedef uint32_t EPWM_AqAction_t |
Types of Actions that Action Qualifier can take on the Output when the supported counter compare event occurs.
Same actions will be applicable for all the supported events and same actions are applicable for both A and B channel PWM outputs.
typedef uint32_t EPWM_AqSwTrigOtAction_t |
Actions to be taken on the output, when Software triggered one time events will occur.
Same macros will be used for both A and B channel outputs because the bit field values are same.
typedef uint32_t EPWM_AqSwTrigContAction_t |
Types of Continuous software forced actions on output.
Same macros will be used for configuration of both A and B PWM outputs, because bit field values for both A and B are same.
typedef uint32_t EPWM_AqCsfrcRegReload_t |
Action Qualifier Software Force Active Register Reload From Shadow Options.
typedef uint32_t EPWM_DbInMode_t |
Dead Band Input Mode Control. This allows you to select the input source to the falling-edge and rising-edge delay.
typedef uint32_t EPWM_DbPolSel_t |
Polarity Select Control. This allows you to selectively invert one of the delayed signals before it is sent out of the dead-band sub-module.
typedef uint32_t EPWM_DbOutMode_t |
Dead-band Output Mode Control. This allows you to selectively enable or bypass the dead-band generation for the falling-edge and rising-edge delay.
typedef uint32_t EPWM_ChpDutyCycle_t |
Chopping Clock Duty Cycle values.
typedef uint32_t EPWM_ChpClkFreq_t |
Chopping Clock Frequency values .
typedef uint32_t EPWM_ChpOshtWidth_t |
One-Shot Pulse Width values.
typedef uint32_t EPWM_TzTripAction_t |
Action to be taken on PWM output When a trip event occurs.
Same macros will be used to control both A and B outputs because the bit field values are same for A and B channels.
typedef uint32_t EPWM_TzEvent_t |
Type of trip zone events.
typedef uint32_t EPWM_TzStsFlg_t |
Trip zone status flags.
typedef uint32_t EPWM_EtIntrEvt_t |
ePWM Interrupt (EPWMx_INT) Selection Options.
typedef uint32_t EPWM_EtIntrPeriod_t |
ePWM Interrupt (EPWMx_INT) Period Select. These values determine how many selected events need to occur before an interrupt is generated.
void EPWM_tbTimebaseClkCfg | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr, |
uint32_t | tbClk, | ||
uint32_t | moduleClk | ||
) |
This API configures the clock divider of the Time base module.
The clock divider can be calculated using the equation TBCLK = SYSCLKOUT/(HSPCLKDIV × CLKDIV)
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
tbClk | Timebase clock to be generated in Hz. |
moduleClk | Input clock of the PWM module (sysclk2) in Hz. |
void EPWM_tbPwmFreqCfg | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr, |
uint32_t | tbClk, | ||
uint32_t | pwmFreq, | ||
uint32_t | counterDir, | ||
uint32_t | enableShadowWrite | ||
) |
This API configures the PWM Time base counter Frequency/Period.
The period count determines the period of the final output waveform.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
tbClk | Timebase clock in Hz. |
pwmFreq | Frequency of the PWM Output in Hz. |
counterDir | Direction of the counter(up, down, up-down). 'counterDir' can take values from the following enum |
enableShadowWrite | Flag controlling Whether write to Period register is to be shadowed or not. 'enableShadowWrite' can take values from the following enum |
void EPWM_tbSyncEnable | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr, |
uint32_t | tbPhsValue, | ||
uint32_t | counterDir | ||
) |
This API enables the synchronization of time base sub-module and also configures the phase count value to be loaded after sync event, counter direction after sync event.
