AM273x MCU+ SDK  08.05.00
sdl_esm.h File Reference


Header file contains enumerations, structure definitions and function declarations for SDL Error Signaling Module interface.

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ESM ECC Error source type

 MCU CPU0 detected 1-bit ECC error source. More...
 MCU CPU0 detected 2-bit ECC error source. More...
 MCU CPU1 detected 1-bit ECC error source. More...
 MCU CPU1 detected 2-bit ECC error source. More...
 MCU CBASS detected 1-bit ECC error source. More...
 MCU CBASS detected 2-bit ECC error source. More...
typedef uint32_t sdlEsmEccErrorSource_t
 Source of the ECC error which maps to the ESM interrupt source. More...

Data Structures

struct  ESM_GroupIntrStatus
 Structure to access the status of interrupts belonging to a group. More...
struct  SDL_ESM_ErrorConfig_t
 ESM error configuration. More...
struct  SDL_ESM_NotifyParams
 Parameters used to register the ESM notify function to handle Group1 and Group2 errors. The notify function will be invoked post the ESM FIQ interrupt handler processing. More...
struct  SDL_ESM_OpenParams
 ESM Open Parameters. More...
struct  SDL_ESM_Params
 ESM Hardware Attributes. More...
struct  SDL_ESM_Object
 ESM Module Object. More...
struct  SDL_ESM_Config
 ESM Instance configuration. More...


#define SDL_ESM_ERRNO_BASE   (-3000)
 ESM Module error base. More...
#define SDL_ESM_INTNUMBER_INVALID   (0xffffffffu)
 Invalid interrupt number. More...
#define SDL_ESM_INST_INVALID   (0xfffffffeu)
 Invalid Esm Instance. More...
#define SDL_ESM_ERRORADDR_INVALID   (0xffffffffu)
 Address field: Error Address invalid. More...
#define SDL_ESM_ERRORRAMID_INVALID   (0xffffffffu)
 Address field: Error RAM ID invalid. More...
#define SDL_ESM_ERRORBITOFFSET_INVALID   (0xffffffffffffffffu)
 Address field: Error Bit Error Offset invalid. More...
#define SDL_ESM_ERRORBITGROUP_INVALID   (0xffffffffu)
 Address field: Error Bit Error Group invalid. More...
 Maximum number of EVENT words. More...
 Error Code: Invalid argument
 Error Code: Operation cannot be done as SDL_ESM_Init is not done. More...
 Error Code: Operation cannot be done as SDL_ESM_Init is already done and re-init is not permitted. More...
 Error Code: Out of memory. More...
#define SDL_ESM_MAX_NOTIFIERS   (256U)
 Maximum number of notify callbacks supported. More...
#define SDL_ESM_MAX_ISR_COUNT   (256U)
 Maximum ISR supported. More...
#define CONFIG_ESM0   (0U)


typedef int32_t SDL_Result
typedef int32_t(* SDL_ESM_CallBack) (SDL_ESM_Inst instance, int32_t grpChannel, int32_t vecNum, void *arg)
 Callback function which is invoked by the ESM module if a notify function is registered using the SDL_ESM_Init() API. More...




int32_t SDL_ESM_getNErrorStatus (SDL_ESM_Inst instance, uint32_t *pStatus)
 SDL ESM API to get the status of the nError pin for the specified ESM instance. More...
int32_t SDL_ESM_getStaticRegisters (SDL_ESM_Inst instance, SDL_ESM_staticRegs *pStaticRegs)
 SDL ESM API to read the static registers. The API reads and returns the static register configuration for the ESM module for the specified instance. This API can be used by the application to read back the static configuration. Comparision of the static configuration registers against expected values is the responsibility of the application. More...
int32_t SDL_ESM_clrNError (SDL_ESM_Inst instance)
 SDL ESM API to clear the nError pin for the specified ESM instance. More...
int32_t SDL_ESM_setNError (SDL_ESM_Inst instance)
 SDL ESM API to set the nError pin for the specified ESM instance. More...
SDL_Result SDL_ESM_init (const SDL_ESM_Inst esmInstType, SDL_ESM_NotifyParams *params, SDL_ESM_OpenParams *esmOpenParams, void *arg)
 SDL ESM API to initialize an ESM instance. The API initializes the specified ESM instance with the provided configuration. The configuration will allow the application to specify for each event whether the interrupt is enabled or disabled, the priority of the event, and whether the nErrorPin assertion is enabled or disabled for the event. More...
int32_t SDL_ESM_registerECCCallback (SDL_ESM_Inst esmInstType, uint32_t eccEvent, SDL_ESM_CallBack callBack, void *callbackArg)
 There are modules within SDL which will generate ESM errors intentionally in the course of running self-tests. The ECC module is one such module. To allow these modules to get the notification when the ESM error occurs, callback registration APIs are provided. The following APIs allow registration of a callback for specific events. This API is used by other SDL modules and not by the application. More...
int32_t SDL_ESM_verifyConfig (SDL_ESM_Inst instance, SDL_ESM_NotifyParams *params)
 SDL ESM API to verify the written configuration of the ESM module. The API verifies the written config that was done during SDL_ESM_init against the provided configuration. More...
static void SDL_ESM_Params_init (SDL_ESM_OpenParams *openPrms)


static SDL_ESM_Params gEsmParams [SDL_ESM_INST_DSS_ESM]
static SDL_ESM_Object gEsmObjects [CONFIG_ESM0]
SDL_ESM_Handle gEsmHandle
static SDL_ESM_Config gEsmConfig [SDL_ESM_INST_DSS_ESM]