AM273x MCU+ SDK  08.05.00
HSM client

In the following document and in TIFS-MCU document the term used to refer to the Firmware which runs on HSM core is TIFS-MCU Firmware. Please note that the terms 1.**HSMRt Firmware** and 2.**HSMRt** are synonymous to TIFS-MCU Firmware.


  • The objective of HSM client is to provide APIs for accessing HSM services. Below given model explains the use of HSM client graphically. It uses SIPC Notify driver as a low level message passing mechanism to talk to HSM M4 core. HSM client APIs can be used with either FreeRTOS or noRTOS application.
  • The HSM Server provides APIs that will read the incoming request in the form of SIPC message and provide appropriate service based on it. The application which uses HSM server is also known as TIFS-MCU (HSM runtime firmware). 

HSM CLIENT communication model
  • Along side providing services at runtime TIFS-MCU also enables secure boot flow. It is responsible for decrypting and authenticating R5Fs application images and sends a notification to SBL if it is a valid app image , later SBL will boot the R5 applications to respective cores.
  • The trusted R5Fs cores which can communicate with HSM are known as Secure hosts.
  • Following services are supported in MCU+SDK v8.4.0
    • BootNotify -: A special message sent by TIFS-MCU Firmware to indicate SBL that TIFS-MCU boot was successful.
    • GetVersion -: Get The current version of TIFS-MCU Firmware.
    • Debug Services -: For (HS-SE) device only. By default debug port for all R5F and HSM is closed. Secure R5Fs can request debug port access via runtime Debug services.

HSM Client message format.

  • Which R5 cores are going to be secure hosts will be decided by sysconfig configurations of TIFS-MCU at compile time and user has to make sure that similar configurations is done on the R5F side as well.
  • Below mentioned is the Message structure defined by SIPC Notify driver. HSM client populates a SIPC message with relevant parameters and sends this message to HSM Server.

SIPC message structure

Message structure description.

  • DestClientID -: Client Id to which a message is going to be sent. In case of R5F -> HSM ( R5 send message to HSM ) this field will always be equal to 1 because TIFS-MCU is a NORTOS application and only one client is required.
  • SrcClientID -: Client Id from which a message is going to be sent. In case of HSM -> R5F( HSM send message to R5 ) this field will always be equal to 1.
  • flags -: Used for ACK and NACK response signals based on weather a request has been processed correctly or not.
    • Client side signals 1. AOP -> ACK on process 2. NOP -> No ACK on process
    • Server side signals 1. ACK -> request processed successfully 2. NACK -> request process failure.
  • Service_type -: Type of a requested service.
  • Pointer_to_args -: Pointer to the arguments required by a particular service.
  • CRC16(args) -: CRC16 to check the integrity of arguments.
  • CRC16(msg) -: CRC16 to check the integrity of message.
  • The argument will reside in OCRAM and only its pointer is going to be passed in the message itself. When HSM receive the message it reads the argument content from OCRAM and process it. Thus other information needed by HSM server can be passed along with the message through HSM MBOX.
    It is strongly suggested that user application must cleary define a boundary between secure R5FSS and non secure R5FSS core's OCRAM memory so that non secure core cannot access the parameters of HSM message. One way to define such boundary is to protect some predefined memory region in OCRAM with firewalls so that only secure cores can access this particular memory region.

HSM client Initialization.

  • User needs to add an instance of HSM client in Secure R5F's sysconfig configuration.
  • Select the Secure_host_id for the current secure R5F core.
    Make sure that SIPC Message Queue Depth, Number of secure Hosts fields are configured same as in HSM Server's sysconfig.
    HSM Client sysconfig
  • Based on the selected configuration HsmClient_init() will be called during system_init(). HsmClient_init() will set the necessary meta data and calls SIPC_init() function.
  • Refer to sysconfig generated file ti_drivers_config.c for more details.
  • After initialization user needs to instantiate HsmClient_t and use HsmClient_register() to register a client with a unique client Id.
  • There can be at max 32 distinct registered clients at a time. If user tries to register any more clients HsmClient_register() api will return Failure.
  • The idea here is that every RTOS task has to register a unique client Id to request services from HSM Server.
  • Note
    If user is not using sysconfig then it is important to call HsmClient_init() with appropriate SIPC_Params before any service function calls.