When a sync-in event is generated the the time base counter is reloaded with the new value. After sync the counter will use the new value and direction as specified after sync event.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
tbPhsValue | Phase value to be reloaded after sync |
counterDir | Count direction after sync. 'counterDir' can take values from the following enum |
void EPWM_tbSyncDisable | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr | ) |
This API disables the synchronization. Even if sync-in event occurs the count value will not be reloaded.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
void EPWM_tbSetSyncOutMode | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr, |
uint32_t | syncOutMode | ||
) |
This API selects the source of the synchronization output signal. It determines on which of the supported events sync-out has to be generated.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
syncOutMode | Sync out mode. 'syncOutMode' can take values from the following enum |
void EPWM_tbTriggerSwSync | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr | ) |
This API generates software triggered sync pulse.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
void EPWM_tbWriteTbCount | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr, |
uint32_t | tbCount | ||
) |
This API loads the Time base counter. The new value is taken immediately.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
tbCount | Time base count value to be loaded. |
uint16_t EPWM_tbReadTbCount | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr | ) |
This API gets the Time base counter current value. The count operation is not affected by the read.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
tbCount | Current Timebase count value. |
uint16_t EPWM_tbGetStatus | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr, |
uint32_t | tbStatusMask | ||
) |
This API gets the Time Base status as indicated by the tbStatusMask parameter.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
tbStatusMask | Flag indicating the type of status needed. 'tbStatusMask' can take values from the following enum |
tbStatus | Requested status is returned. |
void EPWM_tbStatusClear | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr, |
uint32_t | tbStatusClrMask | ||
) |
This API clears the Time base status bits indicated by the tbStatusClrMask parameter.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
tbStatusClrMask | Mask indicating which status bit need to be cleared 'tbStatusClrMask' can take following values |
void EPWM_tbSetEmulationMode | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr, |
uint32_t | mode | ||
) |
This API configures emulation mode. This setting determines the behaviour of Timebase counter during emulation (debugging).
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
mode | Emulation mode. 'mode' can take values from the following enum |
uint32_t EPWM_counterComparatorCfg | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr, |
uint32_t | cmpType, | ||
uint32_t | cmpVal, | ||
uint32_t | enableShadowWrite, | ||
uint32_t | shadowToActiveLoadTrigger, | ||
uint32_t | overwriteShadow | ||
) |
This API configures the counter comparator and loads the comparator value. When Counter comparator value equals the counter value, then an event is generated both in the up direction and down direction.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
cmpType | Comparator Type A or B. 'cmpType' can take values from the following enum |
cmpVal | Comparator value that needs to be loaded. |
enableShadowWrite | Enable write to shadow register. 'enableShadowWrite' can take values from the following enum |
shadowToActiveLoadTrigger | Shadow to active register load mode. 'shadowToActiveLoadTrigger' can take values from the following enum |
overwriteShadow | Overwrite even if previous value is not loaded to active register. 'overwriteShadow' can take following values
TRUE | Comparator value is written successfully. |
FALSE | Comparator value write is failed. |
void EPWM_aqActionOnOutputCfg | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr, |
uint32_t | pwmOutputCh, | ||
const EPWM_AqActionCfg * | pCfg | ||
) |
This API configures the action to be taken on output by the Action qualifier module upon receiving the events. This will determine the output waveform.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
pwmOutputCh | PWM Output channel type either A or B 'pwmOutputCh' can take values from the following enum |
pCfg | Pointer to the following structure which contains the action configuration variables for different events |
void EPWM_aqSwTriggerOneTimeAction | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr, |
uint32_t | pwmOutputCh, | ||
uint32_t | swTrigAction | ||
) |
This API triggers the SW forced single event on the PWM output.
This can be used for testing the AQ sub-module. Every call to this API will trigger a single event.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
pwmOutputCh | PWM Output channel type either A or B 'pwmOutputCh' can take values from the following enum |
swTrigAction | Action that needs to be taken on the PWM output. 'swTrigAction' can take one of the following enum values |
void EPWM_aqSwTriggerContAction | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr, |
uint32_t | pwmOutputCh, | ||
uint32_t | swTrigAction, | ||
uint32_t | activeRegReloadMode | ||
) |
This API forces output value continuously on PWM output channel. The output can be forced to low or high.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
pwmOutputCh | PWM Output channel type either A or B 'pwmOutputCh' can take values from the following enum |
swTrigAction | Value to be forced on the output This parameter can take values from the following enum |
activeRegReloadMode | Shadow to active reg load trigger. This parameter can take values from the following enum |
void EPWM_deadbandCfg | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr, |
const EPWM_DeadbandCfg * | pCfg | ||
) |
This API performs the configuration of the dead band sub-module. This API configures the input source, output mode, polarity, rising and falling edge delays.
