AM273x MCU+ SDK  08.05.00
MIBSPI_MasterModeParams Struct Reference

Detailed Description

MIBSPI master Parameters.

MIBSPI master Parameters are used with the MIBSPI_open() call when mode is set to SPI_MASTER. Default values for these parameters are set using MIBSPI_Params_init().

See also

Data Fields

uint32_t bitRate
uint8_t numSlaves
uint8_t t2cDelay
uint8_t c2tDelay
uint8_t wDelay
MIBSPI_SlaveProfile slaveProf [MIBSPI_SLAVE_MAX]

Field Documentation

◆ bitRate

uint32_t MIBSPI_MasterModeParams::bitRate

SPI bit rate in Hz

◆ numSlaves

uint8_t MIBSPI_MasterModeParams::numSlaves

Number of slaves connected to SPI master

◆ t2cDelay

uint8_t MIBSPI_MasterModeParams::t2cDelay

Transmit end to chip select inactive delay

◆ c2tDelay

uint8_t MIBSPI_MasterModeParams::c2tDelay

Chip select active to transmit start delay

◆ wDelay

uint8_t MIBSPI_MasterModeParams::wDelay

Delay in between transmissions

◆ slaveProf

MIBSPI_SlaveProfile MIBSPI_MasterModeParams::slaveProf[MIBSPI_SLAVE_MAX]

Slave profile for each slave