HSM Client generic service flow.

  • Below mentioned are the generic steps that every service request made by HSM client follows except HSM_MSG_BOOT_NOTIFY

HSM Client generic service flow
  • First instantiate HsmClient_t and register this client object using HsmClient_register().
  • populate ReqMsg field of HsmClient_t with appropriate paramters.
    • ReqMsg → destClientId = 0
    • ReqMsg → srcClientId = current client ID.
    • ReqMsg → serType = supported service MACRO.
    • ReqMsg → flags = AOP if ack is expected otherwise NAOP
    • ReqMsg → args = pointer to message structure based on service type.
    • ReqMsg → crcArgs = crc of args which is in OCRAM
    • ReqMsg → crcMsg = crc of the ReqMsg without crcMsg field.
  • Use SIPC_sendMsg() Api to send the 13 byte message to HSM.
  • If HSM_FLAG_AOP flag is selected then pend on HsmClient_t::Semaphore till timeout exception occurs or a Response message is received. If HSM_FLAG_NAOP flag is passed then server will not respond with message.
  • HsmClient_isr() will receive the response message and copy the same in to HsmClient_t::RespMsg and post the semaphore. As this ISR is blocking we want to quickly read the message and exit it.
  • check RespMsg integrity i.e CRC16 for HSM message and CRC16 for args. if integrity check fails then return SystemP_FAILURE.
  • If HSM_FLAG_ACK is received then returns SystemP_SUCCESS else SystemP_FAILURE.

HSM Client Load TIFS-MCU API and BootNotify message.

  • HSM client Module is used by SBL to load TIFS-MCU Fiwmware on HSM core.
  • SBL includes hsmRtImg.h file which contains TIFS-MCU Firmware in byte format, next the TIFS-MCU will be built along with SBL application.
  • SBL instantiates HSM client Module via sysconfig and calls HsmClient_loadHSMRtFirmware() which will load the TIFS-MCU Firmware.
  • After loading TIFS-MCU Firmware SBL application will wait for a HSM_MSG_BOOT_NOTIFY message from HSM server. This messages indicates that TIFS-MCU load is successfull and HSM Server is now ready to take requests from Secure R5F cores.
  • SBL will call HsmClient_waitForBootNotify() API which waits till it receives BootNotify message.
  • Similarly on the HSM side once the TIFS-MCU initialization sequence completes it calls HsmServer_sendBootNotify() API to send a BootNotify message.
  • Boot Notify sequence Flow chart.

Boot Notify sequence Flow chart
  • HsmClient_waitForBootNotify() API takes two parameters one of them is timeToWaitInTicks, This parameter defines how long SBL will wait for HSM_MSG_BOOT_NOTIFY message .User can change this parameter in SBL source code as per need.
    Currently the HsmClient_waitForBootNotify()'s timeToWaitInTicks paramter is set to SystemP_WAIT_FOREVER i.e SBL will keep waiting for HSM_MSG_BOOT_NOTIFY message indefinitely.
  • refer Understanding the bootflow and bootloaders for more information on SBL(Secondary Boot loader)

HSM Client GetVersion Service.

  • This service is used to get the current version of TIFS-MCU Firmware running on HSM core.
  • User needs to instantiate HsmVer_t object and call HsmClient_getVersion() API to get the current TIFS-MCU's version.
  • Refer to HsmVer_t_ for the description of different fields that defines a unique TIFS-MCU Firmware version. If User needs to know just the unique 64 bit version ID then, user should read HsmVer_t_::HsmrtVer a 64 bit field which combines all the different fields of HsmVer_t_.
  • HsmClient_getVersion() API takes timeToWaitInTicks parameter as input which dictates how long application will wait for the response from HSM core. If the timeout exception occurs HsmClient_getVersion() API return SystemP_TIMEOUT.

