Bootloader Driver API/interface file.
typedef void * | Bootloader_Handle |
| Handle to the Bootloader driver returned by Bootloader_open() More...
typedef int32_t(* | Bootloader_imgOpenFxn) (void *args, Bootloader_Params *params) |
| Driver implementation to open a specific bootloader driver - Memory, OSPI, UART, MMCSD etc. More...
typedef int32_t(* | Bootloader_imgReadFxn) (void *dstAddr, uint32_t length, void *args) |
| Driver implementation to read from boot media using a specific bootloader driver - Memory, OSPI, UART, MMCSD etc. More...
typedef uint32_t(* | Bootloader_imgOffsetFxn) (void *args) |
| Driver implementation to get the current offset in the boot media. More...
typedef void(* | Bootloader_imgSeekFxn) (uint32_t location, void *args) |
| Driver implementation to read from boot media using a specific bootloader driver - Memory, OSPI, UART, MMCSD etc. More...
typedef void(* | Bootloader_imgCloseFxn) (void *handle, void *args) |
| Driver implementation to close a specific bootloader driver - Memory, OSPI, UART, MMCSD etc. More...
void | Bootloader_Params_init (Bootloader_Params *params) |
| Initialize Bootloader params. More...
void | Bootloader_BootImageInfo_init (Bootloader_BootImageInfo *bootImageInfo) |
| Initialize BootImage info. More...
void | Bootloader_CpuInfo_init (Bootloader_CpuInfo *cpuInfo) |
| Initialize CPU info. More...
Bootloader_Handle | Bootloader_open (uint32_t instanceNum, Bootloader_Params *openParams) |
| Open bootloader driver. More...
void | Bootloader_close (Bootloader_Handle handle) |
| Close bootloader driver. More...
int32_t | Bootloader_loadCpu (Bootloader_Handle handle, Bootloader_CpuInfo *cpuInfo) |
| API to load a non-self CPU. More...
int32_t | Bootloader_loadSelfCpu (Bootloader_Handle handle, Bootloader_CpuInfo *cpuInfo, uint32_t skipLoad) |
| API to load self CPU. More...
int32_t | Bootloader_runCpu (Bootloader_Handle handle, Bootloader_CpuInfo *cpuInfo) |
| API to run a non-self CPU. More...
int32_t | Bootloader_runSelfCpu (Bootloader_Handle handle, Bootloader_BootImageInfo *bootImageInfo) |
| API to boot self CPU. More...
int32_t | Bootloader_bootCpu (Bootloader_Handle handle, Bootloader_CpuInfo *cpuInfo) |
| API to boot a non-self CPU. More...
int32_t | Bootloader_bootSelfCpu (Bootloader_Handle handle, Bootloader_BootImageInfo *bootImageInfo) |
| API to boot self CPU. More...
int32_t | Bootloader_parseMultiCoreAppImage (Bootloader_Handle handle, Bootloader_BootImageInfo *bootImageInfo) |
| Parse Multicore Appimage. More...
int32_t | Bootloader_rprcImageParseEntryPoint (Bootloader_Handle handle, Bootloader_CpuInfo *cpuInfo) |
| Parse entrypoint from RPRC. More...
int32_t | Bootloader_rprcImageLoad (Bootloader_Handle handle, Bootloader_CpuInfo *cpuInfo) |
| Load application binaries into SOC memory. More...
int32_t | Bootloader_parseAndLoadLinuxAppImage (Bootloader_Handle handle, Bootloader_BootImageInfo *bootImageInfo) |
| Parse and load linux Appimage, containing linux binaries(ATF, OPTEE, SPL) More...
int32_t | Bootloader_runSelfCpuWithLinux (void) |
| API to boot self CPU with Linux. More...
uint32_t | Bootloader_getMulticoreImageSize (Bootloader_Handle handle) |
| API to fetch the size of the multicore image. More...
uint32_t | Bootloader_isCorePresent (Bootloader_Handle handle, uint32_t cslCoreId) |
| API to check if a particular core's RPRC image is present in the multicore image. More...
uint32_t | Bootloader_getBootMedia (Bootloader_Handle handle) |
| API to get the selected boot media in the bootloader instance. More...