The Dead band generator has two sub-modules, one for raising edge delay and the other for falling edge delay. This can be configured when a delay is need between two signals during signal change. The dead band generator is useful in full-inverters.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
pCfg | Pointer to the structure EPWM_DeadbandCfg containing the dead band configuration parameters. |
void EPWM_deadbandBypass | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr | ) |
This API bypasses the Dead-band sub-module.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
void EPWM_chopperCfg | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr, |
const EPWM_ChopperCfg * | pCfg | ||
) |
This API performs the configuration of the chopper sub-module. This API configures chopping clock duty cycle, chopping clock frequency and pulse width of first pulse of chopping clock.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
pCfg | Pointer to the structure EPWM_ChopperCfg containing the chopper configuration parameters. |
void EPWM_chopperEnable | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr, |
uint32_t | enableChopper | ||
) |
This API controls the enabling or disabling of chopper sub-module.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
enableChopper | Flag controlling the enabling or disabling 'enableChopper' can take one of the following values
void EPWM_tzTriggerTripAction | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr, |
uint32_t | tripAction, | ||
uint32_t | pwmOutputCh | ||
) |
This API configures the o/p on PWM channel when a trip event is recognized. The output can be set to high or low or high impedance.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
tripAction | Action to be taken on the PWM output. This parameter can take values from the following enum |
pwmOutputCh | PWM Output channel type either A or B 'pwmOutputCh' can take values from the following enum |
void EPWM_tzTripEventEnable | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr, |
uint32_t | tzEventType, | ||
uint32_t | pinNum | ||
) |
This API enables the trip event.
The trip signals indicates external fault, and the ePWM outputs can be programmed to respond accordingly when faults occur.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
tzEventType | Enable OST or CBC trip zone event This parameter can take values from the following enum |
pinNum | Pin number on which trip zone event has to be enabled. |
void EPWM_tzTripEventDisable | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr, |
uint32_t | tzEventType, | ||
uint32_t | pinNum | ||
) |
This API disable the trip event. The disabled trip events will be ignored.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
tzEventType | Disable OST or CBC trip zone event This parameter can take values from the following enum |
pinNum | Pin number on which trip zone event has to be disabled. |
void EPWM_tzIntrEnable | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr, |
uint32_t | tzEventType | ||
) |
This API enables the trip interrupt. When trip event occurs the sub-module can be configured to interrupt CPU.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
tzEventType | Trip zone event for which interrupt has to be enabled. This parameter can take values form the following enum |
void EPWM_tzIntrDisable | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr, |
uint32_t | tzEventType | ||
) |
This API disables the trip interrupt.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
tzEventType | Trip zone event for which interrupt has to be enabled. This parameter can take values form the following enum |
uint16_t EPWM_tzEventStatus | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr, |
uint32_t | eventMask | ||
) |
This API returns the selected trip zone event status.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
eventMask | Type of status which has to be read. This parameter can take values from the following enum |
Status | Status of the required status flag. |
void EPWM_tzEventStatusClear | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr, |
uint32_t | eventMask | ||
) |
This API clears the selected trip zone event status.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
eventMask | Type of status which has to be read. This parameter can take values from the following enum |
void EPWM_tzTriggerSwEvent | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr, |
uint32_t | tzEventType | ||
) |
This API enables to generate Software forced trip condition.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
tzEventType | Type of trip condition which has to be generated. This parameter can take values from the following enum |
void EPWM_etIntrCfg | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr, |
uint32_t | intrEvtSrc, | ||
uint32_t | intrPrd | ||
) |
This API configures the Event Trigger sub-module. This API configures the interrupt source and interrupt period.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
intrEvtSrc | Event source which triggers interrupt. This parameter can take values from the following enum |
intrPrd | prescalar value(This determines how may selected events need to occur before an interrupt is generated). This parameter can take values from the following enum |
void EPWM_etIntrEnable | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr | ) |
This API enables the ePWM Event interrupt.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
void EPWM_etIntrDisable | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr | ) |
This API disables the ePWM Event interrupt.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
uint16_t EPWM_etIntrStatus | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr | ) |
This API returns the ePWM event interrupt status.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
0 | Interrupt is not generated. |
1 | Interrupt is generated. |
void EPWM_etIntrClear | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr | ) |
This API clears the interrupt. This will clear the interrupt flag bit and enable further interrupts pulses to be generated.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
void EPWM_etIntrTrigger | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr | ) |
This API forces interrupt to be generated. This API is used for testing purpose.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
uint16_t EPWM_etGetEventCount | ( | uint32_t | baseAddr | ) |
This API returns the number of events occurred.
baseAddr | Base Address of CSL instance used. |
eventCount | number of events occurred. This will have values in the range 0 to 3. |