Example Usage

* HSM Client
/* memory assigned for each R5x <-> HSM channel */
uint8_t gQueue_R5ToHsm[SIPC_NUM_R5_CORES][SIPC_QUEUE_LENGTH*SIPC_MSG_SIZE] __attribute__((aligned(8),section(".bss.sipc_hsm_queue_mem")));
uint8_t gQueue_HsmToR5[SIPC_NUM_R5_CORES][SIPC_QUEUE_LENGTH*SIPC_MSG_SIZE] __attribute__((aligned(8),section(".bss.sipc_r5f_queue_mem")));
void HsmClient_config(void)
SIPC_Params sipcParams;
int32_t status;
/* initialize parameters to default */
sipcParams.ipcQueue_length = SIPC_QUEUE_LENGTH ;
/* list the cores that will do SIPC communication with this core
* Make sure to NOT list 'self' core in the list below
sipcParams.numCores = 1;
sipcParams.coreIdList[0] = CORE_INDEX_HSM;
/* This is HSM -> R5F queue */
sipcParams.tx_SipcQueues[CORE_INDEX_HSM] = (uintptr_t)gQueue_HsmToR5[0] ;
sipcParams.rx_SipcQueues[CORE_INDEX_HSM] = (uintptr_t)gQueue_R5ToHsm[0] ;
/* initialize the HsmClient module */
status = HsmClient_init(&sipcParams);
  • Registering HsmClient_t with client ID and requesting current TIFS-MCU Version.
#define APP_CLIENT_ID (0x02)
/* Demo Application code on R5 */
void HsmClientApp_start(void)
int32_t status ;
HsmClient_t client ;
HsmVer_t *hsmVer = malloc(sizeof(HsmVer_t)) ;
uint32_t CycleCounterA = 0, CycleCounterB = 0, TotalTimeInNsec;
status = HsmClient_register(&client,APP_CLIENT_ID);
status = HsmClient_getVersion(&client,hsmVer,SystemP_WAIT_FOREVER);
/* print version */
DebugP_log("[HSM CLIENT] HSMRT 64bit version string = 0x00%llx",hsmVer->HsmrtVer);
DebugP_log("\r\n[HSM_CLIENT] HSMRt Version \r\n\
[Device Type] = 0x%x\r\n\
[Bin Type] = 0x%x\r\n\
[Soc Type] = 0x%x\r\n\
[Arch Num] = 0x%x\r\n\
[Api Version] = 0x%x\r\n\
[Major Version] = 0x%x\r\n\
[Minor Version] = 0x%x\r\n\
[Patch Version] = 0x%x\r\n",\
  • Example UART getVersion output.
    Demo Get Version UART log

HSM Client GetUID Service.

  • This service is only available for HS-SE devices.
  • This service is used to get UID or Unique ID of the device running TIFS_MCU Firmware.
  • UID is a 64 byte unique ID for a device which user needs to instantiate as an uint8_t * object and call HsmClient_getUID() API to get the device UID.

Example Usage

  • Registering HsmClient_t with client ID and requesting device UID.
#define APP_CLIENT_ID (0x02)
#define HSM_UID_SIZE (64U)
/* Demo Application code on R5 */
void HsmClientApp_start(void)
int32_t status ;
HsmClient_t client ;
uint8_t *uid = malloc(HSM_UID_SIZE) ;
status = HsmClient_register(&client,APP_CLIENT_ID);
/* Send Request for UID to HSM Server */
status = HsmClient_getUID(&client, (uint8_t *)uid, SystemP_WAIT_FOREVER);
/* print UID */
DebugP_log("\r\n [HSM CLIENT] Device UID is : ");
for(uint8_t i = 0; i<HSM_UID_SIZE; i++)
DebugP_log("%02X", uid[i]);

HSM Client OpenDbgFirewall Service.

