HWA module consists of Parity and FSM Lockstep Diagnostics
HWA supports Diagnostic check for Parity Errors on HWA Data memoriers and window ram on both HWA DMA0 and HWA DMA1.
The following shows an example of SDL HWA API usage by the application for Error Injection Tests.
Include the below file to access the APIs
Induce the error DMA0 DMEM0
Induce the error DMA0 DMEM1
Induce the error DMA0 DMEM2
Induce the error DMA0 DMEM3
Induce the error DMA0 DMEM4
Induce the error DMA0 DMEM5
Induce the error DMA0 DMEM6
Induce the error DMA0 DMEM7
Induce the error DMA0 WINDOW_RAM
Induce the error DMA1 DMEM0
Induce the error DMA1 DMEM1
Induce the error DMA1 DMEM2
Induce the error DMA1 DMEM3
Induce the error DMA1 DMEM4
Induce the error DMA1 DMEM5
Induce the error DMA1 DMEM6
Induce the error DMA1 DMEM7
Induce the error DMA1 WINDOW_RAM
Induce the error FSM Lockstep