The HWA driver provides APIs to configure, trigger and obtain results from the hardware accelerator
Features Supported
All HWA operating modes: FFT, CFAR, compression/decompression and local maxima
API to program common HWA registers, HWA param sets
API to program pre/post processing blocks and core computational units
API to get output statistics and histogram outputs
Interrupt and polling mode of operations - param done, processing done
Manual or DMA trigger for data copy from/to HWA memories
SysConfig Features
It is strongly recommend to use SysConfig where it is available instead of using direct SW API calls. This will help simplify the SW application and also catch common mistakes early in the development cycle.
HWA instances selection
Init/Deinit API integration with SYSCFG
Features NOT Supported
Important Usage Guidelines
The HWA Driver needs to be initialized once across the System. This is done using the HWA_init. None of the HWA API can be used without invoking this API. Note: This API is integrated into Sysconfig and can be skipped by user if Sysconfig is used for integrating HWA
Once the HWA Driver has been initialized; the HWA Driver instance can be opened using the HWA_open. The HWA_open can be called multiple times from different context to obtain a valid HWA handle. However, only the first call to HWA_open will perform the hardware initialization. Other subsequent calls will just return the already open handle.