  • This service is only available for HS-SE devices.
  • As debug is closed for both HSM (M4) core and R5F cores in HS-SE device, this service is used to open debug firewall on device running TIFS-MCU Firmware.
  • User needs to create a signed certificate with correct cert type as a part of boot extensions, correct sw revision and correct UID in debug extensions.
  • User needs to instantiate a uint8_t * pointing to the certificate with certificate length and call HsmClient_openDbgFirewall() API to send the certificate to TIFS-MCU Firmware.

Example Usage

  • Registering HsmClient_t with client ID and requesting TIFS-MCU Firmware to open Debug Firewalls.
#define APP_CLIENT_ID (0x02)
#define HSM_DBG_CERT_SIZE (4096U)
/* Demo Application code on R5 */
void HsmClientApp_start(void)
int32_t status ;
HsmClient_t client ;
uint8_t cert[] = {....};
uint32_t cert_len = sizeof(cert);
status = HsmClient_register(&client, APP_CLIENT_ID);
/* Send Certificate to HSM Server */
status = HsmClient_openDbgFirewall(&client, (uint8_t *)cert, cert_len, SystemP_WAIT_FOREVER);
DebugP_log("\r\n [HSM CLIENT] Debug is Opened.");



#define HSM_UID_SIZE
UID or Unique ID is a device specific ID of 64 bytes.
Definition: hsmclient_msg.h:101
Parameters used by SIPC_init.
Definition: sipc_notify.h:84
union HsmVer_t_ __attribute__((packed)) HsmVer_t
type for reading HSMRt version.
uintptr_t tx_SipcQueues[MAX_SEC_CORES_WITH_HSM]
Definition: sipc_notify.h:98
Definition: sipc_notify_cfg.h:127
This is a HSMClient type which holds the information needed by hsm client to communicate with HSM .
Definition: hsmclient.h:90
uint32_t secHostCoreId[MAX_SEC_CORES_WITH_HSM - 1]
Definition: sipc_notify.h:104
#define SystemP_WAIT_FOREVER
Value to use when needing a timeout of infinity or wait forver until resource is available.
Definition: SystemP.h:83
uint32_t numCores
Definition: sipc_notify.h:86
int32_t HsmClient_openDbgFirewall(HsmClient_t *HsmClient, uint8_t *cert, uint32_t cert_size, uint32_t timeout)
The service issued to HSM Server verifies the certificate and by default the hsm flag is set to HSM_F...
Definition: hsmclient.c:342
int32_t HsmClient_register(HsmClient_t *HsmClient, uint8_t clientId)
register a client to a particular ClientId
Definition: hsmclient.c:162
#define DebugP_log(format,...)
Function to log a string to the enabled console.
Definition: DebugP.h:211
int32_t HsmClient_init(SIPC_Params *params)
Initialize the HSM client for current core.
Definition: hsmclient.c:191
void SIPC_Params_init(SIPC_Params *params)
Set default value to SIPC_Params.
SIPC message size in bytes each element of queue will be of this size.
Definition: sipc_notify_cfg.h:46
Definition: sipc_notify_cfg.h:109
uint32_t coreIdList[MAX_SEC_CORES_WITH_HSM]
Definition: sipc_notify.h:89
#define SystemP_SUCCESS
Return status when the API execution was successful.
Definition: SystemP.h:56
uint32_t ipcQueue_eleSize_inBytes
Definition: sipc_notify.h:95
Definition: sipc_notify_cfg.h:125
int32_t HsmClient_getUID(HsmClient_t *HsmClient, uint8_t *uid, uint32_t timeout)
The service issued to HSM Server populates the Device UID by default the hsm flag is set to HSM_FLAG_...
Definition: hsmclient.c:280
uint32_t ipcQueue_length
Definition: sipc_notify.h:94
uintptr_t rx_SipcQueues[MAX_SEC_CORES_WITH_HSM]
Definition: sipc_notify.h:100
#define DebugP_assert(expression)
Function to call for assert check.
Definition: DebugP.h:159
int32_t HsmClient_getVersion(HsmClient_t *HsmClient, HsmVer_t *verId, uint32_t timeToWaitInTick)
populates the current HSMRT version Id by default the hsm flag is set to HSM_FLAG_AOP for this servic...
Definition: hsmclient.c:218